1,155 research outputs found

    Bioclimatic modelling in the holocene and in future warming scenarios in Arbutus unedo L.

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    Growing forests wildfires in Portugal are an increasing concern since forests in the Mediterranean region are vulnerable to recent global warming. Long-term negative effects are expected on the vegetation with the coming increasing drought. The strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) displays potential to be a successfully business-like cultured in several regions of Portugal and southern Europe, as it is well adapted to climate and soils. In Portugal, this species has been used by local populations particularly for spirit production and for fruit consumption, although it has different possible commercial uses, from processed and fresh fruit production to ornamental, pharmaceutical and chemical applications. In addition, due to its pioneer status, it is valuable for land recovery and desertification avoidance, besides being fire resistant. The available strawberry tree’s data is presence-only. For modelling purposes, a set of placements within the landscape of interest (Portugal) was applied. The species, observed in 318 plots, together with a vector of environmental covariates (7 bioclimatic attributes, slope and altitude) and a defined background were used for modeling purposes. Maxent 3.4.1 was the used software, where the estimated quantity is the probability of the presence of the species, conditioned on the environment. Maxent uses the environmental covariate data from the occurrence records and the background sample, to estimate the ratio between the conditional density of the covariates at the presence sites and the marginal (i.e., unconditional) density of covariates across the study area and so, estimating the relative suitability of one place vs. another. Three different climate scenarios (control run; 2050 and 2070) were tested for two emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, WorldClim), besides the past, 6,000 BP (Mid-Holocene). The reduction of habitat suitable for this species is very significant in the southern regions, even for the best warming scenario (RCP 4.5) in 2050. Central and Northern mountain regions are predicted refuge for this species. Forest policies and management should consider the impact of climate change on the usable areas for forestry, seeing a case-study species particularly adapted to the Mediterranean regions and wildfires, such as strawberry tree. The distribution of the species in the Middle Holocene agrees with previous genetic and fossils studies in the region, which supported two putative refuges for the species since the Last Glacial Maximum and a cryptic refugia in the East-Central mountain region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Party Organization and Electoral Competition

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    We propose a model in which two parties select the internal organization that helps them win the election. Party choices provide incent

    Hannah Arendt y la conquista del espacio: repensar la condición humana

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    El punto de partida de esta reflexión será una lectura del análisis kantiano del espacio, presente en la sección Die transzendentale Ästhetik, incluida en la obra Kritik der reinen Vernunft, centrándose en dos aspectos fundamentales: por un lado, la comprensión kantiana del espacio como una predisposición por parte del sujeto para la experiencia, anterior a cualquier experiencia particular; por otro lado, la identificación de esa condición subjetiva con la condición humana. Hannah Arendt, en el texto 'The Conquest of Space and the Stature of Man', intenta reflexionar sobre un escenario de apropriacion, por el humano, de las condiciones de posibilidad de la experiencia y de la existencia, que implica un abandono de su condición, tal y como Kant la piensa. Nuestra ponencia intenta mostrar que la reflexión realizada por Hannah Arendt en torno a la conquista del espacio y a la condición humana abre la posibilidad de la fundación de una Ética de responsabilidad con un ámbito alargado.  Palabras claves: científico, espacio, fundación, presencia, responsabilidad. Abstract: The point of departure of this reflexion will be a reading of the Kantian analysis of space, as presented in the section entitled Die transzendentafe A.sthetik of the Kritik of reinen Vernunft, focusing on two central aspects: first, the kantian understanding of space as a predisposition of the subject regarding experience, previous to any particular experience; second, the identification of that subjective condition with the human condition. Hannah Arendt, in her article "The Conquest of Space and the Stature of Man", tries to reflect upon a scene of appropriation, performed by man, of the conditions of possibility of experience and of existence, which implies an abandonment of his condition as conceived by Kant. This paper intends to show that the reflexion of Hannah Arendt regarding the conquest of space and the human condition constitutes a possibility of founding a wide range of responsible ethics.Keywords: presence, scientist, space, foundation, responsibility.  </p

    An assessment of scale-dependent variability and bias in global prediction models

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    The paper presents a method for the scale-dependent validation of the spatio-temporal variability in global weather or climate models and for their bias quantification in relation to dynamics. The method provides a relationship between the bias and simulated spatial and temporal variance by a model in comparison with verifying reanalysis data. For the low resolution (T30L8) subset of ERA-20C data, it was found that 80–90 (depending on season) of the global interannual variance is at planetary scales (zonal wavenumbers k = 0−3), and only about 1 of the variance is at scales with k> 7. The reanalysis is used to validate a T30L8 GCM in two configurations, one with the prescribed sea-surface temperature (SST) and another using a slab ocean model. Although the model with the prescribed SST represents the average properties of surface fields well, the interannual variability is underestimated at all scales. Similar to variability, model bias is strongly scale dependent. Biases found in the experiment with the prescribed SST are largely increased in the experiment using a slab ocean, especially in k= 0 , in scales with missing variability and in seasons with poorly simulated energy distribution. The perfect model scenario (a comparison between the GCM coupled to a slab ocean vs. the same model with prescribed SSTs) shows that the representation of the ocean is not critical for synoptic to subsynoptic variability, but essential for capturing the planetary scales. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Importance of technologies characteristics for VPPs

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    The large increase of renewable energy sources and Distributed Generation (DG) of electricity gives place to the Virtual Power Producer (VPP) concept. VPPs can reinforce the importance of these generation technologies making them valuable in electricity markets. One of the most important tasks of a VPP is the conjugation of technologies to obtain a consistent set of associated producers and allow them to operate in the electric market. This paper presents some characteristics regarding already existent technologies and relevant aspects for producers and for VPP

    Dispachability improvement of wind generation by the virtual power producers

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    Nowadays, there is a growing environmental concern about were the energy that we use comes from, bringing the att ention on renewable energies. However, the use and trade of renewable e nergies in the market seem to be complicated because of the lack of guara ntees of generation, mainly in the wind farms. The lack of guarantees is usually addressed by using a reserve generation. The aggregation of DG p lants gives place to a new concept: the Virtual Power Producer (VPP). VPPs can reinforce the importance of wind generation technologies, making them valuable in electricity markets. This paper presents some resul ts obtained with a simulation tool (ViProd) developed to support VPPs in the analysis of their operation and management methods and of their strat egies effects

    O impacto das alterações climáticas na salinidade do solo: caso de estudo de uma pastagem mediterrânica com água subterrânea salina

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    The case study is located in an agricultural area of alluvial origin, approximately 10 km northeast of Lisbon (Portugal). The area is a peninsula surrounded by River Tejo, its estuary, and by River Sorraia. The peninsula lies 1 to 2 m above sea level, with saline groundwater arising from the estuarine tides. The soil is typically clayey and homogeneous. The future climate projections for the Mediterranean region show a decrease in precipitation, increase in mean temperature, and increase in sea water level. These conditions aggravate the processes leading to salt-affected soils (increased evapotranspiration, decrease in salt leaching during the rainy season, and increase of the groundwater salinity). This work evaluates the influence of climate change on soil salinity and water content in a rainfed spontaneous pasture, using Hydrus-1D. Three climate scenarios, comprising series of 30 years obtained with a regional climate model, were used: reference scenario (referent to 1971-2000), RCP4.5, and RCP 8.5 (both for 2011-2040). The results show an increase in the soil salinity in the RCP scenarios compared to the reference and a decrease in the mean yearly water content of the topsoil. Both effects limit the productivity of the pasture and even compromise the plants’ growth.O caso de estudo situa-se na Lezíria de Vila Franca de Xira, uma zona agrícola de origem aluvial, a cerca de 10 km a nordeste de Lisboa. A Lezíria é uma península rodeada pelo rio Tejo, pelo seu estuário e pelo rio Sorraia, entre 1 a 2 m acima do nível do mar, com água subterrânea salina resultante da influência marinha no estuário. As projeções climáticas para a região indicam uma diminuição da precipitação, aumento da temperatura média e aumento do nível da água do mar. Estas condições agravam os processos de salinização do solo (aumento da evapotranspiração, diminuição da lixiviação dos sais pela chuva e aumento da salinidade das águas subterrâneas). Este trabalho pretende analisar a influência das alterações climáticas na salinidade do solo e teor de água numa pastagem espontânea de sequeiro, utilizando Hydrus-1D. Foram simulados três cenários climáticos, compreendendo séries de 30 anos obtidas a partir de um modelo climático regional: cenário de referência (referente a 1971-2000), RCP4.5 e RCP 8.5 (ambos para 2011-2040). Os resultados mostram um aumento da salinidade do solo nos cenários RCP em relação à referência e uma diminuição no teor de água médio anual na camada superficial do solo. Ambos os efeitos limitam a produtividade da pastagem, podendo comprometer totalmente o crescimento das plantas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intracellular Trafficking Mechanisms of Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    The Almeida lab has been supported by FCTJPCOFUND/0004/2015; Alzheimer’s Association Research Grant (AARG-19-618007); Maratona da Saúde; H2020 Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation, H2020-WIDESPREAD01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2-GA739572; iNOVA4Health (UID/Multi/04462/2019), a program financially supported by Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Educação e Ciencia, through national funds and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. CG’s salary is supported by FCT-CEECIND/00410/2017. FM has been the recipient of an FCT doctoral fellowship (PD/BD/128344/2017). CP has been the recipient of an FCT doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BD/128374/2017).Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss. Although AD neuropathological hallmarks are extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular tau tangles, the best correlate of disease progression is synapse loss. What causes synapse loss has been the focus of several researchers in the AD field. Synapses become dysfunctional before plaques and tangles form. Studies based on early-onset familial AD (eFAD) models have supported that synaptic transmission is depressed by β-amyloid (Aβ) triggered mechanisms. Since eFAD is rare, affecting only 1% of patients, research has shifted to the study of the most common late-onset AD (LOAD). Intracellular trafficking has emerged as one of the pathways of LOAD genes. Few studies have assessed the impact of trafficking LOAD genes on synapse dysfunction. Since endocytic traffic is essential for synaptic function, we reviewed Aβ-dependent and independent mechanisms of the earliest synaptic dysfunction in AD. We have focused on the role of intraneuronal and secreted Aβ oligomers, highlighting the dysfunction of endocytic trafficking as an Aβ-dependent mechanism of synapse dysfunction in AD. Here, we reviewed the LOAD trafficking genes APOE4, ABCA7, BIN1, CD2AP, PICALM, EPH1A, and SORL1, for which there is a synaptic link. We conclude that in eFAD and LOAD, the earliest synaptic dysfunctions are characterized by disruptions of the presynaptic vesicle exo- and endocytosis and of postsynaptic glutamate receptor endocytosis. While in eFAD synapse dysfunction seems to be triggered by Aβ, in LOAD, there might be a direct synaptic disruption by LOAD trafficking genes. To identify promising therapeutic targets and biomarkers of the earliest synaptic dysfunction in AD, it will be necessary to join efforts in further dissecting the mechanisms used by Aβ and by LOAD genes to disrupt synapses.publishersversionpublishe

    Analytical method for the determination of strychnine in tissues by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry: two case reports

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    This paper describes an analytical method for strychnine determination in biological samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and their application in the investigation of two cases involving strychnine ingestion: A fatal case and a clinical one. The strychnine is isolated from biological samples using a liquid-liquid extraction procedure. The clean-up procedure is performed using an acid solution. Papaverine is used as internal standard in the quantification of strychnine. In the analysed specimens, the limits of quantification were 0.1 [mu]g/ml or 0.1 [mu]g/g. The recovery rate ranged from 75.0% to 98.7% and the coefficients of variation ranged from 4.8% to 10.5%.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T6W-408KCFB-8/1/f8bbeefad9e20909aef50467f67a2e8