31 research outputs found

    Reconciling the surface temperature–surface mass balance relationship in models and ice cores in Antarctica over the last 2 centuries

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    Ice cores are an important record of the past surface mass balance (SMB) of ice sheets, with SMB mitigating the ice sheets' sea level impact over the recent decades. For the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS), SMB is dominated by large-scale atmospheric circulation, which collects warm moist air from further north and releases it in the form of snow as widespread accumulation or focused atmospheric rivers on the continent. This suggests that the snow deposited at the surface of the AIS should record strongly coupled SMB and surface air temperature (SAT) variations. Ice cores use δ18O as a proxy for SAT as they do not record SAT directly. Here, using isotope-enabled global climate models and the RACMO2.3 regional climate model, we calculate positive SMB–SAT and SMB–δ18O annual correlations over ∼90 % of the AIS. The high spatial resolution of the RACMO2.3 model allows us to highlight a number of areas where SMB and SAT are not correlated, and we show that wind-driven processes acting locally, such as foehn and katabatic effects, can overwhelm the large-scale atmospheric contribution in SMB and SAT responsible for the positive SMB–SAT annual correlations. We focus in particular on Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, where the ice promontories clearly show these wind-induced effects. However, using the PAGES2k ice core compilations of SMB and δ18O of Thomas et al. (2017) and Stenni et al. (2017), we obtain a weak annual correlation, on the order of 0.1, between SMB and δ18O over the past ∼150 years. We obtain an equivalently weak annual correlation between ice core SMB and the SAT reconstruction of Nicolas and Bromwich (2014) over the past ∼50 years, although the ice core sites are not spatially co-located with the areas displaying a low SMB–SAT annual correlation in the models. To resolve the discrepancy between the measured and modeled signals, we show that averaging the ice core records in close spatial proximity increases their SMB–SAT annual correlation. This increase shows that the weak measured annual correlation partly results from random noise present in the ice core records, but the change is not large enough to match the annual correlation calculated in the models. Our results thus indicate a positive correlation between SAT and SMB in models and ice core reconstructions but with a weaker value in observations that may be due to missing processes in models or some systematic biases in ice core data that are not removed by a simple average

    Ice core and stratigraphic constraints on modelling dynamic Antarctic outlet systems

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    Model reconstruction of past ice dynamic changes are essential for our understanding of future ice sheet responses to climate change. However, paleo ice sheet model studies are poorly constrained as spatiotemporal coverage of proxy reconstructions are sparse. Previously, we showed, that it is possible to identify or exclude past ice sheet instabilities by using the isotopic record and age structure of a deep ice core in vicinity to dynamic outlet sectors as a constraint for flow parameterizations in an ice sheet model. Here, we highlight key Antarctic ice sheet domains in which deep ice cores in concert with radar observations of the ice sheet’s stratigraphy hold great potential to provide an even more rigid observational tuning target for ice flow models. In some of these regions dated deep ice cores are already available, often including coverage of internal reflection horizons potentially connecting the ice core age structure with faster flowing outlet sectors. In other regions either an ice core providing age constraints or radar observations are not yet available. We discuss the potential of ice core/stratigraphically calibrated ice flow modelling of dynamic Antarctic drainage systems. Furthermore, we present first model estimates of the age structure in these regions and identify promising sites for future ice coring expeditions or ice penetrating radar missions

    Comparison of measurements from different radio-echo sounding systems and synchronization with the ice core at Dome C, Antarctica

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    We present a compilation of radio-echo sounding (RES) measurements of five radar systems (AWI, BAS, CReSIS, INGV and UTIG) around the EPICA Dome C (EDC) drill site, East Antarctica. The aim of our study is to investigate the differences of the various systems in their resolution of internal reflection horizons (IRHs) and bedrock topography, penetration depth, and quality of imaging the basal layer. We address the questions of the compatibility of existing radar data for common interpretation, and the suitability of the individual systems for Oldest Ice reconnaissance surveys. We find that the most distinct IRHs and IRH patterns can be identified and transferred between most data sets. Considerable differences between the RES systems exist in range resolution and depiction of the basal layer. Considering both aspects, which we judge as crucial factors in the search for old ice, the CReSIS and the UTIG systems are the most valuable ones. In addition to the RES data set comparison we calculate a synthetic radar trace from EDC density and conductivity profiles. We identify ten common IRHs in the measured RES data and the synthetic trace. The reflection-causing conductivity sections are determined by sensitivity studies with the synthetic trace. In this way, we accomplish an accurate two-way travel time to depth conversion for the reflectors, without having to use a precise velocity-depth function that would accumulate depth uncertainties with increasing depth. The identified IRHs are assigned with the AICC2012 time scale age. Due to the isochronous character of these conductivity-caused IRHs, they are a means to extend the Dome C age structure by tracing the IRHs along the RES profiles

    Stable accumulation patterns around Dome C, East Antarctica, over the last glacial cycle

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    Abstract. We reconstruct the pattern of surface accumulation in the region around Dome C, East Antarctica, through the last glacial cycle. We use a set of internal isochrones interpreted from various ice-penetrating radar surveys and a 1D pseudo-steady ice flow model to invert for both time-averaged accumulation rates and paleoaccumulation rates between isochrone pairs. We observe that the surface accumulation pattern is stable through the last 128 kyrs, both the large-scale (100s km) gradients which reflect current modeled and observed precipitation gradients in the region, as well as the small-scale (10s km) accumulation variations linked to snow redistribution at the surface due to changes in its slope and curvature in the prevailing wind direction. This suggests a stable position of the dome throughout the last glacial cycle

    Age, thinning and spatial origin of the Beyond EPICA ice from a 2.5D ice flow model [in review]

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    The European Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice consortium is currently conducting an ice core drilling project at Little Dome C (LDC) in Antarctica with the aim of retrieving a continuous ice core up to 1.5 Ma. In order to determine the age of the ice at a given depth, 1D numerical models are often employed. However, they do not take into account any effects due to horizontal flow. We present a 2.5D inverse model that determines the age–depth profile along a flow line from Dome C (DC) to LDC that is assumed to be stable in time. The model is constrained by dated radar internal reflecting horizons. Surface velocity measurements are used to determine the flow line and ascertain the flow tube width, which also allows the model to consider lateral divergence. This new model therefore improves on the results produced by 1D models previously applied to the DC area. By inferring a mechanical ice thickness, the model predicts either the thickness of a basal layer of stagnant ice or a basal melt rate. Results show that the deepest ice at Beyond EPICA Little Dome C (BELDC) originates from around 15 km upstream. The oldest ice with useful age resolution, i.e. with an age density of 20 kyr m-1, is predicted to be 1.12 Ma at BELDC. Over the LDC area, the 2.5D model predicts a basal layer 200–250 m thick at the base of the ice sheet. Modelled ice particle trajectories suggest that this layer could be composed of stagnant ice, accreted ice or even disturbed ice containing debris. We explore the possibilities, though this is an open question that may only be answered by analysis the Beyond EPICA ice core once it has been drilled. Finally, we discuss in detail a thinning in the basal layer which is less than predicted by the model, as observed in other ice cores. This could mean that modelled ages are significantly over-estimated in the deepest part of the ice column. Given that the age estimate from the 2.5D model is younger than previous estimates, we suggest that horizontal flow is an important factor in this region. However, our model assumes that the flow line features such as flow direction and dome location have not change over the time period considered, which might not be the case. How to cite. Chung, A., Parrenin, F., Mulvaney, R.

    Deep Radiostratigraphy of the East Antarctic Plateau: Connecting the Dome C and Vostok Ice Core Sites

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    Several airborne radar-sounding surveys are used to trace internal reflections around the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C and Vostok ice core sites. Thirteen reflections, spanning the last two glacial cycles, are traced within 200 km of Dome C, a promising region for million-year-old ice, using the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics High-Capacity Radar Sounder. This provides a dated stratigraphy to 2318 m depth at Dome C. Reflection age uncertainties are calculated from the radar range precision and signal-to-noise ratio of the internal reflections. The radar stratigraphy matches well with the Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder (MCoRDS) radar stratigraphy obtained independently. We show that radar sounding enables the extension of ice core ages through the ice sheet with an additional radar-related age uncertainty of approximately 1/3-1/2 that of the ice cores. Reflections are extended along the Byrd-Totten Glacier divide, using University of Texas/Technical University of Denmark and MCoRDS surveys. However, core-to-core connection is impeded by pervasive aeolian terranes, and Lake Vostok's influence on reflection geometry. Poor radar connection of the two ice cores is attributed to these effects and suboptimal survey design in affected areas. We demonstrate that, while ice sheet internal radar reflections are generally isochronal and can be mapped over large distances, careful survey planning is necessary to extend ice core chronologies to distant regions of the East Antarctic ice sheet

    Radio-echo sounding measurements and ice-core synchronization at Dome C, Antarctica

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    We present a compilation of radio-echo sounding (RES) measurements of five radar systems (AWI, BAS, CReSIS, INGV and UTIG) around the EPICA Dome C (EDC) drill site, East Antarctica. The aim of our study is to investigate the differences of the various systems in their resolution of internal reflection horizons (IRHs) and bedrock topography, penetration depth, and quality of imaging the basal layer. We address the questions of the compatibility of existing radar data for common interpretation, and the 5 suitability of the individual systems for Oldest Ice reconnaissance surveys.We find that the most distinct IRHs and IRH patterns can be identified and transferred between most data sets. Considerable differences between the RES systems exist in range resolution and depiction of the basal layer. Considering both aspects, which we judge as crucial factors in the search for old ice, the CReSIS and the UTIG systems are the most valuable ones. In addition to the RES data set comparison we calculate a synthetic radar trace from EDC density and conductivity profiles.We identify ten common IRHs in the measured 10 RES data and the synthetic trace. The reflection-causing conductivity sections are determined by sensitivity studies with the synthetic trace. In this way, we accomplish an accurate two-way travel time to depth conversion for the reflectors, without having to use a precise velocity-depth function that would accumulate depth uncertainties with increasing depth. The identified IRHs are assigned with the AICC2012 time scale age. Due to the isochronous character of these conductivity-caused IRHs, they are a means to extend the Dome C age structure by tracing the IRHs along the RES profiles.Published653-6685A. Paleoclima e ricerche polariJCR Journa

    Basal age, surface accumulation, basal melting, geothermal flux and Lliboutry exponent of the velocity profile in the Dome C area

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    Ice sheets provide exceptional archives of past changes in polar climate, regional environment and global atmospheric composition. The oldest dated deep ice core drilled in Antarctica has been retrieved at EPICA Dome C (EDC), reaching ~800,000 years. Obtaining an older paleoclimatic record from Antarctica is one of the greatest challenges of the ice core community. Here, we use internal isochrones, identified from airborne radar coupled to ice-flow modelling to estimate the age of basal ice along transects in the Dome C area. Three glaciological properties are inverted from isochrones: surface accumulation rate; geothermal flux; and the exponent of the Lliboutry velocity profile. We find that old ice (>1 Myr, 1 million years) likely exists in two regions: one ~40 km south-west of Dome C along the ice divide to Vostok, close to a secondary dome that we name "Little Dome C" (LDC); and a second region named "North Patch" (NP) located 10-30 km north-east of Dome C, in a region where the geothermal flux is apparently relatively low. Our work demonstrates the value of combining radar observations with ice flow modelling to accurately represent the true nature of ice flow, and the formation of ice-sheet architecture, in the centre of large ice sheets

    Internal reflecting horizon 11 at Little Dome C, Antarctica

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    This dataset of radio-echo sounding internal reflecting horizons (IRH) which were traced across the radar surveys conducted in the 2019/20 Antarctic summer season at Little Come C, in the Dome C region of the East Antarctic Plateau. The data set is associated to publication: Chung, A., et al. (in review). The data were collected during a radar survey conducted in the Antarctic field seasons of 2019-20 using the Little Dome C - Very High Frequency (LDC-VHF) multichannel coherent radar depth sounder developed through a collaboration of The University of Alabama (UA), the University of Copenhagen (CPH) and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). The survey covered Patches A and B of Little Dome C (Lilien et al., 2021), in order to select the exact drill site for the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice drilling project. The datasets consists of 12 transects systematically covering Patches A and B with parallel lines, over an area of approximately 5×8 km^2. The dataset contains 19 IRHs, the basal unit horizon and the ice-bed interface which were manually traced by Ailsa Chung, using the seismic environment of the Echos software from Paradigm Geophysical. A single file for each IRH is provided in a text file, tab separated format with both depth and two-way travel time. The conversion to depth done using c = 0.1685 m/μs and firn correction of 10 m. The IRHs are provided at approximately 3.5 m spacial resolution

    Internal reflecting horizons at Little Dome C, Antarctica

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    This dataset of ice-penetrating radar IRHs (internal reflecting horizons) which were traced across the ice-penetrating radar surveys conducted in 2018-19 at Little Dome C inthe Dome C region of the East Antarctic Plateau. The data set is associated to publication: Chung, A., et al. (in review). The data was collected during a radar survey conducted in the Antarctic field seasons of 2019-20 using the Little Dome C - Very High Frequency (LDC-VHF) multichannel coherent radar depth sounder developed through a collaboration of The University of Alabama (UA), the University of Copenhagen (CPH) and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). The survey covered Patches A and B of Little Dome C, in order to select the exact drill site for the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice drilling project. The datasets consists of 12 transects systematically covering Patches A and B with parallel lines, over an area of approximately 5×8 km^2. The dataset contains 19 IRHs, the basal unit horizon and the ice-bedrock interface which were manually traced by Ailsa Chung, using the seismic environment of the Echos software from Paradigm Geophysical. A single file for each IRH is provided in a text file, tab separated format with both depth and two-way travel time. The conversion to depth done using c = 0.1685 m/μs and firn correction of 10 m. The IRHs are provided at approximately 3.5 m resolution. The 19 upper IRHs were linked from LDC to the EDC ice core site using the direct radar transect (profile number 20201012). Ages for IRHs were then calculated by linearly interpolating the EDC age-depth timescale from AICC2012 (Bazin et al., 2013) where the IRHs pass closest to the ice core site. IRH ages (in ka BP - before 1950) and uncertainties are provided in a text file, tab separated format file