1,131 research outputs found

    Optimización del producto comunicativo “aula virtual” de la orquesta filarmónica de Bogotá

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    100 páginas.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar la evolución de la Página Web “Aula Virtual” de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá, con base en ella misma, y mediante un análisis de plataformas similares que existen en la red. Con la ayuda de miembros del Proyecto Educativo; músicos, y el director de la Orquesta Filarmónica Prejuvenil, se estableció un grupo objetivo para la realización de encuestas y entrevistas que sustentaran la necesidad de mejora de este sitio, el cual comenzó como un repositorio. Este documento sirvió como base y herramienta para la optimización de dicha página web, cuyo propósito es ayudar de forma gratuita, principalmente a los niños, niñas y adolescentes del Proyecto Educativo, así como a quienes comienzan su proceso de aprendizaje, y todos aquellos que deseen aprender las nociones básicas de iniciación musical o de algún instrumento para su interpretación, gracias a los diferentes niveles y videos que están a disposición de los usuarios.The main goal of the present paperwork, is to explain the evolution of the Virtual Classroom Web Page of the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra, based on itself, and supported in an analysis of similar platforms available on the network. With the help of members of the Educational Project, the musicians, and the director of the Pre-Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, a focus group was established to answer surveys and interviews that supported the needing for improvement of this site, which started as a repository. In addition, this document tries to be a base and a tool for the improvement of the website, whose purpose is to help children and adolescents of the Educational Project, but also to all the people who begin their learning musical process or a specific instrument, those who want to learn the basic notions of musical initiation, or an instrument for their interpretation, thanks to the different levels and videos available to users.Maestría en Periodismo y Comunicación DigitalMagíster en Periodismo y Comunicación Digita

    Non-Equilibrium Bose–Einstein Condensation of Exciton-Polaritons in Silicon Metasurfaces

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    Exciton-polaritons (EPs) are hybrid light–matter quasi-particles with bosonic character formed by the strong coupling between excitons in matter and photons in optical cavities. Their hybrid character offers promising prospects for the realization of non-equilibrium Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs), and room-temperature BECs are possible with organic materials. However, the thresholds required to create BECs of organic EPs remain still high to allow condensation with electrical injection of carriers. One of the factors behind these high thresholds is the very short cavity lifetimes, leading to a fast EP decay and the need to inject higher exciton densities in the reservoir to form the condensate. Here a BEC of EPs in organic dyes and all-dielectric metasurfaces at room temperature is demonstrated. By using dielectric metasurfaces that exhibit very low losses it is possible to achieve cavity lifetimes long enough to allow an efficient population of EP states via vibrational relaxation and radiative pumping. It is shown how polariton lasing or non-equilibrium Bose–Einstein condensation is achieved in several cavities, and one of the lowest reported thresholds for BECs in organic materials is observed.</p

    Detection of acylhomoserine lactones in cultures of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAL5

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    Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus is an acid-tolerant nitrogen- fixing Alphaproteobacterium first found in association with sugarcane. It has also been isolated from rice, coffee and tea, among others crops. The recent sequencing of the G. diazotrophicus PAL5 genome shows the presence of one luxI homolog. These genes encode LuxI-type enzymes responsible for the synthesis of N- acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs), the main quorum sensing molecules in gram negative bacteria. The objective of this work was the detection and identification of AHLs produced by G. diazotrophicus PAL5. The strain was cultured aerobically, and extracts were prepared with acidified ethyl acetate. Samples were analyzed by thin layer chromatography developed with the biosensor Agrobacterium tumefaciens NTL4 (pCF218) (pCF372). Results show that G. diazotrophicus PAL5 produce at least two types of AHLs under the assayed conditions. Short-chain AHLs could be detected since early exponential growth phase, and medium-chain AHLs were detected in mid- and late-exponential growth phase. The results suggest that the luxI homolog in G. diazotrophicus PAL5 is expressed and quorum sensing molecules are produced and secreted. Similar to other bacteria, production of AHLs in G. diazotrophicus PAL5 could serves as a signaling mechanism among members of this genus or as inter kingdom signals.Fil: Nieto Peñalver, Carlos Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Bichara, Laura Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Marino, Damian Jose Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigaciones del Medio Ambiente - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones del Medio Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Castellanos, Lucia Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Irazusta, Verónica Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaXLVI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Bioquímica y Biología MolecularPuerto MadrynArgentinaSociedad Argentina de Investigación en Bioquímica y Biología Molecula

    New Age of Shareholder Activism

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    The structur analysis shows that the title compound, [TeBr2(C7H7O)2], is isostructural with the corresponding dichloro compound. There are two molecules in the asymmetric unit in which the Te atom has pseudotrigonal bipyramidal coordination geometry. The two independent molecules, along with their centrosymmetric equivalents, form isolated tetramers by means of Te…Br contacts ranging from 3.535 (1) to 3.741(1) A

    La movilidad transfronteriza venezolana en la producción académica: ¿quiénes y qué dice la ciencia?

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    This article presents the main research findings on scientific production on Venezuelan migration between 2014 and 2021. Using the bibliometric analysis method to observe the global state of science on Venezuelan cross-border mobility, the research measured scientific production with quantitative indicators and analyzed its content with qualitative indicators to identify the main thematic tendencies on what was investigated in a wide set of disciplinary fields. Finally, it discusses the qualitative results showing the gaps and challenges involved in consolidating the lines of research on Venezuelan migration.El presente artículo expone los principales hallazgos de investigación sobre la producción científica acerca de la migración venezolana entre los años 2014 y 2021. Usando el método de análisis bibliométrico para observar el estado de la ciencia a nivel global sobre la movilidad transfronteriza venezolana, la investigación midió la producción científica con indicadores cuantitativos y analizó su contenido con indicadores cualitativos para identificar las principales tendencias temáticas sobre lo investigado en un amplio conjunto de ámbitos disciplinares. Finalmente, discute los resultados cualitativos mostrando los vacíos y retos que supone la consolidación de las líneas de investigación sobre la movilidad transfronteriza venezolana