281 research outputs found

    The professional socialization of graduating students in generic and two-plus-two baccalaureate completion nursing programs

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    Health care in the United States has experienced rapid and dramatic changes in the last decade. Changes within the health care system have resulted in major transitions within the profession of nursing. This nonexperimental, descriptive study explored the professional socialization of graduating students of two-plus two baccalaureate completion nursing programs as compared with the professional socialization of graduating students of generic baccalaureate programs. The difference in professional role socialization between students from the two basic RN education programs prior to BSN completion was also explored.;The study explored the relationship between professional role socialization and age, and for the baccalaureate completion students, the relationship between professional role socialization and years of employment as a RN, and professional role socialization and area of major nursing experience. The survey population was graduating students from NLN accredited baccalaureate nursing programs, both generic and two-plus-two completion, in a 15-state region. The general model of socialization developed by Hinshaw (1977) provided the theoretical basis for this study.;Autonomy, noted as a mark of professionalism, was measured by the Nursing Activity Scale (NAS) developed by Schutzenhofer (1987). No significant difference was found between the level of professional socialization of graduating students of two-plus-two baccalaureate completion nursing programs and graduating students of generic baccalaureate programs. No significant difference was found in professional socialization between students from the two basic RN education programs prior to BSN completion. No significant relationship was found between professional socialization and age for all the respondents, and between professional socialization and years of employment as a RN, and professional role socialization and area of major nursing experience for the baccalaureate completion students.;Although the movement toward the baccalaureate degree as entry into practice is a goal that will move nursing closer to recognition by other disciplines as a true profession, there is currently a need to provide continuing education for the many who do not have a baccalaureate degree. The creation and development of baccalaureate completion programs should be encouraged so that nurses with a diploma or an associate degree will have an avenue for furthering their education

    Facilitating Research and Collaborative Learning in a Somali Community

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    Due to an increasingly diverse world, healthcare researchers should consider collaborative research within a cultural community in order to provide holistic care for all patients. One of the key steps in cultural research is establishing relationships with leaders within that cultural community. Because the Somali group is such a large cultural group in the state of Minnesota, two Caucasian nurse researchers from an academic institution used several methods to connect and build trust within the Somali community in preparation for a study designed to discover and understand the birth experience of immigrant Somali new mothers. Through the process of conducting research within the Somali community, several lessons were learned and a number of surprises were revealed. Following the research, a continued relationship with the community resulted in collaborative learning opportunities. This collaboration is of mutual benefit to healthcare providers and the cultural community

    African forest elephant movements depend on time scale and individual behavior.

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    The critically endangered African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) plays a vital role in maintaining the structure and composition of Afrotropical forests, but basic information is lacking regarding the drivers of elephant movement and behavior at landscape scales. We use GPS location data from 96 individuals throughout Gabon to determine how five movement behaviors vary at different scales, how they are influenced by anthropogenic and environmental covariates, and to assess evidence for behavioral syndromes-elephants which share suites of similar movement traits. Elephants show some evidence of behavioral syndromes along an 'idler' to 'explorer' axis-individuals that move more have larger home ranges and engage in more 'exploratory' movements. However, within these groups, forest elephants express remarkable inter-individual variation in movement behaviours. This variation highlights that no two elephants are the same and creates challenges for practitioners aiming to design conservation initiatives

    An assessment of high carbon stock and high conservation value approaches to sustainable oil palm cultivation in Gabon

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    Industrial-scale oil palm cultivation is rapidly expanding in Gabon, where it has the potential to drive economic growth, but also threatens forest, biodiversity and carbon resources. The Gabonese government is promoting an ambitious agricultural expansion strategy, while simultaneously committing to minimize negative environmental impacts of oil palm agriculture. This study estimates the extent and location of suitable land for oil palm cultivation in Gabon, based on an analysis of recent trends in plantation permitting. We use the resulting suitability map to evaluate two proposed approaches to minimizing negative environmental impacts: a High Carbon Stock (HCS) approach, which emphasizes forest protection and climate change mitigation, and a High Conservation Value (HCV) approach, which focuses on safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems. We quantify the forest area, carbon stock, and biodiversity resources protected under each approach, using newly developed maps of priority species distributions and forest biomass for Gabon. We find 2.7–3.9 Mha of suitable or moderately suitable land that avoid HCS areas, 4.4 million hectares (Mha) that avoid HCV areas, and 1.2–1.7 Mha that avoid both. This suggests that Gabon's oil palm production target could likely be met without compromising important ecosystem services, if appropriate safeguards are put in place. Our analysis improves understanding of suitability for oil palm in Gabon, determines how conservation strategies align with national targets for oil palm production, and informs national land use planning

    Forest elephant movement and habitat use in a tropical forest-grassland mosaic in Gabon

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    Poaching of forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) for ivory has decimated their populations in Central Africa. Studying elephant movement can provide insight into habitat and resource use to reveal where, when, and why they move and guide conservation efforts. We fitted 17 forest elephants with global positioning system (GPS) collars in 2015 and 2016 in the tropical forest-grassland mosaic of the Wonga Wongué Presidential Reserve (WW), Gabon. Using the location data, we quantified movement distances, home ranges, and habitat use to examine the environmental drivers of elephant movements and predict where elephants occur spatially and temporally. Forest elephants, on average, traveled 2,840 km annually and had home ranges of 713 km2, with males covering significantly larger home ranges than females. Forest elephants demonstrated both daily and seasonal movement patterns. Daily, they moved between forest and grassland at dawn and dusk. Seasonally, they spent proportionally more time in grassland than forest during the short-wet season when grasses recruit. Forest elephants also traveled faster during the short-wet season when fruit availability was greatest, likely reflecting long, direct movements to preferred fruiting tree species. Forest elephants tended to select areas with high tree and shrub density that afford cover and browse. When villages occurred in their home ranges elephants spent a disproportionate amount of time near them, particularly in the dry season, probably for access to agricultural crops and preferred habitat. Given the importance of the grassland habitat for elephants, maintenance of the forest-grassland matrix is a conservation priority in WW. Law enforcement, outreach, and education should focus on areas of potential human-elephant conflict near villages along the borders of the reserve. GPS-tracking should be extended into multi-use areas in the peripheries of protected areas to evaluate the effects of human disturbance on elephant movements and to maintain connectivity among elephant populations in Gabon

    Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes

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    It has long been believed that plant species from the tropics have higher levels of traits associated with resistance to herbivores than do species from higher latitudes. A meta-analysis recently showed that the published literature does not support this theory. However, the idea has never been tested using data gathered with consistent methods from a wide range of latitudes. We quantified the relationship between latitude and a broad range of chemical and physical traits across 301 species from 75 sites world-wide. Six putative resistance traits, including tannins, the concentration of lipids (an indicator of oils, waxes and resins), and leaf toughness were greater in highlatitude species. Six traits, including cyanide production and the presence of spines, were unrelated to latitude. Only ash content (an indicator of inorganic substances such as calcium oxalates and phytoliths) and the properties of species with delayed greening were higher in the tropics. Our results do not support the hypothesis that tropical plants have higher levels of resistance traits than do plants from higher latitudes. If anything, plants have higher resistance toward the poles. The greater resistance traits of high-latitude species might be explained by the greater cost of losing a given amount of leaf tissue in low-productivity environments.EEA Santa CruzFil: Moles, Angela T. The University of New South Wales. School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences. Evolution & Ecology Research Centre; Australia.Fil: Moles, Angela T. Victoria University of Wellington. School of Biological Sciences; Nueva ZelandiaFil: Moles, Angela T. Australian National University. Research School of Biology; Australia.Fil: Moles, Angela T. Macquarie University. Department of Biological Sciences; Australia.Fil: Wallis, Ian R. Australian National University. Research School of Biology; Australia.Fil: Foley, William J. Australian National University. Research School of Biology; Australia.Fil: Warton, David I. The University of New South Wales. School of Mathematics and Statistics and Evolution & Ecology Research Centre; Australia.Fil: Stegen, James C. University of North Carolina. Department of Biology; Estados UnidosFil: Bisigato, Alejandro J. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina.Fil: Cella-Pizarro, Lucrecia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina.Fil: Clark, Connie J. Woods Hole Research Center; Estados UnidosFil: Cohen, Philippe S. Stanford University. Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve; Estados UnidosFil: Cornwell, William K. University of British Columbia. Biodiversity Research Centre; Canadá.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Prior, Lynda D. University of Tasmania. School of Plant Science; Australia

    A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial for a Multi-Level, Clinic-Based Smoking Cessation Program with Women in Appalachian Communities: Study Protocol for the Break Free Program

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    BACKGROUND: The cervical cancer burden is high among women living in Appalachia. Cigarette smoking, a cervical cancer risk factor, is also highly prevalent in this population. This project aims to increase smoking cessation among women living in Appalachia by embedding a smoking cessation program within a larger, integrated cervical cancer prevention program. METHODS: The broader program, the Take CARE study, is a multi-site research collaborative designed to address three risk factors for cervical cancer incidence and mortality: tobacco use, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and cervical cancer screening. Break Free is a primary care clinic-based implementation program that aims to promote smoking cessation among female smokers in Appalachia by standardizing clinical practice protocols. Break Free includes: (1) implementation of a tobacco user identification system in the Electronic Health Record, (2) clinic staff and provider training on the Ask, Advise and Refer (AAR) model, (3) provider implementation of AAR to identify and treat women who want to quit smoking within the next 6 months, (4) facilitated access to cessation phone counseling plus pharmacotherapy, and (5) the bundling of Break Free tobacco cessation with HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening interventions in an integrated approach to cervical cancer prevention. The study spans 35 Appalachian health clinics across 10 healthcare systems. We aim to enroll 51 adult female smokers per health system (total N = 510). Baseline and follow-up data will be obtained from participant (provider and patient) surveys. The primary outcome is self-reported 12-month point prevalence abstinence among enrolled patients. All randomized patients are asked to complete follow-up surveys, regardless of whether they participated in tobacco treatment. Data analysis of the primary aims will follow intent-to-treat methodology. Secondary outcomes will assess program implementation and cost effectiveness. DISCUSSION: Addressing high tobacco use rates is critical for reducing cervical cancer morbidity and mortality among women living in Appalachia. This study evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of a smoking cessation program in increasing smoking cessation among female smokers. If results demonstrate effectiveness and sustainability, implementation of this program into other health care clinics could reduce both rates of smoking and cervical cancer. Trial registration NCT04340531 (April 9, 2020)

    A necroptosis-independent function of RIPK3 promotes immune dysfunction and prevents control of chronic LCMV infection

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    Necroptosis is a lytic and inflammatory form of cell death that is highly constrained to mitigate detrimental collateral tissue damageand impaired immunity. These constraints make it difficult to define the relevance of necroptosis in diseases such as chronic andpersistent viral infections and within individual organ systems. The role of necroptotic signalling is further complicated becauseproteins essential to this pathway, such as receptor interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) and mixed lineage kinase domain-like(MLKL), have been implicated in roles outside of necroptotic signalling. We sought to address this issue by individually defining therole of RIPK3 and MLKL in chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. We investigated if necroptosis contributesto the death of LCMV-specific CD8+ T cells or virally infected target cells during infection. We provide evidence showing thatnecroptosis was redundant in the pathogenesis of acute forms of LCMV (Armstrong strain) and the early stages of chronic (Docilestrain) LCMV infection in vivo. The number of immune cells, their specificity and reactivity towards viral antigens and viral loads arenot altered in the absence of either MLKL or RIPK3 during acute and during the early stages of chronic LCMV infection. However, weidentified that RIPK3 promotes immune dysfunction and prevents control of infection at later stages of chronic LCMV disease. Thiswas not phenocopied by the loss of MLKL indicating that the phenotype was driven by a necroptosis-independent function ofRIPK3. We provide evidence that RIPK3 signaling evoked a dysregulated type 1 interferone response which we linked to animpaired antiviral immune response and abrogated clearance of chronic LCMV infectio