20 research outputs found

    Deficiências de kacronutrientes e de boro em seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis L.)

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    In order to obtain: a) a clear picture of the deficiencies symptoms of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and B; b) the lack of the elements on the dry matter production; c) concentration of the macro and micronutrients on the leaves, stems and roots. Young rubber plants (Hevea brasiliensis L.), were cultivated in nutrients solutions, in which one the following elements were omitted at once: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and B. Clear out symptoms were obtained for all macronutrients and boron. The growth rate of the rubber plants were drastically affected by lack of N, K followed by other nutrients. The omission of P from the nutrient solution did not affected the growth of the plants. The levels detected by chemical analysis of the leaves from with symptoms of deficiency and without symptoms of deficiency plants were: N% = 1.94 and 3.40: P% =0.14 and 0.25; K% = 0.79 and 2.22; Ca% = 0.59 and 1.28; Mg% = 0.26 and 0.50; S% = 0.10 and 0.10; B ppm = 31-3 and 171.8.Plantas de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis L.) foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em quartzo moído, irrigado com soluções nutritivas, e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: completo, omissão de N, omissão de P, omissão de Ca, omissão de Mg, omissão de S e omissão de B, com o objetivo de: (a) obter sintomas de deficiências de macronutrientes e de boro; (b) analisar o crescimento das plantas através da produção de matéria seca; (c) determinar a concentração de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas, caule e raízes das plantas cultivadas nos diversos tratamentos. Os sintomas visuais de deficiência foram identificados e descritos. As plantas foram coletadas e separadas em raiz, caule e folhas, e determinaram-se os teores de macro e micronutrientes . Os resultados mostraram: - foram identificados sintomas de deficiências para todos os tratamentos com omissão de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e B); - a omissão de N, K, Mg ou B da solução nutritiva diminuiu o crescimento das plantas; - as concentrações dos elementos nas folhas de plantas com sintomas e sem sintomas de deficiência foram, respectivamente: N% = 1,94 e 3,40; P% = 0,14 e 0,25; K% = 0,79 e 2,22; Ca% = 0,59e 1,28; Mg% = 0,26 e 0,50; S% = 0,10 e 0,10; Bppm = 31 ,3 e 171,8

    Mineral nutrition of vegetable crops: XXV - Mineral nutrition of new zealand spinach plant (Tetragonia expansa Murr.)

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    The present work was carried out in order to study: a - the effect of omission and presence of the macronutrients and boron on the growth of the plants; b - deficiency symptoms of macronutrients, as well of boron; c - the effect of the deficiency of each nutrient on the chemical composition of the plants. Young spinach plants were grown in pots containing pure quartz sand. Several times a day the plants were irrigated by percolation with nutrient solutions. The treatments were: complete solution and deficient solution, in which each one of the macronutrients was omitted as well boron. Soon as the malnutrition symptoms appered, the plants were harvested and analysed chemically. - symptoms of malnutrition are easily observed for N, K, Ca and B. - symptoms of malnutrition for P, S and Mg are not easily identified. - the nutrient content, in dry matter, in deficient leaves and healthy leaves is:O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar alguns aspectos da nutrição mineral do espinafre (Tetragonia expansa Murr.) no que concerne: 1 - Efeitos da omissão dos macronutrientes e do boro, na obtenção de um quadro sintomatológico; 2 - Efeitos das carências na produção de matéria seca e composição química da planta. Mudas com trinta dias de idade foram transplantadas para soluções nutritivas carentes nos macronutrientes e/ou em boro. A coleta das plantas foi realizada quando os sintomas de deficiência se tornaram evidentes. No material seco procedeu-se a análise química. Os dados mostram que: 1 - os sintomas visuais de deficiência de N, K, Ca e B apresentam-se bem definidos; sendo que os de P, Mg e S são de difícil caracterização ; 2 - os teores dos nutrientes em plantas sadias e deficientes são

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    Costs of pineapple production in Puerto Rico are very high. Hand-hoeing of plantations is one of the items which contributes most to increase production expenses. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness and safeness of CMU for controlling weeds in pineapple fields economically. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Application of CMU at rates of 2, 4, and 6 pounds per acre significantly reduced the weed stand as compared to the control for a 3-month period in both experiments. 2. All CMU concentrations were equally effective in controlling weeds for about a 3-month period in both experiments. 3. No injury resulted from the application of CMU at the various concentrations used 1 month or 6 months after planting the pineapples. Repetition of CMU treatments to plots in the second experiment was not detrimental to the plants.Los costos para producir la piña en Puerto Rico son sumamente altos. Una de las prácticas que más contribuye a mantener los gastos de producción altos es el desyerbo a mano de las plantaciones. En 1954 se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos con el fin de determinar la eficacia y seguridad del CMU para controlar económicamente los yerbajos en las plantaciones de piña. Los resultados fueron los siguientes: 1. Las aplicaciones de CMU a razón de 0, 2, 4 y 6 libras redujeron significativamente el desarrollo de los yerbajos. Esto se comparó con los resultados en las parcelas testigos durante 3 meses en ambos experimentos. 2. Todas las concentraciones de CMU resultaron igualmente eficaces para controlar los yerbajos en ambos experimentos por un periodo de 3 meses. 3. No hubo efecto nocivo a las plantas de piña cuando se aplicó el CMU a distintas concentraciones, ni al mes, ni a los 6 meses después de la siembra. La repetición de los tratamientos de CMU a las parcelas del segundo experimento no fué perjudicial a las plantas de piña


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    An experiment was initiated on December 1963, to determine the effect of various potassium levels upon the growth, chemical composition, fruit yield and quality of the Red Spanish pineapple grown in gravel culture. Composite samples of "D" leaf were obtained at various time intervals during the growing period. The chemical data showed an increase concentration of potassium and a decrease concentration of calcium and magnesium in the foliage, as a result of potassium increments in the nutrient solution. Slips-suckers production, green leaf weight and fresh stem weight increased significantly with addition of potassium. There were significant differences in mean-fruit weight, Brix, and Total acidity of the juice which were affected favourably as a result of increments of potassium in the nutrient solution. However, the fruit-core diameter, fruit-to-crown ratio, crown weight and root weight were not affected significantly

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    The adsorption capacity of Fluometuron, Prometryne, Sencor, and 2,4-D by 48 local soils was determined spectrophotometrically. The mean adsorptivities of the four herbicides by these soils were as follows: Prometryne 37.0 percent, Sencor 23.0 percent, Fluometuron 22.6 percent, and 2,4-D 12.4 percent. The results indicated that organic matter content was the factor most highly correlated with adsorption of these herbicides by the 48 soils. Cation exchange capacity was found to correlate significantly with adsorption of Fluometuron, Prometryne, and Sencor. Such was not the case with 2,4-D. Correlation between clay content and adsorption of Fluometuron and Sencor was statistically significant. In contrast, no significant correlation was noted between clay content and adsorption of Prometryne and 2,4-D.Se estudió en el laboratorio, usando métodos espectrofotométricos, la capacidad relativa de 48 tipos de suelos de Puerto Rico para adsorber los yerbicidas Fluometuron, Prometryne, Sencor y 2,4-D. Las capacidades promedio de los suelos para adsorber estos cuatro yerbicidas fueron las siguientes: Prometryne 37.0 por ciento, Sencor 23.0 por ciento, Fluometuron 22.6 por ciento y 2,4-D 12.4 por ciento. Los resultados indicaron que el contenido de materia orgánica fue el factor más altamente correlacionado con la capacidad de estos 48 suelos para adsorber los antedichos yerbicidas. Se demostró que existe una correlación positiva entre el intercambio de cationes y la adsorción de Fluometuron, Prometryne y Sencor por los suelos. Sin embargo, no fue así en el caso del 2,4-D. Se determinó que la correlación entre el contenido de arcilla y la adsorción de Fluometuron y Sencor fue estadísticamente significativa. Por contraste, no se notó una correlación significativa entre el contenido de arcilla y la adsorción de Prometryne y 2,4-D

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    An experiment was conducted during 1967 to study leaching characteristics of the herbicides Atrazine, Ametryne, and Prometryne in Aguadilla, Fraternidad, Mabí, and Toa soils. Atrazine, Ametryne and Prometryne were applied at rates of 0, 4, and 20 lb./A to soil columns and leached with 1, 2, 4, and 8 inches of simulated rainfall. Of the triazine chemicals, Atrazine was found to have the greatest downward penetrativity while Prometryne showed the least. The mobility of Ametryne in soil was slightly greater than that of Prometryne. The leaching tendency of Atrazine augmented not only with the increasing rates of herbicides but also with increasing amounts of simulated rainfall. The movement or penetrativity of both Ametryne and Prometryne in the soil was not exactly a function of either rate of application or amount of water. Leaching of these herbicides was most pronounced in Aguadilla soil and least in Mabí soil.En 1967 se hizo un estudio para determinar la capacidad de filtración de los yerbicidas Atrazine, Ametryne y Prometryne en los suelos Aguadilla, Fraternidad, Mabí y Toa. El Atrazine, el Ametryne y el Prometryne se aplicaron a razón de 0, 4 y 20 libras por acre a columnas de tierra y luego fueron lixiviados con 1, 2, 4 y 8 pulgadas de lluvia simulada. Entre las triazinas, el Atrazine demostró la mayor capacidad para penetrar el suelo y el Prometryne la menor. La movilidad del Ametryne fue un poco mayor que la del Prometryne. La tendencia del Atrazine a lixiviarse aumentó no sólo con los niveles de los yerbicidas, sino que también con el aumento de la cantidad de lluvia simulada. El movimiento o capacidad penetrativa en el suelo, tanto del Ametryne como del Prometryne, no fue la función particular de ninguno de los dos factores, a saber, el nivel de las aplicaciones y la cantidad de agua. La lixiviación de estos yerbicidas fue más marcada en el suelo Aguadilla y menos en el Mabí

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    The effect of Ametryne, Atrazine, Bromacil, Diuron, Fluometuron, Linuron, Prometryne, Terbacil, Trifluralin, and 2,4-D on soil respiration was studied employing the Warburg apparatus. These compounds were used in various concentrations, i.e., 0, 10, 100, and 250 p.p.m. The 10 compounds fell into three categories with regard to their effect on respiration of soil microorganisms: 1. A significant inhibitory effect on oxygen uptake was brought about by adding 2,4-D and Trifluralin to Coto and Fraternidad soils. 2. A weak inhibitory effect on oxygen uptake was noted for low concentrations of Bromacil, Diuron, Trifluralin, and 2,4-D, and for high concentrations of Ametryne, Bromacil, Linuron, and Diuron in soils. 3. A weak to moderate stimulatory effect on oxygen uptake was recorded with low concentrations of Ametryne, Diuron, Fluometuron, 2,4-D and for high concentrations of Atrazine, Linuron, and Terbacil in soils.Se estudiaron los efectos del Ametryne, Atrazine, Bromacil, Fluometuron, Linuron, Prometryne, Terbacil, Trifluralin y 2,4-D en la respiración de tres distintos suelos, utilizando un microrrespirómetro Warburg. Dichos compuestos se aplicaron a concentraciones varias; a saber, 0, 10, 100 y 250 p.p.m. Los 10 compuestos se clasificaron en las tres categorías siguientes, según sus efectos en la respiración de los microorganismos del suelo: 1. La aplicación de 2,4-D y Triafulin tuvo un efecto inhibitorio significativo respecto a la cantidad de oxígeno que consumieron la mayoría de los microorganismos del suelo. 2. La aplicación de Bromacil, Diuron, Fluometuron y 2,4-D a concentraciones bajas y de Ametryne, Bromacil, Linuron y Diuron a concentraciones altas tuvo un efecto inhibitorio leve respecto a la cantidad de oxígeno que consumieron los microorganismos del suelo. 3. La aplicación de Ametryne, Diuron, Fluometuron, 2,4-D a concentraciones bajas y Atrazine, Linuron y Terbacil a concentraciones altas tuvo un efecto estimulante entre leve y moderado respecto a la cantidad de oxígeno que consumieron los microorganismos del suelo

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    The persistence of Atrazine, Ametryne, Prometryne, and Diuron in 13 Puerto Rican soils was studied under greenhouse conditions, using oats (Avena sativa L. var. Kanota) as the bioassay plant. Judging from the data obtained from six successive croppings of oats, Diuron was the most persistent herbicide in most soils while Prometryne was the least so. Ametryne and Atrazine were intermediate in persistence; however, the former was found to be more persistent than the latter in most of the soils studied. Of all the soil components or properties studied, organic matter appeared to be the one most highly related to the persistence of the four herbicides. The degree of herbicide persistence was lower in soils having a high organic matter content. This may be attributed to a greater microbial detoxification capacity associated with a higher organic-matter content of the corresponding soil.Se estudió la persistencia del Atrazine, Ametryne, Prometryne y Diuron bajo condiciones de invernadero, en 13 suelos típicos de Puerto Rico, usándose la avena (Avena sativa L.) como planta indicadora. A juzgar por los datos recogidos a través de seis cosechas sucesivas de avena, el Diuron fue el yerbicida de mayor y el Prometryne el de menor persistencia. El Atrazine y el Ametryne fueron de persistencia intermedia, aunque el primero de estos dos yerbicidas demostró ser un tanto más persistente que el segundo en la mayoría de los suelos que se estudiaron. De entre todos los componentes del suelo que se estudiaron, el que demostró guardar una relación más estrecha con la persistencia de los cuatro yerbicidas fué la materia orgánica. El grado de persistencia resultó ser más bajo en aquellos suelos con un contenido más alto en materia orgánica. Esto puede atribuirse a que la actividad desintoxicadora microbiana fue mayor en los suelos con un alto contenido de materia orgánica

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    Results of a screening experiment using three soil fumigants and nine pre-emergence herbicides on coffee seeded in plastic bags indicate that it is possible to seed coffee directly in bags and grow the plants for at least 90 days with excellent growth and satisfactory control of weeds. Fumigation of the soil in the bags with methyl bromide before planting was a highly effective treatment. SMDC was slightly less effective and allyl alcohol gave extremely poor results. Pre-emergence applications of DNBP, and 2-lb. treatments with Diuron, Simazine or Atrazine were reasonably effective. Amizine at 2 lb./acre was highly effective for controlling weeds in plastic bags.Los resultados de pruebas experimentales de invernadero, en las que se aplicaron tres compuestos fumigantes y nueve yerbicidas preemergentes, comprueban que es enteramente posible sembrar la semilla de café directamente en bolsas plásticas y obtener un excelente crecimiento de las plántulas además de un control satisfactorio de los yerbajos por lo menos durante 90 días. El bromuro de metilo como agente fumigante resultó muy efectivo contra las malas yerbas superando ligeramente al SMDC. En cambio, el alcohol alílico no dio buenos resultados. Las aspersiones con DNBP y con 2 libras de Diuron, Simazine y Atrazine por acre controlaron las malas yerbas con relativa efectividad. También el Amizine, a razón de 2 libras por acre, fue muy efectivo para controlar las malas yerbas

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    Experimental plots were treated with Ametryne, Diuron, Fluometuron, Norea and Prometryne at the rates of 4, 8, 16 and 32 pounds per acre. Terbacil was applied at the rates of 2,4,8 and 16 pounds per acre 13 months prior to soil sampling. Herbicide residues in soil samples collected from experimental plots were bioassayed using oats (Avena sativa L.) as the indicator plant. Residues present in the soil at the 0- to 4-inch depth were found to be relatively low in plots treated with 4 pounds per acre of Ametryne, Diuron, Fluometuron, Norea or Prometryne, or 2 pounds per acre of Terbacil. Residues were found to increase in the 0- to 4-inch depth as the rate of herbicide was increased. Fluometuron and Diuron were detected at rather high concentrations when applied at 16 and 32 pounds per acre. At the corresponding higher rates, only small to moderate amounts of Ametryne, Norea, Prometryne and Terbacil were detected. In general, Fluometuron, Diuron, Ametryne and Prometryne did not penetrate in appreciable amounts beyond the 0- to 4-inch depth regardless of the concentration. However, the greatest amount of Terbacil and Norea were found to accumulate in the 4- to 8-inch and 8- to 12-inch depths, respectively.Los yerbicidas Ametryne, Diuron, Fluometuron, Norea y Prometryne fueron aplicados a parcelas experimentales, a razón de 4, 8, 16 y 32 libras por acre. En cambio, el Terbacil se aplicó en cantidades de 2, 4, 8 y 16 libras, 13 meses antes de que se tomaran muestras de suelo de las referidas parcelas. El contenido de residuos yerbicidas en dichas muestras fue determinado mediante un ensayo biológico utilizándose, con tal propósito, la variedad de avena "Kanota" (Avena sativa L.) como planta indicadora. Se encontró que la presencia de residuos fue relativamente baja a una profundidad de 0 a 4 pulgadas en las parcelas tratadas con 4 libras de Ametryne, Diuron, Fluometuron, Norea y Prometryne o con 2 libras de Terbacil, por acre. Se halló, además, que a dicha profundidad la cantidad de residuos en el suelo aumentó en proporción a las dosis aplicadas. Por otro lado se detectaron altas concentraciones de Fluometuron y de Diuron, cuando éstos se aplicaron a razón de 16 y 32 libras por acre. Sin embargo, al aplicarse idénticas dosis de Ametryne, Norea, Prometryne y Terbacil, sólo se detectaron moderadas cantidades de residuos. En términos generales, los yerbicidas Fluometuron, Diuron, Ametryne y Prometryne no penetraron en cantidades apreciables más allá del límite de 4 pulgadas, sin importar la concentración a que fueron aplicados. De otra parte, los resultados obtenidos prueban que en los casos del Terbacil y la Norea la mayor acumulación residual se encontró a las profundidades de 4 a 8 pulgadas y 8 a 12 pulgadas, respectivamente