6 research outputs found

    Transitional Patterns of Adolescent Females in Non-traditional Career Paths

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    In this study, focus groups (n = 13) were utilized to examine the factors that affected the career decision-making of adolescent females and young women in undergraduate science, engineering, and technology programs. The 51 participants included students from colleges, technical institutes, and universities in Alberta. Qualitative analysis (cf. Vaughn, Schumm, & Sinagub, 1996) was used to uncover seven themes: (a) transition from high school, (b) educational influences, (c) family influences, (d) academic issues, (e) coursework management, (f) gender issues, and (g) creating a successful student environment. Implications for career development theory, education, counselling, and for future research are discussed.Dans cette étude, les auteurs ont observé des groupes de réflexion (n = 13) afin de déterminer les facteurs influençant le choix de carrière des adolescentes et jeunes femmes suivant des programmes universitaires de premier cycle de sciences, d'ingénierie et de technologie. Les 51 participants comprenaient des étudiantes inscrites dans des collèges, des instituts techniques et des universités d'Alberta. Les auteurs ont pu identifier, grâce à l'analyse qualitative, (voir Vaughn, Schumm et Sinagub, 1996) sept thèmes : a) transition à partir de l'école secondaire, b) influences éducatives, c) influences familiales, d) questions sociales, e) gestion des devoirs, f) questions liées aux différences entre les sexes et g) création d'un milieu favorable au succès scolaire. Finalement, cet article discute des implications découlant de cette étude pour la théorie du perfectionnement professionnel, l'éducation, le counseling et pour les recherches futures

    The Italian Mastocytosis Registry: 6-year experience from a hospital-based registry

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    Aim: We collected 'real-life' data on the management of patients with mastocytosis in the Italian Mastocytosis Registry. Methods: Six hundred patients diagnosed with mastocytosis between 1974 and 2014 were included from 19 centers. Results: Among adults (n = 401); 156 (38.9%) patients were diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis. In 212 adults, no bone marrow studies were performed resulting in a provisional diagnosis of mastocytosis of the skin. This diagnosis was most frequently established in nonhematologic centers. In total, 182/184 pediatric patients had cutaneous mastocytosis. We confirmed that in the most patients with systemic mastocytosis, serum tryptase levels were >20 ng/ml and KIT D816V was detectable. Conclusion: The Italian Mastocytosis Registry revealed some center-specific approaches for diagnosis and therapy. Epidemiological evidence on this condition is provided

    Corrigendum: The Italian Mastocytosis Registry: 6-year experience from a hospital-based registry (Future Oncology (2018) 14:26 (2713-2723) DOI: 10.2217/fon-2018-0291)

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    Following publication of the Research Article by SerenaMerante, Virginia V Ferretti, Chiara Elena, Valeria Brazzelli, Roberta Zanotti, Iria Neri, DiomiraMaglicane, Anna Belloni Fortina, Forer Ingeborg, Elide A Pastorello, Lisa Pieri, Cristina Papayannidis, Marina Mauro, Federica Grifoni, Roberto Minelli, Elena Guggiari, Elisa Difonzo, Monica Bocchia, Francesca Caroppo, Sergio DiNuzzo, ElenaMaria Elli,Michaela Rondoni, Rachele Ciccocioppo,Michele Di Stefano, Grazia Bossi, Emanuela Boveri, Patrizia Bonadonna, Fiorina Giona, Peter Valent &Massimo Triggiani, titled 'The Italian Mastocytosis Registry: 6-year experience from a hospital-based registry', which appeared in the November 2018 issue of Future Oncology (Future Oncology [Lond.] 14[26], 2713-2723 [2018]; DOI: 10.2217/fon-2018-0291), it has been brought to our attention that the name of Iria Neri has been corrected as follows: The author name was originally published as Iria Ner, and has been corrected to Iria Neri. The authors and editors of Future Oncology would like to sincerely apologise for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused our readers

    Intravenous versus subcutaneous immunoglobulin \u2013 Authors' reply

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    Reply to comment for Intravenous subcutaneous immunoglobuli

    Intravenous versus subcutaneous immunoglobulin – Authors' reply

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