146 research outputs found

    About the use of time on argumentative systems

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    There are many areas in Computer Science where time plays an important role. Artificial Intelligence is one of them. In this particular area Defeasible Logic Programming (DeLP) was developed to cope with incomplete and potentially inconsistent information. This formalism combines results from Logic Programming and Defeasible Argumentation. DeLP in particular provides the possibility of representing defeasible information in a declarative way and a defeasible argumentation inference mechanism to warrant conclusions. Although this formalism and Defeasible logic programming in general are very useful has left apart an issue that is crucial on several kind of problems, namely time. There are also many developments that face temporal reasoning, in particular Event Calculus, but non of them consider defeasible information or what to do if we have incomplete or not completely reliable information. In this work we try to attempt an exploration of a possible combination of these two reasoning areas, temporal and defeasible.Eje: VI Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Events, time and argumentative systems

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    The accomplishment of systems with abilities to reason about actions and change and systems that can manage incomplete or not very reliable information with abilities to discuss or argument has been of great importance for artificial intelligence community. These two ways of reasoning were attacked independently, but they are complementary, since a lot of applications need of both, since all dynamic systems (dynamic on information) counts with uncomplete information and information that depends on events and time. The line of investigation suggested on this present work tries to achieve a system that can reason about action and at the same time can elaborate a discussion, i. e. intends to conciliate argumentative systems with reasoning about actions and change or temporal reasoning.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Simulators for teaching formal languages and automata theory: a comparative survey

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    Formal languages and automata theory (FL&AT) are central subjects in the CS curricula which are usually diffcult both to teach and to learn. This situation has motivated the development of a number of computer simulators as educational tools which allow the student to implement and `bring to life' many topics which traditionally were studied and analyzed mathematically rather than algorithmically. This paper discusses the main features of several educational software tools currently available for teaching FL&AT. Advantages and weaknesses of different tools are analyzed and contrasted. Based in our experience, some rationales and practical considerations for the development of this kind of educational tools are proposed.Eje: Tecnología aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    EMTPL and its relation to first order logic

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    Time and change are notions that seems unavoidable in some areas of work and investigation, languages that can deal with these notions are necessary. At the same time, methods for a proper time handling are quite complex, mainly because problem’s complexity and variety of solutions. Between the languages developed to cover these expectations, under a specific view of time, are [Cobo and Augusto, 1999a] EMTLP and a metric temporal logic’s fragment, bounded universal Horn formulae analyzed by Brzoska [Brzoska, 1998]. Although both of them performed metric temporal programming, they face this fact from different perspectives. In this work we are going to try a comparison between them after a short overview over each. In this first stage we present a way of representing EMTPL’s in first order logic using Brzoska’s approximation as a bridge, and we also compare some aspects of both programming languages.Eje: I - Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards a comparison criteria for CDeLP

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    The development of systems with the ability to reason about change notion and actions has been of great importance for the artificial intelligence community. The definition and implementation of systems capable of managing defeasible, incomplete, unreliable, or uncertain information has been also an area of much interest. With a few exceptions research on these two ways of reasoning was independently pursued. Nevertheless, they are complementary and closely related, since many applications that deal with defeasible information also depends on the occurrence of events and time. DeLP is an argumentative system appropriate for commonsense reasoning. The defeasible argumentation basis of DeLP allows to build applications that deal with incomplete and contradictory information in dynamic domains. Thus, the resulting approach is suitable for representing agent’s knowledge and for providing an argumentation based reasoning mechanism for that agent (see for example [6, 1]). It is interesting to extend this system adding mechanisms to manage events and time as CDeLP [7]. Here we analyze how to develop a comparison criteria for arguments built up from causal information and considers commonsense rules of inertia.VIII Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An extension to EMTPL

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    The development of languages allowing a proper handling of time is important in many areas of computer science because the capability to deal with the notions of change and time are essential to solve their problems. In the development of EMTPL [CA99a] we focused the research work in making the languages useful in the area of databases, where some problems demand the possibility to represent and use temporal information. We achieve that goal, although we managed the negation in a way that causes the lost of some properties of the underlying logic. This logic was deeply studied and it is one of the most famous metric temporal logics [Pri67a]. The main idea of this work is to extend EMTPL by the addition of a new operator, and also grant the negation with its logic meaning.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Dealing with Qualitative and Quantitative Features in Legal Domains

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    In this work, we enrich a formalism for argumentation by including a formal characterization of features related to the knowledge, in order to capture proper reasoning in legal domains. We add meta-data information to the arguments in the form of labels representing quantitative and qualitative data about them. These labels are propagated through an argumentative graph according to the relations of support, conflict, and aggregation between arguments.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1903.0186

    Combining a causal language with argumentation: a first approach

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    The development of systems with the ability to reason about change notion and actions has been of great importance for the artificial intelligence community. The definition and implementation of systems capable of managing defeasible, incomplete, unreliable, or uncertain information has been also an area of much interest. With a few exceptions research on these two ways of reasoning was independently pursued. Nevertheless, they are complementary and closely related, since many applications that deal with defeasible information also depends on the occurrence of events and time. DeLP is an argumentative system appropriate for commonsense reasoning. It is interesting to extend this system adding mechanisms to manage events and time. Here we analyze some of the consequences of changing DeLP representation language introducing Event Calculus syntax, particularly the role played by the commonsense rules of inertiaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Hacia una teoría de revisión temporal

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    Uno de los aspectos que no ha sido considerado en forma profunda en el area de revisi on de creencias es el de como tratar con informaci on temporal, es decir informaci on que no solo hace referencia al tiempo, sino que tambi en depende de el. Los formalismos actuales de revisi on de creencias utilizan principalmente un lenguaje proposicional, sin contar con operadores modales con referencias temporales. Esto representa una limitaci on importante puesto que el tiempo es un factor determinante para la toma de decisiones, fundamentalmente, en entornos computacionales y en las formalizaciones de estos. En estos entornos, al producirse un cambio en la informaci on, la relevancia del cambio no est a s olo puesta en el que sino tambi en en el cuando se produce esa modi caci on. En este trabajo brindaremos las bases para dar comienzo a una teor a de revisi on de creencias temporal, en la cual la representaci on del tiempo es adoptada en la forma de operadores modales temporales.Eje: Teoría (TEOR)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Revisión temporal: algunos postulados

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    Uno de los aspectos que no ha sido considerado en forma profunda en el área de revisión de creencias es el de la información temporal. La mayoría de los formalismos de revisión de creencias utilizan un lenguaje proposicional. Algunas aproximaciones intentan atacar el problema de revisar información modal pero sin mencionar operadores temporales, sino como una interpretación modal, dejando muchas veces de lado las particularidades del tiempo. Previamente se ha intentado el desarrollo de este tipo de teorías de revisión sobre un conjunto demasiado complejo y extenso de operadores. Es por ello que se presentará un punto de partida más reducido, pero que permita futuras extensiones.Eje: Inteligencia artificial distribuida, aspectos teóricos de la inteligencia artificial y teoría de computaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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