53 research outputs found

    The Maturity Level of Quality Management and Medical Service Improvement by Wielkopolska District Hospitals

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    Theoretical background: Quality management and medical service improvement in district hospitals enables to achieve a number of internal and external benefits. It is a long-term process of conscious transformation of the existing state into a desired and accepted one by the concerned stakeholders. The diagnosis of the medical service organizations’ performance is an important aspect in the context of building a hospital of the future which is focused on quality, development and improvement.Purpose of the article: The article reveals the positions of hospital managers (directors) on the current level of the quality management maturity service improvement of the medical facilities they manage.Research methods: A diagnostic survey was conducted using a paper questionnaire. The form was handed in person and filled in the presence of the author. This provided an inducement for analysis and conclusions. The study was performed in 2022.Main findings: The level of implementation of the quality management system (QMS) principles in the surveyed hospital organizations, despite the variability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the environment, was evaluated at 3.39. This means that the practice of the QMS is widely established, but not in most areas. Therefore, the scope of the principles cannot be considered as complete. The result is different for the assessed maturity of quality excellence in the selected accreditation standards. The surveyed district hospitals evaluated their maturity level at 3.69. Thus, the respondents considered that the maturity level to be close to 70%. They identify the practice as typical (only some exceptions are deviations from it). The surveyed hospitals also have evidence of continuous improvement after at least one year. Another important aspect concerned maturity research in relation to innovation. The surveyed entities determined this parameter at the level of 3.50, which corresponds to approximately 66%. The highest level of maturity achieved the hospitals in the operational skills in conditions of disruption. They assessed the adaptation abilities and taken actions towards sustainable development at the level of 3.82 (72%). These results prove that the district hospitals in the Wielkopolska voivodeship take steps toward excellence, but their level of excellence in 2022 is not full (as it does not apply to 100% of occurrences, and the practice is also not implemented in entire hospitals, without exceptions)

    Struktura organizacyjna – narzędzia kierowania i delegowania uprawnień decyzyjnych. Rozwiązania na przykładzie Urzędu Miasta Łodzi

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    The centralization of power in management makes people who are responsible for decisions focus on the current activities of the organization, not on its long-term issues. Creating new management positions and management levels provides an extension of the decision-making timeframe, in this case the dominance a vertical communication. The negative effects of centralization of power are mitigated by delegation of decisionmaking powers to subordinates. In accordance with the concept of modern leadership, it is important to share power, which is made possible by highly qualified subordinates The organizational structure is the basic tool for performing the functions of management. Structural solutions determine the effectiveness of management. The organizational structure indicates where each employee in the organizational system should be. This article presents the organizational structure of the City of Lodz. Defines the responsibilities of individual cells in administration and of their managers. It attempts to answer the question about the effectiveness of apportionment of competence

    Szlak Turystyczny „Łódź Bajkowa” – wyzwania i bariery

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    Multifunctional carbon aerogels derived by sol–gel process of natural polysaccharides of different botanical origin

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    In this manuscript, we describe the results of our recent studies on carbon aerogels derived from natural starches. A facile method for the fabrication of carbon aerogels is presented. Moreover, the complete analysis of the carbonization process of different starch aerogels (potato, maize, and rice) was performed using thermogravimetric studies combined with a detailed analysis of evolved decomposition products. The prepared carbon aerogels were studied in terms of their morphology and electrical properties to relate the origin of starch precursor with final properties of carbon materials. The obtained results confirmed the differences in carbon aerogels’ morphology, especially in materials’ specific surface areas, depending on the botanical origin of precursors. The electrical conductivity measurements suggest that carbon aerogels with the best electrical properties can be obtained from potato starch

    Androgen signaling disruption during fetal and postnatal development affects androgen receptor and connexin 43 expression and distribution in adult boar prostate

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    To date, limited knowledge exists regarding the role of the androgen signaling during specific periods of development in the regulation of androgen receptor (AR) and connexin 43 (Cx43) in adult prostate. Therefore, in this study we examined mRNA and protein expression, and tissue distribution of AR and Cx43 in adult boar prostates following fetal (GD20), neonatal (PD2), and prepubertal (PD90) exposure to an antiandrogen flutamide (50 mg/kg bw). In GD20 and PD2 males we found the reduction of the luminal compartment, inflammatory changes, decreased AR and increased Cx43 expression, and altered localization of both proteins. Moreover, enhanced apoptosis and reduced proliferation were detected in the prostates of these animals. In PD90 males the alterations were less evident, except that Cx43 expression was markedly upregulated. The results presented herein indicate that in boar androgen action during early fetal and neonatal periods plays a key role in the maintenance of normal phenotype and functions of prostatic cells at adulthood. Furthermore, we demonstrated that modulation of Cx43 expression in the prostate could serve as a sensitive marker of hormonal disruption during different developmental stages

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist stimulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in human adipocytes

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    Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) are relatively new pharmacological agents used to normalize glucose level in type 2 diabetes. Recently, GLP-1RAs have been approved for the treatment of obesity to reduce body weight in non-diabetic patients. The extra-pancre-atic effects of GLP-1RAs, as well as their molecular mechanism of action, are still poorly understood. Thus this study was aimed to verify the hypothesis that the mechanism of action of the GLP-1RAs involves mitochondria and that GLP-1RAs administration can improve mitochondrial functions. For this purpose, preadipocytes CHUBS7 were differentiated to mature adipocytes and then stimulated with GLP-1RA, exendin-4 at 100 nM for 24 h. Oxygen consumption rates, mitochondrial membrane potential, intracellular ATP (adenosine triphosphate) level, SIRT1 and SIRT3 gene expression and the histone deacetylases' activity were measured. Exendin-4 was found to uncouple mitochondrial electron transport from ATP synthesis, slightly decreasing mitochondrial membrane potential in mature adipocytes. Routine respiration and uncoupled oxy- gen consumption rates were higher in exendin-4 treated adipocytes than in the non-treated cells. The ATP level remained unchanged. Exendin-4 enhanced SIRT1 and SIRT3 genes expression. Histone deacetylases' activity in the nuclear fraction was not affected by exendin-4, although the activity of class III histone deacetylases was increased. All of the effects on mitochondrial bioenergetics induced by exendin-4 were abolished by addition of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor antagonist. In conclusion, exendin-4 activates the sirtuin pathway and increases energy expenditure in human adipocytes. Our results suggest another mechanism that may be responsible for body weight reduction observed in patients using GLP-1RAs

    Analysis of the impact of implemented IT systems on the economic efficiency of enterprises in the construction industry in the context of sustainable development in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of the implemented IT systems on the economic efficiency of construction industry enterprises in Poland.APPROACH/METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: In the framework of the presented article, the main research methods are our own surveys conducted on 300 people (n=300) among employees in various positions in construction companies. This research was supplemented with a review of world scientific literature and an in-depth interview among business practitioners among construction companies in Poland.FINDINGS: The obtained results will indicate the factors that determine the increase in the economic efficiency of enterprises and will enable the formulation of recommendations regarding the optimal implementation of IT systems.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The practical implications of the research results contained in the article constitute recommendations for practical actions in the management of construction companies that bring measurable results and increase their economic efficiency.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The original value of the article is the analysis of primary data obtained as part of a survey of construction enterprises in Poland and the development of recommendations regarding practical actions that increase the economic efficiency of enterprises.The project was financed within the framework of the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland under the name “Regional Excellence Initiative” in the years 2019–2023, project number 001/RID/2018/19, the amount of financing PLN 10,684,000.00.peer-reviewe

    The Maturity Level of Quality Management and Medical Service Improvement by Wielkopolska District Hospitals

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    Theoretical background: Quality management and medical service improvement in district hospitals enables to achieve a number of internal and external benefits. It is a long-term process of conscious transformation of the existing state into a desired and accepted one by the concerned stakeholders. The diagnosis of the medical service organizations’ performance is an important aspect in the context of building a hospital of the future which is focused on quality, development and improvement. Purpose of the article: The article reveals the positions of hospital managers (directors) on the current level of the quality management maturity service improvement of the medical facilities they manage. Research methods: A diagnostic survey was conducted using a paper questionnaire. The form was handed in person and filled in the presence of the author. This provided an inducement for analysis and conclusions. The study was performed in 2022. Main findings: The level of implementation of the quality management system (QMS) principles in the surveyed hospital organizations, despite the variability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the environment, was evaluated at 3.39. This means that the practice of the QMS is widely established, but not in most areas. Therefore, the scope of the principles cannot be considered as complete. The result is different for the assessed maturity of quality excellence in the selected accreditation standards. The surveyed district hospitals evaluated their maturity level at 3.69. Thus, the respondents considered that the maturity level to be close to 70%. They identify the practice as typical (only some exceptions are deviations from it). The surveyed hospitals also have evidence of continuous improvement after at least one year. Another important aspect concerned maturity research in relation to innovation. The surveyed entities determined this parameter at the level of 3.50, which corresponds to approximately 66%. The highest level of maturity achieved the hospitals in the operational skills in conditions of disruption. They assessed the adaptation abilities and taken actions towards sustainable development at the level of 3.82 (72%). These results prove that the district hospitals in the Wielkopolska voivodeship take steps toward excellence, but their level of excellence in 2022 is not full (as it does not apply to 100% of occurrences, and the practice is also not implemented in entire hospitals, without exceptions)

    Doskonalenie jakości w polskiej administracji publicznej w kontekście potencjału tkwiącego w narzędziach kreatywności i technikach badania zadowolenia klienta

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    The article presents the results of research showing changes in the use of creativity tools and customer satisfaction measurement techniques in Polish public administration focused on pro-quality activities. The study covers three periods: 2010, 2015 and 2020. The aim of the analysis is to identify trends in the perception of creativity tools, as well as to show changes in the use of techniques allowing for the assessment of the level of customer satisfaction.W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań wskazujących na zmiany zakresu stosowania narzędzi kreatywności i technik pomiaru zadowolenia klienta w polskiej administracji publicznej, ukierunkowanej na działania projakościowe. Badania dotyczą trzech okresów: 2010, 2015 i 2020 roku. Celem analizy jest wyłonienie tendencji w percepcji narzędzi kreatywności i ukazanie zmian w zakresie stosowania technik pozwalających na ocenę poziomu zadowolenia klienta

    Wydarzenia w przestrzeni miejskiej jako czynnik budowania pozytywnego wizerunku miasta

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    Przedsięwzięcia kulturalne, sportowe, naukowe stały się w ostatnich latach architektami wizerunku miast i zaczynają dominować w ich identyfikacji. Poszczególne miasta zauważają potencjał, jaki tkwi w organizowanych na ich terenach wydarzeniach. Dzięki ich renomie i zasięgu, miasta w których się odbywają, są z nimi utożsamiane, a tym samym stają się rozpoznawalne na arenie krajowej i międzynarodowej. Jest to ważny instrument w zakresie komunikowania pożądanego wizerunku miasta. Istotny jest także dobór charakteru wydarzeń do celów wizerunkowych, ich spójność z charakterem miasta, jego historią i przede wszystkim z zapisami dokumentów strategicznych określających markę miasta i sposób jej komunikacji. Organizacja przedsięwzięcia, które jest spójne z atrybutami wizerunku miasta daje większą skuteczność i efektywność jego wykorzystania. Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska koncentruje się na analizie miast pod kątem organizowanych na ich terenie wydarzeń i wykorzystywanych w tym celu przestrzeni, a także charakterystyce zakresu i specyfiki używania instrumentów marketingowych w procesie tworzenia przewagi konkurencyjnej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przedsięwzięć z zakresu kultury, sportu i rekreacji. W rozprawie skupiono się na problemach umiejscowienia marketingu terytorialnego w procesie zwiększania rozpoznawalności i podnoszenia atrakcyjności wizerunku Łodzi, Lublina, Białegostoku, Poznania i Gdańska, a także roli jaką pełnią wydarzenia w kreowaniu wizerunku miast.In recent years, events of culture, sport and science have become architects of the image of cities. They begin to dominate in identification of cities. Cities have seen potential of events organized in their areas. They are equated with them, and become recognizable in the national and international arena. This is an important instrument in process of communication of desired image of the city. Significant is also the choice of the nature of the events, their consistency with the character of the city, its history and, above all, with the strategic documents defining the brand of the city and its communication. Events, which are consistent with the attributes of the image of the city, give greater effectiveness and efficiency of their use. This dissertation focuses on analyses of the cities and events organized in their area and used of them as marketing instruments in the process of creating a competitive advantage. The objective of dissertation was identification of problems of positioning territorial marketing in the process of increasing awareness and raising the attractiveness of the image of Lodz, Lublin, Bialystok, Poznan and Gdansk, as well as the role they play in shaping the image of the event cities