103 research outputs found

    Patrimoine culturel immatériel : paradigmes économiques, débats et perspectives

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    L’adoption de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatĂ©riel (PCI) par l’Unesco en 2003 a profondĂ©ment bouleversĂ© le champ du patrimoine Ă  l’échelle mondiale, en Ă©tendant ses frontiĂšres aux expressions orales, aux arts du spectacle, aux danses, aux rituels, aux savoir-faire liĂ©s Ă  l’artisanat traditionnel. Cette dynamique de patrimonialisation se fonde-t-elle, comme le remarque Pierre Nora (2011 : 110), sur un sentiment d’incertitude qui nous pousse vers « une accumulation..

    L’économie politique du patrimoine culturel

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    La relation entre Ă©conomie et patrimoine s’avĂšre doublement critique. D’un cĂŽtĂ©, le regard des sciences Ă©conomiques sur le patrimoine a Ă©tĂ© longtemps filtrĂ© par le prisme de la richesse produite, se focalisant sur la mesure de cette derniĂšre Ă  l’aune des valeurs monĂ©taires. Le patrimoine culturel se prĂȘte pourtant assez mal Ă  cet exercice, en raison de sa singularitĂ© qui associe deux dimensions souvent marginalisĂ©es par le domaine de l’économie : dimension culturelle et dimension patrimoniale. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, la relation entre Ă©conomie et patrimoine doit faire face au risque d’un intĂ©rĂȘt croissant pour le patrimoine, justifiĂ© par son impact Ă©conomique. En tant que capital, le patrimoine gĂ©nĂšre des flux de revenus et devient l’objet d’usages de plus en plus diversifiĂ©s qui appellent, avec une certaine urgence, Ă  « économiser le patrimoine », induisant Ă©galement la question suivante : jusqu’à quel point pouvons-nous multiplier et diversifier les usages du patrimoine sans en dĂ©naturer le sens ? À partir de ces constats, l’article prĂ©sente des cas d’étude qui relĂšvent du secteur des musĂ©es, de l’artisanat et des sites du Patrimoine mondial de l’humanitĂ©. Les risques liĂ©s Ă  l’instrumentalisation, Ă  l’exploitation, Ă  la dĂ©naturation du patrimoine culturel sont mis en Ă©vidence, ainsi que les enjeux du patrimoine en termes de crĂ©ativitĂ©, d’innovation, de dĂ©veloppement durable, de « bien commun » enfin.The relationships between economics and heritage are critical from two points of view. On the one hand, the way economic science apprehended heritage was, for a long time, through the prismatic filter of wealth produced, focalising on the measurement of this wealth in monetary terms. But the cultural heritage is unsuitable for such analyses on account of its singularity which associates two dimensions which are usually left aside by economics, namely the cultural dimension and the heritage dimension. From the second point of view, the relationship between economics and the heritage is confronted with a growing interest in the heritage justified by its economic impact. As a capital asset, heritage generates revenue and is becoming the object of increasingly diversified usages which seem to command, imperiously, that heritage should become economic. This raises the following question: how far can we multiply and diversify the usages of the heritage without falsifying its meaning? Based on such observations, this article presents several case studies taken from the museum sector, the sector of artisanry and from Unesco world heritage properties. The risks associated with the instrumentalisation of heritage, its exploitation and its denaturation are underlined, as well as the heritage issues in terms of creativity, innovation, sustainable development, in a word of the “common good”

    Les espaces du tourisme et des loisirs :entre ordinaire et extraordinaire

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    Longtemps considĂ©rĂ© par les milieux acadĂ©miques en tant qu’objet scientifique teintĂ© de soupçon ou d’illĂ©gitimitĂ© [Équipe MIT 2002], le tourisme semble avoir confirmĂ© sa place dans le champ de la formation et de la recherche, pour preuve son entrĂ©e comme sujet de concours en association avec la thĂ©matique des loisirs. En effet, le tourisme et les loisirs sont dĂ©sormais pleinement reconnus comme des opĂ©rateurs de la transformation des territoires, des agents majeurs des mobilitĂ©s humaines, des..

    Fashion communication research: A way ahead

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    This document, designed and written during the conference FACTUM19, has two main goals: to help consolidate Fashion Communication as an academic field, and to support an international and interdisciplinary network of scholars in the area, whose collaboration may lead to a larger body of research and, in turn, to further academic recognition. To do so, it outlines main research topics, approaches and challenges, as well as related industry issues and learning dimensions

    Patrimoine et commun(s)

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    La question des « communs » est de plus en plus au cƓur des projets de recherche, des politiques publiques, des discours politiques, des projets citoyens, des mouvements sociaux, des contestations collectives
 et selon des perspectives, cette livraison en tĂ©moigne, qui ne sont certes pas convergentes. Si les travaux d’Elinor Ostrom ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle crucial pour construire un courant de recherche dans ce domaine, la thĂ©matique des communs a acquis ces derniĂšres annĂ©es une importance majeure, c..

    Dictionnaire des biens communs

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    Dictionnaire des biens communs. © Presses universitaires de France. C’est en effet intĂ©ressant de revenir Ă  la genĂšse de ce dictionnaire. L’idĂ©e en est venue alors que nous lancions en 2010, à plusieurs, Ă©conomistes, juristes et historiens, un programme financĂ© par l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), sur le thĂšme « propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle, communs et exclusivité » (« Propice »). Ce projet avait pour objet de rĂ©flĂ©chir sur ce que certains ont dĂ©nommĂ© les « communs de la connaissance » e..

    Development of a qPCR Strategy to Select Bean Genes Involved in Plant Defense Response and Regulated by the Trichoderma velutinum – Rhizoctonia solani Interaction

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    [EN] Bean production is affected by a wide diversity of fungal pathogens, among them Rhizoctonia solani is one of the most important. A strategy to control bean infectious diseases, mainly those caused by fungi, is based on the use of biocontrol agents (BCAs) that can reduce the negative effects of plant pathogens and also can promote positive responses in the plant. Trichoderma is a fungal genus that is able to induce the expression of genes involved in plant defense response and also to promote plant growth, root development and nutrient uptake. In this article, a strategy that combines in silico analysis and real time PCR to detect additional bean defense-related genes, regulated by the presence of Trichoderma velutinum and/or R. solani has been applied. Based in this strategy, from the 48 bean genes initially analyzed, 14 were selected, and only WRKY33, CH5b and hGS showed an up-regulatory response in the presence of T. velutinum. The other genes were or not affected (OSM34) or down-regulated by the presence of this fungus. R. solani infection resulted in a down-regulation of most of the genes analyzed, except PR1, OSM34 and CNGC2 that were not affected, and the presence of both, T. velutinum and R. solani, up-regulates hGS and down-regulates all the other genes analyzed, except CH5b which was not significantly affected. As conclusion, the strategy described in the present work has been shown to be effective to detect genes involved in plant defense, which respond to the presence of a BCA or to a pathogen and also to the presence of both. The selected genes show significant homology with previously described plant defense genes and they are expressed in bean leaves of plants treated with T. velutinum and/or infected with R. solani

    Phosphocaveolin-1 enforces tumor growth and chemoresistance in rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) can ambiguously behave as either tumor suppressor or oncogene depending on its phosphorylation state and the type of cancer. In this study we show that Cav-1 was phosphorylated on tyrosine 14 (pCav-1) by Src-kinase family members in various human cell lines and primary mouse cultures of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), the most frequent soft-tissue sarcoma affecting childhood. Cav-1 overexpression in the human embryonal RD or alveolar RH30 cells yielded increased pCav-1 levels and reinforced the phosphorylation state of either ERK or AKT kinase, respectively, in turn enhancing in vitro cell proliferation, migration, invasiveness and chemoresistance. In contrast, reducing the pCav-1 levels by administration of a Src-kinase inhibitor or through targeted Cav-1 silencing counteracted the malignant in vitro phenotype of RMS cells. Consistent with these results, xenotransplantation of Cav-1 overexpressing RD cells into nude mice resulted in substantial tumor growth in comparison to control cells. Taken together, these data point to pCav-1 as an important and therapeutically valuable target for overcoming the progression and multidrug resistance of RMS

    Tumor heterogeneity and tumor-microglia interactions in primary and recurrent IDH1-mutant gliomas

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    The isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) gene is recurrently mutated in adult diffuse gliomas. IDH-mutant gliomas are categorized into oligodendrogliomas and astrocytomas, each with unique pathological features. Here, we use single-nucleus RNA and ATAC sequencing to compare the molecular heterogeneity of these glioma subtypes. In addition to astrocyte-like, oligodendrocyte progenitor-like, and cycling tumor subpopulations, a tumor population enriched for ribosomal genes and translation elongation factors is primarily present in oligodendrogliomas. Longitudinal analysis of astrocytomas indicates that the proportion of tumor subpopulations remains stable in recurrent tumors. Analysis of tumor-associated microglia/macrophages (TAMs) reveals significant differences between oligodendrogliomas, with astrocytomas harboring inflammatory TAMs expressing phosphorylated STAT1, as confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, inferred receptor-ligand interactions between tumor subpopulations and TAMs may contribute to TAM state diversity. Overall, our study sheds light on distinct tumor populations, TAM heterogeneity, TAM-tumor interactions in IDH-mutant glioma subtypes, and the relative stability of tumor subpopulations in recurrent astrocytomas
