30 research outputs found

    Maize agroecosystems sustainability in the coastal plain of Istmo, Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Los agroecosistemas tradicionales poseen diferentes características productivas, económicas, culturales y sociales; que provocan variabilidad del estado de sustentabilidad de cada uno de ellos. El objetivo fue evaluar niveles de sustentabilidad de los principales agroecosistemas de maíz en la planicie costera del Istmo de Tehuantepec; para diseñar futuras acciones de mejora. El estudio se realizó en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México en 2017. Se utilizó la metodología del MESMIS. Las técnicas de investigación fueron el cuestionario, recorridos de campo y diálogo con productores. Se diferenciaron tres agroecosistemas acorde al manejo y características propias. Se evaluaron 18 indicadores distribuidos en los atributos: productividad, confiabilidad, estabilidad, resiliencia, adaptabilidad, equidad y autogestión; que a su vez son trasversales a las dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. Al integrar los resultados por atributos, sobresale el AE1 con un avance alto a la sustentabilidad (70%), por mayor producción anual, eficiencia económica y más agricultores organizados. El AE2 alcanza un nivel bajo (47%) debido al reducido ingreso mensual, actividades económicas limitadas, reducida superficie cultivable y nula capacitación y organización. El AE3 logra un nivel bajo (56%), alcanzado por una baja diversidad de actividades económicas y mayor número de agricultores que reciben asesoría técnica. Al evaluar las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, el AE1 y AE3 sobresalen con valores medios de avance hacia la sustentabilidad (74 y 63%) y el AE2 muestra debilidad (53%). Para mejorar estos niveles, se requieren diseñar y promover programas de desarrolloTraditional agroecosystems have different productive, economic, cultural and social characteristics; that cause variability of the sustainability status of each one of them. The objective was to evaluate sustainability levels of the main maize agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; to design future improvement actions. The study was carried out in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico in 2017. The MESMIS methodology was used. The research techniques were the questionnaire, field trips and dialogue with producers. Three agroecosystems were differentiated according to their own management and characteristics. 18 indicators distributed in the attributes were evaluated: productivity, reliability, stability, resilience, adaptability, equity and self-management; which in turn are transverse to the environmental, social and economic dimensions. By integrating the results by attributes, AE1 stands out with a high advance to sustainability (70%), due to higher annual production, economic efficiency and more organized farmers. AE2 reaches a low level (47%) due to reduced monthly income, limited economic activities, reduced arable land and no training and organization. AE3 achieves a low level (56%), achieved by a low diversity of economic activities and a greater number of farmers who receive technical assistance. When evaluating the dimensions of sustainability, AE1 and AE3 stand out with medium values of progress towards sustainability (74 and 63%) and AE2 shows debility (53%). To improve these levels, it is necessary to design and promote agricultural development programs through participatory processes that contemplate technological innovation with an agroecological approach.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Maize agroecosystems sustainability in the coastal plain of Istmo, Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Los agroecosistemas tradicionales poseen diferentes características productivas, económicas, culturales y sociales; que provocan variabilidad del estado de sustentabilidad de cada uno de ellos. El objetivo fue evaluar niveles de sustentabilidad de los principales agroecosistemas de maíz en la planicie costera del Istmo de Tehuantepec; para diseñar futuras acciones de mejora. El estudio se realizó en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México en 2017. Se utilizó la metodología del MESMIS. Las técnicas de investigación fueron el cuestionario, recorridos de campo y diálogo con productores. Se diferenciaron tres agroecosistemas acorde al manejo y características propias. Se evaluaron 18 indicadores distribuidos en los atributos: productividad, confiabilidad, estabilidad, resiliencia, adaptabilidad, equidad y autogestión; que a su vez son trasversales a las dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. Al integrar los resultados por atributos, sobresale el AE1 con un avance alto a la sustentabilidad (70%), por mayor producción anual, eficiencia económica y más agricultores organizados. El AE2 alcanza un nivel bajo (47%) debido al reducido ingreso mensual, actividades económicas limitadas, reducida superficie cultivable y nula capacitación y organización. El AE3 logra un nivel bajo (56%), alcanzado por una baja diversidad de actividades económicas y mayor número de agricultores que reciben asesoría técnica. Al evaluar las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, el AE1 y AE3 sobresalen con valores medios de avance hacia la sustentabilidad (74 y 63%) y el AE2 muestra debilidad (53%). Para mejorar estos niveles, se requieren diseñar y promover programas de desarrolloTraditional agroecosystems have different productive, economic, cultural and social characteristics; that cause variability of the sustainability status of each one of them. The objective was to evaluate sustainability levels of the main maize agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; to design future improvement actions. The study was carried out in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico in 2017. The MESMIS methodology was used. The research techniques were the questionnaire, field trips and dialogue with producers. Three agroecosystems were differentiated according to their own management and characteristics. 18 indicators distributed in the attributes were evaluated: productivity, reliability, stability, resilience, adaptability, equity and self-management; which in turn are transverse to the environmental, social and economic dimensions. By integrating the results by attributes, AE1 stands out with a high advance to sustainability (70%), due to higher annual production, economic efficiency and more organized farmers. AE2 reaches a low level (47%) due to reduced monthly income, limited economic activities, reduced arable land and no training and organization. AE3 achieves a low level (56%), achieved by a low diversity of economic activities and a greater number of farmers who receive technical assistance. When evaluating the dimensions of sustainability, AE1 and AE3 stand out with medium values of progress towards sustainability (74 and 63%) and AE2 shows debility (53%). To improve these levels, it is necessary to design and promote agricultural development programs through participatory processes that contemplate technological innovation with an agroecological approach.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Sustentabilidad de agroecosistemas de maíz de la planicie costera del Istmo, Oaxaca, México

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    Traditional agroecosystems have different productive, economic, cultural and social characteristics; that cause variability of the sustainability status of each one of them. The objective was to evaluate sustainability levels of the main maize agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; to design future improvement actions. The study was carried out in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico in 2017. The MESMIS methodology was used. The research techniques were the questionnaire, field trips and dialogue with producers. Three agroecosystems were differentiated according to their own management and characteristics. 18 indicators distributed in the attributes were evaluated: productivity, reliability, stability, resilience, adaptability, equity and self-management; which in turn are transverse to the environmental, social and economic dimensions. By integrating the results by attributes, AE1 stands out with a high advance to sustainability (70%), due to higher annual production, economic efficiency and more organized farmers. AE2 reaches a low level (47%) due to reduced monthly income, limited economic activities, reduced arable land and no training and organization. AE3 achieves a low level (56%), achieved by a low diversity of economic activities and a greater number of farmers who receive technical assistance. When evaluating the dimensions of sustainability, AE1 and AE3 stand out with medium values of progress towards sustainability (74 and 63%) and AE2 shows debility (53%). To improve these levels, it is necessary to design and promote agricultural development programs through participatory processes that contemplate technological innovation with an agroecological approach.Los agroecosistemas tradicionales poseen diferentes características productivas, económicas, culturales y sociales; que provocan variabilidad del estado de sustentabilidad de cada uno de ellos. El objetivo fue evaluar niveles de sustentabilidad de los principales agroecosistemas de maíz en la planicie costera del Istmo de Tehuantepec; para diseñar futuras acciones de mejora. El estudio se realizó en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México en 2017. Se utilizó la metodología del MESMIS. Las técnicas de investigación fueron el cuestionario, recorridos de campo y diálogo con productores. Se diferenciaron tres agroecosistemas acorde al manejo y características propias. Se evaluaron 18 indicadores distribuidos en los atributos: productividad, confiabilidad, estabilidad, resiliencia, adaptabilidad, equidad y autogestión; que a su vez son trasversales a las dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. Al integrar los resultados por atributos, sobresale el AE1 con un avance alto a la sustentabilidad (70%), por mayor producción anual, eficiencia económica y más agricultores organizados. El AE2 alcanza un nivel bajo (47%) debido al reducido ingreso mensual, actividades económicas limitadas, reducida superficie cultivable y nula capacitación y organización. El AE3 logra un nivel bajo (56%), alcanzado por una baja diversidad de actividades económicas y mayor número de agricultores que reciben asesoría técnica. Al evaluar las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, el AE1 y AE3 sobresalen con valores medios de avance hacia la sustentabilidad (74 y 63%) y el AE2 muestra debilidad (53%). Para mejorar estos niveles, se requieren diseñar y promover programas de desarrollo agrícola mediante procesos participativos que contemplen la innovación tecnológica con enfoque agroecológico

    Maize agroecosystems sustainability in the coastal plain of Istmo, Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Los agroecosistemas tradicionales poseen diferentes características productivas, económicas, culturales y sociales; que provocan variabilidad del estado de sustentabilidad de cada uno de ellos. El objetivo fue evaluar niveles de sustentabilidad de los principales agroecosistemas de maíz en la planicie costera del Istmo de Tehuantepec; para diseñar futuras acciones de mejora. El estudio se realizó en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México en 2017. Se utilizó la metodología del MESMIS. Las técnicas de investigación fueron el cuestionario, recorridos de campo y diálogo con productores. Se diferenciaron tres agroecosistemas acorde al manejo y características propias. Se evaluaron 18 indicadores distribuidos en los atributos: productividad, confiabilidad, estabilidad, resiliencia, adaptabilidad, equidad y autogestión; que a su vez son trasversales a las dimensiones ambiental, social y económica. Al integrar los resultados por atributos, sobresale el AE1 con un avance alto a la sustentabilidad (70%), por mayor producción anual, eficiencia económica y más agricultores organizados. El AE2 alcanza un nivel bajo (47%) debido al reducido ingreso mensual, actividades económicas limitadas, reducida superficie cultivable y nula capacitación y organización. El AE3 logra un nivel bajo (56%), alcanzado por una baja diversidad de actividades económicas y mayor número de agricultores que reciben asesoría técnica. Al evaluar las dimensiones de la sustentabilidad, el AE1 y AE3 sobresalen con valores medios de avance hacia la sustentabilidad (74 y 63%) y el AE2 muestra debilidad (53%). Para mejorar estos niveles, se requieren diseñar y promover programas de desarrolloTraditional agroecosystems have different productive, economic, cultural and social characteristics; that cause variability of the sustainability status of each one of them. The objective was to evaluate sustainability levels of the main maize agroecosystems in the coastal plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; to design future improvement actions. The study was carried out in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico in 2017. The MESMIS methodology was used. The research techniques were the questionnaire, field trips and dialogue with producers. Three agroecosystems were differentiated according to their own management and characteristics. 18 indicators distributed in the attributes were evaluated: productivity, reliability, stability, resilience, adaptability, equity and self-management; which in turn are transverse to the environmental, social and economic dimensions. By integrating the results by attributes, AE1 stands out with a high advance to sustainability (70%), due to higher annual production, economic efficiency and more organized farmers. AE2 reaches a low level (47%) due to reduced monthly income, limited economic activities, reduced arable land and no training and organization. AE3 achieves a low level (56%), achieved by a low diversity of economic activities and a greater number of farmers who receive technical assistance. When evaluating the dimensions of sustainability, AE1 and AE3 stand out with medium values of progress towards sustainability (74 and 63%) and AE2 shows debility (53%). To improve these levels, it is necessary to design and promote agricultural development programs through participatory processes that contemplate technological innovation with an agroecological approach.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Indicadores de innovación y productividad en unidades de producción agrícola familiar: sur de México

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    Innovation is an opportunity to improve productivity and to achieve the development of marginalized communities. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of innovation and productivity factors on the development of family farms (FFs) from marginalized localities in southern Mexico, under the systems approach. The study was non-experimental trans-sectional with a mixed approach and random stratified sampling. The indicator that interacted most with others was the farmer’s profile, defined by the type of crop in the FF that was independent of the locality, through the Kruskal-Wallis test (c2, 0.05) and Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Results show that FFs with greenhouse tomato innovate the most and generate greater economic satisfaction to the human factor, because of the productive system they implement. The interaction of factors implies the inexistence of knowledge that is strictly from the communities, since innovating and improving production requires a combination of influences, a type of crop and its aim, with the active participation of the farmer.La innovación es una oportunidad para mejorar la productividad y lograr el desarrollo de comunidades margi­nadas. El objetivo fue analizar el efecto de factores de innovación y productividad en el desarrollo de unidades de producción agrícola familiar (UPAF) de localidades marginadas del sur de México, bajo el enfoque de sistemas. La investigación fue de tipo no experimental trans-seccional con enfoque mixto, y muestreo estratificado aleatorio. El indicador que más interactuó con otros, fue el perfil del productor, definido por el tipo de cultivo de la UPAF que resultó independiente de la localidad, por medio de la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis (c2, 0.05) y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultando las UPAF con jitomate en invernadero, las que más inno­van y generan mayor satisfacción económica al factor humano, por el sistema productivo que implementan. La interacción de factores implica la inexistencia de conocimiento que sea estrictamente de las comunidades. Ya que innovar y mejorar productivamente requiere una combinación de influencias, un tipo de cultivo y el fin del mismo, con la participación activa del productor

    Effect of a Fungi Complex in Nine Ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach) Morrone

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of different concentrations of a fungal consortium on the growth and yield of ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus under storm conditions. Design/methodology/approach: An experiment was established under a completely randomized design with a 9x2x4 factorial arrangement. The factors were 9 ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus; two times of the year (summer-autumn and winter-spring) and four levels of mycorrhizal consortium. The variables evaluated were: number of shoots, number of leaves, and height of the shoot, leaf length, total biomass and leaf-stem ratio. Results: The response of the ecotypes had a differential effect on the variables NB, LHG, BT and RH / T. While the time affected the variables NH, AB, LHG, LHM, LHCh, BT and RH / T. Low inoculation levels increased the variables NB, AB, LHG, LHM and BT. Limitations on study/implications: The evaluated factors indicate that the level of inoculant and the season determine the growth and yield of Cenchrus purpureus. Findings/conclusions: The mycorrhizal consortium dose and time of year mainly determined the growth and yield of C. purpureus. Ecotypes respond differently to changes in mycorrhizal consortium dose and season. The evaluated factors indicate that the mycorrhiza dose and the time of year determine the growth and yield of C. purpureus. Two growth strategies of the ecotypes are visualized: 1) many shoots, with few small leaves and 2) few shoots with many large leaves.Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of different concentrations of a fungal consortium on the growth and yield of Cenchrus purpureus ecotypes under storm conditions.Design/Methodology/Approach: An experiment was established under a completely randomized design with a 9X2X4 factorial arrangement. The factors were 9 ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus, two seasons of the year (Summer-Fall and Winter-Spring), and four levels of mycorrhizal consortium. The variables evaluated were: number of buds, number of leaves, height of the bud, leaf length, total biomass, and leaf-stalk ratio.Results: The response of the ecotypes had a differential effect on the variables NB, LLL, TB and L/SR, while the season affected the variables LN, PH, LLL, MLL, SLL, TB and L/SR. Low inoculation levels increased the variables NB, PH, LLL, MLL and TB.Study Limitations/Implications: The evaluated factors indicate that the level of inoculant and the season determine the growth and yield of Cenchrus purpureus.Findings/Conclusions: The mycorrhizal consortium dose and season of the year mainly determined the growth and yield of C. purpureus. Ecotypes respond differently to changes in the season and in mycorrhizal consortium dose. The evaluated factors indicate that the mycorrhiza dose and the season of the year determine the growth and yield of C.purpureus. Two growth strategies of the ecotypes are visualized: 1) many buds, with few small leaves and 2) few buds with many large leave

    Productive Performance of Sheep in an Agropastoral System on the Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Objective: To determine the prolificacy and weight of lambs at birth (BW) in twogenotypes of hair sheep within an agropastoral system on the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico,and to evaluate the effect of two sources of selenium on the performance of lambs fromsaid system during the fattening phase.Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was carried out in an agropastoral system(coconut palm and Cynodon dactylon grass) in Río Grande, Oaxaca. Two experimentswere conducted; the first studied 58 ewes distributed in a completely randomized design(CRD) with factorial arrangement of 2x2x3, and focused on the following fixed effects:genotype, number of births, and body condition (BC). The measured variables wereprolificacy and BW. The second experiment studied 23 lambs of 4 months in age thatwere offspring of the females in experiment 1. They were distributed in a CRD withthree treatments: T1, without selenium provided; T2, with barium selenate provided; T3,with selenomethionine provided. The dependent variables were daily weight gain(DWG), dry material consumption (DMC), and feed conversion (FC). Results: The Pelibuey ewes with one and two births and the Black Belly ewes with onebirth demonstrated the highest averages in prolificacy (P?0.05). The lowest averages(P?0.05) were detected in ewes with BC 4 irrespective of number of births. The BW wasaffected (P?0.05) by genotype; Black Belly lambs weighed 680 g (P?0.05) more thatPelibuey lambs. The DWG, DMC and FC behaved similarly (P?0.05) betweentreatments and their general averages were 0.114 kg day -1 , 0.679 kg day -1 , and 6.18,respectively.Study Limitations/Implications: In the agropastoral system, the BC of ewes limitstheir reproductive performance. The weight of the lambs at the start of fatteningdetermines their performance during fattening.Findings/Conclusions: In the agropastoral system, Pelibuey and Black Belly femalespresent adequate prolificacy averages and BW; however, it is very important that theyremain within BC 3. Neither of the two sources of selenium improves DWG, DMC, andFC of lambs fattened in pens in the agropastoral system

    Prácticas de manejo y aprovechamiento de recursos naturales en la microrregión de abejones, Oaxaca.

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    Indigenous communities conserve their local practices around natural resources, which contribute to theconservation of nature and the satisfaction of their dietary and sociocultural needs. The objective of the studywas to analyze the practices of exploitation and management of natural resources in indigenous spaces ofOaxaca. The ethnoecological method was used: the structured interview and field visits. It was found thatinterview respondents implemented different types of agricultural practices, with the following standing out:sowing of associated or interspersed crops, construction of retention walls (bordos), and terraces and leveling.Soil management was carried out in a differentiated way; in two sites they use manure from backyard animalsand in another community they use domestic waste. The water management practices were different percommunity and were subject to their culture; the management of irrigation water by gravity stood out, andto a lesser extent the harvest of rainwater. The harvest of plants, fungi and the exploitation of wild animalswere also frequent. Rituals are still practiced that are devoted to the soil, to a lesser extent to water, to themountain and to animals. It is concluded that the communities of study conserve their practices that weredeveloped locally.Las comunidades indígenas conservan sus prácticas locales en torno a los recursos naturales, las cuales contribuyena la conservación de la naturaleza y satisfacción de sus necesidades alimenticias y socioculturales. Elobjetivo de la investigación fue analizar las prácticas de aprovechamiento y manejo de los recursos naturales enespacios indígenas de Oaxaca. Se empleó el método etnoecológico, la entrevista estructurada y recorridos decampo. Se encontró que los entrevistados implementaron diferentes tipos de prácticas agrícolas, destacandola siembra de cultivos asociados o intercalados, la construcción de muros de retención (bordos) y terrazas yla nivelación. El manejo del suelo se realiza de forma diferenciada, en dos sitios utilizan estiércol de animalesde traspatio y en otra comunidad emplean desechos domésticos. Las prácticas de manejo del agua fuerondiferentes por comunidad y estuvieron sujetas a su cultura, destacó el manejo del agua de riego por gravedady en menor medida la cosecha de agua de lluvia. También fue frecuente la recolección de plantas, hongos y elaprovechamiento de animales silvestres. Aún se practican rituales dedicados al suelo, en menor medida al agua,a la montaña y a los animales. Se concluye que las comunidades de estudio conservan sus prácticas gestadaslocalmente

    Macroinvertebrados acuáticos en manantiales de la subcuenca río Copalita, Oaxaca, México

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    Resumen. Los ecosistemas de agua dulce están expuestos a presiones antropogénicas que alteran el ambiente e influyen sobre las comunidades de macroinvertebrados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estimar la diversidad taxonómica de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en manantiales de dos microcuencas pertenecientes a la subcuenca río Copalita, para determinar la estructura y la conservación de los manantiales. El estudio se realizó en mayo de 2022 en ocho manantiales. La recolecta de macroinvertebrados acuáticos se realizó mediante el uso de una red tipo D. Se calcularon índices de diversidad de Shannon y Wiener (H’), diversidad de Simpson (λ), similitud de Jaccard (IJ), equitatividad de Pielou (J’), riqueza (S) y dominancia (D). Se determinó la correlación existente entre las variables utilizando Rho de Spearman (p ≤ 0,05), se realizaron análisis clúster del índice y el porcentaje de similitud de Jaccard. Los manantiales en estudio son de tipo helocreno y reocreno, el sitio con mayor diversidad fue Arroyo Guajolote, caracterizado por una menor perturbación en su origen y no es aprovechado para abastecimiento humano. Se necesita un plan de manejo para conservar estos ecosistemas con el fin de garantizar una buena calidad de los servicios ambientales brindados

    Determination of bacteria morphotypes associated with the rhizosphere of organic coffee plantations

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    Objective: To determine bacterial diversity associated with the coffee rhizosphere on coffee plantations on Oaxaca, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Soil samples collected from organic arabic coffee plantations in the Loxicha region of Oaxaca were analyzed to isolate and characterize populations of bacteria associated with the rhizosphere of the plantations. Six sites were sampled in three altitudinal ranges; low (≥1200, ≤1400 masl), medium (≥1700, ≤1800 masl) and high (≥1900 masl); two sites per rank. The population distribution of the bacteria by altitudinal range was compared using the Tukey test. A multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis) was performed considering four morphological characters of the colonies: Shape, Surface, Border and Color, and two microscopic characters: Type and Gram. Results: 43 bacterial colonies were isolated and purified, whose population distribution showed a significant difference (Tukey α = 0.5) with respect to the altitudinal range of collection. The Principal Component Analysis showed that the first three principal components expressed 74.19% of the total variation of the 43 bacterial colonies, indicating a wide distribution of the bacterial colonies from the evaluated characters. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis determined eight groups divided into subgroups based on the semipartial correlation coefficient of 0.05. Limitations on study/implications: The environmental conditions where bacteria grow allow the interspecific variation of each species to change. Findings/conclusions: The morphological and microscopic characterization of the bacterial colonies shows the existence of a high variability that is expressed in characters that indicate high diversity of bacterial species in organically managed coffee soils in Oaxaca.Objective: To determine the bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in coffee plantations in Oaxaca, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Soil samples collected from organic arabian coffee plantations in the Loxicha region of Oaxaca were analyzed to isolate and characterize bacterial populations associated with the rhizosphere of those plantations. Samples were collected from six sites in three altitude ranges (two sampling sites per each range): low (≥1,200, ≤1,400 masl), medium (≥1,700, ≤1,800 masl), and high (≥1,900 masl). Tukey’s test was used to compare the bacteria population distribution per altitude range. A multivariate analysis (Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis) was performed considering four morphological —shape, surface, border, and color— and two microscopic —type and Gram— characteristics of the colonies.   Results: Forty-three bacterial colonies were isolated and purified; their population distribution showed a significant difference (Tukey α = 0.5) with respect to the altitude range in which they were collected. The Principal Components Analysis showed that the first three principal components accounted for 74.19% of the total variation of the 43 bacterial colonies, indicating that the evaluated characteristics were widely distributed. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis determined eight groups and divided them into subgroups, based on the semi partial correlation coefficient (0.05). Study limitations/implications: The environmental conditions where bacteria grow allow changes in the interspecific variation of each species. Findings/conclusions: The morphological and microscopic characterization of the bacterial colonies shows a high variability that is expressed in characteristics, indicating a high diversity of bacterial species in organically-managed coffee soils in Oaxac