3,067 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of Mood Disorders and the Working Alliance in Latino Populations

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    The working alliance and mood disorders in Latin populations has received scant attention. To remedy this deficit, this analysis completed a systematic review of this subject. This initial systematic review may aid to acquire a greater understanding of general and specific factors impacting this population. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), Version 2018 will be utilized in study appraisal, as will PRISMA guidelines. Study inclusion consists of studies involving adult Latino subjects with working alliance results as related to symptomology or discussion of working alliance effects on the population. A total of 12 studies met criteria; limitations consisted of the variable nature of studies included and the impact of inconsistent cultural adaptations in the studies. Nonetheless, this review may fill research gaps regarding working alliance effects in ethnic minority groups generally and mood disordered Latino groups specifically, while being of practical clinical use, and aiding future studies

    Transnacionalidad y nuevo espacio europeo de identificación

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    En la actualidad el espacio europeo se ha convertido, según algunos autores (Grande y Beck, 2006; Delibašiˇc, 2013, Kun, 2015) en un importante referente de identificación. Por otra parte, con una historia más prolongada, el transnacionalismo se posiciona como un fenómeno propio de la era global, que no para de crecer a nivel internacional (Castro Neira, 2005; Guarnizo, 2004; Faist, 2013). Estos dos fenómenos están muy interrelacionados, e incluso se superponen en el espacio territorial y en el simbólico. Tanto, que ambos se confunden como uno solo, e incluso se platean como un mismo mecanismo en expansión, que en el caso de Europa puede ayudar a la construcción de un espacio europeo de sentido identitario o proto identitario, que estaría dando paso a una entidad política con una comunidad de sentido que le corresponde. Especialmente se relacionan y se confunden cuando los dos países principales de la identificación transnacional de una persona o un colectivo, coincide con dos países de la Europa de la 27. Esta situación afecta a la juventud emigrante y móvil, tanto por sus acciones transnacionales autónomas, como por las políticas públicas que les permiten dicha movilidad. La hipótesis de este texto es que la identificación transnacional y la identificación europea son dos procesos diferenciados y con consecuencias también diferenciadas, tanto en lo referente al fortalecimiento o debilitamiento de un espacio europeo, como en sus efectos sobre el sentido de pertenencia y de lo común que está en construcción. Este planteamiento se somete a prueba mediante el análisis de datos primarios y secundarios, generados por investigaciones recientes. Para ello se utilizan tanto información cualitativa (entrevistas), como análisis de datos (encuestas) sobre movilidad, identificación y pertenencia

    Involvement of the National Social Partners in the European Semester 2017: Social Dialogue Practices

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    The latest European Semester cycle, covering the period 2016–2017, has highlighted a range of issues regarding the quality of involvement by the social partners in the elaboration of the 2017 National Reform Programme (NRP), as well as in the implementation of the country-specific recommendations (CSRs). This report looks at the different social dialogue practices across Member States and at the role played by the national authorities in enabling the involvement of employer organisations and trade unions in policy reforms. While some improvements have been reported, the challenges and limitations faced – such as insufficient time allocated to consultation and lack of visibility – need to be addressed in order to enhance the effective participation of social partners in the European Semester

    De l'acte didàctic a la teoria del currículum o de l'exercici físic al disseny i desenvolupament curricular de la motricitat

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    Es tracta de fer palès el diferent origen dels termes Didàctica i Currículum i de com s'ha produït un gradual "acostament" entre tots dos, tot sent dominant el Currículum com a concepte més ampli, al qual per tendència ha anat equiparant-se l'objecte d'estudi de la Didàctica. Aquest procés de canvi i acostament té unes connotacions especials en Educació Física en la qual la didàctica específica transforma el seu tradicional objecte de coneixement constituït per l'acte didàctic versus exercici físic, per allotjar-se en una visió més global i contextual de l'ensenyament de la mo-tricitat. Així mateix, les etapes determinants al voltant de la integració conceptual suposen alguna especialitat en el camp de l'Educació Física la qual cosa constitueix un element digne de ressaltar junt amb l'anàlisi de les causes

    El deporte escolar como generador de ambientes de aprendizaje excelentes

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    Molecular Beacons: Powerful Tools for Imaging RNA in Living Cells

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    Recent advances in RNA functional studies highlights the pivotal role of these molecules in cell physiology. Diverse methods have been implemented to measure the expression levels of various RNA species, using either purified RNA or fixed cells. Despite the fact that fixed cells offer the possibility to observe the spatial distribution of RNA, assays with capability to real-time monitoring RNA transport into living cells are needed to further understand the role of RNA dynamics in cellular functions. Molecular beacons (MBs) are stem-loop hairpin-structured oligonucleotides equipped with a fluorescence quencher at one end and a fluorescent dye (also called reporter or fluorophore) at the opposite end. This structure permits that MB in the absence of their target complementary sequence do not fluoresce. Upon binding to targets, MBs emit fluorescence, due to the spatial separation of the quencher and the reporter. Molecular beacons are promising probes for the development of RNA imaging techniques; nevertheless much work remains to be done in order to obtain a robust technology for imaging various RNA molecules together in real time and in living cells. The present work concentrates on the different requirements needed to use successfully MB for cellular studies, summarizing recent advances in this area

    Connivence et non connivence : les modes d’intervention des professionnels auprès d’aidants familiaux ayant un proche atteint de la maladie d’Alzheimer

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    Ce mémoire a pour objectif de retracer les modes d’intervention qu’entretiennent les intervenants de la santé vis-à-vis des aidants familiaux ayant un proche atteint d’une maladie cognitive de type Alzheimer. À l’aide de l’analyse de contenu, nous allons explorer quels sont les modes d’intervention qu’ils privilégient dans un contexte d’impératifs technocratiques. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié les entrevues menées auprès de 12 intervenants provenant de diverses professions du champ de la santé et des services sociaux, qui ont un rapport direct avec les aidants familiaux. Les résultats indiquent deux types de mode d’intervention : soit, des rapports de connivence ou de non connivence. Ces deux modes d’intervention se distinguent principalement par le recours aux savoirs pratiques.This thesis will portray the intervention modes which health professionals maintain with respect to helping caregivers having an ill relative affected by Alzheimer-type cognitive disease. Using a qualitative approach, we explore which are the intervention modes that experts privilege, in a context of technocratic requirements. Thus, using content analysis, we explored the interviews of 12 practitioners from several professional fields and having a direct relationship with caregivers. Results indicate that there are two types of intervention. On one hand, there are practitioners who adopt an approach of complicity with the caregivers and, on the other hand, there are those who adopt an approach of non complicity with the caregiver. These two types of practitioner differ mainly on having or not practical experience