6,472 research outputs found

    Vaginosis citolítica: un diagnóstico diferencial poco frecuente de vulvovaginitis micótica a repetición

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    Indexación: ScieloResumen: Los síntomas compatibles con vaginitis y vaginosis, son la causa más frecuente de consulta al ginecólogo. La descarga vaginal abundante y el prurito, constituyen la primera sospecha de estas patologías. Sin embargo, debemos tener presente que el aumento significativo de lactobacilos, conocido como lactobacilosis, puede expresarse también con los mismos síntomas y signos de una vulvovaginitis micótica. Si esta condición se mantiene en el tiempo, puede provocar un grado de acidez anormal en la vagina, y puede llevar a una lisis de las células epiteliales que se conoce como vaginosis citolítica. Este diagnóstico, aunque es poco frecuente, debemos sospecharlo especialmente, en aquellas mujeres que relatan tener múltiples consultas por candidiasis vaginal, con escasa o nula respuesta frente a la terapia antimicótica.Summary: The symptoms consistent with vaginitis and vaginosis are the most common cause of the visit to the gynecologist. Heavy vaginal discharge and pruritus are the first suspicion of this pathology. However, the significant increase in lactobacilli, known as lactobacilosis can be expressed also with the same symptoms and signs of a fungal vulvovaginitis. If this condition is maintained overtime, can cause abnormal acidity in the vagina, and may lead to epithelial cell lysis, which is known as cytolytic vaginosis. This diagnosis, although rare, should be suspected especially in women who reported having multiple consultations for vaginal candidiasis, with little or no response to antifungal therapy.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-75262010000300009&nrm=is

    Sobre la fe pública y la documentación

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    An Application of Natural Language Processing for Triangulation of Cognitive Load Assessments in Third Level Education

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    Work has been done to measure Mental Workload based on applications mainly related to ergonomics, human factors, and Machine Learning. The influence of Machine Learning is a reflection of an increased use of new technologies applied to areas conventionally dominated by theoretical approaches. However, collaboration between MWL and Natural Language Processing techniques seems to happen rarely. In this sense, the objective of this research is to make use of Natural Languages Processing techniques to contribute to the analysis of the relationship between Mental Workload subjective measures and Relative Frequency Ratios of keywords gathered during pre-tasks and post-tasks of MWL activities in third-level sessions under different topics and instructional designs. This research employs secondary, empirical and inductive methods to investigate Cognitive Load theory, instructional designs, Mental Workload foundations and measures and Natural Language Process Techniques. Then, NASA-TLX, Workload Profile and Relative Frequency Ratios are calculated. Finally, the relationship between NASA-TLX and Workload Profile and Relative Frequency Ratios is analysed using parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques. Results show that the relationship between Mental Workload and Relative Frequency Ratios of keywords, is only medium correlated, or not correlated at all. Furthermore, it has been found out that instructional designs based on the process of hearing and seeing, and the interaction between participants, can overcome other approaches such as those that make use of videos supported with images and text, or of a lecturer\u27s speech supported with slides

    An Application of Natural Language Processing for Triangulation of Cognitive Load Assessments in Third Level Education

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    Work has been done to measure Mental Workload based on applications mainly related to ergonomics, human factors, and Machine Learning. The influence of Machine Learning is a reflection of an increased use of new technologies applied to areas conventionally dominated by theoretical approaches. However, collaboration between MWL and Natural Language Processing techniques seems to happen rarely. In this sense, the objective of this research is to make use of Natural Languages Processing techniques to contribute to the analysis of the relationship between Mental Workload subjective measures and Relative Frequency Ratios of keywords gathered during pre-tasks and post-tasks of MWL activities in third-level sessions under different topics and instructional designs. This research employs secondary, empirical and inductive methods to investigate Cognitive Load theory, instructional designs, Mental Workload foundations and measures and Natural Language Process Techniques. Then, NASA-TLX, Workload Profile and Relative Frequency Ratios are calculated. Finally, the relationship between NASA-TLX and Workload Profile and Relative Frequency Ratios is analysed using parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques. Results show that the relationship between Mental Workload and Relative Frequency Ratios of keywords, is only medium correlated, or not correlated at all. Furthermore, it has been found out that instructional designs based on the process of hearing and seeing, and the interaction between participants, can overcome other approaches such as those that make use of videos supported with images and text, or of a lecturer\u27s speech supported with slides

    Tumores adenomatoides uterinos: estudio anatomo-patológico e inmunohistoquímico de 32 casos

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    Indexación: ScieloAntecedentes: Los tumores adenomatoides (TA) son poco frecuentes. Se encuentran principalmente en el aparato reproductor femenino y especialmente en el útero. No existen reportes a nivel nacional sobre estos. Objetivos: Describir las características histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas de los TA uterinos. Método: Estudio descriptivo de 32 muestras ingresadas al Servicio de Anatomía Patológica de Clínica Las Condes. Las muestras estudiadas fueron recopiladas entre noviembre de 1999 y noviembre de 2008. Resultados: El diagnóstico de TA fue realizado en 21 histerectomías y 11 miomectomías. En 14 casos se diagnosticaron como lesiones nodulares únicas (43,8%) y en 18 junto a leiomiomas (56,2%). El tamaño promedio de las lesiones únicas fue 2,6 cm, significativamente mayor que aquellas asociadas a leiomiomas. El patrón histológico predominante más frecuente correspondió al tipo angiomatoide (81,3%), seguido por los patrones adenoide (9,4%), sólido (6,3%) y mixto (3%), no se encontraron TA quísticos. El estudio inmunohistoquími-co fue positivo en el 100% de los casos para citoqueratina AE1/AE3, calrretinina, vimentina y D2-40. Fue negativo para CD31 y CEA. Sólo un 6,3% (2 casos) fue positivo para citoqueratina 5/6. Conclusiones: Los TA corresponden a tumores benignos de origen mesotelial. Generalmente su diagnóstico es un hallazgo. Al presentarse en el útero, se confunden generalmente con leiomiomas o se presentan en conjunto con estos. En base a lo anterior el tratamiento de estas lesiones debe ser conservador, bastando con la resección del tumor.Background: The adenomatoid tumors (AT) are rare. They are found mainly in the female reproductive system and especially in the uterus. There is not national reporting on these. Objective: To describe the his-tological and immunohistochemical features of uterine AT. Method: Descriptive study of 32 patients admitíed to the Pathology Department of Clinica Las Condes. The cases studied were collected between November 1999 and November 2008. Results: The diagnosis of AT was performed in 21 hysterectomies and 11 myomectomies. In 14 patients were diagnosed as nodular single lesions (43.8%) and in 18 cases associated with leiomyomas (56.2%), the average size of single lesions was 2.6 cm, significantly greaterthan those associated with leiomyomas. The predominant histologic type most often correspond to angiomatoid (81.3%), followed by adenoid patterns (9.4%), solid (6.3%) and mixed (3%), the cystic pattern was not observed. The immunohistochemical study of ST was positive in 100% for cytokeratin AE1/AE3, calrretinin, vimentin and D2-40. It was negative for CD31 and CEA. Only 6.3% (2 cases) were positive for cytokeratin 5/6. Conclusio-ns: The AT is a benign tumor of mesothelial origin. Usually the diagnosis is a finding. In the uterus they are generally mistaken with leiomyomas or it is in associated with them. Based on the foregoing the treatment of AT should be conservative, only with resection.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-75262009000600009&nrm=is

    Apuntes de Laboratorio de Física

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    Introducción breve al tratamiento de datos experimentales y la presentación de los resultados obtenidos. Está pensada para los laboratorios de física, pero también pueden ser útiles en otras asignaturas experimentales. Cubren: uso de unidades, estimación de incertidumbres, media ponderada, regresión e interpolación lineal y presentación de resultados