184 research outputs found

    Monomial discrete valuations in k[[X]]

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    Let v be a rank m discrete valuation of k[[X1,...,Xn]] with dimension n-m. We prove that there exists an inmediate extension L of K where the valuation is monomial. Therefore we compute explicitly the residue field of the valuation

    The Fantasy and Symbolism of Religious Poetry?A Case Study of The Waste Land, Paradise Lost and Prometheus Unbound

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    Mesoporous silica SBA-15 in the form of 10-30 μm sized sheets with unusually large ordered pores has been synthesized using heptane as a cosolvent in the presence of NH4F. The resulting morphology of 400 nm thick sheets that contain easily accessed, hexagonally arranged, 18 nm sized pores running parallel to sheet normal has not been previously reported. The material has a BET surface area of 541 m2/g, large pore volume of 1.69 cm3/g and ordered mesopore structure with a narrow pore size distribution around 18 nm. A mechanism for sheet formation based on heptane droplets acting as sites for self assembling of silica crystallites is suggested.Original Publication:Emma Johansson, Jose Manuel Cordoba and Magnus Odén, Synthesis and characterization of large mesoporous silica SBA-15 sheets with ordered accessible 18 nm pores, 2009, Materials Letters, (63), 24-25, 2129-2131.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2009.07.013Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.http://www.elsevier.com

    Evaluación de 10 líneas de arroz (Oriza sativa L) biofortificadas con Hierro y Zinc, tolerantes al manchado del grano y tres variedades comerciales, Las Mangas, San Isidro-Matagalpa, en época de Invierno 2009

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    En Nicaragua el arroz es el tercer alimento básico en la dieta humana. Sin embargo, a pesar de que la población hace un uso masivo de este alimento, presentan problemas nutricionales relacionados con deficiencias en minerales (Fe y Zn) y vitaminas. Es por ello que durante la época de invierno del 2009, se estableció un ensayo con líneas avanzadas de arroz con alto contenido de hierro y zinc, con tolerancia al manchado del grano. El diseño experimental consistió en un BCA, con 13 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. Los resultados indican que las 13 líneas evaluadas son altamente productivas con rendimientos potenciales que oscilan desde 7.5 a 9.9 t ha-1. El rendimiento promedio nacional es 3.3 t ha-1. Los tratamientos 6, 8 y 9 (CT 15716-6-1-2-3-2SR-M-4, CT 18148-6-9-3-3-2-M y CT 18148-10-3-6-4-6-M), alcanzaron los mayores comportamientos productivos con 9.9, 9.8 y 9.4 t ha-1 respectivamente. Además son de grano tipo largo y de forma media. Los 3 tratamientos más productivos: 6, 8 y 9 se encuentran en la categoría de plantas con tallos moderadamente débiles o intermedios. Todas las líneas evaluadas se clasifican en la escala 1 del CIAT al presentar menos del 1% de lesión visible de Pyricularia tanto al nivel de la hoja, cuello y nudo de la planta. El tratamiento 9 (CT 18148-10-3-6-4-6-M) fue la única línea clasificada en la escala 3 del CIAT (6-10% de incidencia de manchado del grano), los restantes 12 tratamientos se clasifican en la escala 4 (11-20% de incidencia). Palabras claves: Arroz, Líneas, Biofortificación, Rendimientos y Pyriculari


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    Information systems (IS) is a field that influnces and is influnced by the work of many different academics and practitioners. The influnce of IS to other areas of knowledge (i.e. management) has led some people to argu in favor and against the idea that IS has become a reference field of knowledge. Focusing on either knowledge elements or knowledge activities of a reference field leaves out consideration of relationships and interactions through time between both. \ Following Abbott´s sociology of professional knowledge, this paper proposes a triad of analytical categories: ˜Diagnoses´, ˜Treatments´ and ˜Inferences´ to examine and advance a more comprehensive understanding of the development of IS. Our analysis, based on a pilot survey of five IS journals, suggests that the key focus of IS activity has been on refining methodologies (treatments). The field has been less explicit and inclusive in generating and disseminating diagnoses and inferences. \ Those people working in the field can and should make available untapped stocks of knowledge in relation to these two elements whilst attempting to expand the jurisdiction (ownership) of IS over different problems. They can do so by relating more strongly methodologies to how IS problems can be defined and theorized upon. As this is work in progress, we propose a number of implications that we intend to explore in further research.

    Healthy Sitting Behaviour Enhancement using a Smart Chair System

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    The aim of this paper is to present a smart chair prototype to monitor the sitting behaviour of people in wheelchair to re-educate them about long periods of time standing still and in the same position and giving them a feedback about this. The project is mainly focused on those who have been in a wheelchair for a short time. The sitting posture monitoring in the developed smart chair system can help or promote people to achieve and maintain healthy sitting behaviour, and prevent or reduce diseases caused by poor sitting behaviour, like bedsores (pressure ulcers)