1,468 research outputs found

    III-V Solar Cells

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    III-V materials show a wide range of gaps making them ideal for the design of high efficiency solar cells. This chapter reviews relevant growth methods and material properties of these materials and discusses methods of combining heterogeneous materials, demonstrating the flexibility of design possible with these materials. The fundamental loss mechanisms of solar cells are analysed and quantified as a prelude to analysing high efficiency cell designs in single, tandem, and triple junction solar cells. The detailed analysis of loss mechanisms is used to obtain understanding of the limiting behaviour of these designs, and show that bulk cells remain dominated by non-radiative losses despite unity ideality factors. To conclude, this is contrasted with the operating regime of nanostructured solar cells which can be shown to operate in a radiatively dominated mode, and which therefore approach ideal solar cell efficiency limits.Comment: Draft of chapter in Materials Challenges: Inorganic Photovoltaic Solar Energy - RSC Energy and Environment Series v. 1

    Analytical Models of Bulk and Quantum Well Solar Cells and Relevance of the Radiative Limit

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    The analytical modelling of bulk and quantum well solar cells is reviewed. The analytical approach allows explicit estimates of dominant generation and recombination mechanisms at work in charge neutral and space charge layers of the cells. Consistency of the analysis of cell characteristics in the light and in the dark leaves a single free parameter, which is the mean Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime. Bulk PIN cells are shown to be inherently dominated by non-radiative recombination as a result of the doping related non-radiative fraction of the Shockley injection currents. Quantum well PIN solar cells on the other hand are shown to operate in the radiative limit as a result of the dominance of radiative recombination in the space charge region. These features are exploited using light trapping techniques leading to photon recycling and reduced radiative recombination. The conclusion is that the mirror backed quantum well solar cell device features open circuit voltages determined mainly by the higher bandgap neutral layers, with an absorption threshold determined by the lower gap quantum well superlattice.Comment: Draft of chapter in "Advanced solar cell materials, technology, modeling and simulation". Eds. Laurentiu Fara, Masafumi Yamaguchi, IGI Global publishing, 201

    Genomic plasticity of pathogenic Escherichia coli mediates D-serine tolerance via multiple adaptive mechanisms

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    Significance Pathogens ensure infection of favored sites in the body by responding to chemical signals. One chemical abundant in urine, the amino acid d -Ser, is toxic to EHEC and reduces expression of the machinery used for host cell attachment, making the bladder an unfavorable environment. We observed that under d -Ser stress, EHEC acquires genetic changes that lead to blocking d -Ser uptake into the cell or activating a silent enzyme for degrading d -Ser. This prevents growth inhibition and, critically, inhibits the repression of attachment machinery normally caused by d -Ser. These findings highlight the importance of pathogen evolution in determining how host molecules regulate colonization. These interactions underpin a process known as niche restriction that is important for pathogen success within the host

    Final Science Reports of the US Experiments Flown on the Russian Biosatellite Cosmos 2229

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    Cosmos 2229 was launched on December 29, 1992, containing a biological payload including two young male rhesus monkeys, insects, amphibians, and cell cultures. The biosatellite was launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Russia for a mission duration of 11.5 days. The major research objectives were: (1) Study of adaptive response mechanisms of mammals during flight; and (2) Study of physiological mechanisms underlying vestibular, motor system and brain function in primates during early and later adaptation phases. American scientists and their Russian collaborators conducted 11 experiments on this mission which included extensive preflight and postflight studies with rhesus monkeys. Biosamples and data were subsequently transferred to the United States. The U.S. responsibilities for this flight included the development of experiment protocols, the fabrication of some flight instrumentation and experiment-specific ground-based hardware, the conducting of preflight and postflight testing and the analysis of biospecimens and data for the U.S. experiments. A description of the Cosmos 2229 mission is presented in this report including preflight, on-orbit and postflight activities. The flight and ground-based bioinstrumentation which was developed by the U.S. and Russia is also described, along with the associated preflight testing ot the U.S. hardware. Final Science Reports for the experiments are also included

    The US Experiments Flown on the Soviet Biosatellite Cosmos 1887

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    Cosmos 1887, a biosatellite containing biological and radiation experiments from the Soviet Union, the United States and seven other countries, was launched on September 29, 1987. One Rhesus monkey's feeder stopped working two days into the flight and a decision was made to terminate the mission after 12 1/2 days. The biosatellite returned to Earth on October 12, 1987. A system malfunction, during the reentry procedure, caused the Cosmos 1887 spacecraft to land approximately 1800 miles beyond the intended landing site and delayed the start of the postflight procedures by approximately 44 hours. Further information on the conditions at landing and postflight activities is included in the Mission Operations portion of this document. U.S. and U.S.S.R. specialists jointly conducted 26 experiments on this mission, including the postflight transfer of data, hardware and biosamples to the U.S

    Review of Wearable Devices and Data Collection Considerations for Connected Health

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    Wearable sensor technology has gradually extended its usability into a wide range of well-known applications. Wearable sensors can typically assess and quantify the wearer’s physiology and are commonly employed for human activity detection and quantified self-assessment. Wearable sensors are increasingly utilised to monitor patient health, rapidly assist with disease diagnosis, and help predict and often improve patient outcomes. Clinicians use various self-report questionnaires and well-known tests to report patient symptoms and assess their functional ability. These assessments are time consuming and costly and depend on subjective patient recall. Moreover, measurements may not accurately demonstrate the patient’s functional ability whilst at home. Wearable sensors can be used to detect and quantify specific movements in different applications. The volume of data collected by wearable sensors during long-term assessment of ambulatory movement can become immense in tuple size. This paper discusses current techniques used to track and record various human body movements, as well as techniques used to measure activity and sleep from long-term data collected by wearable technology devices

    The public economic burden of suboptimal type 2 diabetes control upon taxpayers in Sweden:Looking beyond health costs

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    Aim To estimate the fiscal burden for taxpayers in Sweden associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) attributed to diabetes-related complications in patients failing to meet HbA1c targets. Material and Methods We developed a public economic framework to assess how changes in diabetes-related complications influenced projected tax contributions and government disability payments for people with T2D. The analysis applied accepted disease-modelling practices to estimate different rates of diabetes-related complications based on an HbA1c of 6.9% (52 mmol/mol) and of 6.0% (42 mmol/mol). We adjusted the employment activity rates for those experiencing T2D-related events, applying age-specific earnings to estimate lifetime tax losses. Furthermore, the likelihood of receiving payments for health-related employment inactivity was estimated. Direct healthcare costs are excluded from this analysis. Results The estimated per person earnings loss for immediate and delayed HbA1c control was Swedish krona (SEK) 42 299 and SEK 44 157, respectively, over 10 years. The lost employment activity of people with T2D translates to lost tax revenues of SEK 23 265 and SEK 24 287 for immediate and delayed control, respectively. The estimated difference in disability payments was SEK 538. Combining the tax revenue loss and excess disability payments defines the broader fiscal costs, where we observe combined fiscal losses that favour immediate and sustained control by SEK 1560 over 10 years. Conclusions We show that conducting fiscal analysis of diabetes interventions offers an enriched perspective capturing a range of costs that fall on government in relation to lost tax revenue and disability payments. Tax-financed health systems may benefit from broadening the consideration of costs and benefits when evaluating new interventions and treatment practices
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