381 research outputs found

    Measurement of π\pi, K, p transverse momentum spectra with ALICE in proton-proton collisions at s=\sqrt{s} = 0.9 and 7 TeV

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    Results of the measurement of the π\pi, K, p transverse momentum (ptp_{\mathrm{t}}) spectra at mid-rapidity in proton-proton collisions at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV are presented. Particle identification was performed using the energy loss signal in the Inner Tracking System (ITS) and the Time Projection Chamber (TPC), while information from the Time-of-Flight (TOF) detector was used to identify particles at higher transverse momentum. From the spectra at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV the mean transverse momentum () and particle ratios were extracted and compared to results obtained for collisions at s=0.9\sqrt{s} = 0.9 TeV and lower energies.Comment: Quark Matter 2011 proceeding

    Computed tomography of coronary artery anomaly : case report

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    Background: Anomalies of coronary vessels can be described as varies group of congenital heart disease, which can have different level of clinical manifestation and changeable pathophysiological mechanisms. Diagnosis and imaging of vessel course is essential before percutaneous angioplasty intervention and coronary artery bypass grafting as well as before implantation of artificial valve. Case Report: Patient with cardiologic history, previously percutaneus intervention were performed and left circumflex coronary artery were assessed as occluded. Computed tomography revealed anomalous origin of patent circumflex branch arising from right Valsava sinus. Conclusions: Selective percutaneus coronary angiography is challenging in case of coronary anomalies, there are only few indirect symptoms of anomalies. The advantage of computed tomography over classic coronarography is visibility of all patent coronary vessels after single administration of contrast medium. It is possible to describe its anatomic relations, evaluation of walls and its changes

    „Sekularyzacja” czy wielość struktur sensu? Pojęcie ograniczonych struktur znaczenia Alfreda Schutza a pytanie o racjonalność religijną

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    Max Weber i Peter Berger: pytanie o racjonalność religii i o jej miejsce w społeczeństwie Poweberowska tradycja socjologii religii kryje niewykorzystane dotąd możliwości interpretacji pojęcia sekularyzacji. Możliwości te są na tyle zaskakujące, że mogą skłonić do postawienia pytania, czy użycie tego pojęcia w dotychczasowej refleksji na temat religii i społeczeństwa nie jest w pewnym sensie nieporozumieniem. Dobrym przykładem tego rodzaju reinterpretacji jest artykuł Catherine Colliot-Thélène o odczarowaniu i racjonalizacji u Maxa Webera. Odnosząc się do późnych tekstów Webera na temat socjologii religii, powstałych po książce Etyka protestancka a duch kapitalizmu, twierdzi ona, iż nieuzasadnione jest umieszczanie tych analiz w kontekście interpretacji teorii sekularyzacji. Autorka twierdzi, że ów kontekst, w którym zakłada się że zasadnicza różnica pomiędzy światem nowoczesnym i przednowoczesnym polega na emancypacji spod przemożnego wpływu religii na konstytuowanie się społeczeństwa, nie pasuje do analiz Webera, gdyż zakładają one, iż religia pełni w społeczeństwie kluczową rolę, stanowiąc w nim jedyne źródło sensu. Colliot-Thélène podaje przykład zainspirowanej myślą Webera książki Petera Bergera Święty baldachim, gdzie termin „sekularyzacja” oznacza sytuację, w której religia zostaje wrzucona w rynek komercyjnego współzawodnictwa, pozbawiona właściwej sobie mocy nadawania społeczeństwu powszechnie obowiązujących znaczeń i sensów, przez co społeczeństwo powraca do pierwotnego stanu chaosu i anomii.

    Prenyl Ammonium Salts – New Carriers for Gene Delivery: A B16-F10 Mouse Melanoma Model

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    Purpose Prenyl ammonium iodides (Amino-Prenols, APs), semi-synthetic polyprenol derivatives were studied as prospective novel gene transfer agents. Methods AP-7, -8, -11 and -15 (aminoprenols composed of 7, 8, 11 or 15 isoprene units, respectively)were examined for their capacity to form complexes with pDNA, for cytotoxicity and ability to transfect genes to cells. Results All the carriers were able to complex DNA. The highest, comparable to commercial reagents, transfection efficiency was observed for AP-15. Simultaneously, AP-15 exhibited the lowest negative impact on cell viability and proliferation—considerably lower than that of commercial agents. AP-15/DOPE complexes were also efficient to introduce pDNA to cells, without much effect on cell viability. Transfection with AP-15/DOPE complexes influenced the expression of a very few among 44 tested genes involved in cellular lipid metabolism. Furthermore, complexes containing AP-15 and therapeutic plasmid, encoding the TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 2 (TIMP2), introduced the TIMP2 gene with high efficiency to B16-F10 melanoma cells but not to B16-F10 melanoma tumors in C57BL/6 mice, as confirmed by TIMP2 protein level determination. Conclusion Obtained results indicate that APs have a potential as non-viral vectors for cell transfection

    Semiautomatic and fully functional electrochemical microanalyzer BO-05 suitable for scientific, didactic, and analytical applications : the use in the potentiometric analysis of drugs

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    This article presents the potentiometric method of determination of chlorides using the original BO-05 electrochemical microanalyzer. The quantification of chlorides is one of the frequently performed methods, both in the indirect determination of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and impurities in pharmaceutical raw materials, pharmacopoeial substances or pharmaceutical formulations as well. Successfully validated method was used to the analysis of chlorides in the preparations containing verapamil hydrochloride in form of tablets Staveran® and Verapamil® . The mean content of the studied API calculated to one tablet was close to the declared and equal to 123.6±1.5 mg and 122.6±1.1 mg, respectively. The presence of excipients have no significant impact on the final results. Thus shown that the electrochemical microanalyzer BO-05 is suitable for scientific, didactic and analytical applications

    Semiautomatic and fully functional electrochemical microanalyzer BO-05 suitable for scientific, didactic, and analytical applications: The use in the potentiometric analysis of drugs

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    This article presents the potentiometric method of determination of chlorides using the original BO-05 electrochemical microanalyzer. The quantification of chlorides is one of the frequently performed methods, both in the indirect determination of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and impurities in pharmaceutical raw materials, pharmacopoeial substances or pharmaceutical formulations as well. Successfully validated method was used to the analysis of chlorides in the preparations containing verapamil hydrochloride in form of tablets Staveran® and Verapamil®. The mean content of the studied API calculated to one tablet was close to the declared and equal to 123.6±1.5 mg and 122.6±1.1 mg, respectively. The presence of excipients have no significant impact on the final results. Thus shown that the electrochemical microanalyzer BO-05 is suitable for scientific, didactic and analytical applications

    New cationic polyprenyl derivative proposed as a lipofecting agent

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    Cationic linear poly-cis-isoprenoid prepared from natural plant polyprenol in a mixture with dioleyl phosphatidylethanolamine was found to be an effective lipofection agent for eukaryotic cells. The transfecting activity is related to the poly-cis structure of the polyprenyl chain