53 research outputs found

    Usporedba različitih struktura hibridnih vozila

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    U ovom radu je najprije dan kratak uvod u hibridna vozila gdje se opisuje Å”to je to zapravo hibridno vozilo, od kojih komponenata je sastavljeno te koje su prednosti hibridnog nad konvencionalnim vozilom. Izložena je klasifikacija hibridnih vozila prema konfiguraciji (strukturi) pogona, te su dani primjeri praktične primjene određene konfiguracije pogona sa svim svojim prednostima i nedostacima. Nadalje je opisana metoda veznih dijagrama, koja je zatim koriÅ”tena za izvod i analizu matematičkih modela kinematike serijsko-paralelnih konfiguracija hibridnih vozila Toyota Prius, GM Allison i Renault IVT. U okviru zaključka izložena je usporedna analiza navedenih kinematičkih struktura hibridnih pogon

    Modeliranje, analiza i optimalno upravljanje pogonima hibridnih električnih vozila

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    Pogoni hibridnih električnih vozila sastoje se od dvaju ili viÅ”e različitih energetskih izvora u svrhu smanjenja potroÅ”nje goriva i emisija Å”tetnih plinova. Zbog složenosti takvih pogona, primjenjuju se prikladni upravljački sustavi, čija se sinteza temelji na opsežnom računalnopodržanom optimiranju i simulacijama koje zahtijevaju točne i računalno efikasne matematičke modele. U radu se predlaže modeliranje kinematike i dinamike hibridnih pogona, te analiza njihovih tokova snage, primjenom grafo-analitičkog postupka veznih dijagrama. Zatim se razmatra globalno optimiranje upravljačkih varijabli pogona električnog vozila proÅ”irenog dometa pomoću algoritma dinamičkog programiranja, a rezultati optimiranja dobiveni za razne režime rada pogona se potom koriste u parametriranju i provjeri sustava upravljanja. Konačno, predlaže se postupak viÅ”ekriterijskog optimiranja dimenzija komponenti električnog vozila proÅ”irenog dometa, uz koriÅ”tenje parametarski optimirane skalabilne strategije upravljanja temeljene na kombiniranju upravljanja zasnovanog na bazi pravila i trenutačne minimizacije ekvivalentne potroÅ”nje goriva

    Integracija električnih vozila u energetske i transportne sustave

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    There is a strong tendency of development and application of different types of electric vehicles (EV). This can clearly be beneficial for transport systems in terms of making it more efficient, cleaner, and quieter, as well as for energy systems due to the grid load leveling and renewable energy sources exploitation opportunities. The latter can be achieved only through application of smart EV charging technologies that strongly rely on application of optimization methods. For the development of both EV architectures and controls and charging optimization methods, it is important to gain the knowledge about driving cycle features of a particular EV fleet. To this end, the paper presents an overview of (i) electric vehicle architectures, modeling, and control system optimization and design; (ii) experimental characterization of vehicle fleet behaviors and synthesis of representative driving cycles; and (iii) aggregate-level modeling and charging optimization for EV fleets, with emphasis on freight transport.U novije vrijeme postoji izražena težnja za razvojem i koriÅ”tenjem različitih tipova električnih vozila. Ovo može biti korisno sa stanoviÅ”ta transportnih sustava u smislu omogućavanja efikasnijeg, čiŔćeg, i tiÅ”eg transporta, kao i iz perspektive energetskih sustava zbog dodatnih potencijala za poravnanje opterećenja mreže i iskoriÅ”tenje obnovljivih izvora energije. Potonje može biti ostvareno samo kroz koriÅ”tenje tehnologija naprednog punjenja električnih vozila, koje se često temelje na primjeni optimizacijskih postupaka. Za razvoj prikladnih konfiguracija, upravljačkih sustava te metoda pametnog punjenja električnih vozila, potrebno je steći uvid u značajke voznih ciklusa razmatrane flote električnih vozila. Imajući u vidu navedeno, članak predstavlja pregled (i) konfiguracija i modeliranja električnih vozila, te optimiranja i sinteze njihova upravljačkog sustava; (ii) eksperimentalne karakterizacije ponaÅ”anja flote vozila i sinteze reprezentativnih voznih ciklusa; te (iii) modeliranja i optimiranja punjenja flote električnih vozila na agregatnom nivou, s naglaskom na teretni transport

    PI/PID Controller Relay Experiment Auto-Tuning with Extended Kalman Filter and Second-Order Generalized Integrator as Parameter Estimators

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    This paper presents a method for the estimation of key parameters of limit cycle oscillations (amplitude and frequency) during a relay experiment used for automatic tuning of proportional-integral (PI) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback controllers. The limit cycle parameter estimator is based on the first-order extended Kalman filter (EKF) for resonance frequency estimation, to which a second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) is cascaded for the purpose of limit cycle amplitude estimation. Based on thus-obtained parameters of the limit cycle oscillations, the ultimate gain and the ultimate period of the limit cycle oscillations are estimated. These are subsequently used for the tuning of PI and PID controller according to Takahashi modifications of Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules. The proposed PI and PID controller auto-tuning method is verified by means of simulations and experimentally on the heat and air-flow experimental setup for the case of air temperature feedback control. The results have shown that the proposed auto-tuning system based on relay control experiment for the heat and air-flow process PI/PID temperature control can capture the ultimate gain and period parameters fairly quickly in simulations and in experiments. Subsequent controller tuning according to Takahashi modifications of Ziegler-Nichols rules using thus-obtained ultimate point parameters can provide favourable closed-loop load disturbance rejection, particularly in the case of PID controller

    PI/PID Controller Relay Experiment Auto-Tuning with Extended Kalman Filter and Second-Order Generalized Integrator as Parameter Estimators

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    This paper presents a method for the estimation of key parameters of limit cycle oscillations (amplitude and frequency) during a relay experiment used for automatic tuning of proportional-integral (PI) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback controllers. The limit cycle parameter estimator is based on the first-order extended Kalman filter (EKF) for resonance frequency estimation, to which a second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) is cascaded for the purpose of limit cycle amplitude estimation. Based on thus-obtained parameters of the limit cycle oscillations, the ultimate gain and the ultimate period of the limit cycle oscillations are estimated. These are subsequently used for the tuning of PI and PID controller according to Takahashi modifications of Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules. The proposed PI and PID controller auto-tuning method is verified by means of simulations and experimentally on the heat and air-flow experimental setup for the case of air temperature feedback control. The results have shown that the proposed auto-tuning system based on relay control experiment for the heat and air-flow process PI/PID temperature control can capture the ultimate gain and period parameters fairly quickly in simulations and in experiments. Subsequent controller tuning according to Takahashi modifications of Ziegler-Nichols rules using thus-obtained ultimate point parameters can provide favourable closed-loop load disturbance rejection, particularly in the case of PID controller

    Assessment of Railway Train Energy Efficiency and Safety Using Real-time Track Condition Information

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    This paper presents the use of track condition data from the virtual remote wireless sensor network within a simulation model of a battery-hybrid diesel-electric locomotive-driven freight train for a realistic mountain railway route simulation scenario. Simulation model includes the point-mass model of freight train longitudinal motion dynamics subject to wheel-to-track adhesion and head wind variations, the model of hybrid diesel-electric locomotive energy efficiency, and the model of real-time information provide to the virtual train driver about railway track conditions based on a narrow-band wireless remote sensor network. Simulation results are used to assess the possible benefits remote wireless sensor data for freight train energy-optimal control and to increase the transportation safety, including prediction of possible delays due to changed weather conditions en route

    A Novel Approach to Hydraulic Drive Sizing Methodology and Efficiency Estimation based on Willans Line

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    A novel approach to hybrid hydraulic vehicles drive component sizing methodology based on the Willans Line method is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is used to develop a scalable mathematical model of hydraulic unit efficiency maps, thus helping the designer regarding an appropriate hydraulic unit choice when target unit data is difficult to obtain. The hydraulic unit efficiency model is also verified against catalogue data for different unit sizes, and the method is validated by means of detailed approximation error analysis. The proposed method can be particularly useful in optimal component sizing and parameterization studies of hydraulic drives in general, with possible applications to hybrid hydraulic vehicle power-trains

    Automation Systems Design and Laboratory Prototyping Aimed at Mature Petroleum Drilling Rig Retrofitting

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    This paper presents a control system design methodology for the drill-string rotary drive and draw-works hoist system aimed at mature drilling rig retrofitting. The rotary drive is equipped with an active damping speed control system featuring a proportional-integral speed controller readily available within modern controlled electrical drives, extended with drill-string back-spinning prevention scheme for the case of stuck tool. The draw-works hoist system features a tool normal force (Weight-on-Bit) controller with tool longitudinal speed (Rate-of-Penetration) limiting functionality. The design of proposed control systems has been based on suitable control-oriented process models and damping optimum criterion which guarantees a desired level of closed-loop system damping. The proposed drilling control systems have been verified on a downscaled laboratory experimental setup, which represents a necessary pre-requirement before these systems are tested in the field

    Energy efficiency improvement of a drilling facility through utilization of a battery energy storage system

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    U radu su predstavljeni rezultati analize uÅ”tede energije (goriva) izolirane dizelske elektrane buÅ”aćega postrojenja opremljenoga baterijskim sustavom za pohranu energije za kompenzaciju vrÅ”nih opterećenja. Strategija upravljanja tokovima energije uključuje logiku uključivanja i isključivanja generatora i poravnavanje vrÅ”nih opterećenja temeljeno na trenutnim zahtjevima za radnom i jalovom snagom mikromreže postrojenja. Analiza se provodi na 30-dnevnim podacima opterećenja mikromreže izolirane kopnene buÅ”aće garniture, koju karakterizira varijabilno radno i jalovo opterećenje. Glavni zaključak je kako se izbjegavanjem rada pri malim snagama pojedinačnih generatora i osiguravanjem zahtjeva za vrÅ”nom snagom iz namjenskog baterijskoga sustava za pohranu energije, može značajno smanjiti potroÅ”nja goriva dizel-agregatne elektrane, otprilike 12 % u usporedbi s dosadaÅ”njom praksom koja se oslanja isključivo na odlučivanju stručnjaka na terenu. Konačno, analiza je, također, pokazala da razdoblje povrata ulaganja u razmatranio baterijski sustav za pohranu energije jest jedna do dvije godine.This paper presents the results of energy (fuel) savings analysis of an isolated diesel power plant on a drilling rig equipped with a battery energy storage system to compensate for peak loads. The proposed energy management strategy includes a generator turn-on and turn-off logic and peak load shaving based on active and reactive power requirements of the drilling rig microgrid. The analysis is performed on 30-day microgrid power consumption data set recorded on an isolated onshore drilling rig, which is characterized by variable active and reactive load. The main conclusion is that by avoiding low-power operation of individual generators and ensuring peak power requirements from the dedicated battery energy storage system, the diesel power plant fuel consumption can be significantly reduced, by about 12% compared to the current practice, which relies solely on experts in the field. Finally, the analysis also showed that the return of investment of the considered battery energy storage system can be one to two years
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