13 research outputs found

    Comparison Natural Spawning with Artificial Spawning in Gold Fish Oranda (Carassius Auratus)

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    The research on the Comparisson between natural spawning and artificial spawning in gold fish oranda (Carassius auratus) was conducted in February 2014 in the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. The research was to compare the result between natural spawning and artificial substrate with result artificial spawning using injection with ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg body weight females; 0,2 ml/kg body weight males in gold fish oranda (Carassius auratus). The container used in this study was 6 unit fiber size 100x60x50 cm2 The method used is an experimental method or direct observation and than process spawning one unit sampel don\u27t in simultaneously because different maturity level gold fish oranda.The results treatment showed that is natural spawning better than artificial spawning in terms of index ovisomatic 12,2 % (IOS); fertilized rate 86,8 % (FR), hatching rate 91,1 % (HR), survival rate of 10 days old fry 97,9 % (SR)

    Analisa Keuangan Rumah Toko Dengan Penerapan Pengolahan Air Limbah Dan Penampungan Air Hujan

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia sekarang ini memacu para investor properti untuk melakukan sebuah investasi, salah satunya pada bidang properti rumah toko. Dampak negatif pembangunan rumah toko adalah buangan air limbah yang tidak diolah dan langsung dibuang dapat mencemari lingkungan. Untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran air akibat air buangan rumah toko diperlukan sistem pengolahan air limbah serta penampungan air hujan untuk mengurangi limpasan permukaan. Pada penelitian ini direncanakan sembilan unit rumah toko dengan desain penerapan pengolahan air limbah dan penampungan air hujan serta analisa keuangannya untuk menentukan kelayakan investasi. Kriteria penilaian yang dipakai untuk analisa keuangan investasi adalah Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, dan Benefit Cost Ratio. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan desain bak penampung air limbah dengan ukuran 1,2 m x 1m x 1 m dan bak air hujan dengan ukuran 2,5 m x 1 m x 1,5 m untuk satu rumah toko. Dari hasil analisa keuangan dengan umur rencana investasi 5 tahun, diperoleh hasil nilai NPV sebesar Rp. 6.682.928.308, IRR sebesar 14%, dan BCR sebesar 1,38% yang berarti investasi rumah toko dengan pengolahan air limbah dan penampungan air hujan layak untuk diterapkan

    Characterization of the surface physico-chemistry of plasticized PVC used in blood bag and infusion tubing

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    Commercial infusion tubing and blood storage devices (tubing, blood and platelets bags) made of plasticized PVC were analyzed by spectroscopic, chromatographic and microscopic techniques in order to identify and quantify the additives added to the polymer (lubricants, thermal stabilizers, plasticizers) and to put into evidence their blooming onto the surface of the devices. For all the samples, deposits were observed on the surface but with different kinds of morphologies. Ethylene bis amide lubricant and metallic stearate stabilizers were implicated in the formation of these layers. In contact with aqueous media, these insoluble deposits were damaged, suggesting a possible particulate contamination of the infused solutions