4 research outputs found

    Profile of vegetable consumers of Santo Antônio do Descoberto town, Goiás State, Brazil

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    A cidade de Santo Antônio do Descoberto está localizada a 46 km de Brasília e grande parte da sua população vive abaixo da linha de pobreza. Neste trabalho, o perfil e o padrão de consumo de hortaliças na cidade foi avaliado. Setenta e três consumidores freqüentadores do Mercado Municipal e 30 de uma região periférica (Bairro do Queiroz) foram entrevistados para a coleta de informações sobre hortaliças adquiridas no dia, número de indivíduos na família e renda familiar. No Mercado Municipal, 92% das famílias adquiriam hortaliças semanalmente e consumiam os produtos em no máximo três dias. Trinta e cinco por cento das famílias tinham renda que as situava baixo da linha de pobreza. Alface, tomate e batata eram os produtos mais comumente consumidos. Por outro lado, na região periférica, 86% das famílias entrevistadas estavam abaixo da linha de pobreza e apenas 44% delas adquiriam hortaliças semanalmente. Alface e cebola eram os produtos mais consumidos e nenhuma família comprava tomate, provavelmente devido ao preço elevado deste produto. O tipo e freqüência de hortaliças adquiridos são influenciados pela renda familiar, com as famílias mais pobres consumindo menos. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTSanto Antônio do Descoberto is located 46 km away from Brasília and the great majority of its population lives under the poverty line. In this work, vegetable consumption and consumers profile of Santo Antônio do Descoberto town were evaluated. Seventy consumers in the Municipal Market and 30 in a peripheral region ('Bairro do Queiroz') were interviewed. Information about vegetables bought in that day, number of people in the family and family income were obtained. The results showed that 92% of the families interviewed at the Municipal Market bought vegetables weekly and consumed them in nearly three days; 35% of the families were under the poverty line. Lettuce, tomato and potato were the most consumed vegetables. On the other hand, in the peripheral region, only 44% of the families bought vegetables weekly; 86% of the families were under the poverty line. Lettuce and onion were the main vegetables consumed in the region. None of the families consumed tomato, probably due to its high cost. The type and frequency of vegetable consumption was influenced by the families' income, where poor families consumed less vegetables

    Esteatose hepática aguda da gravidez: relato de caso e revisão de literatura

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    A esteatose hepática aguda da gravidez (EHAG) é uma complicação obstétrica rara e grave, que ocorre durante o terceiro trimestre de gestação. O objetivo deste estudo é o relato de caso de EHAG em paciente internada em hospital terciário. Gestante, 36 anos, na 37ª semana de gravidez previamente hígida até quatro dias antes da admissão hospitalar. Iniciou quadro de dor abdominal em epigástrio e hipocôndrio direito, icterícia progressiva, desidratação, febre e calafrios. Evoluiu com piora dos sintomas, hematêmese, hipotensão e hipoglicemia. A função hepática apresentava alterações. O coagulograma revelava tempo de protrombina e de tromboplastina parcial alargados. Os marcadores virais para hepatites A, B e C foram negativos. No pós-operatório imediato da Cesárea, a paciente evoluiu com distúrbio da coagulação, episódios de hipoglicemia, piora da icterícia e encefalopatia hepática, caracterizando o diagnóstico de insuficiência hepática aguda (IHA). Após quatro dias de tratamento da encefalopatia hepática houve melhora do sensório até apresentar-se consciente, orientada, sem flapping, apenas com tratamento conservador e não preencheu os critérios do King’s Collegue de indicação para transplante hepático. No 15o dia de internação tanto a paciente e filho encontravam-se bem. Com o conhecimento e diagnóstico de EHAG, no reconhecimento precoce de casos mais leves, incluindo interrupção precoce da gravidez por cesariana e grandes volume de plasma fresco congelado e albumina, alternadamente, o prognóstico de EHAG pode melhorar

    Post-anaesthesia pulmonary complications after use of muscle relaxants (POPULAR): a multicentre, prospective observational study

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    Background Results from retrospective studies suggest that use of neuromuscular blocking agents during general anaesthesia might be linked to postoperative pulmonary complications. We therefore aimed to assess whether the use of neuromuscular blocking agents is associated with postoperative pulmonary complications. Methods We did a multicentre, prospective observational cohort study. Patients were recruited from 211 hospitals in 28 European countries. We included patients (aged ≥18 years) who received general anaesthesia for any in-hospital procedure except cardiac surgery. Patient characteristics, surgical and anaesthetic details, and chart review at discharge were prospectively collected over 2 weeks. Additionally, each patient underwent postoperative physical examination within 3 days of surgery to check for adverse pulmonary events. The study outcome was the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications from the end of surgery up to postoperative day 28. Logistic regression analyses were adjusted for surgical factors and patients’ preoperative physical status, providing adjusted odds ratios (ORadj) and adjusted absolute risk reduction (ARRadj). This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01865513. Findings Between June 16, 2014, and April 29, 2015, data from 22803 patients were collected. The use of neuromuscular blocking agents was associated with an increased incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients who had undergone general anaesthesia (1658 [7·6%] of 21694); ORadj 1·86, 95% CI 1·53–2·26; ARRadj –4·4%, 95% CI –5·5 to –3·2). Only 2·3% of high-risk surgical patients and those with adverse respiratory profiles were anaesthetised without neuromuscular blocking agents. The use of neuromuscular monitoring (ORadj 1·31, 95% CI 1·15–1·49; ARRadj –2·6%, 95% CI –3·9 to –1·4) and the administration of reversal agents (1·23, 1·07–1·41; –1·9%, –3·2 to –0·7) were not associated with a decreased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Neither the choice of sugammadex instead of neostigmine for reversal (ORadj 1·03, 95% CI 0·85–1·25; ARRadj –0·3%, 95% CI –2·4 to 1·5) nor extubation at a train-of-four ratio of 0·9 or more (1·03, 0·82–1·31; –0·4%, –3·5 to 2·2) was associated with better pulmonary outcomes. Interpretation We showed that the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs in general anaesthesia is associated with an increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Anaesthetists must balance the potential benefits of neuromuscular blockade against the increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications

    Post-anaesthesia pulmonary complications after use of muscle relaxants (POPULAR): a multicentre, prospective observational study

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