1,445 research outputs found

    Foliar pigments and theyr dynamics during different vegetation phenophases in five cultivars of Cannabis sativa l.

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    The pigments dynamics of leaves were analyzed in five cultivars of Cannabis sativa L. during different growth phases. The photosynthetic and flavonoid pigments content were appreciated spectrophotometrically by light absorption of the acetone pigment extract (1%). During intense growth the middle floor leaves play an important role in light absorption and assimilates synthesis, although a certain cultivar from the five studied presents a different behavior. In the dioecious cultivars light absorption and photosynthesis intensity is higher than in the studied monoecious hemp cultivars. The leaves under the inflorescence have an important role in light absorption from the beginning of flowering until fruit formation

    Decoding Nature with Nature's Tools: Heterotic Line Bundle Models of Particle Physics with Genetic Algorithms and Quantum Annealing

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    The string theory landscape may include a multitude of ultraviolet embeddings of the Standard Model, but identifying these has proven difficult due to the enormous number of available string compactifications. Genetic Algorithms (GAs) represent a powerful class of discrete optimisation techniques that can efficiently deal with the immensity of the string landscape, especially when enhanced with input from quantum annealers. In this letter, we focus on geometric compactifications of the E 8 × E 8 E8×E8E_8\times E_8 heterotic string theory compactified on smooth Calabi‐Yau threefolds with Abelian bundles. We make use of analytic formulae for bundle‐valued cohomology to impose the entire range of spectrum requirements, something that has not been possible so far. For manifolds with a relatively low number of Kähler parameters, we compare the GA search results with results from previous systematic scans, showing that GAs can find nearly all the viable solutions while visiting only a tiny fraction of the solution space. Moreover, we carry out GA searches on manifolds with a larger numbers of Kähler parameters where systematic searches are not feasible


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    In this study, the porous hydroxyapatite-filled cellulose acetate scaffolds were prepared via dry-wet phase inversion method by dispersing hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in the polymeric matrix. The calcined hydroxyapatite prepared by wet precipitation method has the crystal size smaller than 50 nm. The unfilled and hydroxyapatite-filled cellulose acetate scaffolds have an asymmetric structure consisting of two layers, the dense top layer (active layer) supported by the porous sub-layer (substructure). The cross-sectional SEM images revealed that hydroxyapatite nanoparticles were well dispersed in the cellulose acetate matrix

    An elementary proof of uniqueness of the particle trajectories for solutions of a class of shear-thinning non-Newtonian 2D fluids

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    We prove some regularity results for a class of two dimensional non-Newtonian fluids. By applying results from [Dashti and Robinson, Nonlinearity, 22 (2009), 735-746] we can then show uniqueness of particle trajectories

    Химиопрофилактика передачи ВИЧ-инфекции от матери к плоду

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    Catedra Boli Infecţioase FECMF, USMF N. Testemiţanu, Centrul Naţional de Sănătate PublicăSummary. Maternal-fetal transmission of HIV infection is responsible for 90% of cases with HIV-AIDS. Over 50% of the infected persons in the world with HIV are women and almost 80% of them are of reproductive age. To assess the efficiency of ARV treatment in reducing of maternal-fetal HIV infection. 163 pregnant women with HIV/AIDS infection were included in the study (stage A and B) and the new born children from them of wich130 benefi ted of preventive ARN treatment while 33 pregnant women and their children did not benefit of it. The diagnosis of HIV infection in pregnant womwnin the study was made by ELISA reaction and was confirmed by immunoblot. The gravidas have been examined by clinical, epidemiological methods. The gravids within the study were of fertile age. In 130 pregnant women, beginning with the 28 week of gestation were administered ARV treatment schemes were selected depending on clinical paraclinical data in accordance with the WHO recommendations. Of the total numbre, 33 gravids with HIV/AIDS infection were not examined antinataly, because they werent followed uo at the dispensery. When prophilactic treatment is laching, the transmission rate of maternal-fetal transmission of HIV/AIDS infection was 42,4%; Maternal-fetal rate transmission of Hiv infection can be reduced if respective recommendations are observed, consisting 1,53%.Резюме. Передача вируса ВИЧ-инфекции от матери к плоду осуществляется в 90% случаев ВИЧ-инфекции. Задача настоящего исследования состояла в определении эффективности химиопрофилактики в уменьшении передачи вируса ВИЧ от матери к плоду. Под наблюдением находились 163 беременных женщин с ВИЧ-инфекций (категории А и В) и новорожденные дети от этих матерей, из которых 130 получали химиопрофилактическое лечение. 33 женщины и дети, родившиеся от них, такое лечение не принимали. Диагноз ВИЧ-инфекции выставлен на основании клиники и подтвержден иммуноферментым методом. Беременные обследовались клиническим, эпидемиологическим, биохимическим, серологическим и иммунологическим методами. У 130 беременных, начиная с 28-ой недели, было назначено химиопрофилактическое лечение. Схемы лечения зависели от клинических и параклинических методов, в соответствии с рекомендациями ВОЗ. Беременные (33), которые не получали химиопрофилактическое лечение, на учете не состояли и были выявлены в родильных отделениях. Проводимые исследования показали, что в случаях где не было назначено лечение передача ВИЧ-инфекции от матери к плоду имела место в 42,4% случаев, а там где химиопрофилактика проводилась, передача имела место только в 1,53% случаев


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    Congenital heart defects with ductus-dependent circulation have a complex cardiovascular physiology. After birth, the condition of these children is critical, they are asymptomatic and their pulmonary vascular resistance decreases leading to progressive hemodynamic deterioration. Early identifi cation of these defects and the start of appropriate therapy allow to maintain the cardiovascular balance

    Pediatric radiofrequency catheter ablation for supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias: a single center retrospective analysis

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    Cardiovascular Diseases Institute “Prof. Dr. George I. M. Georgescu”, Iasi, Romania, Pediatric Cardiology Clinic, “Saint Maria” University Hospital, Iasi, RomaniaIntroduction. In recent years radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) has become a standard of care treatment for children and young adults with supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias. The aim of this study is to evaluate the short-term follow-up of RFCA for ventricular and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias in the pediatric age group. Materials and methods. A total of 63 pediatric patients (mean age at the time of the procedure 12.9±6.7 years, weight 47.98±13.2 Kg), were referred for electrophysiologic study (EPS) and RFCA between April 2004 and April 2018. The electrophysiologic study was performed in a tertiary center using a modified simple technique with the right femoral approach and 2 catheters 5 and 6 French one for stimulation and one for mapping. Referral for the RFCA procedure was done according to the recent guidelines: Class I: WPW syndrome and recurrent and/or symptomatic SVT and age >5 years; WPW syndrome and palpitations with inducible sustained SVT during EPS, age >5 years; Class IIb: WPW syndrome and recurrent and/or symptomatic SVT and age <5 years. Results. A total of 68 EPS procedures were performed in 63 patients. Referral for WPW syndrome in 22 patients (34.9%), atrioventricular node reentry in 20 patients (31.7%), concealed accessory pathways in 8 patients (12.7%), atrial tachycardia in 3 patients (4.8%), atrial flutter in 1 patient (1.6%), permanent ventricular tachycardia was the reason RF ablation in 1 patient (1.6%), premature ventricular beats in 2 patients (3.2%). RFCA was performed under general sedation in 5 patients (7.9%), the rest of the procedures were under exclusively local anesthesia. RFCA success rate was 97.1%, with an arrhythmia recurrence rate of 5.9%. No complications occurred during procedures. In 1 patient (1.6%) with WPW syndrome the mechanical induced atrial fibrillation with hemodynamical compromise needed electrical shock therapy for rhythm control. Mean duration of RFCA was 103.7 min, with a mean radiation exposure time of about 10.5 min and a mean dose of about 1582 μGy/m². A three-dimensional mapping system was needed in 3 RFCA procedures. Conclusion. Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a safe and highly successful option of treatment for the supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in pediatric patients. The use of the modified simple technique reduces the risk for major complications