387 research outputs found

    Tailoring the interactions between self-propelled bodies

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    We classify the interactions between self-propelled particles moving at a constant speed from symmetry considerations. We establish a systematic expansion for the two-body forces in the spirit of a multipolar expansion. This formulation makes it possible to rationalize most of the models introduced so far within a common framework. We distinguish between three classes of physical interactions: (i) potential forces, (ii) inelastic collisions and (iii) non-reciprocal interactions involving polar or nematic alignment with an induced field. This framework provides simple design rules for the modeling and the fabrication of self-propelled bodies interacting via physical interactions. A class of possible interactions that should yield new phases of active matter is highlighted

    Hydrodynamics of confined active fluids

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    We theoretically describe the dynamics of swimmer populations confined in thin liquid films. We first demonstrate that hydrodynamic interactions between confined swimmers only depend on their shape and are independent of their specific swimming mechanism. We also show that due to friction with the walls, confined swimmers do not reorient due to flow gradients but the flow field itself. We then quantify the consequences of these microscopic interaction rules on the large-scale hydrodynamics of isotropic populations. We investigate in details their stability and the resulting phase behavior, highlighting the differences with conventional active, three-dimensional suspensions. Two classes of polar swimmers are distinguished depending on their geometrical polarity. The first class gives rise to coherent directed motion at all scales whereas for the second class we predict the spontaneous formation of coherent clusters (swarms).Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Collective Motion with Anticipation: Flocking, Spinning, and Swarming

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    We investigate the collective dynamics of self-propelled particles able to probe and anticipate the orientation of their neighbors. We show that a simple anticipation strategy hinders the emergence of homogeneous flocking patterns. Yet, anticipation promotes two other forms of self-organization: collective spinning and swarming. In the spinning phase, all particles follow synchronous circular orbits, while in the swarming phase, the population condensates into a single compact swarm that cruises coherently without requiring any cohesive interactions. We quantitatively characterize and rationalize these phases of polar active matter and discuss potential applications to the design of swarming robots.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Beaver in the Upper Madison Beaver Management Area Outside Of West Yellowstone, Montana

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    Through the late 1960s and early 1970s, trappers harvested most of the beaver in the Hebgen Lake watershed outside of West Yellowstone, Montana. In an attempt to bring back the beaver, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks and the Forest Service established the Upper Madison Beaver Management Area (UMBMA) to regulate the number of the licenses made available to trappers. Both agencies wanted beaver on the landscape because of the important role beaver play in watershed ecology. By building dams, beavers raise water levels which improve wetland habitat for birds, fish, moose, and other animal species. My project included surveying one kilometer of good beaver habitat in the major drainages throughout the Hebgen lake watershed while looking for different beaver signs. These signs include recent beaver clippings in the willow, caches (piles of willow where beaver store there winter food supply), slides (folded down grass where beaver enter river), active lodges, and active dams. The objective of my paper was to evaluate the status of the beaver population by looking at the indices of presence to help FWP decide whether reintroductions and/or changes in the trapping season regulations are necessary

    Emergence of macroscopic directed motion in populations of motile colloids

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    From the formation of animal flocks to the emergence of coordinate motion in bacterial swarms, at all scales populations of motile organisms display coherent collective motion. This consistent behavior strongly contrasts with the difference in communication abilities between the individuals. Guided by this universal feature, physicists have proposed that solely alignment rules at the individual level could account for the emergence of unidirectional motion at the group level. This hypothesis has been supported by agent-based simulations. However, more complex collective behaviors have been systematically found in experiments including the formation of vortices, fluctuating swarms, clustering and swirling. All these model systems predominantly rely on actual collisions to display collective motion. As a result, the potential local alignment rules are entangled with more complex, often unknown, interactions. The large-scale behavior of the populations therefore depends on these uncontrolled microscopic couplings. Here, we demonstrate a new phase of active matter. We reveal that dilute populations of millions of colloidal rollers self-organize to achieve coherent motion along a unique direction, with very few density and velocity fluctuations. Identifying the microscopic interactions between the rollers allows a theoretical description of this polar-liquid state. Comparison of the theory with experiment suggests that hydrodynamic interactions promote the emergence of collective motion either in the form of a single macroscopic flock at low densities, or in that of a homogenous polar phase at higher densities. Furthermore, hydrodynamics protects the polar-liquid state from the giant density fluctuations. Our experiments demonstrate that genuine physical interactions at the individual level are sufficient to set homogeneous active populations into stable directed motion

    Vibration Table for Environmental Chamber

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    Design and Testing of a Top Mask Projection Ceramic Stereolithography System for Ceramic Part Manufacturing

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    Ceramic manufacturing is an expensive process with long lead times between the initial design and final manufactured part. This limits the use of ceramic as a viable material unless there is a large project budget or high production volume associated with the part. Ceramic stereolithography is an alternative to producing low cost parts through the mixing of a photo curable resin and ceramic particles. This is an additive manufacturing process in which each layer is built upon the previous to produce a green body that can be sintered for a fully dense ceramic part. This thesis introduces a new approach to ceramic stereolithography with a top mask projection light source which is much more economical compared to current vector scanning methods. The research goes through the design and development of a stereolithography printer prototype capable of handling ceramics and the testing of different mixtures to provide the best printing results with varying viscosities. The initial testing of this printer has created a starting point for top mask projection as an economical alternative to current ceramic manufacturing techniques

    Emergent spatial structures in flocking models: a dynamical system insight

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    We show that hydrodynamic theories of polar active matter generically possess inhomogeneous traveling solutions. We introduce a unifying dynamical-system framework to establish the shape of these intrinsically nonlinear patterns, and show that they correspond to those hitherto observed in experiments and numerical simulations: periodic density waves, and solitonic bands, or polar-liquid droplets both cruising in isotropic phases. We elucidate their respective multiplicity and mutual relations, as well as their existence domain
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