75 research outputs found

    Geological and Hydrogeological Characterization of Springs in a DSGSD Context (Rodoretto Valley – NW Italian Alps)

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    As continuous groundwater monitoring in the upper sector of Rodoretto Valley (Germanasca Valley, Italian Western Alps) is hampered by logistical problem of data collection during winter and spring months, the only tools currently available to derive hydrogeological information are non-continuous and non-long-term dataset of spring discharge (Q), temperature (T) and electrical conductivity (EC). In order to quantity aquifer groundwater reserve, available Q dataset of a small mountain spring (Spring 1 CB) was investigated by applying the analytical solutions developed by Boussinesq (J Math Pure Appl 10:5–78, 1904) and Maillet (Essais dı’hydraulique souterraine et fluviale, vol 1. Herman et Cie, Paris, 1905); T and EC datasets were also used to provide qualitative information about the nature of the aquifer that supplies the spring. The outcomes of the elaborations highlighted the limits of applicability of these methods in the presence of a non-continuous Q dataset: both Boussinesq (J Math Pure Appl 10:5–78, 1904) and Maillet (Essais dı’hydraulique souterraine et fluviale, vol 1. Herman et Cie, Paris, 1905) estimated that discharge values as a function of recession time were found to be consistently lower than the available discharge ones and the estimated groundwater volumes stored over time above the spring level turned out to be underestimated. Continuous (hourly value) and long-term Q, EC and T values are, therefore, needful to correctly quantify and to make a proper management of groundwater resources in mountain areas

    Red de monitoreo de eventos hidrológicos extremos en la vertiente sur del Río Salado, provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Se ha demostrado que los eventos hidrológicos extremos en la provincia de Buenos Aires constituyen una característica de la misma, considerando los balances de agua en el suelo (zona no saturada) de vital importancia. Estos balances indican que la cuenca del Río Salado es la más sensible a los excesos hídricos, y la región sudoeste de la provincia, la más perjudicada durante las deficiencias hídricas (Scarpati y Capriolo, 2013). Por ello toman importancia las tareas de prevención como son las obras civiles y las redes de monitoreo de las condiciones principales que intervienen en este tipo de fenómenos, con el fin de dar alerta a las autoridades competentes ya sea en períodos de inundaciones o de sequías. Una red de monitoreo comprende las actividades relativas a la recolección de datos, diseñados y procesados con un objetivo definido (Guía de prácticas hidrológicas, 1994). Consiste en un arreglo de sensores que conforman las estaciones y en un sistema de comunicación que permite la transmisión de los datos a los centros de monitoreo. Su principal función es el estudio de procesos fundamentales que se dan en el medio ambiente, como así también proveer alerta de amenazas, como por ejemplo de inundaciones, erupciones volcánicas, terremotos, tsunamis, etc. (Hart y Martinez, 2006). El monitoreo y la recolección de datos hidro-meteorológicos es importante debido a que los eventos naturales como precipitaciones, temperaturas, velocidades del viento, entre otros, son irrepetibles en la naturaleza (Fattorelli y Fernández, 2011). El diseño de una red hidro-meteorológica comprende principalmente el conocimiento hidrológico y climático de la zona en la cual se establecerá

    Female Genital Mutilation: perceptions of healthcare professionals and the perspective of the migrant families

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a traditional practice which is harmful to health and is profoundly rooted in many Sub-Saharan African countries. It is estimated that between 100 and 140 million women around the world have been victims of some form of FGM and that each year 3 million girls are at risk of being submitted to these practices. As a consequence of the migratory phenomena, the problems associated with FGM have extended to the Western countries receiving the immigrants. The practice of FGM has repercussions on the physical, psychic, sexual and reproductive health of women, severely deteriorating their current and future quality of life. Primary healthcare professionals are in a privileged position to detect and prevent these situations of risk which will be increasingly more present in Spain.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The objective of the study is to describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the primary healthcare professionals, working in 25 health care centres in Barcelona and Girona regions, regarding FGM, as well as to investigate the perception of this subject among the migrant communities from countries with strong roots in these practices. A transversal descriptive study will be performed with a questionnaire to primary healthcare professionals and migrant healthcare users.</p> <p>Using a questionnaire specifically designed for this study, we will evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and skills of the healthcare professionals to approach this problem. In a sub-study, performed with a similar methodology but with the participation of cultural mediators, the perceptions of the migrant families in relation to their position and expectancies in view of the result of preventive interventions will be determined.</p> <p>Variables related to the socio-demographic aspects, knowledge of FGM (types, cultural origin, geographic distribution and ethnicity), evaluation of attitudes and beliefs towards FGM and previous contact or experience with cases or risk situations will be obtained.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Knowledge of these harmful practices and a preventive approach from a transcultural perspective may represent a positive intervention model for integrative care of immigrants, respecting their values and culture while also being effective in eliminating the physical and psychic consequences of FGM.</p

    Crucial role of calbindin-D28k in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease mouse model

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    Calbindin-D28k (CB), one of the major calcium-binding and buffering proteins, has a critical role in preventing a neuronal death as well as maintaining calcium homeostasis. Although marked reductions of CB expression have been observed in the brains of mice and humans with Alzheimer disease (AD), it is unknown whether these changes contribute to AD-related dysfunction. To determine the pathogenic importance of CB depletions in AD models, we crossed 5 familial AD mutations (5XFAD; Tg) mice with CB knock-out (CBKO) mice and generated a novel line CBKO·5XFAD (CBKOTg) mice. We first identified the change of signaling pathways and differentially expressed proteins globally by removing CB in Tg mice using mass spectrometry and antibody microarray. Immunohistochemistry showed that CBKOTg mice had significant neuronal loss in the subiculum area without changing the magnitude (number) of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) plaques deposition and elicited significant apoptotic features and mitochondrial dysfunction compared with Tg mice. Moreover, CBKOTg mice reduced levels of phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) 1/2 and cAMP response element-binding protein at Ser-133 and synaptic molecules such as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 1 (NMDA receptor 1), NMDA receptor 2A, PSD-95 and synaptophysin in the subiculum compared with Tg mice. Importantly, this is the first experimental evidence that removal of CB from amyloid precursor protein/presenilin transgenic mice aggravates AD pathogenesis, suggesting that CB has a critical role in AD pathogenesis

    Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial

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    Productive Development Policies in Latin American Countries: The Case of Peru, 1990-2007

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    Estudio analítico del factor de ampliación dinámica de carga en transmisión de potencia por engranajes

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