10 research outputs found

    Multiple Representations Appear When Students Interpret Signs in Constructing Rectangle Concepts

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    Multiple Representation the ability to use several mathematical expressions. The purpose of this study is to describe the representations that appear when students interpret the signs. Descriptive explorative research is used in this study with three elementary school students in the Jember Regency. The research was conducted teacher’s teaching process, recording students 'activities using field note sheets, and analyszing the results of students' notes when constructing concepts. The research findings showed that the subject interpreted the sign by investigating the sign and then using some interpretations to express his mathematical ideas in the form of writing, pictures, tables, numbers, and symbols. This shows when interpreting the subject's sign using multiple representations. The representations used are image, verbal, and symbol representations. The results of this study are useful for teachers to stimulate children to make more than one representation when constructing a rectangle concept.


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    The aim of this article is to identify the steps which were done by the students in solving Pythagoras’ word problems. This study used qualitative research by using explorative descriptive approach. The subject of this study was four students who werein seventh grade of Junior High school of Muhammadiyah 1 Jember.  The subjects givenone problem in the form of story that had to be done based on their styles.  From the result analysis of the study was found that the students tried to understand the aim of the problems by using picture, compass direction, and Pythagoras’ pattern. In solving Pythagoras’ word problem, the students used representation of schematic visual. In making schematic picture, the students were supposedto be consistent with compass direction. The student that isconsistent with compass direction can make the schematic picture correctly and with a picture,the student can solve the word problems by using Pythagoras’ pattern correctly. The student who is inconsistent with compass direction will get difficulties in making schematic picture and not be able to solve Pythagoras’ word problems correctly

    Analisis Kesalahan Siswa Dengan Tipe Berpikir Semikonseptual Berdasarkan Teori Nolthing

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    The purpose of this research is to describe students’ mistakes with semi-conceptual thinking types in solving mathematical problems in rectangular material. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used written tests and semi-structured interviews. Subjects in class VIIE SMPN 7 Jember. Data analysis techniques use 3 ways, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity technique uses the triangulation method. The results of this study are that many students make the same mistake due to a lack of reasoning ability to re-describe the information contained in the problem, and a lack of understanding of the concept so that dominant students just memorize concepts or formulas but cannot apply them to solve questions and do not check back answers to get answers. Correct result. Keywords: students’ error, semi-conceptual thinking type, Nolthing theor

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Representasi Semiotik Siswa Dengan Metode Guided Discovery Learning

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    This classroom action research aims to improve the ability of students' semiotic representations on material tangents to circles at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Rambipuji. The preliminary study stated that 20% of class VIII students were able to represent their thinking results in the form of images and symbols. Ten grade VIII students became the research subjects. Data collection was carried out by field observations, student worksheets, and interviews. Data analysis with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Each cycle has 4 stages, namely, making plans, implementing action plans, making observations, and reflecting on research results. In this study, it was said to be successful if at least 85% of students obtained scores that exceeded the KKM limit. From the results of the implementation of cycle 1, 60% of students were able to represent the answers to the questions in the semiotic representation of the research subjects. Cycle 2 following the guided discovery learning method, indicates the development of semiotic representation abilities. Students find it easier to represent a problem in material tangent to a circle. So that the final value obtained has increased significantly is 90%. Keywords: Guided Discovery Learning, Semiotic Representatio


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    Penalaran matematis adalah kemampuan seseorang dalam berpikir logis untuk dapat menarik kesimpulan baru berdasarkan fakta, konsep dan sumber yang dianggap relevan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penalaran matematis siswa dalam mengonstuksi konsep luas daerah persegi panjang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data berasal dari siswa kelas 4 salah satu SD swasta di Kabupaten Jember. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bahwa ketiga subjek telah mengonstruksi konsep daerah luas persegi panjang sesuai dengan indikator penalaran matematis yaitu menarik suatu kesimpulan secara logis pada kegiatan menemukan konsep luas daerah persegi panjang dengan menggambar persegi panjang dan menutupi seluruh permukaan persegi pajang dengan persegi satuan. Kegiatan memprediksi jawaban serta proses pencarian solusi dari suatu masalah, subjek memanfaatkan pola serta hubungan untuk membuat analogi, subjek menggunakan persegi satuan untuk menemukan konsep luas pesegi panjang. Pada indikator memberikan suatu penjelasan berdasarkan model, sifat-sifat, fakta, serta hubungan, subjek mengkalikan jumlah persegi satuan yang lebih panjang dengan jumlah persegi satuan yang lebih pendek yang dimisalkan sebagai panjang dan lebar persegi panjang. Pada tahap menganalisis suatu situasi serta membuat generalisasi, subjek menemukan rumus luas persegi panjang serta memeriksa kembali kebenaran dari hasil pekerjaannya untuk lebih memastikan lagi bahwa hasil pekerjaannya sudah dapat dibuktikan kebenaranny


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the process and results of developing an ethnomathematics-based e-module on Jember batik motifs for high school students. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with the research model used is the ADDIE research and development model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Data collection instruments in the form of validation sheets, student response questionnaire sheets and question sheets. The trial subjects in this study were limited to 6 students in class XI IPA at SMA Negeri Pakusari, while for the large scale trial, the remaining limited scale trials were from students in class XI IPA at SMA Negeri Pakusari. The data analysis techniques used are product validity analysis, practicality analysis, and effectiveness analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that the ethnomathematics-based e-module on Jember batik motifs for high school students has met three categories of product quality assessment, namely validity, effectiveness, and practicality and can be declared successful or feasible to use. Thus, the product can be useful as a learning resource and to facilitate students in learning mathematics and cultur


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    Semiotics is simply defined as the sign-using to represent a mathematical concept in a problem-solving. Semiotic reasoning of constructing concept is a process of drawing a conclusion based on object, representamen (sign), and interpretant. This paper aims to describe the phases of semiotic reasoning of elementary students in constructing the properties of a rectangle. The participants of the present qualitative study are three elementary students classified into three levels of Adversity Quotient (AQ): quitter/AQ low, champer/AQ medium, and climber/AQ high. The results show three participants identify object by observing objects around them. In creating sign stage, they made the same sign that was a rectangular image. However, in three last stages, namely interpret sign, find out properties of sign, and discover properties of a rectangle, they made different ways. The quitter found two characteristics of rectangular objects then derived it to be a rectangle’s properties. The champer found four characteristics of the objects then it was derived to be two properties of a rectangle. By contrast, Climber found six characteristics of the sign and derived all of these to be four properties of a rectangle. In addition, Climber could determine the properties of a rectangle correctly

    Playing Mathematics in Early Childhood Based on Semiotics

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    Playing mathematics in early childhood based on semiotics gives children the opportunity to identify objects, look for signs and interpret signs so that they can solve problems in games. This study aims to describe semiotic based early childhood mathematics play activities. The research was conducted at the PAUD Lab School, Muhammadiyah University of Jember. The research subjects were 5 children from group B. The results showed that the activities of playing mathematics in early childhood based on semiotics were (1) collecting information related to semiotic-based math games, (2) looking for objects that matched the game and counting the number of objects found, (3) looking for relevant signs and signs. that are relevant to the number of objects found, (4) associated with signs of knowledge that have been previously possessed and look for all signs according to the objects found, (5) the child retells the play that has been don


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    The background. of this research is due. to the impact caused by Covid-19. urge educators to carry out learning. distance that is almost unheard of. and the obstacles experienced by parents due to the pandemic. covid-19 is a tough economy. The learning house portal is an alternative for parents in helping their children to learn independently. at home at this time and the free use of the learning house can help parents, teachers and students. So the need for a prospective teacher perspective where one day will become a teacher in a school is an important point where opinions. from prospective teachers can be a point of view. for a change in the future. The results obtained that prospective teachers assess that the home study application can assist teachers in delivering learning materials during the. current Covid-19 period because in the learning house the material presented is clear, always follows the current learning developments, there are many features that can help and improve student learning. Not only in the form of electronic books, there are also videos and questions that students can practice immediately after studying the material. The conclusion. of the study is that. the perspective of prospective teachers argues that utilizing this application is a new way to increase student. learning motivation which by using this application makes it. easier for students. to find materials that they do not understand

    Analysis Critical Thinking Skills in Solving Statistical Problems in Terms of Self Concept

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    This study aims to describe the critical thinking skills of class VIII B students at a private junior high school in Jember Regency. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, written tests, and interviews. The subjects used by the researchers were class VIII B at a private junior high school in Jember Regency. Subject data obtained 3 self-concept classifications including high self-concept, moderate self-concept, and low self-concept. Based on the three self-concept classifications, students' critical thinking skills are then analyzed in 4 indicators, namely interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference. The results of the study show that students' critical thinking skills in each self-concept have different classifications. Students with high (positive) self-concept have high (critical) critical thinking skills, students with moderate self-concept have moderate (sufficient) critical thinking skills, while students with low (negative) self-concept have critical thinking skills with low (lack) in problem-solving