434 research outputs found


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    Not to search for the reason of Isaac Julien’s Western Union: Small Boats (2007), but rather to reason with the work, to speak in its vicinity: what follows is the log of one possible route. The trauma of modern-day migration, here most obviously deepened and dramatised by the dangers of crossing vast and inhospitable spaces – the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea – is also the trauma of that split in the unified image of the world that seemingly reflects and respects only our concerns. Subsequent fragmentation disseminates the insistence of possible and impossible transits and translations in which the refused, the expelled and the marginalised dissect and multiple the horizon.  These are shards of history that are also parts of us. The narrative unwinds, confused by rhythms, tonalities and accents that befuddle the desire for a secure semantics and the reconfirmation of our world, of our possession of the account

    The 'Unseen Order'

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    Through a reading of Gramsci's observations on religion and popular beliefs an examination of the paradoxes and hypocrisies of Occidental modernity

    Lessons from the south

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    In the light of events of 2011 in the Arab world – the so-called 'Arab spring – some critical considerations on the Occidental lexicon for explaining the processes that propose their conceptual limits and political agendas

    Introduction. Inflections  of  Technoculture:  Biodigital  Media, Postcolonial  Theory  and  Feminism

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    This special issue of Anglistica aims at highlighting the blind spots between digital media properties and the questions posed by post-colonial subjects. Drawing on fields of inquiry as diverse as television and radio, cinema and cyberspace, new materialism and xenogenesis, the contributions help outline a composite theoretical framework trying to interrogate postcolonial ontologies and economies with regard to processes of inclusion/exclusion, the creation of borders, gendered and racial performance in a globalized world.\ud \ud The contributors are mostly former doctoral students from the PhD program in Cultural and Postcolonial Studies at L'Orientale, and the Media and Communication department at Goldsmiths College, London, which makes this issue the result of an especially fruitful exchange between the two groups

    Introduction: Inflections of Technoculture'

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    Introduction to special issue of anglistica on technology and culture from a feminist and postcolonial perspective

    Neapolitan nights: from Vesuvian blues to planetary vibes

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    A sonorial cartography of popular music in post-1945 Naples that considers the sounds in terms of culture and power of historicism, postcolonialism, heterotopias and counter narratives

    Fini e inizi

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    Postfazione al volume Genealogie della modernità. Teoria radicale e critica postcoloniale curato da C. Conelli e E. Me
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