96 research outputs found

    Internship diversity & mobility: first experiences on spanish universities

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    Ponència presentada a 10 th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 7-9 març 2016.After 13 years of Jaume I University (UJI) experience on international mobility programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Placements, Socially-oriented internships in impoverished countries), more than 500 university students have benefited from them. The project coordination corresponds to the Careers Services (OIPEP), in consultation with a system of coordinators and tutors. As a result of this coordinated work, the quality of this project has been recognised several times by the Autonomous Organization of European Educational Programmes (AOEEP), bounded up with the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, Jaume I University (UJI) relies on a set of services implied on diversity such as the Support Educational Unity and the Careers Services, both of them linked to Vice-Rector for Students, Employment and Educational Innovation. Especially, the Diversity Attention Programme (DAP, 2015), implemented from the UJI's origination, is a model for the rest of the Spanish universities. As a matter of fact, UJI is nowadays in charge of coordinating the network of Service of Assistance to Disabled People (SADP). The Assistance Diversity Programme (DAP) pretends to give academic support to this university community which requires a specific educational need (SEN) and its teachers. Inside this context of international and diversity internships, we set the present paper, submitting a pioneering experience in Spain. Concretely, between the years 2013 and 2014 through Leonardo's programme (People in the Labour Market) we implemented an international internship with a graduated disabled students, sponsored by the AOEEP. The complexity of this international internship implied the creation of an ad-hoc group with professors and professional workers in the required areas for the good development of this task. The results were important, not only for our university, but for future and similar experiences in other universities

    Impact of preharvest and postharvest treatment combinations on increase of stilbene content in grape

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    Aims : Stilbene-enriched grape is an interesting new food product with numerous health-promoting properties, mainly due to its high added-value compound content, notably resveratrol. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different elicitors, alone or in combination with ultraviolet C light (UVC) postharvest treatment, on stilbene concentration in grapes. Methods and results : Three preharvest treatments were tested, namely benzothiadiazole, (BTH), methyl jasmonate (MEJA) and chitosan (CHIT). After harvesting, these treatments were combined with UVC postharvest treatment. The stilbene extraction method was validated method. Moreover, and grape quality was evaluated. Of the preharvest treatments, only BTH significantly increased trans-resveratrol concentration in grape, but this appears to be linked to a ripening delay. When pre- and postharvest treatments were combined, only the MEJA-UVC combination was successful in reducing by three days the day of maximum induction of stilbenes (trans resveratrol and piceatannol). Conclusion: The MEJA-UVC combination reached similar grape trans-resveratrol contents than UVC alone, but additionally the time to reach maximum trans-resveratrol after the UVC treatment was reduced by three days and therefore grape quality was preserved. Significance and impact of the study: The achieved results provide a potential treatment combination that allows functional grapes to be obtained in a shorter period than with UVC light alone, making it more applicable

    Efectividad de la simulación clínica en el desarrollo de habilidades de soporte vital en estudiantes de enfermería. Revisión integradora

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    Ponencia presentada a la I Jornada de cuidados de la salud basados en la evidencia en la Comunidad Valenciana "Hacia la excelencia en cuidados", Instituto de investigación sanitaria la Fe (Valencia), 7 de junio de 2018La simulación clínica permite el entrenamiento de forma sistemática y fiel a la realidad de un contexto clínico, donde los alumnos pueden realizar prácticas repetitivas sin comprometer la seguridad del paciente. La educación con simuladores es una parte esencial en el entrenamiento de resucitación cardiopulmonar. Los paros cardiacos suponen un problema de primera magnitud para la salud pública. En España, la incidencia corresponde a 24.500 paros cardíacos. La respuesta precisa y adecuada a un paciente en situación de paro cardiorrespiratorio es muy importante para los profesionales de enfermería que, generalmente, son los primeros en responder a esta emergencia clínica

    Variation of physic-chemical properties of horcal onion during storage under refrigeration depending on thetype of cultivar

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    [SPA] La cebolla de variedad “Horcal” es el ingrediente mayoritario para la elaboración de la morcilla de Burgos. Su uso es por tradición pero además, dado el carácter estacional y que son perecederas, cuando se utiliza otro tipo de cebolla, repercute tanto en el proceso de elaboración de la morcilla, principalmente en la etapa del amasado y del embutido, como en las características organolépticas de la morcilla. El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de las características fisicoquímicas de la cebolla “Horcal” y la evolución de ellas durante el período de conservación en refrigeración. Se pretende comprobar si la variación del suelo de cultivo, para el mismo tipo de semilla, influye en la caracterización de la cebolla de la variedad “Horcal”. Se han estudiado bulbos pertenecientes a cebolla, del tipo conocido como "Horcal", de seis procedencias cultivadas en tres localidades diferentes de Castilla y León: Palenzuela (Palencia), Gomezserracín (Segovia) y Santibáñez de Tera (Zamora). Se han conservado en refrigeración (4 ºC y 75% HR) hasta el inicio de su brotación (7,5 - 9 meses). Se han analizado las características fisicoquímicas de las cebollas antes y después del almacenamiento. De este estudio se deduce que existe una clara influencia del tipo de suelo de cultivo en la evolución de las características fisicoquímicas de los bulbos de cebolla. Estas diferencias se manifiestan tanto en el momento de la recolección como durante su conservación. Los parámetros en los que se produce mayor variación en función de las características del suelo de cultivo son: el contenido en azúcares (glucosa, fructosa y sacarosa), el ácido pirúvico, la fibra y la pérdida de agua por cocción. Las cebollas al final del almacenamiento presentan una disminución en el contenido en azúcares, un aumento en el contenido en ácido pirúvico y un mayor contenido en fibra. [ENG] “Horcal” onion is the main ingredient of “Morcilla de Burgos”, a cooked meat product. This variety is used mainly is for tradition, but also because when another variety of onion is included, some problems with the sausage mixture and stuffing of morcilla were frequent, and also in the sensorial characteristics of morcilla. The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of the physic-chemical properties of onion during the refrigeration storage, and the influence of the type of cultivars in the characterization of Horcal onion. Six cultivars of Horcal onion grown in three different places of Castilla y León: Palenzuela (Palencia), Gomezserracín (Segovia) y Santibáñez de Tera (Zamora) have been studied. Onions have been stored under refrigeration (4 ºC y 75% HR) until the beginning of sprout (7, 5 – 9 months). The characteristics physic-chemical of onion have been analysed before and after of storage. This study revealed the influence of the place of grown of onion in its characteristics. Differences were manifested at the harvest period and also before the storage under refrigeration. The most affected parameters were the sugar content (glucose, fructose and sucrose), the pyruvate levels, the fiber content and the lost of water by cooking. At the end of storage, Horcal onion presented a decrease of the sugar content and an increase in pyruvate levels and in the total dietary fiber content.Los autores quieren expresar su agradecimiento al Dr. A. Fombellida Villafruela y a D. F. Garrido Laurnaga del Departamento de Producción Vegetal y Recursos Forestales (ETSIA de Palencia, Universidad de Valladolid), por los análisis de suelos y seguimiento del desarrollo de las cebollas de la variedad Horcal. También agradecer a ITACYL (Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León) que ha sufragado parte de los gastos de este estudio

    Visual outcomes after bilateral implantation of a new diffractive multifocal IOL: Preliminary results

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    Background: The aim was to determine visual outcomes and patient satisfaction in patients undergoing cataract surgery after the binocular implant of multifocal difractive Intensity IOL Methods: 21 patients were evaluated. Six weeks after surgery, uncorrected distance visual acuity(UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity(CDVA), distance corrected intermediate visual acuity at 60 cm(DCIVA) and distance corrected near visual acuity at 40cm (DCNVA) were determined using the ETDRS test. Defocus curves were produced both in photopic and mesopic conditions. Contrast sensitivity(CSF) was measured using the CSV-1000 test. Patients were shown pictures about dysphotopic phenomena and informed about their meaning with a likert scale from 0 (no problem) to 4 (overwhelming). Results: Post implantation mean logMAR Binocular UDVA, CDVA, DCIVA and DCNVA were 0.07± 0.09, -0.01 ± 0.04, 0.08 ± 0.05 and 0.12 ± 0.06 respectively. Photopic defocus curve showed a extended range of good vision. Mesopic defocus curve results were better than previously reported with trifocal designs. Mean binocular CSF values for 4 spatial frequencies (3, 6, 12 and 18 cpd) were 1.55±0.29, 1.60±0.17, 1.29±0.26 and 0.81±0.15 log. units, respectively. Halos were more frequent than starburst and glare with a Likert scale mean value of 0.86±0.83. Conclusions: The IOL provided a continuous range of vision from distance to near. Patients were not bothered or only slightly bothered in relation to the visual disturbances.Unidad Docente de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLDepto. de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLFac. de Óptica y OptometríaFac. de MedicinaFALSEunpu

    Neuroprotective Effects of Low-Dose Statins in the Retinal Ultrastructure of Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits

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    To evaluate the pleiotropic effects to statins, we analyze the qualitative and quantitative retinal changes in hypercholesterolemic rabbits after a low-dosage statin treatment. For this purpose, New Zealand rabbits were split into three groups: control (G0; n = 10), fed a standard diet; hypercholesterolemic (G1; n = 8), fed a 0.5% cholesterol-enriched diet for 8 months; and statins (G2; n = 8), fed a 0.5% cholesterol-enriched diet for 8 months, together with the administration of statin (pravastatin or fluvastatin sodium) at a dose of 2 mg / kg / day each diet. The retinas were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry (glial fibrillary acidic protein). The retinal thickness of nuclear and plexiform layers were quantified in semi-thin sections. The results revealed that the low-statin-treated rabbits in comparison with the hypercholesterolemic group showed: i) a more preserved structure in all retinal layers; ii) a significant reduction in retinal thickness; iii) a decrease in cell death in the nuclear-and ganglion-cell layers; iv) a reduction of hydropic degeneration in the plexiform and nerve-fiber layers; v) a preservation of astrocytes and of the retinal area occupied by them; and vi) a better-preserved retinal vascular structure. Our findings indicate that low doses of statins can prevent retinal degeneration, acting on retinal macroglia, neurons and retinal vessels, despite that hypercholesterolemia remained unchanged. Thus, the pleiotropic effects of the statins may help safeguard the retinal ultrastructure

    Determinants of Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Pain Among Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in Spain

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    Background: All nurses should receive training and education regarding pain as part of their pre-graduate stage, as its assessment and appropriate management when treating patients largely depends on them. With the right knowledge it is possible to reduce its high prevalence, as well as the serious consequences it can lead to. Aim: To determine the level of knowledge and attitudes towards pain of final-year nursing students in Spain. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study using a convenience sample of five Spanish universities during the academic year 2020-2021. The Spanish version of the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) was used. In addition, socio-demographic variables such as age, sex, relationship status, employment status, and the number of dependants were collected. The specific palliative or oncology subjects of each university was also assessed. Results: A total of 224 questionnaires were collected. One of the nursing universities obtained the best score in the KASRP (59.75%) which was significant (p = .001). This university was the only one that offers specific subjects in palliative or oncologic care. A training deficit in aspects related to pain assessment and pharmacologic concepts was detected. We found no relationship between the KASRP and the different sociodemographic variables. Conclusions: Specific training in palliative care improves the students' knowledge regarding pain, although the results did not reach an acceptable minimum. The universities' training programs for Spanish students need to be adapted in order to achieve better results


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    Las labores de limpieza sistemática efectuadas en los paneles pintados y grabados de la Cueva Chiquita (Cañamero, Cáceres) durante los meses de junio y julio de 2008 con el fin de acondicionar su interior y entorno para la visita pública, acompañadas de los oportunos sondeos arqueológicos y análisis de pigmentos, han posibilitado la revisión y recuperación para el público de uno de los conjuntos de pintura rupestre esquemática más tempranamente conocidos y más notables de la Alta Extremadura. En el presente trabajo se detallan las principales conclusiones de estos nuevos estudios operados en el abrigo, junto a una relectura de sus figuraciones rupestres favorecida por la mejora de su visibilidad