74 research outputs found

    La memoria en anuncios publicitarios y su posible aplicabilidad en el contexto escolar

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    La memoria es un proceso psicológico de gran importancia en la adquisición de mensajes publicitarios. Estudios previos han mostrado el valor de la memoria explícita o estratégica y de la memoria implícita. Otra variable que puede afectar al recuerdo es la disponibilidad de tiempo para el repaso de los estímulos presentados. Con el objetivo de verificar el efecto de la codificación y recuperación extrínsecas, así como del tiempo de exposición, se realizó un experimento con 84 estudiantes de Ciencias de la Información, que fueron asignados aleatoriamente a tres grupos. Se les presentó una serie de 30 anuncios publicitarios repartidos en tres listas que diferían en el tiempo de exposición. Los resultados muestran que los primeros y los últimos anuncios son los más recordados y que disminuye el recuerdo de los anuncios presentados en los primeros lugares, a medida que aumenta el tiempo de exposición de los mismos. Se interpretan los resultados en relación con la literatura previa y su posible aplicación al contexto escola

    Percepción de disponibilidad temporal : efectos sobre los resultados en evaluaciones de niños de sexto de primaria

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar hasta qué punto la percepción de disponer de un tiempo diferente del real repercute en el rendimiento en situaciones de evaluación. Un total de 92 alumnos de 6º de primaria, repartidos aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos de 23, realizaron la prueba de concepción espacial del test PMA. A pesar de que cada grupo en realidad dispuso de 5 minutos, se les indicó que dispondrían de: 3 minutos; 5 minutos; 7 minutos; y tiempo ilimitado, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que una percepción de disponibilidad temporal moderadamente mayor a la real mejora de manera significativa el desempeño, repercutiendo especialmente en un menor número de errores. Estos resultados permiten plantear mejoras en el proceso de evaluación, tanto académica como psicométricaThe aim of this research is to test weather the perception of time availability different from the actual task time might modify the task's outcome. 92 students of Sixth Grade, randomized in 4 different groups were tested with the PMA spatial scale for a period. Although each group indeed had 5 minutes to respond, they were informed that the available time was: 3 minutes; 5 minutes; 7 minutes; and no time limit, respectively. Results show that the perception of a slightly larger availability of time improves significantly the performance, being the errors notably lesser than those in the other groups. Such results support some lines of evaluation processes enhancement, both academic and psychometri

    Assessment of implicit interests through an unobtrusive computer task. Their relations with career decision, anxiety, and personality traits

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    Adolescence is a period where youngsters still do not know much about themselves. That makes some decisions, like those concerning vocational elections, a complicated issue that has important consequences for their life. The main goal of this piece of research is to measure implicit interests using a situated, unobtrusive computer tool (PrUnAs: Preferences Unobtrusive Assessment) as well as its connection with anxiety and personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, self-efficacy, optimism, consciousness, and openness. Sample: 304 16-year-old adolescents enrolled in the last course of compulsory education. Instruments: Computer programs were used to measure implicit interests, career preferences, and to self-descript personality traits; finally, the paper-and-pencil test Stai was applied to measure anxiety. Results: Concordance between implicit interests and explicit choices was less than 50%. The software developed for assessing implicit interests not only proved to be an efficient tool to make them arise but also a good predictor of anxiety. Conclusions: Implicit interests and explicit elections are not the same. The approach from implicit preferences is an important shift in the approximation to vocational guiding and to reduce youngsters' indecision level. Beyond vocational choice, this information may improve the short-and long-term quality of life and mental health

    Efficacy of a Contextualized Measurement of Life Satisfaction : A Pilot Study on the Assessment of Progress in Eating Disorder Therapy

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    Eating disorders strongly affect psychological distress and its perception. However, most of the existing instruments for assessing life satisfaction rely on a point-estimation method that is biased due to the circumstantial conditions around the time of assessment. The main goal of this study was to apply a different kind of instrument-the Life Satisfaction Chart-that situates the current state of life satisfaction in the context of personal history and describes the life stages through a graph. The assessment was applied to a sample of 29 adolescent women (average age of 17.88) who were enrolled in a clinical program to treat their eating disorders. The results showed that their estimation of their current life satisfaction was almost identical to the estimation provided by a therapist for those who were in therapy phases 1, 2, and 3 (of four), while patients' point-estimation satisfaction showed statistically significant differences when compared with the situated estimations. In therapy phase 4, significant discrepancies were observed between the therapist's perception and the patients' perception, because the therapist focused only on eating disorder recovery, whilst the patients evaluated their lives under almost-normal conditions, taking into account further dimensions. The Life Satisfaction Chart is a new approach to life-satisfaction measurement that showed promising measurement and therapeutical properties

    Percepción de disponibilidad temporal: efectos sobre los resultados en evaluaciones de niños de sexto de Primaria

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    Effect of the frustration of psychological needs on addictive behaviors in mobile videogamers. The mediating role of use expectancies and time spent gaming

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    Casual videogames (CVGs), played on smartphones, are becoming increasingly popular, especially among females and adults. Whereas the addictive potential of online (computer) videogames is well-established, there is yet insufficient evidence for Internet gaming disorder (IGD) in mobile gamers and for the mediating role of some mechanisms involved. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the frustration of psychological needs on mobile videogamers' addictive behavior as well as the role of cognitions (game-use expectancies) and behaviors (time spent playing) through a hypothesized serial mediation model, while controlling for important correlates, such as game genre, age, gender and payment during play. A total of 471 mobile game users (211 males) with an average age of 21.73 replied to an online survey containing sociodemographic and game variables, the Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (NSFS), the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF) and a slightly modified version of the Internet Use Expectancies Scale (IUES). The results corroborate the negative effects of need frustration on IGD among mobile gamers and clarify the role of time spent playing and game-use expectancies in the development of IGD, highlighting the important role of cognitions in this relationship. We conclude that both the time spent playing and game-use expectancies should be important targets for clinical interventions, even though they are not included in the diagnostic criteri

    Com traduir i modificar un dels formats bibliogràfics de RefWorks al castellà

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    L'ús de gestors de referències com RefWorks agilitza el treball dels autors però el seu ús en castellà presenta dificultats a causa de la seva construcció original en anglès. Per això, un dels formats de RefWorks s'ha adaptat a les normes gramaticals i ortogràfiques del castellà i s'ha posat a disposició de la comunitat científica

    Satisfacción, salud y estrés laboral del profesorado universitario según su situación contractual

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    Objetivo Analizar los efectos de la estabilidad contractual de los profesores universitarios en las dimensiones psicosociales de satisfacción, salud y estrés. Método Estudio descriptivo cuasi-experimental, tomando como muestra a 145 profesores de siete universidades públicas catalanas. El estudio se realizó durante el mes de abril de 2014. Se utilizó como base el cuestionario ISTAS21, versión media, en lengua castellana, del Cuestionario Psicosocial de Copenhaguen. De las 21 escalas incluidas, sólo se han tenido en cuenta las siete escalas relacionadas con los factores evaluados. Se realizaron una serie de análisis de varianza (ANOVA) considerando las puntuaciones obtenidas en las tres dimensiones psicosociales evaluadas como variables dependientes y la estabilidad laboral (permanencia y dedicación laboral) como variable independiente. Resultados Los profesores de tiempo completo con contratos laborales temporales muestran una peor salud física y mental -a pesar de ser el grupo más joven-, mayores síntomas de estrés y una menor satisfacción laboral, en comparación con profesores a tiempo completo y contrato estable; o profesores de tiempo parcial. Conclusiones La estabilidad laboral tiene repercusiones en la salud y calidad de vida laboral de los profesores que se encuentran en situación de inestabilidad, teniendo ello además repercusiones en la docencia y la investigación.Objective There's a lot of literature about teachers' work conditions and the effects of such conditions on them. The goal of this research focuses on the analysis of the effects derived from the type of labour relationship with the University on the psycho-social dimensions of satisfaction, stress and perceived health. Methods Quasi-experimental study on a sample of 145 university professors from the seven public universities from Catalonia (Spain). The data was obtained in April 2014, by means of ISTAS21 questionnaire, intermediate version, in Spanish. From the 21 subscales in the instrument, only seven were used for data-gathering since they encompassed the dimensions of interest. A series of ANOVA analyses were performed, taking the three psycho-social dimensions as dependent variables and work stability and dedication (e.g. full- vs. partial-time) as independent variables. Results Professors with full-time work and unstable contracts showed worse health (both physical and mental) despite being the youngest, as well as larger symptoms of stress and lower job-satisfaction, compared with full-time professors with stable contracts and even compared part-time-jobs professors. Conclusion Job-stability seems to be a central variable in work-quality and health for the professors whose labour situation is unstable, something that influences both their teaching and research qualit