1,731 research outputs found

    Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets

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    The much-studied relationship between domestic rivalry and export performance consists of those supporting a national-champion rationale, and those supporting a rivalry rationale. While the empirical literature generally supports the positive effects of domestic rivalry, the national-champion rationale actually rests on firmer theoretical ground. We address this inconsistency by providing a theoretical framework that illustrates three paths via which domestic rivalry translates into enhanced international exports. Furthermore, empirical tests on the world airline industry elicit the existence of one particular path - an enhanced firm performance effect - that connects domestic rivalry with improved international exports

    In medium T matrix for neutron matter

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    We calculate the equation of state of pure neutron matter, comparing the G-matrix calculation with the in-medium T-matrix result. At low densities, we obtain similar energies per nucleon, however some differences appear at higher densities. We use the self-consistent spectral functions from the T-matrix approach to calculate the 1S0 superfluid gap including self-energy effects. We find a reduction of the superfluid gap by 30%

    Low Temperature Measurements by Infrared Spectroscopy in CoFe2_2O4_4 Ceramic

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    In this paper results of new far-infrared and middle-infrared measurements (wavenumber range of 4000cm-1 - 100cm-1) in the range of the temperature from 300K to 8K of the CoFe2O4 ceramic are presented. The bands positions and their shapes are the same in the wide temperature range. The quality of the sample was investigated by X-ray, EDS and EPMA studies. The CoFe2O4 reveals the cubic structure (Fd-3m) in the temperature range from 85K to 360 K without any traces of distortion. On the current level of knowledge the polycrystalline CoFe2O4 does not exhibit phase transition in the temperature range from 8 K to 300 K.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Spectroscopy of formaldehyde in the 30140-30790cm^-1 range

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    Room-temperature absorption spectroscopy of formaldehyde has been performed in the 30140-30790cm^-1 range. Using tunable ultraviolet continuous-wave laser light, individual rotational lines are well resolved in the Doppler-broadened spectrum. Making use of genetic algorithms, the main features of the spectrum are reproduced. Spectral data is made available as Supporting Information

    Rates and style of Cenozoic deformation around the Gonghe basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau

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    The northeastern Tibetan Plateau constitutes a transitional region between the lowrelief physiographic plateau to the south and the high-relief ranges of the Qilian Shan to the north. Cenozoic deformation across this margin of the plateau is associated with localized growth of fault-cored mountain ranges and associated basins. Herein, we combine detailed structural analysis of the geometry of range-bounding faults and deformation of foreland basin strata with geomorphic and exhumational records of erosion in hangingwall ranges in order to investigate the magnitude, timing, and style of deformation along the two primary fault systems, the Qinghai Nan Shan and the Gonghe Nan Shan. Structural mapping shows that both ranges have developed above imbricate fans of listric thrust faults, which sole into décollements in the middle crust. Restoration of shortening along balanced cross sections suggests a minimum of 0.8-2.2 km and 5.1-6.9 km of shortening, respectively. Growth strata in the associated foreland basin record the onset of deformation on the two fault systems at ca. 6-10 Ma and ca. 7-10 Ma, respectively, and thus our analysis suggests late Cenozoic shortening rates of 0.2 +0.2/-0.1 km/m.y. and 0.7 +0.3/-0.2 km/m.y. along the north and south sides of Gonghe Basin. Along the Qinghai Nan Shan, these rates are similar to late Pleistocene slip rates of ~0.10 ± 0.04 mm/yr, derived from restoration and dating of a deformed alluvial-fan surface. Collectively, our results imply that deformation along both flanks of the doubly vergent Qilian Shan-Nan Shan initiated by ca. 10 Ma and that subsequent shortening has been relatively steady since that time

    Jastrow-type calculations of one-nucleon removal reactions on open ss-dd shell nuclei

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    Single-particle overlap functions and spectroscopic factors are calculated on the basis of Jastrow-type one-body density matrices of open-shell nuclei constructed by using a factor cluster expansion. The calculations use the relationship between the overlap functions corresponding to bound states of the (A−1)(A-1)-particle system and the one-body density matrix for the ground state of the AA-particle system. In this work we extend our previous analyses of reactions on closed-shell nuclei by using the resulting overlap functions for the description of the cross sections of (p,d)(p,d) reactions on the open ss-dd shell nuclei 24^{24}Mg, 28^{28}Si and 32^{32}S and of 32^{32}S(e,e′p)(e,e^{\prime}p) reaction. The relative role of both shell structure and short-range correlations incorporated in the correlation approach on the spectroscopic factors and the reaction cross sections is pointed out.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    In medium T-matrix for superfluid nuclear matter

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    We study a generalized ladder resummation in the superfluid phase of the nuclear matter. The approach is based on a conserving generalization of the usual T-matrix approximation including also anomalous self-energies and propagators. The approximation here discussed is a generalization of the usual mean-field BCS approach and of the in medium T-matrix approximation in the normal phase. The numerical results in this work are obtained in the quasi-particle approximation. Properties of the resulting self-energy, superfluid gap and spectral functions are studied.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figures, Introduction rewritten, Refs. adde

    Low-temperature thermochronometry along the Kunlun and Haiyuan Faults, NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence for kinematic change during late-stage orogenesis

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    The Tibetan Plateau is a prime example of a collisional orogen with widespread strike-slip faults whose age and tectonic significance remain controversial. We present new low-temperature thermochronometry to date periods of exhumation associated with Kunlun and Haiyuan faulting, two major strike-slip faults within the northeastern margin of Tibet. Apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He and apatite fission-track ages, which record exhumation from ∼2 to 6 km crustal depths, provide minimum bounds on fault timing. Results from Kunlun samples show increased exhumation rates along the western fault segment at circa 12-8 Ma with a possible earlier phase of motion from ∼30-20 Ma, along the central fault segment at circa 20-15 Ma, and along the eastern fault segment at circa 8-5 Ma. Combined with previous studies, our results suggest that motion along the Haiyuan fault may have occurred as early as ∼15 Ma along the western/central fault segment before initiating at least by 10-8 Ma along the eastern fault tip. We relate an ∼250 km wide zone of transpressional shear to synchronous Kunlun and Haiyuan fault motion and suggest that the present-day configuration of active faults along the northeastern margin of Tibet was likely established since middle Miocene time. We interpret the onset of transpression to relate to the progressive confinement of Tibet against rigid crustal blocks to the north and expansion of crustal thickening to the east during the later stages of orogen development. Key Points Low-T thermochronometry dates periods of exhumation along NE Tibet faults Left-lateral faulting by mid-to-late Miocene along the Kunlun and Haiyuan Faults Shift to widespread lateral faulting in late stage of Tibet collisional histor
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