168 research outputs found

    Seguridad jurídica y autenticidad del documento electrónico en la legis-lación peruana

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    El desarrollo de la ciencia aplicada a la informática y puesta al servicio de la sociedad permite efectuar diversas actividades de carácter social, económico y político, dando origen a la construcción de nuevos medios o formas de comunicación de la voluntad humana. El objeto de estudio es determinar si la legislación sobre tecnología informática garantiza la seguridad jurídica y reconoce la autenticidad del documento electrónico en la legislación peruana, establecimos como premisa el método científico descriptivo-analítico aplicado al derecho, se realizó análisis hermenéutico de fuentes bibliográficas y de los datos obtenidos focalizado en La Libertad como segmento de estudio. La investigación es de tipo básica aportara una base de datos organizados para conocer el procedimiento de cómo aplicar de manera eficaz la legislación que permita garantizar el derecho de los administrados en el nuevo escenario global. Conservando la unidad metodológica, se concluye que la autenticidad del documento electrónico no cuenta con legislación expresa que reconozca su génesis (valor probatorio), lo que conlleva a confirmar que no hay seguridad jurídica

    Fast interactive CFD evaluation of hemodynamics assisted by RBF mesh morphing and reduced order models: the case of aTAA modelling

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    AbstractThe medical digital twin is emerging as a viable opportunity to provide patient-specific information useful for treatment, prevention and surgical planning. A bottleneck toward its effective use when computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques and tools are adopted for the high fidelity prediction of blood flow, is the significant computing cost required. Reduced order models (ROM) looks to be a promising solution for facing the aforementioned limit. In fact, once ROM data processing is accomplished, the consumption stage can be performed outside the computer-aided engineering software adopted for simulation and, in addition, it could be also implemented on interactive software visualization interfaces that are commonly employed in the medical context. In this paper we demonstrate the soundness of such a concept by numerically investigating the effect of the bulge shape for the ascending thoracic aorta aneurysm case. Radial basis functions (RBF) based mesh morphing enables the implementation of a parametric shape, which is used to build up the ROM framework and data. The final result is an inspection tool capable to visualize, interactively and almost in real-time, the effect of shape parameters on the entire flow field. The approach is first verified considering a morphing action representing the progression from an average healthy patient to an average aneurismatic one (Capellini et al. in Proceedings VII Meeting Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB-ITA 2017), 2017; Capellini et al. in J. Biomech. Eng. 140(11):111007-1–111007-10, 2018). Then, a set of shape parameters, suitable to consistently represent a widespread number of possible bulge configurations, are defined and accordingly generated. The concept is showcased taking into account the steady flow field at systolic peak conditions, using ANSYS®Fluent®and its ROM environment for CFD and ROM calculations respectively, and the RBF MorphTM software for shape parametrization

    Relación entre la inversión pública en saneamiento y la tasa de mortalidad en el Perú, periodo 1999 - 2019

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    La relación entre la inversión pública en saneamiento y la tasa de mortalidad en el Perú periodo 1999-2019, es evaluada en datos de frecuencia anual para una muestra de 21 años sobre 24 secciones cruzadas de los datos de tipo panel. Los resultados de la estimación econométrica con el método DGLS propuesto en la metodología nos permite demostrar que se acepta la hipótesis alternativa y se afirma que la inversión pública en saneamiento tiene una relación indirecta en la tasa de mortalidad durante el periodo 1999-2019; ya que, el Modelo final nos indicó que al haber un aumento en S/ 1 millón de soles en la inversión en saneamiento, existe una disminución de 0.0876% puntos porcentuales en la tasa bruta de mortalidad; y una disminución de 0.0829% en la tasa de mortalidad solo de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua y saneamiento básico.The relationship of public investment in sanitation and the mortality rate is evaluated in ""annual frequency data"" for a sample of 21 years on 24 cross sections of panel data. The results of the econometric estimation with the DGLS method proposed in the methodology show that our alternative hypothesis is accepted. In addition, it shows that public investment in sanitation has an indirect relationship in the mortality rate, during the period 1999-2019. The final model indicates that with an increase of S / 1 million soles in investment in sanitation, the mortality rate decreases 0.0876%; and the mortality rate related to water and sanitation decreases 0.0829%Tesi

    The association between the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and mortality in critical illness: an observational cohort study

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    Introduction The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a biological marker that has been shown to be associated with outcomes in patients with a number of different malignancies. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between NLR and mortality in a population of adult critically ill patients. Methods We performed an observational cohort study of unselected intensive care unit (ICU) patients based on records in a large clinical database. We computed individual patient NLR and categorized patients by quartile of this ratio. The association of NLR quartiles and 28-day mortality was assessed using multivariable logistic regression. Secondary outcomes included mortality in the ICU, in-hospital mortality and 1-year mortality. An a priori subgroup analysis of patients with versus without sepsis was performed to assess any differences in the relationship between the NLR and outcomes in these cohorts. Results A total of 5,056 patients were included. Their 28-day mortality rate was 19%. The median age of the cohort was 65 years, and 47% were female. The median NLR for the entire cohort was 8.9 (interquartile range, 4.99 to 16.21). Following multivariable adjustments, there was a stepwise increase in mortality with increasing quartiles of NLR (first quartile: reference category; second quartile odds ratio (OR) = 1.32; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.03 to 1.71; third quartile OR = 1.43; 95% CI, 1.12 to 1.83; 4th quartile OR = 1.71; 95% CI, 1.35 to 2.16). A similar stepwise relationship was identified in the subgroup of patients who presented without sepsis. The NLR was not associated with 28-day mortality in patients with sepsis. Increasing quartile of NLR was statistically significantly associated with secondary outcome. Conclusion The NLR is associated with outcomes in unselected critically ill patients. In patients with sepsis, there was no statistically significant relationship between NLR and mortality. Further investigation is required to increase understanding of the pathophysiology of this relationship and to validate these findings with data collected prospectively.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 EB017205-01A1


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    O objetivo deste trabalho avaliar a influência de revestimentos de fécula de mandioca no amadurecimento de mamões 'Golden', durante o armazenamento. Foram utilizadas formulações de fécula de mandioca a 1%; 3%; 5% e 0% (controle), para revestimentos dos frutos e avaliações de perda de massa fresca (PMF), teores de clorofilas (CL) e carotenóides totais da casca dos frutos, firmeza e atividade de pectinametilesterase (PME), durante 14 dias, e avaliação das taxas respiratórias (TR) por sete dias. Frutos revestidos a 3 e 5% tiveram menor PMF e coloração verde por mais tempo, evidenciado pela maior concentração de CL durante maior parte do período experimental. Frutos assim revestidos (3 e 5%) permaneceram mais firmes que os demais, durante maior parte do período experimental. A atividade da PME nos frutos revestidos a 3% foi menor durante maior parte do período experimental. A taxa respiratória se manteve numericamente menor nos frutos revestidos por fécula a 3%, a partir do terceiro dia de avaliação. A utilização de revestimentos de fécula de mandioca a 3 e 5% influencia o amadurecimento de mamões 'Golden' reduzindo a perda de massa fresca e de firmeza, assim como a manutenção da coloração verde durante o armazenamento.Palavras-chave: Carica papaya L; Armazenamento; Revestimento comestível