2,062 research outputs found

    Fusión de suturas craneales en el delfín franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais and D'Orbigny, 1844)

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    Se estudió la fusión de suturas craneales y su asimetría bilateral en el delfín franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei. Nuestros resultados mostraron que el cierre de suturas presenta baja variabilidad asociada a la longitud corporal total, exceptuando la sutura premaxilar-maxilar, cuyo estado de fusión mostró cierta asociación con el tamaño. Las suturas no mostraron asimetría direccional en su patrón de cierre, en concordancia con los resultados encontrados para las especies de delfines estudiadas hasta ahora. Nuestros resultados apoyan la idea de que diferentes especies de delfines exhiben distintos patrones de cierre de suturas asociados con su historia evolutiva y sus demandas funcionales específicas, y que no hay un patrón común general.Cranial suture closure and its bilateral asymmetry in the franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, were studied. Our results showed that the closure of cranial sutures exhibit low variability associated to total body size, with the exception of the premaxilla-maxilla suture which showed some correlation with body size. The cranial sutures of franciscana dolphins showed closure with no directional asymmetry, in accordance with the results found in dolphin species studied to date. Our results support the idea that different species of dolphins exhibit distinct patterns of suture closure, associated with their specific evolutionary histories and functional demands, and that there is no general common pattern.Fil: del Castillo, Daniela Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Flores, David Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo. San Miguel de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Cappozzo, Humberto Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentina. Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara; Argentin


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    Ecuador is a diverse country for the variety of its natural ecosystems and multiculturalism, necessary conditions for developing tourism in a sustainable manner from the viewpoint of revitalization and heritage conservation. The cultural patrimony is reflected in the heritage of traditions and the archaeological legacy of the settlement of Andean civilizations throughout the territory. This is the case of Chunchi village, located at the south of Chimborazo province, where ancient attractions are in the process of deterioration due to environmental factors and tourist visitation. One of these attractions is the Archaeological Pyramid of Mount Puñay that in the Kichwa language means “Nativity Peak”. It was discovered in 2003 and it is one of the longest step pyramids on the planet, with the unique feature that no other pyramid in the world is built on the top of a mountain. The deterioration of heritage motivates its conservation; a valid strategy to strengthen heritage is to create a tourist destination that allows sustainable use in a theme park. This research shows that the Archaeological Site of Mount Puñay has untapped demand for tourist activities like hiking, participation in Andean ceremonies and museum tours, all part of the vision of sustainable tourism. In conclusion, the theme park fosters cultural tourism as an educational tool, heritage conservation, entertainment, real-life experiences, and development of good living for the people of the area

    Zootherapy and rural livestock farmers in semiarid Patagonia: The transfer of animal aptitudes for health

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    This work investigates the therapeutic value of animals to rural farmers who live on the central plateau of Chubut, Argentina. Open and indepth interviews were carried out with 35 rural farmers from Sierra Rosada, Sierra Ventana, El Escorial and Telsen. A total of 16 biological species (12 wild and 4 domestic animals) were involved in treatment (34 registered up to the present) of different ailments, empacho being one of the main therapeutic targets. Of the domestic species, the hen (Gallus gallus domesticus) was the most versatile in its usefulness, and the choique (Darwin's Rhea) (Rhea pennata) was the most versatile wild animal. Farmers used 15 different parts of the animals, fat being the substance which was obtained from most species. These zootreatments imply the transfer of aptitudes (the acquisition of a certain attribute of a species through ingestion or contact with specific parts of the animal), which transforms the health and lives of the people. Our results shed light on the symbolic and symbiotic relationships woven into rural life, with their implications for the conservation and management of wild fauna.Fil: Castillo, Lucía Daniela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas; ArgentinaFil: Ladio, Ana Haydee. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentin

    Regional Study on Social Dimensions of MPA Practice in Central America: Cases Studies from Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panamá

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    This research focuses on the social dimensions of marine conservation, and makes an assessment of the experiences of coastal and fishing communities with regard to the governance of MPAs in North America (Central America); based on case studies from Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and North America (Central America)-Panama;. It examines the national contexts of the above countries in relation to the governance of MPAs. Furthermore, it analyzes the social impacts of MPAs on coastal communities by gathering the experiences and the voices of the communities and institutions involved, and reflects on how to build bridges in the search for forms and models of conservation that respect human rights and which are able to successfully integrate into local development efforts without affecting cultural and/or social patterns. To this end, this monograph looks at nine case studies across the region: in Honduras, the Islas de la Bahia-Guanaja Marine National Park, the Cayos Cochinos Marine Archipelago Natural Monument, and the Cuero and Salado Wildlife Refuge; in Nicaragua, the Chacocente Wildlife Refuge; in North America (Central America)-Costa Rica; the Guanacaste Conservation Area, the Ballena Marine National Park and the Golfo Dulce Responsible Fishing Area; and, in North America (Central America)-North America (Central America)-Panama; the Nargana Protected Area, in the Comarca de la Biosfera Guna-Yala, the Bastimentos Island Marine National Park, and Bocas del Toro


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    AbstractFerredoxins are soluble proteins that contain iron-sulfur clusters and have low redox potentials. They are present in bacteria, plants, algae and animals and function as electron carriers both in respiration and photosynthesis; and are found as: Type [2Fe-2S], Type [4Fe-4S] and Type [3Fe-4S]. Their ubiquitous presence especially in ancestral organisms has led to the idea that Fe-S proteins are very old proteins that appeared in early stages of evolution. They form a particularly versatile and useful, as well as modular and simple group of metalloproteins that achieve a vast number of functions. Here the characteristics of the different types of ferredoxins and their biological functions are discussed, together with an overview of the spectroscopic techniques employed for their study. Additionally, the result of kinetic studies of ferredoxins and inorganic compounds to learn about the reaction mechanisms are included

    Building Critical Bridges: The Role of University Presidents in Collaborating with Undocumented Student Activists

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    Undocumented students across the country have powerfully organized for the development of equitable programs and policies for undocumented students in higher education. Presidents of colleges and universities play a key role in working with undocumented activists to influence the development of these programs. Our research team with The UndocuScholars Project at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) spotlights university presidents who have been leaders in the field in working with undocumented students through the documentary film series College Presidents with Undocumented Students. In this article, we discuss the second film in the series showcasing President Elsa Núñez of the public university, Eastern Connecticut State University, and her work with the undocumented student organization on her campus, Freedom at Eastern. We discuss the nuances of collaboration between undocumented student organizers and university presidents, and provide recommendations to university leaders such as seeing student activists as your colleagues

    Evidencias de validez del cuestionario para la identificación de relaciones tóxicas en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo

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    El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo determinar las evidencias de validez del cuestionario para la identificación de relaciones tóxicas en estudiantes de una universidad privada. La muestra estuvo conformada por 868 estudiantes de las diferentes carreras de una universidad privada de Trujillo. La validez ítem test obtuvo índices de homogeneidad mayores a .20 y el análisis ítem escala evidenció valores mayores a .30. Asimismo, el análisis factorial confirmatorio reportó índices de ajuste adecuados (X 2 = 578.73; RMSEA = .042; GFI = .981; CFI = .964). La confiabilidad del instrumento evaluado mediante el coeficiente omega obtuvo un valor de .947. Se establecieron normas percentilares según sexo y puntos de corte. Se concluye que el instrumento presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricasThe present study was carried out with the objective of determining the validity evidences of the questionnaire for the identification of toxic relationships in students of a private university. The sample consisted of 868 students from the different careers of a private university in Trujillo. The item test validity obtained homogeneity indices greater than .20 and the scale item analysis showed values greater than .30. Likewise, the confirmatory factor analysis reported adequate fit indices (X 2 = 578.73; RMSEA = .042; GFI = .981; CFI = .964). The reliability of the instrument evaluated by means of the omega coefficient obtained a value of .947. Percentile norms were established according to sex and cut-off points. It is concluded that the instrument has adequate psychometric properties.Tesi

    Más Penipe, turístico y accesible : campaña de concientización del turismo accesible

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    The project in hand seeks to analyze the current national and international state of universal design and accessibility as fundamental factors for the social inclusion of people with disabilities. The importance of universal design and norms that must be followed to reach a correct state of accessibility will be showcased, with the objective of minimizing the marginalization of handicapped people...El presente proyecto analizara la situación mundial y nacional del diseño universal y la accesibilidad como factores primordiales para la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad. Se presentará la importancia del diseño universal y la normativa que se debe seguir para alcanzar una verdadera accesibilidad, con el fin de minimizar la marginalización de las personas con discapacidad; en especial porque el entorno y la falta de accesibilidad es la principal razón por la cual las personas con discapacidad son excluidas de la sociedad..

    Estudio de factibilidad del restaurante italiano CasaMia

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    The CasaMia project will be located in Quito, in the area of La Floresta, which is a commercial and financial area of the city. CasaMia is a casual characterful restaurant, whose concept is based on two menus, one fixed and a menu to taste that allows customization of dishes according to the taste of the client through an open kitchen which, besides being the basis preparation, works as entertainment. It will be differentiated by the comfort and spaciousness of the facilities, the decor will be set by modern and minimalist elements, coupling Italian iconography. The tables will be comfortable and will be distributed throughout the area, taking into account the open kitchen which differentiates the restaurant with all first class facilities. CasaMia will be characterized by personal attention to each customer and service quality. It will be focused on the business market, business travelers from private and public companies.El proyecto CasaMia estará ubicado en Quito, en la zona de la Floresta, la cual es un área comercial y financiera de la ciudad. CasaMia es un restaurante casual y con carácter, cuyo concepto se basa en dos menús, uno fijo y un menú al gusto que permite la personalización de platos de acuerdo al gusto del cliente a través de una cocina abierta la cual, además de ser la base de la preparación, funciona como entretenimiento. Se diferenciará por la comodidad y amplitud de las instalaciones, la decoración que será ambientada mediante elementos modernos y minimalistas, acoplando iconografía italiana. Las mesas serán cómodas y estarán distribuidas en toda el área, tomando en cuenta la cocina abierta la cual diferencia al negocio con todas facilidades de primera categoría. CasaMia se caracterizará por la atención personalizada para cada uno de los clientes y la calidad del servicio. Estará enfocado al segmento ejecutivo, viajeros de negocios de empresas privadas y públicas

    Frecuencia fenotípica de los cinco antígenos mayores del sistema sanguíneo Rh en donantes voluntarios de sangre de la región del Maule

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    38 p.La sangre obtenida por donación es usada para realizar transfusiones a pacientes enfermos que así lo requieran. La terapia transfusional tiene por objetivo mejorar la salud del paciente evitando posibles reacciones adversas postransfusionales. Actualmente se usan unidades de glóbulos rojos compatibles con el grupo sanguíneo ABO y antígeno D del sistema Rh, pero existiendo esta compatibilidad igual se producen reacciones adversas postransfusionales hemolíticas causadas por otros sistemas sanguíneos como Kell, Duffy y Rh C, E, c y e. Los antígenos mayores del sistema Rh D, C, E, c y e, son proteínas altamente inmunogénicas capaces de provocar una respuesta inmunológica en aquellos individuos que no los poseen. El propósito de este estudio es determinar la frecuencia fenotípica de los antígenos mayores del sistema RH en donantes de sangre voluntarios. Se incluyó un total de 200 donantes de sangre voluntarios a quienes se les determinó la frecuencia fenotípica de los antígenos mayores del Sistema RH. Las pruebas fueron realizadas utilizando la técnica de hemaglutinación en tubo. De las 200 muestras de donantes de sangre analizadas, 96% presentaba el antígeno D, 97,5% presentaba el antígeno e, un 35,5% el antígeno E, un 79% presentaba antígeno C y un 65,5% el antígeno c. La estrategia de fenotipar otros antígenos diferentes a los del sistema ABO y Rh D en unidades de glóbulos rojos donadas es un paso más para mejorar la seguridad de las transfusiones de sangre