53 research outputs found

    Sincronización de estros en ovejas mediante protocolo de 6 días con CIDR de primera, segunda y tercera reutilización

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    Estrus synchronization( is a vital strategy in sheep production and is accomplished most often via controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices. Reuse of CIDR devices can reduce operating costs and ewe exposure to progesterone (P4), but remains controversial. A comparison was made of the effects of new and reused natural progesterone-releasing intravaginal (CIDR) devices in six-day protocols on reproductive performance variables and blood serum progesterone concentrations in multiparous ewes. A total of 172 sheep (average body weight = 59 kg) were randomly distributed into four treatments: CIDR1 (control group, new devices), CIDR2 (second-use), CIDR3 (third-use) and CIDR4 (fourth-use). The variables ewes in estrus, pregnancy rate, fertility rate and parturition type did not differ (P>0.05) between treatments. Estrus onset was later (P≤0.05) in CIDR1 (40 ± 10 h) than in CIDR2 (31 ± 9 h).  Ewes in estrus ranged from 93 to 100 %,  average pregnancy rate was 80.8 %, average fertility  rate was 80.2 % and the prolificacy index was 1.26. The single delivery rate was higher (P≤0.05) than the double delivery rate in all four treatments. Intravaginal CIDR devices can be used in ewes up to four times in six-day estrus synchronization protocols without affecting reproductive variables.El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el efecto de dispositivos intravaginales liberadores de progesterona natural (CIDR) nuevos y reutilizados en protocolos de 6 días sobre el desempeño reproductivo y en las concentraciones de progesterona en suero sanguíneo de ovejas multíparas. Un total de 172 ovejas con peso corporal promedio de 59 kg se distribuyeron al azar en cuatro tratamientos: CIDR1 (grupo testigo con dispositivos nuevos) y CIDR2, CIDR3, CIDR4 (con 6, 12 y 18 días de uso, respectivamente). En cuanto al inicio de estro, hubo diferencia (P≤0.05) únicamente entre el tratamiento con CIDR nuevos (40 ± 10 h) y CIDR de segundo uso (31 ± 9 h). En las variables presencia de estro, porcentaje de gestación, porcentaje de fertilidad y tipo de parto no se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) entre tratamientos. La presencia de estro osciló entre 93 y 100 %, el valor promedio de gestación fue 80.8 %, 80.2 % para fertilidad y 1.26 para el índice de prolificidad. Los porcentajes de partos sencillos fueron mayores (P≤0.05) a los partos dobles en los cuatro tratamientos. Se concluye que el uso de CIDR en protocolos de 6 días permite que los dispositivos sean utilizados hasta por cuatro ocasiones con buenos resultados

    Unconventional plants as a source of phytochemicals for broiler chicken

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    The purpose of this review is to know the mode of action and commercial application of unconventional plants as growth promoters in poultry production. Numerous reports have demonstrated the efficacy of plant phytochemicals as antioxidants, antimicrobial and immune-stimulants. Thus, the use of additives of natural origin in poultry feed represents a viable option to replace or reduce the use of antibiotics and growth promoters in broilers.Objective: To carry out a review to know the modes of action and the commercial application of unconventional plants as growth promoters in broiler chicken production.Design / Methodology/Approach: A bibliographic review of unconventional and commonly used plants was carried out, which have shown efficacy as growth promoters on broiler chickens.Results: Numerous reports have demonstrated the efficacy of phytochemicals present in plants as antioxidants, antimicrobials, and immune-stimulants.Limitations of the study / Implications: Alternative use of unconventional plants can help to develop sustainable production systems and the production of innocuous meat products.Findings / Conclusions: The use of additives of natural origin in poultry feed represents a viable option to replace or reduce the use of antibiotics and growth promoters on broiler chickens

    Recommendation of Choline Inclusion in Lambs’ Diet

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    ABSTRACT Objective: Establish an inclusion recommendation of choline (herbal or synthetic) in fattening lamb’s diet based on productive performance and blood metabolites. Design/methodology/approach: A literature review of herbal and synthetic choline supplementation in the diet of fattening lambs was carried out. Results: The addition of protected choline chloride (50% purity) in the lamb’s diet should be less than 2.5 g/ kg DM in order not to cause a detrimental effect on the productive performance. On the other hand, the inclusion of herbal choline in lambs’ diet should be greater than 6g/ kg DM to have positive effects on body gain and feed conversion. Study limitations/implications: It is necessary establish the requirement for choline in fattening lambs, because studies where choline is supplemented show that the contribution of conventional ingredients is insufficient. Findings/conclusions: The inclusion of herbal (6 g / kg DM) and synthetic (2.5 g / kg DM) choline in lamb´s diet improves body gain and modifies energy metabolites.Objective: To establish an inclusion recommendation for choline (herbal or synthetic) in fattening lambs’diet based on productive performance and blood metabolites.Design/Methodology/Approach: A literature review was carried out of herbal and synthetic choline supplementation in the diet of fattening lambs.Results: The addition of protected choline chloride (50% purity) in the lamb’s diet should be less than 2.5g/kg DM in order not to cause a detrimental effect on the productive performance. On the other hand, the inclusion of herbal choline in lambs’ diet should be greater than 6 g/kg DM to have positive effects on body gain and feed conversion.Study Limitations/Implications: It is necessary to establish the requirement for choline in fattening lambs because studies where choline is supplemented show that the contribution of conventional ingredients is insufficient.Findings/Conclusions: The inclusion of herbal (6 g/kg DM) and synthetic (2.5 g/kg DM) choline in lambs’ diet improves body weight gain and modifies energy metabolite

    Effectiveness of feed restriction to improve feed efficiency in finishing pigs

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    Objective:  To review the effects of restricted feeding in finishing pigs on production efficiency and meat quality. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliographic review of feeding management in pigs fed ad libitum, restricted and their combination was carried out. Results: Feeding restriction decreases the growth rate, but if the restriction is moderate, better feeding efficiency can be obtained. The feed restriction followed by feed ad libitum gets compensatory growth, that equals or improves continuous free access feeding. Study limitations/implications: The feed restriction implementation can be useful to improve feed efficiency and in periods that is necessary to slow down growth. Findings/conclusions: Moderate feed restriction (-10%) of finishing pigs improves feed efficiency. Feed restriction of less than 20% for 30 days, followed by ad libitum feed promotes compensatory growth and improves feed efficiency.Objective: To review the effects of restricted feeding in finishing pigs on production efficiency and meat quality.Design/methodology/approach: A bibliographic review of feeding management in pigs fed ad libitum, restricted and their combination was carried out.Results: Feeding restriction decreases the growth rate, but if the restriction is moderate, better feeding efficiency can be obtained. The feed restriction followed by feed ad libitum gets compensatory growth, that equals or improves continuous free access feeding.Study limitations/implications: The feed restriction implementation can be useful to improve feed efficiency and in periods that is necessary to slow down growth.Findings/conclusions: Moderate feed restriction (-10%) of finishing pigs improves feed efficiency. Feed restriction of less than 20% for 30 days, followed by ad libitum feed promotes compensatory growth and improves feed efficiency

    Efectividad del aceite de canola en dietas de cerdos para mejorar el perfil lipídico de la carne

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    The objective of this study was to determine the maximum level of inclusion of canola oil (CO) in diets for finishing pigs, to increase the content of oleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids and improve the Ω6:Ω3 ratio in meat, without affecting the productive performance, carcass characteristics and physicochemical characteristics of the meat. The treatments were: the gradual substitution of soybean oil (6 %) for CO in diets for pigs at finishing stage I and II (0, 2, 4 and 6 % of CO). The experimental units were 48 castrated pigs with initial live weight of 50.00 ± 4.5 kg, evaluated for four weeks at each stage. With the data obtained, an ANOVA was performed, and linear or quadratic trends were detected (P≤0.10). At finishing stage I, the average daily gain decreased with the inclusion of 2 % of CO, although the incorporation of 2 and 4 % of CO had no effect. At finishing stage II, a level between 2-4 % of CO reduced average daily feed intake and improved feed conversion (P≤0.05). The addition of CO did not modify the characteristics of the carcass and did not affect the physicochemical characteristics of the meat (P≥0.10). CO in the diet increased the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and oleic acid (P≤0.05); it reduced linoleic acid (P≤0.03), polyunsaturated fatty acids (P≤0.07) and the Ω6:Ω3 ratio (P≤0.01). In conclusion, the addition of CO (2-6 %) in the diet of finishing pigs gradually increases the content of oleic acid and MUFAs, in addition, it improves the Ω6:Ω3 ratio in pork, without affecting the productive variables and the quality of the meat.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel máximo de inclusión de aceite de canola (AC) en dietas para cerdos en finalización, para incrementar el contenido de ácido oleico y ácidos grasos insaturados y mejorar la relación Ω6: Ω3 en la carne, sin afectar el comportamiento productivo, características de la canal y fisicoquímicas de la carne. Los tratamientos fueron: la sustitución gradual de aceite de soya (6%) por AC en dietas para cerdos en etapa de finalización I y II (0, 2, 4 y 6% de AC). Las unidades experimentales fueron 48 cerdos machos castrados con peso vivo inicial de 50.00 ± 4.5 kg, evaluados durante cuatro semanas en cada etapa. Con los datos obtenidos se realizó un ANDEVA y se detectaron tendencias lineales o cuadráticas (P≤0.10). En finalización I la ganancia de peso disminuyó con la inclusión de 2% de AC, aunque la incorporación de 2 y 4% de AC no tuvo efecto. En finalización II, un nivel entre 2-4% de AC redujo el consumo de alimento y mejoró la conversión alimenticia (P≤0.05). La adición de AC no modificó las características de la canal y no afectó las características fisicoquímicas de la carne (P≥0.10). El AC en la dieta aumentó la concentración de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (AGMI) y ácido oleico (P≤0.05); redujo el ácido linoleico (P≤0.03), ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (P≤0.07) y la relación Ω6:Ω3 (P≤0.01). En conclusión, la adición de AC (2-6%) en la dieta de cerdos en finalización incrementa gradualmente el contenido de ácido oleico y de AGMI, además, mejora la relación Ω6:Ω3 en la carne de cerdo, sin afectar las variables productivas y la calidad de la carne

    Curcumin Hybrid Lipid Polymeric Nanoparticles: Antioxidant Activity, Immune Cellular Response, and Cytotoxicity Evaluation.

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    Poor solubility and short biological half-life present a challenge that needs to be overcome in order to improve the recognized bioactivities of curcumin (CUR), the main phenolic compounds derived from the roots of Curcuma longa. However, drug delivery systems have proven to be an excellent strategy to improve and obtain greater bioavailability. Our previous studies on curcuminoid hybrid nanoparticles have shown promising results by significantly increasing the solubility of desmethoxycurcumin (DMC) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDM). In this contribution, we performed a detailed characterization of a CUR as well as in vitro and in vivo studies. The developed method produced CUR loaded nanoparticles with an average size of 49.46 ± 0.80. Moreover, the FT-IR analysis confirmed the encapsulation, and TEM images showed their spherical shape. The NP achieved an encapsulation efficiency greater than 99%. Further, the release studies found that the NPs obtained a significantly higher release than the pure compounds in water. In vivo delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) studies showed promising results by enhancing the immune activity response of CUR in NP compared to bulk CUR. Furthermore, we report a significant increase in antioxidant activity for CUR-NP in aqueous solution compared to free CUR. Finally, an important in vitro cytotoxic effect on gastric AGS and colon SW620 adenocarcinoma cell lines was found for CUR-NP while empty carrier nanoparticles are observed to exhibit low cytotoxicity, indicating the potential of these CUR-PLU NPs for further studies to assess their phytotherapeutic applications.National Laboratory of Nanotechnology (LANOTEC).Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación, Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones (MICITT)Universidad de Costa Rica/[115-C0-001]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[115-C1-515]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Medicina::Escuela de MedicinaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de QuímicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Farmaci

    High-fiber diets for fattening pigs

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    Objective:  To establish the feasibility and benefits offered by implementing pig diets with high fiber content. Design/methodology: A bibliographic review of the concept of the practical application of diets for pigs with the inclusion of fibrous ingredients. Results: Formulating high-fiber pig diets maintains or improves productive performance and offers additional gut health benefits. Study limitations/implications: The lack of knowledge of the net energy and digestible amino acid values of the fibrous ingredients limits the adequate formulation of diets for pigs. Findings/conclusions: The inclusion of high fiber ingredients in the diet for pigs can partially substitute traditional ingredients reducing costs and obtaining health benefits.Objective: To establish the feasibility and benefits of implementing high-fiber diets for pigs. Design/Methodology: A literature review of the practical application of pig diets with the inclusion of fibrous ingredients was carried out. Results: The formulation of high-fiber diets for pigs maintains or improves productive performance and provides additional gut health benefits. Study Limitations/Implications: Lack of information about the net energy and amino acid digestibility values of fibrous ingredients limits the proper formulation of pig diets. Findings/Conclusions: The inclusion of high-fiber ingredients in pig diets can partially replace traditional ingredients, consequently reducing costs and providing health benefits

    Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaves as growth promoter in lambs’ diets

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    Objective: To evaluate the dietary inclusion of neem leaves on the productive and biochemical performance of fattening lambs. Design/methodology: Forty male lambs were assigned according to a completely randomized design. Treatments consisted of dietary inclusion of neem at 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 g kg-1 dry matter by 35 days.  Results: The inclusion of neem leaf in the diet did not affect productive performance (P>0.05), while protein and energy metabolites were modified (P≤0.05). Study limitations/implications: The bioactive compounds present in neem modified the metabolites related to protein and energy metabolism, although these changes did not reflect improvements in productive performance. Conclusions: The inclusion of dietary neem (2.5-7.5 g kg-1) has no effect on the productive performance, although it modifies some energy and protein metabolites.Objective: To evaluate the dietary inclusion of neem leaves on the productive and biochemical performance of fattening lambs. Design/methodology: Forty male lambs were assigned according to a completely randomized design. Treatments consisted of dietary inclusion of neem at 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 g kg-1 DM for 35 days.  Results: The inclusion of neem leaf in the diet did not affect the productive performance (P>0.05), while protein and energy metabolites were modified (P≤0.05). Limitations on study/implications: The bioactive compounds present in neem modified the metabolites related to protein and energy metabolism, although these changes did not reflect improvements in the productive performance. Conclusions: The inclusion of dietary neem (2.5-7.5 g kg-1) has no effect on the productive performance, although it does modify some energy and protein metabolites

    Grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con diferente espesor de grasa dorsal, respuesta hormonal y principales variables reproductivas

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con bajo (1 a 2 mm) y alto (3 a 4 mm) espesor de grasa dorsal y sincronización de estro (inicio y duración), niveles séricos de hormona luteinizante (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterona (P4 e insulina (INS), porcentaje de gestación y prolificidad. Cincuenta y nueve ovejas, con dos niveles de grasa dorsal determinado mediante ultrasonografía, bajo y alto (GDb, GDa), sin y con la adición de 150 g de grasa de sobrepaso (0 y 150 g), respectivamente, se asignaron a los siguientes grupos: GDb+0 g (n = 16), GDb+150 g (n = 14), GDa+0 g (n = 14) y GDa+150 g (n = 15). Las ovejas se sincronizaron con esponjas de acetato de fluorogesterona (FGA, 20 mg) por 12 d y, dos días antes de su remoción se aplicó 15 mg de PGF2. El diseño fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2X2, los resultados fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico SAS. No se encontraron diferencias (P>0,05) para las variables inicio y duración del estro, inicio y duración del pico pre-ovulatorio de LH y prolificidad, por efecto de la adición de la grasa; sin embargo, la amplitud del pico de LH y el porcentaje de gestación fueron diferentes entre tratamientos (P<0,05). La concentración de P4en suero fue mayor (P<0,05) en ovejas sin la adición de grasa (0 g). Las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron (P<0,05) en ovejas con GDa. Se concluye que la adición de grasa de sobrepaso no modificó la respuesta en las variables reproductivas, pero si disminuyó la concentración de P4. Por otro lado, las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron en ovejas con GDa, lo cual se atribuye a un mejor estado metabólico, nutricional y corporal del animal

    Collagen XIX Alpha 1 improves prognosis in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    The identification of more reliable diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers in age-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), is urgently needed. The objective in this study was to identify more reliable prognostic biomarkers of ALS mirroring neurodegeneration that could be of help in clinical trials. A total of 268 participants from three cohorts were included in this study. The muscle and blood cohorts were analyzed in two cross-sectional studies, while the serial blood cohort was analyzed in a longitudinal study at 6-monthly intervals. Fifteen target genes and fourteen proteins involved in muscle physiology and differentiation, metabolic processes and neuromuscular junction dismantlement were studied in the three cohorts. In the muscle biopsy cohort, the risk for a higher mortality in an ALS patient that showed high Collagen type XIX, alpha 1 (COL19A1) protein levels and a fast progression of the disease was 70.5% (P < 0.05), while in the blood cohort, this risk was 20% (P < 0.01). In the serial blood cohort, the linear mixed model analysis showed a significant association between increasing COL19A1 gene levels along disease progression and a faster progression during the follow-up period of 24 months (P < 0.05). Additionally, higher COL19A1 levels and a faster progression increased 17.9% the mortality risk (P < 0.01). We provide new evidence that COL19A1 can be considered a prognostic biomarker that could help the selection of homogeneous groups of patients for upcoming clinical trial and may be pointed out as a promising therapeutic target in ALS