A Systematic Review of Mood Disorders and the Working Alliance in Latino Populations


The working alliance and mood disorders in Latin populations has received scant attention. To remedy this deficit, this analysis completed a systematic review of this subject. This initial systematic review may aid to acquire a greater understanding of general and specific factors impacting this population. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT), Version 2018 will be utilized in study appraisal, as will PRISMA guidelines. Study inclusion consists of studies involving adult Latino subjects with working alliance results as related to symptomology or discussion of working alliance effects on the population. A total of 12 studies met criteria; limitations consisted of the variable nature of studies included and the impact of inconsistent cultural adaptations in the studies. Nonetheless, this review may fill research gaps regarding working alliance effects in ethnic minority groups generally and mood disordered Latino groups specifically, while being of practical clinical use, and aiding future studies

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