39 research outputs found

    The EHEA, European identity and competitiveness: Fundamental principles and interpretation of the principal authorities.

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    [ES] El proceso de construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) no ha estado exento de controversia y de diferentes niveles de interpretación en su creación, fundamentación y desarrollo. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer un cierto retrato de la situación e ir más allá del estudio a nivel teórico, en base a los documentos oficiales que han ido acompañando y complementando las diferentes reuniones europeas de Ministros responsables de la educación superior. A partir de entrevistas realizadas en profundidad, en formato semiestructuradas, hemos encontrado interesante captar las opiniones, expectativas y percepciones de actores responsables y activos del proceso de construcción del EEES: Guy Haug, Domenico Lenarduzzi, Marius Rubiralta, Eric Froment, Josep M. Bricall y Jorge Fernández Díaz. Todos ellos, con relevancia política y universitaria, estando implicados desde diferentes instituciones: Conferencia Europea de Rectores, European University Association, Dirección General de Educación de la Comisión Europea y diferentes Ministerios de Educación Superior. Sus contribuciones, han aportado conocimiento para contrastar y ofrecer una mejor y mayor comprensión del despliegue del EEES. El estudio concluye, partiendo de la triangulación de las aportaciones de los entrevistados y la revisión de documentos oficiales en diferentes ámbitos, que la Universidad (conjuntamente con la investigación - Espacio Europeo de Investigación y la formación permanente – Espacio Europeo de Formación Permanente), es el eje del desarrollo de la sociedad y sello distintivo de Europa, pero necesita adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y vincularse al concepto de competitividad y eficiencia, y ofrecer una mayor y mejor cooperación y proximidad para favorecer la movilidad y el reconocimiento mutuo. Así mismo, se establece que la creación del EEES responde a una lucha de poder entre el derecho de autonomía de las universidades, el derecho legislativo de los gobiernos estatales y las recomendaciones de la Comisión Europea. Sin embargo, todos coinciden en plantear una reflexión de autocrítica respecto al esfuerzo de información y difusión para evitar posibles interpretaciones erróneas o malentendidos y posibilitar mayores y mejores vías de participación.[EN] The process of building the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has not been without controversy and different levels of interpretation in its creation, foundation and development. The aim of this paper is to portray the situation and go beyond the theoretical study, based on official documents which have accompanied and complemented meetings of European ministers responsible for higher education. From these deep interviews, in semi-structured format, we found interesting to capture the views, expectations and perceptions of responsible and active actors in the process of building the EHEA: Guy Haug, Domenico Lenarduzzi, Marius Rubiralta, Eric Froment, Josep M. Bricall and Jorge Fernández Díaz. All of them with political and university relevance have been implicated from different institutions: European Conference of Rectors, European University Association, Department of Education of the European Commission and various Ministries of Higher Education. Their contributions have provided knowledge to contrast and offer a better understanding of EHEA display. Based on the triangulation of the contributions of the interviewees and the review of official documents and statements the study concludes that the university (together with the research – European Research Area and lifelong learning – European Lifelong Learning Area) is the fundamental hinge for society development and European seal. But it needs to adapt to changing times and to be linked to competitiveness and efficiency. It also needs to provide more and better cooperation and proximity to encourage mobility and mutual recognition. Besides, the creation of EHEA corresponds to a power struggle between the University autonomy rights, the legislative right of state governments and the European Commission's recommendations. However, all of them agree to raise a self-critical reflection as regards the diffusion of information so as to avoid possible misinterpretation or misunderstanding and enable more and better ways of participation.Comas Parra, MÁ. (2013). El EEES; identidad y competitividad Europea: Principios fundamentales e interpretación de las principales autoridades. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 11(1):243-263. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2013.5599OJS243263111Arrêt de la Cour du 13 février 1985. - Françoise Gravier contre Ville de Liège. Recuperado el 7 de febrero de 2011, de http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61983J0293:FR:PDFArrêt de la Cour du 2 février 1988. - Vincent Blaizot contre Université de Liège et autres. Recuperado el 14 de noviembre de 2010, de http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61986J0024:FR:PDFArrêt de la Cour du 2 août 1993. - Pilar Allué et Carmel Mary Coonan et autres contre Università degli studi di Venezia et Università degli studi di Parma. 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    Hydrogen-rich gas production by steam reforming and oxidative steam reforming of methanol over La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-d: effects of preparation, operation conditions, and Redox cycl

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    La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-d (LSC) perovskite, as a potential catalyst precursor for hydrogen (H2)-rich production by steam reforming of methanol (SRM) and oxidative steam reforming of methanol (OSRM), was investigated. For this purpose, LSC was synthesized by the citrate sol–gel method and characterized by complementary analytical techniques. The catalytic activity was studied for the as-prepared and prereduced LSC and compared with the undoped LaCoO3-d (LCO) at several feed gas compositions. Furthermore, the degradation and regeneration of LSC under repeated redox cycles were studied. The results evidenced that the increase in the water/methanol ratio under SRM, and the O2 addition under OSRM, increased the CO2 formation and decreased both the H2 selectivity and catalyst deactivation caused by carbon deposition. Methanol conversion of the prereduced LSC was significantly enhanced at a lower temperature than that of as-prepared LSC and undoped LCO. This was attributed to the performance of metallic cobalt nanoparticles highly dispersed under reducing atmospheres. The reoxidation program in repetitive redox cycles played a crucial role in the regeneration of catalysts, which could be regenerated to the initial perovskite structure under a specific thermal treatment, minimizing the degradation of the catalytic activity and surface.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Spatially explicit analysis reveals complex human genetic gradients in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The Iberian Peninsula is a well-delimited geographic region with a rich and complex human history. However, the causes of its genetic structure and past migratory dynamics are not yet fully understood. In order to shed light on them, here we evaluated the gene flow and genetic structure throughout the Iberian Peninsula with spatially explicit modelling applied to a georeferenced genetic dataset composed of genome-wide SNPs from 746 individuals belonging to 17 different regions of the Peninsula. We found contrasting patterns of genetic structure throughout Iberia. In particular, we identified strong patterns of genetic differentiation caused by relevant barriers to gene flow in northern regions and, on the other hand, a large genetic similarity in central and southern regions. In addition, our results showed a preferential north to south migratory dynamics and suggest a sex-biased dispersal in Mediterranean and southern regions. The estimated genetic patterns did not fit with the geographical relief of the Iberian landscape and they rather seem to follow political and linguistic territorial boundaries.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BD/97200/2013Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. IF/01262/2014Ministerio de Economía | Ref. RYC-2015-18241Ministerio de Economía | Ref. MDM-2014-0370Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2016-75389-

    Identificación del nicho de mercado para la creación de una empresa de smoothies saludables /

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    En este proyecto se presentarán los resultados de un estudio de percepción de producto saludable, intención de consumo y motivos de elección de alimentos como batidos o smoothies. Se realizó una encuesta auto-aplicada sobre batidos y smoothies a 200 personas en la ciudad de Cartagena con edades entre 17 y 62 años, en la que se indagó la frecuencia de consumo de batidos durante el último año, los momentos del día preferidos para consumirlos y su elección en orden de preferencia. Mediante un análisis descriptivo se especificarán características fundamentales de las personas, la constancia de su consumo de bebidas saludables, la preferencia en la calidad y la variedad de los productos que estarían dispuestos a adquirir, y con base a los resultados desarrollar una idea negocio como la que aquí se pretende, teniendo en cuenta factores como la oferta y la demanda, época de cultivos, amenazas, oportunidades y estrategias que ostenta este tipo de negocio. Por otro lado, el estudio de mercado propuesto pretende crear un valor agregado a la producción de bebidas saludables en la ciudad y motivar a las personas a llevar un estilo de vida más sano.Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 79-82) y anexo

    Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance in adults: a before and after pandemic lockdown longitudinal study

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    Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a chronic disease caused by the accumulation of fat in the liver related to overweight and obesity, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and high levels of triglycerides and leads to an increased cardiovascular risk. It is considered a global pandemic, coinciding with the pandemic in 2020 caused by the 'coronavirus disease 2019' (COVID-19). Due to COVID-19, the population was placed under lockdown. The aim of our study was to evaluate how these unhealthy lifestyle modifications influenced the appearance of metabolic alterations and the increase in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Methods: A prospective study was carried out on 6236 workers in a Spanish population between March 2019 and March 2021. Results: Differences in the mean values of anthropometric and clinical parameters before and after lockdown were revealed. There was a statistically significant worsening in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and in the insulin resistance scales, with increased body weight, BMI, cholesterol levels with higher LDL levels, and glucose and a reduction in HDL levels. Conclusions: Lockdown caused a worsening of cardiovascular risk factors due to an increase in liver fat estimation scales and an increased risk of presenting with NAFLD and changes in insulin resistance. Keywords: COVID-19; insulin resistance; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Manejo del neonato con coartación de aorta e hipoplasia de arco

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa coartación aórtica del neonato puede asociar en un porcentaje importante hipoplasia del arco aórtico, llegando en algunas series al 60%.Cuando existe hipoplasia del arco aórtico distal el tratamiento estándar consiste en la resección de la zona de coartación y anastomosis termino-terminal extendida.En casos de hipoplasia severa del arco aórtico distal y arco distal largo, podría no ser suficiente con la resección y anastomosis termino-terminal extendida, por lo que sería razonable realizar alguna técnica adicional para ampliar el arco aórtico distal, evitando así un abordaje anterior, el uso de parada circulatoria con o sin perfusión cerebral selectiva y el aumento de la morbimortalidad perioperatoria.MétodosPresentamos los resultados de 4 neonatos, a los que se les realizó una ampliación del arco aórtico distal, según técnica de Amato (anastomosis latero-lateral entre las arterias carótida y subclavia izquierdas), para posteriormente resecar la zona de coartación y anastomosar la aorta descendente al arco aórtico previamente ampliado.ResultadosEn todos los casos el ecocardiograma postoperatorio mostró arco reconstruido con flujo laminar. No se ha presentado ningún caso de recoartación durante un período de seguimiento medio de 12 meses.ConclusiónConsideramos que la técnica de elección en la coartación con hipoplasia de arco distal es la resección y anastomosis termino-terminal extendida.En casos seleccionados, con arco aórtico distal muy largo y severamente hipoplásico, la técnica de Amato es una alternativa atractiva, con el objeto de evitar un abordaje anterior y el uso de CEC. Además, puede realizarse en un primer tiempo, manteniendo perfusión sistémica ductus-dependiente.AbstractIntroductionNeonatal aortic coarctation can be combined with a significant percentage of aortic arch hypoplasia, reaching 60% in some series.When there is hypoplasia of the distal aortic arch, the standard treatment consists of resection of the coarctation zone and extended end-to-end anastomosis.In cases of severe distal aortic arch hypoplasia and a long distal arch, resection and extended end-to-end anastomosis would not be sufficient, making it reasonable to perform an additional technique to widen the distal aortic arch, thus avoiding an anterior approach and interrupting the blood circulation with or without selective cerebral infusion, with the resulting risk of an increase in perioperative morbidity and mortality.MethodsThe results are presented on 4 neonates on whom a widening of the distal aortic arch was performed using the Amato technique (side-to-side anastomosis between the left carotid and subclavian arteries), in order to subsequently resect the coarctation zone and perform an anastomosis of the descending aorta to the previously widened aortic arch.ResultsThe post-operative echocardiogram showed a reconstructed arch with laminar flow in all cases. There has been no recurrence of coarctation in any of the cases during a mean follow-up of 12 months.ConclusionWe believe that resection with extended end-to-end anastomosis is the technique of choice in coarctation with distal arch hypoplasia.The Amato technique is an attractive alternative in selected cases with a very long and severely hypoplastic distal arch, with the aim of avoiding an anterior approach and the use of extracorporeal circulation. This could also be performed initially, maintaining ductal-dependent systemic perfusion

    Preliminary Study of the Effect of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) on the Immune System in Lung Cancer Patients Unfit for Surgery: Immunophenotyping Analysis

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    An immunophenotyping analysis was performed in peripheral blood samples from seven patients with lung cancer unfit for surgery treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). The objective was to characterize the effect of SBRT on the host immune system. Four patients received 60 Gy (7.5 Gy x 8) and three 50 Gy (12.5 Gy x 4). Analyses were performed before SBRT, 72 h after SBRT, and at one, three, and six months after the end of SBRT. Of note, there was a specific increase of the immunoactive component of the immune system, with elevation of CD56(+high)CD16+ natural killer (NK) cells (0.95% at baseline to 1.38% at six months), and a decrease of the immunosuppressive component of the immune system, with decreases of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+CDA5RA- regulatory T cells (4.97% at baseline to 4.46% at six months), granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (G-MDSCs) (from 66.1% at baseline to 62.6% at six months) and monocytic (Mo-MDSCs) (8.2% at baseline to 6.2% at six months). These changes were already apparent at 72 h and persisted over six months. SBRT showed an effect on systemic immune cell populations, which is a relevant finding for supporting future combinations of SBRT with immunotherapy for treating lung cancer patients

    Changes in peripheral immune cells after intraoperative radiation therapy in low-risk breast cancer

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    A detailed understanding of the interactions and the best dose-fractionation scheme of radiation to maximize antitumor immunity have not been fully established. In this study, the effect on the host immune system of a single dose of 20 Gy through intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) on the surgical bed in low-risk breast cancer patients undergoing conserving breast cancer has been assessed. Peripheral blood samples from 13 patients were collected preoperatively and at 48 h and 3 and 10 weeks after the administration of radiation. We performed a flow cytometry analysis for lymphocyte subpopulations, natural killer cells (NK), regulatory T cells (Treg) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). We observed that the subpopulation of NK CD56+high CD16+ increased significantly at 3 weeks after IORT (0.30-0.42%, P < 0.001), while no changes were found in immunosuppressive profile, CD4+CD25+Foxp3+Helios+ Treg cells, granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSCs) and monocytic MDSCs (Mo-MDSCs). A single dose of IORT may be an effective approach to improve antitumor immunity based on the increase in NK cells and the non-stimulation of immunosuppressive cells involved in immune escape. These findings support future combinations of IORT with immunotherapy, if they are confirmed in a large cohort of breast cancer patients

    Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory - overview and long-term comparison to other techniques

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    High-resolution Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) solar observations are particularly relevant for climate studies, as they allow atmospheric gaseous composition and multiple climate processes to be monitored in detail. In this context, the present paper provides an overview of 20 years of FTIR measurements taken in the framework of the NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) from 1999 to 2018 at the subtropical Izaña Observatory (IZO, Spain). Firstly, long-term instrumental performance is comprehensively assessed, corroborating the temporal stability and reliable instrumental characterization of the two FTIR spectrometers installed at IZO since 1999. Then, the time series of all trace gases contributing to NDACC at IZO are presented (i.e. C2H6, CH4, ClONO2, CO, HCl, HCN, H2CO, HF, HNO3, N2O, NO2, NO, O3, carbonyl sulfide (OCS), and water vapour isotopologues H162O, H182O, and HD16O), reviewing the major accomplishments drawn from these observations. In order to examine the quality and long-term consistency of the IZO FTIR observations, a comparison of those NDACC products for which other high-quality measurement techniques are available at IZO has been performed (i.e. CH4, CO, H2O, NO2, N2O, and O3). This quality assessment was carried out on different timescales to examine what temporal signals are captured by the FTIR records, and to what extent. After 20 years of operation, the IZO NDACC FTIR observations have been found to be very consistent and reliable over time, demonstrating great potential for climate research. Long-term NDACC FTIR data sets, such as IZO, are indispensable tools for the investigation of atmospheric composition trends, multi-year phenomena, and complex climate feedback processes, as well as for the validation of past and present space-based missions and chemistry climate models.The Izaña FTIR station has been supported by the German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) via DLRunder grants 50EE1711A and by the Helmholtz Society via the research program ATMO. In addition, this research was funded by the European Research Council under FP7/(2007-2013)/ERC Grant agreement nº 256961 (project MUSICA), by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for the project MOTIV (GeschaFTIRzeichen SCHN 1126/2-1), by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad from Spain through the projects CGL2012-37505 (project NOVIA) and CGL2016-80688-P (project INMENSE), and by EUMETSAT under its Fellowship Programme (project VALIASI)

    Prospective associations between a priori dietary patterns adherence and kidney function in an elderly Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk

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    Purpose To assess the association between three different a priori dietary patterns adherence (17-item energy reduced-Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet), Trichopoulou-MedDiet and Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH)), as well as the Protein Diet Score and kidney function decline after one year of follow-up in elderly individuals with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods We prospectively analyzed 5675 participants (55-75 years) from the PREDIMED-Plus study. At baseline and at one year, we evaluated the creatinine-based estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and food-frequency questionnaires-derived dietary scores. Associations between four categories (decrease/maintenance and tertiles of increase) of each dietary pattern and changes in eGFR (ml/min/1.73m(2)) or >= 10% eGFR decline were assessed by fitting multivariable linear or logistic regression models, as appropriate. Results Participants in the highest tertile of increase in 17-item erMedDiet Score showed higher upward changes in eGFR (beta: 1.87 ml/min/1.73m(2); 95% CI: 1.00-2.73) and had lower odds of >= 10% eGFR decline (OR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.47-0.82) compared to individuals in the decrease/maintenance category, while Trichopoulou-MedDiet and DASH Scores were not associated with any renal outcomes. Those in the highest tertile of increase in Protein Diet Score had greater downward changes in eGFR (beta: - 0.87 ml/min/1.73m(2); 95% CI: - 1.73 to - 0.01) and 32% higher odds of eGFR decline (OR: 1.32; 95% CI: 1.00-1.75). Conclusions Among elderly individuals with overweight/obesity and MetS, only higher upward change in the 17-item erMedDiet score adherence was associated with better kidney function after one year. However, increasing Protein Diet Score appeared to have an adverse impact on kidney health. Trial Registration Number: ISRCTN89898870 (Data of registration: 2014).Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the official Spanish Institutions for funding scientific biomedical research, CIBER Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutricion (CIBEROBN) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (six coordinated FIS projects leaded by JS-S and JVi, including the following projects: PI13/00673, PI13/00492, PI13/00272, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI13/00233, PI13/02184, PI13/00728, PI13/01090, PI13/01056, PI14/01722, PI14/00636, PI14/00618, PI14/00696, PI14/01206, PI14/01919, PI14/00853, PI14/01374, PI14/00972, PI14/00728, PI14/01471, PI16/00473, PI16/00662, PI16/01873, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI16/00533, PI16/00381, PI16/00366, PI16/01522, PI16/01120, PI17/00764, PI17/01183, PI17/00855, PI17/01347, PI17/00525, PI17/01827, PI17/00532, PI17/00215, PI17/01441, PI17/00508, PI17/01732, PI17/00926, PI19/00957, PI19/00386, PI19/00309, PI19/01032, PI19/00576, PI19/00017, PI19/01226, PI19/00781, PI19/01560, PI19/01332, PI20/01802, PI20/00138, PI20/01532, PI20/00456, PI20/00339, PI20/00557, PI20/00886, PI20/01158); the Especial Action Project entitled: Implementacion y evaluacion de una intervencion intensiva sobre la actividad fisica Cohorte PREDIMED-Plus grant to JS-S; the European Research Council (Advanced Research Grant 2014-2019; agreement #340918) granted to MAMG.; the Recercaixa (number 2013ACUP00194) grant to JS-S; grants from the Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia (PI0458/2013, PS0358/2016, PI0137/2018); the PROMETEO/2017/017 and the PROMETEO 21/2021 grant from the Generalitat Valenciana; the SEMERGEN grant; the Boosting young talent call grant program for the development of IISPV research projects 2019-2021 (Ref.: 2019/IISPV/03 grant to AD-L); the Societat Catalana d'Endocrinologia i Nutricio (SCEN) Clinical-Research Grant 2019 (IPs: JS-S and AD-L). Collaborative Nutrition and/or Obesity Project for Young Researchers 2019 supported by CIBEROBN entitled: Lifestyle Interventions and Chronic Kidney Disease: Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Metabolomic Profile (LIKIDI study) grant to AD-L. Jordi Salas-Salvado, gratefully acknowledges the financial support by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme. M.R.-G., is supported by the Ministry of Education of Spain (FPU17/06488). None of the funding sources took part in the design, collection, analysis, interpretation of the data, or writing the report, or in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication