14,067 research outputs found

    How and why physicists and chemists use blogs

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    This study examined how and why chemists and physicists blog. Two qualitative methods were used: content analysis of blog and “about” pages and in-depth responsive interviews with chemists and physicists who maintain blogs. Analysis of the data yielded several cross-cutting themes that provide a window into how physicists and chemists use their blogs and what value they receive from maintaining a blog and participating in a blogging community. The article concludes with a discussion of implications for supporting scientists’ work

    High-throughput enzyme evolution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a synthetic RNA switch

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    Metabolic engineering can produce a wide range of bulk and fine chemicals using renewable resources. These approaches frequently require high levels of activity from multiple heterologous enzymes. Directed evolution techniques have been used to improve the activity of a wide range of enzymes but can be difficult to apply when the enzyme is used in whole cells. To address this limitation, we developed generalizable in vivo biosensors using engineered RNA switches to link metabolite concentrations and GFP expression levels in living cells. Using such a sensor, we quantitatively screened large enzyme libraries in high throughput based on fluorescence, either in clonal cultures or in single cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). By iteratively screening libraries of a caffeine demethylase, we identified beneficial mutations that ultimately increased the enzyme activity in vivo by 33 fold and the product selectivity by 22 fold. As aptamer selection strategies allow RNA switches to be readily adapted to recognize new small molecules, these RNA-based screening techniques are applicable to a broad range of enzymes and metabolic pathways

    Cosmid Cloning of Five \u3cem\u3eZymomonas trp\u3c/em\u3e Genes by Complementation of \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3ePseudomonas putida trp\u3c/em\u3e Mutants

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    A library of Zymomonas mobilis genomic DNA was constructed in the broad-host-range cosmid pLAFR1. The library was mobilized into a variety of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida trp mutants by using the helper plasmid pRK2013. Five Z. mobilis trp genes were identified by the ability to complement the trp mutants. The trpF, trpB, and trpA genes were on one cosmid, while the trpD and trpC genes were on two separate cosmids. The organization of the Z. mobilis trp genes seems to be similar to the organization found in Rhizobium spp., Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and Pseudomonas acidovorans. The trpF, trpB, and trpA genes appeared to be linked, but they were not closely associated with trpD or trpC genes

    On the Road to Better Value: State Roles in Promoting Accountable Care Organizations

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    Outlines how accountable care organizations can deliver value through incentives to manage utilization, improve quality, and curb cost growth. Profiles states supporting the model with data, new payment methods, accountability measures, and other efforts

    Cosmic-Ray Production and the Role of Supernovae in NGC 6946

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    We present a study of 35 radio-selected supernova remnant (SNR) candidates in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946. In this study, an optically selected sample of 27 SNRs from Matonick & Fesen is compared to our sample of radio-selected SNRs. The optically selected SNRs are found to have almost no overlap with the radio-selected sample. This dichotomy is further enhanced by the observation that the optically selected SNRs favor the interarm regions, while the radio-emitting SNRs lie predominately on the spiral arms in or near regions of high star formation. The separation of the two samples of SNRs is discussed in terms of selection effects and differences in cosmic-ray production. The optical sample of SNRs is probably biased toward those SNRs located in areas of NGC 6946 where the confusion of Hα emission by H II regions is relatively low and the SNRs are easier to identify by their emission-line signatures. The radio-selected sample is also subject to selection biases such that these SNRs favor the arms. However, the absence of radio emission from the optically selected, largely interarm SNRs and the relatively large number of radio-detected SNRs in the arms require additional explanation. The properties of the radio-selected SNRs are discussed in the context of diffusive shock acceleration theory. We find that the theory can account for the range in radio flux densities and the nondetection of the optically selected SNRs. The differences in the radio properties between the arm and interarm population of SNRs can be explained by differences in the average gas densities and magnetic fields since the latter affect both the cosmic-ray yield and the radio properties of the SNRs. The possibility that the arm and interarm SNRs arise from different stellar populations is also addressed

    Climate Change and Tax Policy

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    Scientific evidence suggests that man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially carbon dioxide emissions, are a contributing factor to global climate change. This global climate change negatively impacts our Earth and policymakers must implement climate change policies in an effort to decrease carbon emission and mitigate its negative impacts. This Article will analyze three options for regulating GHG emissions: traditional command-and-control regulation, tradable permit markets, and taxes. Following a detailed analysis of both the theoretical and practical arguments regarding carbon taxation and alternative emissions permit trading schemes, this Article concludes that carbon taxation is the superior method of reducing carbon emissions

    Sikap Petani Padi Organik Terhadap Program OVOP (One Village One Product) Berbasis Koperasi Produk Beras Organik di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    SIKAP PETANI PADI ORGANIK TERHADAP PROGRAM OVOP (ONE VILLAGE ONE PRODUCT) BERBASIS KOPERASI PRODUK BERAS ORGANIK DI KABUPATEN KARANGANYAR Sendy Christina Kusumawardhani1 Bekti Wahyu Utami, S.P., M.Si2 Widiyanto, S.P., M.Si3 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor pembentuk sikap petani terhadap program OVOP, mengkaji sikap petani terhadap program OVOP, dan mengkaji hubungan antara faktor-faktor pembentuk sikap petani dengan sikap petani terhadap program OVOP berbasis koperasi produk beras organik di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Metode penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive). Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik proportional random sampling sebanyak 40 responden dari dua koperasi yaitu KKT Tani Makaryo dan KSU Anugerah Jaya. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor-faktor pembentuk sikap dengan sikap petani padi organik terhadap Program OVOP adalah Uji Koefisien Korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor pembentuk sikap yaitu umur berada antara 51-60 tahun, pengalaman berusahatani antara 4-6 tahun, pengaruh orang lain yang dianggap penting berada pada kriteria rendah, pendidikan formal berada pada tingkat SLTP/tamat SLTP, pendidikan non formal tergolong sedang, terpaan media massa tergolong sangat rendah, budaya pelestarian alam berada pada kriteria netral dan pendapatan tergolong rendah. Sikap petani padi organik terhadap Program OVOP yang meliputi komponen kognitif tergolong sangat rendah, komponen afektif tergolong netral dan komponen konatif tergolong netral. Hasil analisis Rank Spearman menunjukkan bahwa faktor pembentuk sikap yang memiliki hubungan sangat signifikan dengan sikap petani terhadap Program OVOP adalah pengaruh orang lain yang dianggap penting. Faktor pembentuk yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan sikap petani terhadap Program OVOP adalah pengalaman berusahatani, pendidikan formal dan pendidikan non formal. Faktor pembentuk sikap yang tidak memiliki hubungan signifikan adalah umur, terpaan media massa, budaya pelestarian alam dan pendapatan. Kata Kunci : Sikap, OVOP, Koperasi, Beras Organik Keterangan : 1. Mahasiswa Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Petanian, UNS 2. Pembimbing Utama 3. Pembimbing Pendampin

    Ibsen’s Female Characters in Captivity: An Exploration of Literature and Performance

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    In Henrik Ibsen’s plays, A Doll’s House, The Wild Duck, The Lady from the Sea, and Hedda Gabler, the theme of captivity is demonstrated in the female protagonists Nora, Hedvig, Ellida, and Hedda. The theme of captivity also serves as a performance guide for the portrayal of these characters. Ibsen’s female protagonists are in bondage to an object or person that manipulates the character’s mental and emotional senses. The character’s inner captivity reaches a climax where a decision must be made to abolish the chains of captivity or forever remain enslaved. Since the nineteenth century, the actor has greatly benefitted from Ibsen’s electrifying work that established the new acting style of Realism. The contemporary actor can apply the theme of captivity to performance by thoroughly reading the text, understanding Realism, creating a character separate from self, and training the voice and body