142 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of vegetation and flora in Tropical Africa

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    EditorialAfrican ecosystems comprise a wealthy repository of biodiversity with a high proportion of native and endemic plant species, which makes them biologically unique and providers of a wide range of ecosystem services. A large part of African populations, in both rural and urban areas, depends on plants for their survival and welfare, but many ecosystems are being degraded, mostly due to the growing impacts of climate change and other anthropogenic actions and environmental problems. Loss of habitat and biodiversity a ects livelihoods, water supply and food security, and reduces the resilience of ecosystems in the African continent. Knowledge of the huge African plant and ecosystem diversity, and on the structure, composition and processes involved in vegetation dynamics, is crucial to promote their sustainable use and to preserve one of the most understudied regions in the world. This Special Issue aimed to gather contributions that update and improve such knowledgeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeitos da carga de treino e do uso de práticas reflexivas sobre a tomada de decisão em basquetebol : estudo longitudinal de avaliação das alterações no desempenho fisiológico e procedimental l

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Biocinética, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraA presente dissertação representa um estudo ecológico de caráter longitudinal, com a duração de seis meses, tendo como objetivo verificar o desenvolvimento das capacidades fisiológicas e de qualidade de tomada de decisão, em resposta à carga competitiva e de treino, num grupo de 14 jovens basquetebolistas, da região de Coimbra, com idades compreendida entre os 10.47 e os 13.79 anos. Todos os participantes foram avaliados em dois momentos (Pré e Pós intervenção), tendo sido recolhidas informações acerca da sua composição corporal, desempenho fisiológico e performance procedimental. Os resultados referentes à avaliação da performance procedimental poderão ser considerados inesperados, podendo ser explicados pela possibilidade de existir uma maior participação de jogadores nas soluções ofensivas, a perda de hegemonia dos jogadores mais avançados maturacionalmente (catch-up), o aumento das capacidades defensivas dos jogadores em resposta à carga competitiva e de treino e o conhecimento dos adversários de teste. Procurou-se, através da utilização de modelos estatísticos de multinível, explorar a influência das idades biológicas, desportivas e cronológicas sobre as alterações nos desempenhos, apenas verificando-se influência significativa da idade biológica sobre a impulsão vertical. O desempenho absoluto no Yo-Yo IT1 foi o indicador que apresentou maiores incrementos durante o período de estudo, sugerindo uma maior suscetibilidade de adaptação dos mecanismos aeróbios face à carga competitiva e de treino, quando comparado com o desempenho noutros protocolos maximais de cariz anaeróbio. The present dissertation represents a longitudinal ecological study with a duration of six months, aiming to verify the development of the physiological and quality of decision making markers, in response to the competitive and training load, in a group of 14 young basketball players , from the region of Coimbra, aged between 10.47 and 13.79 years. All participants were evaluated in at least two moments and information about their body composition, physiological performance and procedural performance were collected. Pre and Post intervention moments were accounted for this study. The results regarding the evaluation of procedural performance may be considered unexpected and can be partly explained by the possibility of a greater participation of players in the offensive solutions, the loss of hegemony of the players that were more advanced maturationally (catch-up), the increase of the defensive capacities of the players in response to the competitive and training load and the familiarization with the test’s opponents. Through the use of multilevel statistical models, we sought to explore the influence of biological, sporting and chronological ages on changes in performance, only being able to identify a statistically significant influence of biological age on vertical impulsion. The absolute performance in the Yo-Yo IT1 was the indicator that presented the greatest increases during the study period, suggesting a greater susceptibility of adaptation of the aerobic mechanisms to the competitive and training load when compared to the performance in other anaerobic maximal protocols

    Examining the Socioeconomic Benefits of Oysters: A Provisioning Ecosystem Service from the Mangroves of Guinea-Bissau, West Africa

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    In Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, extensive patches of mangrove provide important resources for the subsistence of local populations. The objective of this work was to assess the relevance of oyster harvesting, consumption, and trade for local communities. For that purpose, a qualitative approach derived from rural diagnostic methodologies was applied in two coastal protected areas where extensive areas of mangrove are present. Ten animal species were found to be collected there by women, both for household consumption and for sale. The oyster, Crassostrea tulipa is the only species harvested in all the 12 inquired villages and, by far, the most available in local markets. Three types of oyster products are commercialized—fresh oysters with shell, fresh oysters without shell, and dry oysters—with the latter being the most traded and valued. These products are marketed in the villages, in local markets, and in the capital, Bissau, as well as exported to Senegal. The harvesting of oysters is practised during 20 weeks per year, providing households with an average annual income of 580–595€. This income, which represents a large proportion of the yearly income, is mostly managed by women and is used to cover basic family expenses, namely, to meet the needs of children. This study uncovers the socioeconomic benefits derived from a specific mangrove ecosystem service, which is directly used by coastal human communities, and highlights the importance of oysters for food security, for empowering women, and for securing household incomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tabelas de Turnover : rotação de trabalhadores na banca

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    Mestrado em Ciências ActuariaisNa avaliação das responsabilidades de planos de pensões de benefício definido surge frequentemente a necessidade de utilização de tabelas de Turnover. Isso também acontece quando se consideram os planos constituídos para garantir as pensões de reforma dos trabalhadores da banca. O objectivo em vista é evitar um sobrefinanciamento dos fundos de pensões respectivos, uma vez que a transferência de direitos adquiridos não é uma prática comum em tais situações. A ideia deste trabalho surgiu na sequência de uma auditoria efectuada à Avaliação Actuarial de um Associado de uma Sociedade Gestora de Fundos de Pensões, ocasião em que foi levantada a questão relativamente ao uso da tabela de Turnover MSSL-M, de utilização bastante generalizada, em vez de uma tabela baseada na experiência do próprio Associado (Plano MCA). Os dados disponibilizados pelo Departamento de Recursos Humanos reflectem a população existente no fundo desse Associado de 31 de Dezembro de 2002 a 31 de Dezembro de 2009, sendo possível distinguir as saídas voluntárias de outras situações, tais como passagens à reforma, despedimentos, não renovações de contratos, falecimentos ou outros. Pretende-se com o presente projecto fazer um levantamento da literatura sobre o tema, aliás bastante escassa, e tratar algumas das dificuldades associadas à utilização das tabelas de Turnover, desde a sua construção até ao impacto que possam ter no cálculo das responsabilidades. De seguida, procurará também construir-se uma tabela de Turnover baseada na experiência do Associado em causa, que possa ser utilizada como pressuposto para o Plano MCA. São adoptadas duas metodologias diferentes, tendo em atenção dois dos mais relevantes trabalhos publicados e, a finalizar, faz-se uma análise de resultados.When assessing the liabilities of defined benefit pension plans the need to use turnover tables often arises. This also happens when considering plans constituted to fund the pensions of banking employees. The purpose is to avoid over-financing the respective pension funds, since vesting is not a common practice in the banking sector. The idea of this work trails an audit to the actuarial valuation of a company pension fund. At the time the issue of using a turnover table based on the experience of the associated itself, instead of using the traditional turnover table MSSL-M, was raised. The data were provided by the Human Resources Department and reflect the experience of the existing population from 31 December 2002 to 31 December 2009. It is possible to separate the voluntary exits from other situations, such as retirements, layoffs, unrenewed contracts, deaths or others. The purpose of the project is to address the issue of turnover tables, starting with a survey of the (quite scarce) existing literature on the subject, and the features related to their construction. We then proceed to the analysis of the impact that these tables might have in the calculation of responsibilities. We further aim to produce an ultimate table of turnover based on the experience of the associated under consideration (the pension plan MCA). Two different methodologies (one of them mostly for the sake of illustration) are used. The final chapter is devoted to the analysis of the results

    Chromolaena odorata invasion in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa): first records and trends of expansion

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    Rapid CommunicationThe Siam weed, Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King & H. Rob. (Asteraceae), is recognized as one of the world’s worst tropical weeds. It is a perennial herb or shrub native to the neotropics that has become invasive across the tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Oceania. The species was introduced in 1937 in Nigeria and later spread to neighboring countries. Its presence and effects have been documented in the upland zones of almost all West African countries. Although, until the present study, the species had not been recorded in Guinea-Bissau, its presence in the country was very likely. In this work we document, for the first time, the invasion of Guinea-Bissau by C. odorata, assessing its present distribution and reporting effects, local uses and common names. Dispersal trends, potential consequences of its expansion and recommendations for management and control are also presentedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Projeto de sistema de supervisão para o novo paradigma da indústria 4.0

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia MecânicaA Indústria 4.0 veio introduzir grandes mudanças, não só na necessidade de altos níveis de automação, mas sobretudo na necessidade de processos de comunicação eficientes. Assim, surgiu o conceito de fábrica inteligente, onde a automação e a troca de informação são a base para todos os processos. De modo a existir uma troca de informação eficaz, a interligação de todos os sistemas organizacionais com os processos e os trabalhadores é fundamental. Para facilitar a comunicação entre os processos e os operadores, surgiram (no século passado) os sistemas de supervisão controlo e aquisição de dados (SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). Desta forma, torna-se importante compreender o papel destes sistemas na revolução industrial em curso. No âmbito desta temática, este Trabalho Final de Mestrado propõe o projeto de um software SCADA aplicado a um parque de combustíveis, para integrar o conceito de fábrica inteligente. No projeto do software SCADA, foram abordadas algumas das novas capacidades exigidas aos sistemas SCADA, introduzidas pela Indústria 4.0, como a interação com a internet industrial das coisas, a comunicação máquina-máquina, o Big Data e a Cibersegurança. O projeto foi desenvolvido recorrendo à plataforma de software comercial Ignition, que possibilita que o software SCADA projetado se ligue diretamente com todos os dispositivos presentes nas várias indústrias, independentemente das suas marcas. O software SCADA desenvolvido permite integrar os conceitos referidos dando a capacidade aos utilizadores de supervisionarem os processos, com base nas recomendações da norma ANSI/ISA-101.01-2015. A supervisão é possibilitada tanto no chão de fábrica como em qualquer lugar do mundo, através de qualquer dispositivo conectado à internet. Este software permite ainda recolher e transmitir informações sobre o estado dos processos, aceder a informações provenientes de outros programas organizacionais e gerar alertas/alarmes notificando os utilizadores. O software foi desenvolvido com sucesso para o caso de estudo, aplicando uma abordagem da Indústria 4.0.Industry 4.0 introduced major changes, not only in the need for high levels of automation, but above all in the need for efficient communication processes. Thus, the concept of smart factory arose, where automation and information exchange are the basis for all processes. In order to have an effective information exchange, the interconnection of all organizational systems with processes and workers is essential. To facilitate communication between processes and operators, (in the last century), supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA) emerged. Thus, it is important to understand the role of these systems in the ongoing industrial revolution. Within this theme, this Final Master's Project proposes the design of a SCADA software applied to a fuel park, to integrate the concept of smart factory. In the SCADA software project, some of the new capabilities required of SCADA systems introduced by Industry 4.0, were addressed, such as the interaction with the industrial internet of things, the cloud computing, machine-to-machine communication, Big Data, and Cybersecurity. The project was developed using the commercial software platform Ignition, which allows the designed SCADA software to connect directly with all devices present in the various industries, regardless of their brands. The designed SCADA software allows you to integrate the concepts mentioned giving users the ability to supervise the processes, based on the recommendations of the ANSI/ISA-101.01-2015 standard. Supervision is made possible both on the shop floor and anywhere in the world, rough any device connected to the internet. This software also allows you to collect and transmit information about the status of processes, access information from other organizational programs and generate alerts/alarms notifying users. The software was successfully developed for the case study, applying an Industry 4.0 approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dermatofibromas Eruptivos Múltiplos em Doente com Infeção pelo VIH

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    Multiple eruptive dermatofibromas is a rare event characterized by the appearance multiple dermatofibromas in few months. It is usually associated with immunodysregulation/immunosuppression. An appropriate work-up of underlying diseases must be done after this diagnosis, including search for HIV infection and lupus erythematosus. We present a case of multiple eruptive dermatofibromas in a female patient with HIV infection, possibly associated with a decrease in the CD4+ T cell count and viral load increase.Dermatofibromas eruptivos múltiplos (DEM) é uma condição rara caracterizada pelo aparecimento de múltiplos dermatofibromas num curto período. DEM está habitualmente associada a alterações na imunidade e o seu diagnóstico deve levar a um rastreio adequado de patologias subjacentes, incluíndo a infeção por VIH e lupus eritematoso. Reportamos um caso de DEM numa doente do sexo feminino VIH positiva, possivelmente associada à diminuição da contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e aumento da carga viral

    Aquisição de sinais electromiográficos recorrendo a eléctrodos em substratos têxteis

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    A electromiografia (EMG) constitui um método fundamental para o estudo do comportamento biomecânico de um indivíduo. Este artigo apresenta um estudo realizado na óptica do desenvolvimento de eléctrodos têxteis não invasivos para a realização de electromiografia de superfície. O trabalho apresenta um método de fabrico de eléctrodos, as suas vantagens e limitações e uma comparação entre dois tipos de eléctrodos têxteis e convencionais, utilizados neste tipo de medição. Os resultados obtidos indiciam um comportamento para estes eléctrodos têxteis considerado semelhante ao dos convencionais, podendo deste modo constituir uma alternativa válida, sobretudo quando se tem em consideração as vantagens que estes proporcionam.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/EEA-ELC/70803/2006Universidade do Minh

    In vitro assessment of the synergism between extracts of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides and Zanthoxylum leprieurii and some standard antibiotics

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    Research ArticlePurpose: To survive in harsh environments, plants developed functional and metabolic adaptive mechanisms. One of the most relevant defense strategies is the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, including terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and phenolics that are accumulated in cellular organelles or secretory structures. Hence, plants are recognized as a valuable source of natural products and for thousands of years very diverse herbal formulations were created to treat several diseases. Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides and Zanthoxylum leprieurii, two Rutaceae species native to Guinea-Bissau, are well known for their ethnopharmacological relevance. Methods: In the present study, the in vitro antimicrobial activity of these plants against human pathogens was assessed and the phytochemical profile was screened. The extracts of roots and young leaves were obtained by sequential extraction of increasing polarity (n-hexane, CH2Cl2, EtOAc, MeOH and H2O) and tested against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were determined, as well as the evaluation of the synergic potential of the extracts. Results: Z. leprieurii leaves extracts, the most apolar ones, had the highest antimicrobial activity, being able to inhibit the growth of Enterococcus hirae and all the Staphylococcus strains assayed, including the resistant ones. A synergic effect between the Zanthoxylum species extracts and standard antibiotics was found, reverting the activity of resistant strains. The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of terpenes, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds, known to have antibacterial properties. Conclusions: The obtained results point to the validation of their use in tradition medicine and emphasize the worthwhile of additional studies of these species to better understand the compounds and mechanisms that may be valuable to restore antibacterial activityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio