1,966 research outputs found

    Scalar GW detection with a hollow spherical antenna

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    We study the response and cross sections for the absorption of GW energy in a Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory by a resonant mass detector shaped as a hollow sphere.Comment: latex file, 9 page

    Sensitivity of spherical gravitational-wave detectors to a stochastic background of non-relativistic scalar radiation

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    We analyze the signal-to-noise ratio for a relic background of scalar gravitational radiation composed of massive, non-relativistic particles, interacting with the monopole mode of two resonant spherical detectors. We find that the possible signal is enhanced with respect to the differential mode of the interferometric detectors. This enhancement is due to: {\rm (a)} the absence of the signal suppression, for non-relativistic scalars, with respect to a background of massless particles, and {\rm (b)} for flat enough spectra, a growth of the signal with the observation time faster than for a massless stochastic background.Comment: four pages, late

    Trait mindfulness at baseline predicts increases in telomerase activity over time

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    Introduction Preliminary investigations of cross-sectional samples have linked trait mindfulness with measures related to the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA)-mediated stress response and to the inflammatory system, suggesting that this is one potential pathway linking mindfulness based interventions and health. However, no previous studies explored the association between the trait mindfulness construct and markers of cellular ageing. Methods In the current study we examined in a sample of healthy mothers (n = 92) of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (i.e. women showing high levels of chronic psychological stress) the prospective associations between a multidimensional scale of trait mindfulness, the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), and telomerase activity (TA), a marker of cellular ageing and telomere homeostasis. Participants’ trait mindfulness and TA were assessed at baseline as well as 9 and 18 month follow-up. Results Analysis showed that higher levels of baseline mindfulness on FFMQ observation and describe subscales were related to increase in TA from baseline to 9 month (r = 0.27, P = 0.03 and r = 0.24, P = .04, respectively). Additionally, the FFMQ Describe subscale was related to increase in TA from baseline to 18 month (r = .30, P = .02). Results are reported following covariate adjustment of age, BMI, ethnicity, and education. Discussion Our results showed that higher levels of baseline mindfulness are associated with higher increases in TA after 9 months and 18 months, with increased TA reportedly being associated with decreased oxidative damage, increased telomere length and overall more functional cellular physiology. These findings support a role of mindfulness-related interventions to increase general and mental health

    Bosonic Helium droplets with cationic impurities: onset of electrostriction and snowball effects from quantum calculations

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    Variational MonteCarlo and Diffusion MonteCarlo calculations have been carried out for cations like Li+^+, Na+^+ and K+^+ as dopants of small helium clusters over a range of cluster sizes up to about 12 solvent atoms. The interaction has been modelled through a sum-of-potential picture that disregards higher order effects beyond atom-atom and atom-ion contributions. The latter were obtained from highly correlated ab-initio calculations over a broad range of interatomic distances. This study focuses on two of the most striking features of the microsolvation in a quantum solvent of a cationic dopant: electrostriction and snowball effects. They are here discussed in detail and in relation with the nanoscopic properties of the interaction forces at play within a fully quantum picture of the clusters features

    Wideband dual sphere detector of gravitational waves

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    We present the concept of a sensitive AND broadband resonant mass gravitational wave detector. A massive sphere is suspended inside a second hollow one. Short, high-finesse Fabry-Perot optical cavities read out the differential displacements of the two spheres as their quadrupole modes are excited. At cryogenic temperatures one approaches the Standard Quantum Limit for broadband operation with reasonable choices for the cavity finesses and the intracavity light power. A molybdenum detector of overall size of 2 m, would reach spectral strain sensitivities of 2x10^-23/Sqrt{Hz} between 1000 Hz and 3000 Hz.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Changed content. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Dark Matter searches using gravitational wave bar detectors: quark nuggets and newtorites

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    Many experiments have searched for supersymmetric WIMP dark matter, with null results. This may suggest to look for more exotic possibilities, for example compact ultra-dense quark nuggets, widely discussed in literature with several different names. Nuclearites are an example of candidate compact objects with atomic size cross section. After a short discussion on nuclearites, the result of a nuclearite search with the gravitational wave bar detectors Nautilus and Explorer is reported. The geometrical acceptance of the bar detectors is 19.5 m2\rm m^2 sr, that is smaller than that of other detectors used for similar searches. However, the detection mechanism is completely different and is more straightforward than in other detectors. The experimental limits we obtain are of interest because, for nuclearites of mass less than 10510^{-5} g, we find a flux smaller than that one predicted considering nuclearites as dark matter candidates. Particles with gravitational only interactions (newtorites) are another example. In this case the sensitivity is quite poor and a short discussion is reported on possible improvements.Comment: published on Astroparticle Physics Sept 25th 2016 replaced fig 1

    Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background Detection with Resonant-Mass Detectors

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    In this paper we discuss how the standard optimal Wiener filter theory can be applied, within a linear approximation, to the detection of an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background with two or more detectors. We apply then the method to the AURIGA-NAUTILUS pair of ultra low temperature bar detectors, near to operate in coincidence in Italy, obtaining an estimate for the sensitivity to the background spectral density of $\simeq 10^{-49}\ Hz^{-1},thatconvertstoanenergydensityperunitlogarithmicfrequencyof, that converts to an energy density per unit logarithmic frequency of \simeq 8\times10^{-5}\times\rho_cwith with \rho_c\simeq1.9 \times 10^{-26}\ kg/m^3theclosuredensityoftheUniverse.WealsoshowthatbyaddingtheVIRGOinterferometricdetectorunderconstructioninItalytothearray,andbyproperlyreorientingthedetectors,onecanreachasensitivityof the closure density of the Universe. We also show that by adding the VIRGO interferometric detector under construction in Italy to the array, and by properly re- orienting the detectors, one can reach a sensitivity of \simeq 6 \times10^{-5}\times\rho_c.WethencalculatethatthepairformedbyVIRGOandonelargemasssphericaldetectorproperlylocatedinoneofthenearbyavailablesitesinItalycanreahasensitivityof. We then calculate that the pair formed by VIRGO and one large mass spherical detector properly located in one of the nearby available sites in Italy can reah a sensitivity of \simeq 2\times10^{-5}\times \rho_cwhileapairofsuchsphericaldetectorsatthesamesitesofAURIGAandNAUTILUScanachievesensitivitiesof while a pair of such spherical detectors at the same sites of AURIGA and NAUTILUS can achieve sensitivities of \simeq 2 \times10^{-6}\rho_c$.Comment: 32 pages, postscript file, also available at http://axln01.lnl.infn.it/reports/stoch.htm

    Testing Theories of Gravity with a Spherical Gravitational Wave Detector

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    We consider the possibility of discriminating different theories of gravity using a recently proposed gravitational wave detector of spherical shape. We argue that the spin content of different theories can be extracted relating the measurements of the excited spheroidal vibrational eigenmodes to the Newman-Penrose parameters. The sphere toroidal modes cannot be excited by any metric GW and can be thus used as a veto.Comment: latex file, 16 pages, 1 figur

    Quark nuggets search using 2350 Kg gravitational waves aluminum bar detectors

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    The gravitational wave resonant detectors can be used as detectors of quark nuggets, like nuclearites (nuclear matter with a strange quark). This search has been carried out using data from two 2350 Kg, 2 K cooled, aluminum bar detectors: NAUTILUS, located in Frascati (Italy), and EXPLORER, that was located in CERN Geneva (CH). Both antennas are equipped with cosmic ray shower detectors: signals in the bar due to showers are continuously detected and used to characterize the antenna performances. The bar excitation mechanism is based on the so called thermo-acoustic effect, studied on dedicated experiments that use particle beams. This mechanism predicts that vibrations of bars are induced by the heat deposited in the bar from the particle. The geometrical acceptance of the bar detectors is 19.5 m2\rm m^2 sr, that is smaller than that of other detectors used for similar searches. However, the detection mechanism is completely different and is more straightforward than in other detectors. We will show the results of ten years of data from NAUTILUS (2003-2012) and 7 years from EXPLORER (2003-2009). The experimental limits we obtain are of interest because, for nuclearites of mass less than 10410^{-4} grams, we find a flux smaller than that one predicted considering nuclearites as dark matter candidates.Comment: presented to the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference Rio de Janeiro 201

    Variable binding, symmetric monoidal closed theories, and bigraphs

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    This paper investigates the use of symmetric monoidal closed (SMC) structure for representing syntax with variable binding, in particular for languages with linear aspects. In our setting, one first specifies an SMC theory T, which may express binding operations, in a way reminiscent from higher-order abstract syntax. This theory generates an SMC category S(T) whose morphisms are, in a sense, terms in the desired syntax. We apply our approach to Jensen and Milner's (abstract binding) bigraphs, which are linear w.r.t. processes. This leads to an alternative category of bigraphs, which we compare to the original.Comment: An introduction to two more technical previous preprints. Accepted at Concur '0