46 research outputs found

    The Birth and Evolution of the University of Vigo (1989-2014). A driving force behind the three cities in the south of Galicia

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    [Resumo] Este traballo é un intento por analizar a breve e recente historia da Universidade de Vigo, (1990-2015), empezando por factores contextuais das décadas anteriores que favorecen o nacemento da institución, para entrar de seguido na evolución da vida universitaria, agrupando os temas en cinco áreas: aspectos organizativos e de goberno democrático da universidade; campus, centros, titulacións, docencia e alumnado; profesorado e investigación; financiamento; Servizos á Comunidade, P.A.S. e extensión universitaria (Cultura, deporte, proxección social, normalización lingüística, servizos a estudantes e comunidade en xeral). O proceso de democratización consistiu nun alto nivel de participación da comunidade universitaria, tanto no feito de dotarse dunha normativa de funcionamento, como nas decisións de xestión, incluída a elección dos sucesivos órganos unipersoais e colexiados de goberno. Os tres campus que integran a Universidade fóronse configurando coa transformación de centros e titulacións transferidos pola USC, así como coa creación doutros novos, que supuxeron un incremento constante de estudantes nos anos noventa, ata a cifra tope de mais de 30 000 no fin do século, e unha redución de títulos de primeiro e segundo ciclo nos últimos anos, dentro do proceso de aplicación das normas derivadas do EEES, compensado pola creación de novos estudos de posgrao e doutoramento. O número de estudantes tamén se reduciu pois o tamaño dos grupos nestes novos estudos é mais reducido. O cadro de profesorado practicamente triplicouse neste tempo, cun proceso de formación de doutores intenso e non exento de atrancos. Ademais das teses, a produción investigadora e de transferencia, de moitos grupos consolidades é salientable, especialmente en ámbitos da ciencia e da tecnoloxía. Todos estes esforzos nun marco orzamentario que poucas veces supuña unha aposta decidida por crear un Sistema Universitario Público Galego e de Calidade. Situación agravada nos últimos anos no escenario dunha política de recortes, que xera unha situación deficitaria no soporte da docencia e investigación. Ao longo dos 25 anos a Universidade foise dotando de servizos básicos de apoio á docencia, a investigación e á proxección social da universidade,engadindo áreas recentes como a Igualdade ou o Medio Ambiente para completar o cadro de servizos clásicos[Abstract] This article analyzes the brief and recent history of the University of Vigo, (1990- 2015), starting with contextual factors from previous decades which gave rise to the birth of the institution. It goes on to discuss the evolution of university life with the main themes being grouped into five areas: aspects related to organization and the democratic governance of the university; the campus, centers, degree programs, education and student body; faculty and research; financing; Community Services, Administrative and Services Staff and extension courses (Culture, sports, social projection, linguistic standardization, students and the community in general). The democratization process had a high level of participation from the university community, in terms of both creating operational regulations and making management decisions, including the election of the successive governing bodies and officers. The three campuses that make up the University were established upon the transformation of the centers and degree programs transferred by the University of Santiago de Compostela, in addition to the creation of other new centers. This represented a continued increase in students in the 1990s, reaching a maximum number of over 30 000 at the end of the century. Also noteworthy was the decrease in the number of associate and undergraduate degrees awarded in the last few years, owing to the application of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which has been compensated for by the creation of new postgraduate or doctoral degrees. The number of students also dropped owing to the fact that the groups in these new study programs were smaller in size. The teaching staff nearly tripled in this time period, with an increase in doctoral programs which had their share of problems. In addition to dissertations, also of interest are research and knowledge transfer activities of many notable, well-established groups, especially in the fields of science and technology. All of these efforts were carried out in a budget framework that seldom led to a determined commitment to create a Quality Public University System in Galicia. A situation aggravated in recent years by government cutbacks, which has made for a tight situation in terms of support available to education and research. Over the course of its 25 years of history, the University has been provisioned with the basic services to support teaching, research and the social projection of the university, with the recent addition of areas such as Equality and Environment to complete the list of general services

    Julio Ruiz Berrio. Camiños transitados xuntos

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    Ferrer y el laicismo escolar en Galicia

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    Sports Activities in the Community Education Strategy with Young People in Social Difficulty

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    La construcción de un acompañamiento socioeducativointegral exige de contemplar todas las posibilidades educativas que ofrece el contexto. El deporte supone una oportunidadpedagógica de elevada utilidad. En 2013 y 2014, un grupo de profesionales de la educación social rompen las barreras del sistema de atención a la infancia y a la adolescencia y apuestan por una estrategia apoyada en el deporte como medio de interés educativo. Organizan acciones deportivas con juventud con expediente en el sistema. Mediante técnicascualitativas, analizamos tanto la valoración de las figuras profesionales implicadas, como las repercusiones en el itinerario vital de la juventud participante. Los resultados desvelanla ventaja de contar con el deporte durante la construcción de los proyectos educativos individualizados.La realización de actividades deportivas, con jóvenes integrados en redes pro sociales, favorece la configuración de referentesnaturales de apoyo para la transición a la vida adulta.La construcció d’un acompanyament socioeducatiu integral exigeix de contemplar totes les possibilitats educatives que ofereix el context. L’esport suposa una oportunitat pedagògicad’elevada utilitat. El 2013 i 2014, un grup de professionals de l’educació social trenquen les barreres del sistema d’atenció a la infància i l’adolescència i aposten per una estratègia fonamentada en l’esport com a mitjà d’interès educatiu. Organitzen accions esportives amb joventut amb expedient en el sistema. Mitjançant tècniques qualitatives, analitzem tant la valoració de les figures professionals implicades, com les repercussions en l’itinerari vital de la joventut participant. Els resultats revelen l’avantatge de comptar amb l’esport durant la construcció dels projectes educatius individualitzats. La realització d’activitats esportives, amb joves integrats en xarxes pro socials, afavoreix la configuració de referents naturals de suport per a la transició a la vida adulta.In the construction of integrated socio-educational support it is necessary to take into account all of the educational possibilities offered by the context. Sport is an extremely usefuleducational opportunity. During 2013 and 2014, a group of community education professionals broke out of the conventional parameters of the care system for children and young people and opted for a strategy based on sportas a medium of educational interest. They organized sports activities with young people registered in the system. Using qualitative techniques, we analyze both the assessmentsof the process supplied by the community educationworkers and the impacts on the lives of the young people. The results attest to the benefits of including sports in the construction of individualized educational projects. The involvement in sports activities of young people integrated into social education networks favours the configuration of natural referents for support in the transition to adult life

    The Ave-María Schools in Ourense. Between the didactic innovationand the ideological confessionalism

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    [Resumo] Las Escuelas del Ave-María, creadas por Andrés Manjón a finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX y destinadas a los niños económicamente más desfavorecidos, conformaron un estilo y filosofía de enseñanza-aprendizaje muy diferente a lo que era habitual en aquel entonces en las pequeñas escuelas de primaria. Aunque los medios no eran muchos sí tenían importancia los principios pedagógicos y los métodos de enseñanza, métodos prácticos y activos que propiciarían un aprendizaje significativo. Estas escuelas se fueron creando a lo largo de la geografía española llegando también a Ourense en donde tenemos constancia de su creación y ubicación, así como de la llegada de profesorado que ejerció en la provincia y que estudiara en las Escuelas de Formación de Maestros del Ave-María. Estamos ante un estudio en el que, por una parte, se profundiza en los principios que regían las Escuelas del Ave María y para ello se hizo una lectura pormenorizada de los libros del fundador Andrés Manjón, y por otra, gracias a importantes documentos hallados en el Archivo de la Universidad de Santiago y en el Archivo del Ayuntamiento de Ourense, desvelamos la escuela de “Ave María” que se creó en la ciudad de Ourense y quienes fueron sus promotores y además conocemos el edificio destinado a dicha escuela construido por el arquitecto ourensano Vázquez Gulías.[Abstract] The Schools of Ave-María, created by Andrés Manjón toward the end XIX century and beginnings of the XX and allocated to the boys economically more disadvantaged, conformed a style and philosophy of education-learning very different to what was usual at that time in the small schools of primary. Although the means were not many, they were very important for the pedagogical principles and the methods of education, practical and active methods, which enabled a significant learning. These schools were created all along the Spanish geography reaching Ourense too where we have proof of his creation and location, as well as of the arrival of teachers who carried out their work in the province and who studied in the Teacher Training Schools of Ave-María. We are before an interesting study for our province that, firstly, deepens into the principles governing the Schools of Ave María throught the reading of the books written by the founder Andrés Manjón, and secondly, thanks to important documents found in the Archive of the University of Santiago an in the Archive of the City council of Ourense, we discovered the school of Ave María which was created in the city of Ourense and those who were its promoters and we managed to know the building destined to this school, built by the Architect from Ourense Váquez Gulías

    Primanjkljaji v strategiji vključevanja socialnoizobraževalnih šol za srednješolce s socialnimi težavami v Španiji med pandemijo covida-19

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    Students with administrative care measures have historically faced difficulties in achieving school goals. The Covid-19 pandemic forced the declaration of a lockdown, which accelerated changes in the schools’ pedagogical actions. This investigation analyses the strategies used by the educational system to promote the academic inclusion of students who have an open protection file in the child welfare system within the context of Covid-19. Two different phases are compared: Phase 1) from the March lockdown to the end of the 2019/20 school year; Phase 2) The first six weeks of the beginning of the 2020/21 school year. Longitudinal follow-ups were carried out with adolescents in care with a sample of N = 10 (Phase 1) and N = 11 (Phase 2). Based on the grounded theory, information is supplemented by case studies through interviews with educational professionals, N = 14 (Phase 1) and N = 11 (Phase 2). The results indicate deficits of schools’ adaptability to the situation of the students suffering social exclusion and difficulties in monitoring when students do not attend school in person and do school activities at home. It is concluded that the design of the educational policy applied in the context of the pandemic does not take the social factor into account. (DIPF/Orig.

    O asociacionismo do magisterio orensano no primeiro terço do século XX

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    The article examines the creation and aims of the Provincial Association of Primary School Teachers in Ourense, and the individual activities, structure, organisation, and significant members and actions of the smaller district associations. Associationism allowed teachers the chance to demand improved conditions and status for the profession, and to promote solidarity among them. The research spans the first third of the 20th century, which saw important changes in the field of education. Despite the concerns and demands expressed by the associations, they were not perceived as a threat by the authorities, as they operated within a framework of respect for those in power and were never excessivelydemanding or combative in their relations with them.Este estudio trata de la creación y los propósitos de la Asociación Provincial de Maestros en Ourense. También analiza la intensa labor de las asociaciones de los diferentes partidos judiciales y su funcionamiento interno, organización, implicación de los asociados y acciones más destacadas. Los docentes van a ver en el asociacionismo una posibilidad para demandar mejoras en su situación profesional y en su consideración social y también un medio para fomentar la solidaridad. Todo eso se enmarca en el primero tercio del siglo XX que es un período de importantes cambios en el ámbito educativo.Aunque, efectivamente, las asociaciones de maestros tenían cierta inquietud reivindicativa, también es cierto que no supusieron una preocupación para la Administración, pues actuaban dentro de un marco de respeto a la autoridad administrativa y no eran, en absoluto, excesivamente exigentes ni combativas con ella.Este estudo trata da creación e os propósitos da Asociación Provincial de Mestres en Ourense. Tamén analiza o intenso labor das asociacións dos diferentes partidos xudiciais e o seu funcionamento interno, organización, implicación dos asociados e accións máis destacadas. Os docentes van ver no asociacionismo unha posibilidade para demandar melloras na súa situación profesional e na súa consideración social e tamén un medio para fomentar a solidariedade. Todo iso enmárcase no primeiro terzo do século XX que é un período de importantes cambios no ámbito educativo.Aínda que, efectivamente, as asociacións de mestres tiñan certa inquietude reivindicativa, tamén é certo que non supuxeron unha preocupación para a Administración, pois actuaban dentro dun marco de respecto á autoridade administrativa e non eran, en absoluto, excesivamente esixentes nin combativas con ela.Este estudo trata da criação e os propósitos da Associação Provincial de Mestres em Ourense. Também analisa o intenso labor das associações dos diferentes partidos judiciais e o seu funcionamento interno, organização, envolvimento dos associados e acções mais destacadas. Os docentes vão ver no asociacionismo uma possibilidade para demandar melhoras na sua situação profissional e na sua consideração social e também um meio para fomentar a solidariedade. Tudo isso enquadra-se no primeiro terço do século XX que é um período de importantes mudanças no âmbito educativo.Ainda que, com efeito, as associações de mestres tinham certa inquietude reivindicativa, também é certo que não supuseram uma preocupação para a Administração, pois actuavam dentro de um marco da respeito da autoridade administrativa e não eram, em absoluto, excessivamente exigentes nem combativas com ela

    “We Will Never be The Same”: Photovoice Reports From Social Workers of Aged Care During COVID-19

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    Using photovoice methodology, this study aimed to capture the perspectives of social workers from aged care services on how the pandemic impacted them at a professional level. This study comprised 12 social workers (aged 22– 41 years; 11 females) who worked in aged care facilities during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on photovoice methodology, as a participatory visual research method focused on individual and community assets and co-creation of knowledge, participants were asked to take photographs and then share the photos and associated narratives in a group session on the topic “Me as a professional: One year of pandemic”. From the thematic analysis, four themes emerged: personal and professional growth (increased resilience, with new perspectives on life), responding to the pandemic (implementation of immediate actions to prevent the virus propagation), teamwork (union among staff), and eyes on the future (with a sense of uncertainty, yet supported by the good lessons learned). The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a significant impact on aged care facilities, with social workers becoming frontline professionals in a public health crisis. These professionals faced “forced growth” during the pandemic that has transformed them both professionally and personally.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ethical ingredients in Social Education. Respect as a mandate for its professionals

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    La ética, como disciplina filosófica transversal, afecta a toda actividad humana, pero cobra mucho más protagonismo en el caso de las profesiones educativas como la educación social, a la que habitualmente se le encomienda la implementación de las políticas sociales y la atención de colectivos vulnerables. Por medio de una metodología de estudio cualitativo, pretendemos situar las coordenadas de la ética en la educación social. Primero abordaremos las cuestiones éticas inherentes a la profesión: la formación y el peso de la ética en la identidad profesional; la incidencia de los aspectos antropológicos de los agentes en la praxis; y la consideración de los instrumentos profesionales existentes para materializar estos principios éticos. Posteriormente, analizaremos los elementos externos, como la pluralidad de objetivos que interpelan a la educación social. Por último, apostaremos por el cultivo de la ética de las virtudes profesionales como forma de materializar los principios éticos, concretándolo en el valor del respeto como mandato de sus profesionales y cómo articularlo en una relación de dependencia. La ética profesional es un marco en el que asentar la profesión, como medio para alcanzar la excelencia profesional y como forma de legitimación social de su actividad. Hay que orientar la acción profesional hacia sus fines legítimos y que el agente se comprometa en el ejercicio de su profesión como un compromiso de ciudadanía, llevándola a cabo mediante el cultivo de las virtudes por medio de la formación y la socialización profesionales, ayudándose de los instrumentos elaborados para y desde la profesión.Ethics as transverse philosophy especially affect educational professions such as Social Education that implement social policies and care for vulnerable social groups. Professional ethics are not an aesthetic adornment to the profession, but its basis, its identity and its purpose to achieving professional excellence. By reviewing the relevant literature, we determine ethics in Social Education. Firstly, we address ethical issues in the professional identity. Secondly, we analyze external elements like the plurality of objectives that challenge Social Education. Lastly, we identify ethics of professional virtues as a way of materializing ethical principles. Professional action must be oriented towards its legitimate purpose and the cultivation of virtues through training and professional socialization, with the help of the instruments made for and from the profession.Educació