53 research outputs found

    Station hydrologique de Vridi et stations cotières de 1986 à 1988

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    In this report were gathered accurate data from coastal stations and from a hydrological station. The used experiments took place from 1986 to 1988

    Station hydrologique de Vridi et stations cotières de 1989 à 1991

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    In this report, accurate data from coastal stations and from the Vridi hydrological station were gathered. The used experiments took place from 1989 to 1991

    Stations cotieres et station hydrologique cotiere d'Abidjan: annees 1980-1981

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    Beach surface temperature is recorded every morning between 7h30 and 8h00 at each coastal station. On figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 it has been plotted daily variation and mean variation computed on 7, 15 and 30 days basis of sea surface temperature. However it seems that variations of dynamic height anomaly are reflecting more accurately the stages of the coastal upwelling than the sea surface temperature

    Station hydrologique cotière d'Abidjan de 1966 à 1980

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    In this document the monthly T-S diagrams and the regression lines of the temperature and salinity two weeks mean values have been drawn for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 meters of depth. The annual variations of the dynamic height anomaly are represented for every coastal station from 1966 to 1980

    Observations hydrologique et dynamique le long de deux radiales du plateau continental ivoirien durant l'année focale 1983

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    In this report, vertical distributions of the temperature and horizontal velocity components of the currents, got from the two sections BELIER (305 1'W) and VRIDI (4°O 5'W), carried out once a week during the 1983 year, on the Continental shelf of Ivory Coast, are shown

    First report of HIV-related oral manifestations in Mali

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    Introduction: In 2004, the sudden availability of free antiretroviral therapy (ART in Mali, within the context of an already overburdened health care  system created gaps in individual patient quality of care. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of HIV-related oral manifestations (OM) during the first month of ART therapy in a Malian health facility. Methods: Medical records of adult patients who initiated ART regimens at the Gabriel Touré Hospital, Mali (2001 to 2008) were randomly identified. Multiple logistic regression models were used to evaluate the relationship between the presence of OM during the first month of ART and selected variables, including CD4 counts and WHO clinical staging at ART initiation. Results: Out of 205 patients on ART (mean age 39 ± 10 years), 71.0% were females and 36.1% had no formal education. 40.6% were in WHO clinical stage III. OM prevalence during the first month of HIV care was 31.4%, being oral candidiasis the commonest lesion. 73.2% and 82.5% of the patients with OM had CD4 count < 200 cells/mm3 and were classified as WHO clinical stage III or IV. WHO clinical stage III and VI patients had 5.4-fold increased odds of having any OM (both p< 0.01) when controlling for age, ethnicity, gender, marital status, and CD4 counts. Conclusion: OM detected in people with low CD4 count and WHO clinical stage III and IV at ART initiation suggested that they were very immune- compromised when initiating HIV care. Early identification of OM could improve the quality of care and guarantee the benefits of ART

    Molecular profiling of an interspecific rice population derived from a cross between WAB 56-104 (Oryza sativa) and CG 14 (Oryza glaberrima)

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    NERICA rices are interspecific inbred progeny derived from crosses between Oryza sativa x O. glaberrima. In this study, we evaluated 70 BC2 interspecific lines, developed by crossing a tropicaljaponica variety (WAB 56-104) as the recurrent parent to an O. glaberrima variety (CG 14) as the donor parent, followed by the use of anther culture to derive doubled haploids (DH) (26 lines) or eightgenerations of inbreeding to fix the lines (44 lines). Seven of these BC2 derived inbred lines have been released as NERICA 1 - NERICA 7. This study examined the relative contribution of each parent and theextent of genetic differences among these 70 sister lines using 130 well-distributed microsatellite markers which cover 1725 cM of the rice genome. The average proportion of O. sativa recurrent parentgenome was 87.4% (1,508 cM), while the observed average proportion of O. glaberrima donor genome was 6.3% (108 cM). Non-parental alleles were detected in 83% of the lines and contributed an average of38 cM per line (~2.2% of genomic DNA). Lines that had undergone eight generations of inbreeding in the field contained significantly more non-parental alleles (av. 2.7%) compared to the DH lines (av. 1.3%)that were developed from BC2 anthers. Using both cluster and principal component analyses, two major groups were detected in these materials. The NERICA varieties (NERICA 1 to 7) clustered in one group while the remaining 63 lines clustered in another group, suggesting that the second group may offer significant opportunities for further selection and variety development

    La migraine en milieu scolaire a Gao ua Mali

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    Introduction La migraine est une maladie bénigne mais handicapante et qui peut altérer la qualité de vie des patients, perturber les relations affectives et retentir sur les activités scolaires et professionnelles. Objectifs L’objectif de notre travail était d’étudier les aspects épidémiologiques et l’impact de la migraine en milieu scolaire dans la commune urbaine de Gao au Mali. Méthodes Il s’agit d’une étude transversale réalisée chez les élèves de la ville de Gao. Le sondage a été fait par grappes dans 11 lycées dont chacun a représenté une grappe. L’étude a porté sur 733 élèves le diagnostic de migraine était retenu suivant les critères de L’International Headache Society (IHS) IHS 2004 et le GRIM. Résultats La prévalence globale de la migraine en milieu scolaire était de 17,3% (IC95% : [14,6% à 20%]). La prévalence parmi les élèves céphalalgiques était de 20%(IC95% : [16,91% à 23,09]), elle était significativement plus élevée chez les filles 23,0% que chez les garçons 14,8% (p< 0,01). Concernant son impact sur la vie scolaire, 63,8% des élèves migraineux avaient un absentéisme de 1 à 14 jours avec une moyenne de 5 jours pendant le dernier trimestre précédant l’enquête ; il y avait une limitation de la concentration chez 19,2% des élèves migraineux.Conclusion La migraine est fréquente chez les lycéens de Gao avec une prédominance féminine. Elle a un impact négatif sur le rendement scolaire du à l’absentéisme et aux troubles de la concentration. Il apparait donc important de procéder à une campagne de sensibilisation ciblée à grande échelle dans l’environnement scolaire

    Actinorhizal Signaling Molecules: Frankia Root Hair Deforming Factor Shares Properties With NIN Inducing Factor

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    Actinorhizal plants are able to establish a symbiotic relationship with Frankia bacteria leading to the formation of root nodules. The symbiotic interaction starts with the exchange of symbiotic signals in the soil between the plant and the bacteria. This molecular dialog involves signaling molecules that are responsible for the specific recognition of the plant host and its endosymbiont. Here we studied two factors potentially involved in signaling between Frankia casuarinae and its actinorhizal host Casuarina glauca: (1) the Root Hair Deforming Factor (CgRHDF) detected using a test based on the characteristic deformation of C. glauca root hairs inoculated with F. casuarinae and (2) a NIN activating factor (CgNINA) which is able to activate the expression of CgNIN, a symbiotic gene expressed during preinfection stages of root hair development. We showed that CgRHDF and CgNINA corresponded to small thermoresistant molecules. Both factors were also hydrophilic and resistant to a chitinase digestion indicating structural differences from rhizobial Nod factors (NFs) or mycorrhizal Myc-LCOs. We also investigated the presence of CgNINA and CgRHDF in 16 Frankia strains representative of Frankia diversity. High levels of root hair deformation (RHD) and activation of ProCgNIN were detected for Casuarina-infective strains from clade Ic and closely related strains from clade Ia unable to nodulate C. glauca. Lower levels were present for distantly related strains belonging to clade III. No CgRHDF or CgNINA could be detected for Frankia coriariae (Clade II) or for uninfective strains from clade IV

    Systems approaches to innovation in pest management: reflections and lessons learned from an integrated research program on parasitic weeds in rice

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    This paper provides a retrospective look at a systems-oriented research program, on the increasing occurrence of parasitic weeds in rainfed rice in sub-Saharan Africa, to qualitatively assess merits and identify challenges of such approach. We gained a broad contextual overview of the problem and different stakeholders' roles, which enabled identification of entry points for innovations in parasitic weed management. At the crop level parasitic weed infestation is associated with poor soil fertility and water management. Farmers' infrequent use of inputs to control them was caused by various factors, ranging from fears of undesired side effects (agronomic) to a lack of quality control of products (institutional). Furthermore, there may be enough extension agents, but they lack the required training on (parasitic) weed management to provide farmers with advice, while their organizations do not provide them with the necessary means for farm visits. At even higher organizational levels we observed a lack of coherent policies on parasitic weed control and implementation of them. Merits and challenges of an integrated multi-stakeholder and multi-level research project are discussed