6 research outputs found

    A study of the interaction between soil and the pneumatic wheels of agricultural gantry systems

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    Saabunud / Received 08.02.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 05.03.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 07.03.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Jüri Olt e-mail: [email protected] the stage at which agricultural gantry systems are being designed, developed, and studied, the question of a rational choice of tyres for such systems is relevant, as tyres are the most important part of an agricultural gantry system and have a significant effect on most of its operating properties. The methods that can be used for choosing tyres for traditional mobile-powered equipment are already well established by scientific experience, but the movement of agricultural gantry systems in permanent artificial tracks creates somewhat different conditions and demands for a pneumatic tyre when compared to a traditional tractor moving along agricultural soil. This is why the development of methods that will assist in finding rational parameters for the pneumatic tyres of agricultural gantry systems that are moving along compacted soil in permanent artificial tracks is an urgent and relevant task. The purpose of the study is to optimise the parameters for the tyres of agricultural gantry systems in terms of their being able to travel on compacted soil in permanent artificial tracks. Theoretical studies and the synthesis of the parameters for a pneumatic wheel to work with an agricultural gantry system took place by modelling on a PC the performance conditions of such a vehicle. The basis for the study methods was formed by the fundamentals of tractor theory and theoretical mechanics, using the software program Mathcad. The traction factor of an agricultural gantry system's pneumatic wheel was used as the performance criterion for the effectiveness of the work being done by the wheel. The physical object of study was an agricultural system that has been developed by us. As a result of the study, it was determined that the solving of the task that has been set out - using an analysis of partial derivates of the function of the efficiency of an agricultural gantry system's wheel – makes it possible to quickly and effectively determine the rational optimum points for its pneumatic tyre's parameters. It was determined that, for the agricultural gantry system at hand, and in view of the maximum efficiency of its pneumatic wheel, the wheel's tyre width must be within the range of 0.20–0.30 m and its diameter must be within the range of 0.90–1.25 m. With those ranges, it is recommended that the tyre's inflation pressure be increased from 100 kPa to 160 kPa because the partial derivates of the function of the efficiency at those parameters would decrease to near zero. It has been proven that the choice of tyre type for agricultural gantry systems should be based first on the choice of its width and then its load-bearing capacity – its diameter. The proposed methods for finding rational parameters for pneumatic wheels make it possible to determine the tyre parameters for all kinds of agricultural gantry systems which will be required to travel on compacted soil in permanent artificial tracks. For the agricultural gantry system that has been developed by us, using tyres of the 9.5R32 type provides the highest levels of efficiency, i.e. at a factor of 0.86

    Вибір складу технологічного середовища для ФАБО

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    The article includes the systematized information on processing mediums used for FANT. The role of processing medium components for producing antifriction coatings with the complex of tribotechnical properties has been shown. On the basis of well-known compositions, conditions for coating formation as well as the functional and technological requirements for FANT processing mediums, the procedure has been proposed for developing and choosing the composition of processing medium for laying the coatings by applying FANT method. Метою даної роботи є розробка алгоритму вибору компонентів складу технологічного середовища для ФАБО. Це дозволить із усього різноманіття вибрати найбільш ефективний склад технологічного середовища, тим самим одержати якісні покриття й підвищити продуктивність ФАБО. Для цього в статті систематизовані відомості про технологічні середовища, що використовуються при ФАБО. Показана роль компонентів технологічних середовищ для одержання антифрикційних покриттів із комплексом триботехнічних властивостей. Проаналізовані основні функціональні й технологічні вимоги до технологічних середовищ, що застосовуються при ФАБО, спрямовані на досягнення комплексу триботехнічних властивостей. На основі аналізу відомих складів, умов формування покриттів, а також функціональних і технологічних вимог, що висувають до технологічних середовищ, запропонований порядок розробки й вибору складу технологічного середовища для нанесення покриттів методом ФАБО

    Research of a contact stresses in swivel elements of flexible shaft in screw conveyor for transportation of agricultural materials

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    Saabunud / Received 12.03.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 28.04.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 28.04.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Jüri Olt ; [email protected] paper presents the new design of the rotating part with ball-bearing swivel joints between its sections for flexible screw conveyors. The new design provides for the improvement of the operation efficiency and loading capacity, the enhancement of the technological capabilities and the reduction of the admissible curvature radius. The contact stresses in the swivel element as the most loaded area in the rotating part have been analysed. It has been established that the maximum contact stresses arise at the points of contact between the ball and the flat surface of the slot in the cylindrical bushing. The recommended design limitation range for the cavity cone angle is within about 30–50. The relation between the loads and the stresses depending on the operating conditions has been modelled with the use of computer modelling. The comparison of the computer modelling results and the obtained calculation data has proved that the difference between the respective values varies within the range of 11–26%

    Theoretical background research oscillation vibration at its root digging

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    В роботі проведені теоретичні дослідження поступальних коливань коренеплоду як твердого тіла у пружному середовищі разом з оточуючим ґрунтом, які надаються коренеплоду від вібраційного викопуючого робочого органу у повздовжньо-вертикальній площині. Складена система диференціальних рівнянь зазначеного коливального процесу, розв’язок якої дав можливості визначати амплітуди і частоти цих коливань, що забезпечують повне руйнування зв’язків коренеплоду з ґрунтом і створюють передумови для його остаточного вилучення. The task to develop the basic tenets of the theory of vibrations sugar beet roots as elastic bodies in an elastic environment and get them on the process parameters that provide neposhkodzhennya roots. The paper contains theoretical research translational vibrations beet root as a rigid body in an elastic medium, together with the surrounding soil, root crops betrayed by digging out the vibration of the working body in the longitudinal vertical plane. A system of differential equations of this oscillatory process, the solution of which made it possible to determine the amplitude and frequency of vibrations to ensure complete destruction of root relations with the soil and creates preconditions for its eventual recovery

    A study of the interaction between soil and the neumatic wheels of agricultural gantry systems

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    At the stage at which agricultural gantry systems are being designed, developed, and studied, the question of a rational choice of tyres for such systems is relevant, as tyres are the most important part of an agricultural gantry system and have a significant effect on most of its operating properties. The methods that can be used for choosing tyres for traditional mobile-powered equipment are already well established by scientific experience, but the movement of agricultural gantry systems in permanent artificial tracks creates somewhat different conditions and demands for a pneumatic tyre when compared to a traditional tractor moving along agricultural soil. This is why the development of methods that will assist in finding rational parameters for the pneumatic tyres of agricultural gantry systems that are moving along compacted soil in permanent artificial tracks is an urgent and relevant task. The purpose of the study is to optimise the parameters for the tyres of agricultural gantry systems in terms of their being able to travel on compacted soil in permanent artificial tracks. Theoretical studies and the synthesis of the parameters for a pneumatic wheel to work with an agricultural gantry system took place by modelling on a PC the performance conditions of such a vehicle. The basis for the study methods was formed by the fundamentals of tractor theory and theoretical mechanics, using the software program Mathcad. The traction factor of an agricultural gantry system's pneumatic wheel was used as the performance criterion for the effectiveness of the work being done by the wheel. The physical object of study was an agricultural system that has been developed by us. As a result of the study, it was determined that the solving of the task that has been set out - using an analysis of partial derivates of the function of the efficiency of an agricultural gantry system's wheel – makes it possible to quickly and effectively determine the rational optimum points for its pneumatic tyre's parameters. It was determined that, for the agricultural gantry system at hand, and in view of the maximum efficiency of its pneumatic wheel, the wheel's tyre width must be within the range of 0.20–0.30 m and its diameter must be within the range of 0.90–1.25 m. With those ranges, it is recommended that the tyre's inflation pressure be increased from 100 kPa to 160 kPa because the partial derivates of the function of the efficiency at those parameters would decrease to near zero. It has been proven that the choice of tyre type for agricultural gantry systems should be based first on the choice of its width and then its load-bearing capacity – its diameter. The proposed methods for finding rational parameters for pneumatic wheels make it possible to determine the tyre parameters for all kinds of agricultural gantry systems which will be required to travel on compacted soil in permanent artificial tracks. For the agricultural gantry system that has been developed by us, using tyres of the 9.5R32 type provides the highest levels of efficiency, i.e. at a factor of 0.86

    Increase in wear resistance of gas-thermal coatings from iron-carbon alloys using electric contact treatment

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    Предложен способ повышения износотойкости газотермических покрытий из железо-углеродистных сплавов электроконтактной обработкой (ЭКО). В основе способа лежит создание и использование фазово-структурных деформационных превращений, которые обеспечивают повышение износостойкости напыленных покрытий и комплексное улучшение их физико-механических и эксплуатационных свойств. Использование комбинации технологии напыления недорогих сталей и их ЭКО открывает широкие возможности в создании износостойких покрытий. Запропоновано спосіб підвищення зносостійкості газотермічних покриттів з залізо-вуглецевих сплавів електроконтактною обробкою (ЕКО). В основі методу лежить створення і використання фазово- структурних деформаційних перетворень, які забезпечують підвищення зносостійкості напилених покриттів і комплексне поліпшення їх фізико-механічних та експлуатаційних властивостей. В результаті ЕКО ГПН / ЕДН покриттів із сталей мартенситного і феритного класів у покриттях формується двофазна структура, що містить метастабільний аустеніт, що має твердість 200 - 300 НV, а також певну кількість оксидів. При цьому, в процесі подальшої експлуатації деталей з цими покриттями внаслідок інтенсивної пластичної деформації метастабільний аустеніт буде трансформуватися в зносостійкий і твердий мартенсит (НV = 700 ... 800) за рахунок протікання деформаційного у - α перетворення. Використання комбінації технології. A method for an increase in the wear resistance of iron-carbon alloy coatings using electric contact treatment is proposed, which is based on the initiation and use of phase-structural deformation transformations, which provide an increase in the wear resistance of deposited coatings and complex improvement of their physical-mechanical and performance properties. As a result, in coatings from steels of martensite and ferrite types a two-phase structure has been formed, which contained a metastable austenite with a hardness of 200-300 HV along with some amount of oxides. In the course of operation of parts with such coatings, thanks to intense plastic deformation, the metastable austenite tends to transform into wear-resistant and hard martensite (НV=700...800) due to the y - a deformation transformation