143 research outputs found

    La satisfacción profesional del docente universitario: un caso práctico

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    [Resumen] En este artículo se presentan algunos de los resultados obtenidos en un estudio sobre la satisfacción profesional del docente universitario, llevado a cabo en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Su objetivo principal es el de comprobar si los profesores de esta Universidad se sienten satisfechos o no con algunos aspectos relacionados con la docencia y si existen diferencias entre los profesores que imparten materias teóricas y prácticas. El estudio está realizado con una muestra de 103 docentes universitarios pertenecientes a las distintas Facultades y Escuelas que forman esta Universidad. El análisis estadístico de los datos pone de manifiesto que, en general, los profesores de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca se sienten satisfechos con la mayoría de los aspectos estudiados sobre su desempeño docente[Abstract] In this article are presented some of the results obtained in a study of professional satisfaction among the university lecturers that took part in the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Its main objective was to prove whether the University Lecturers feel satisfied about several aspects related to lecturing or not and to prove the existence of differences among the lecturers of practical and theorical subjects. This study was carried out with a sample of 103 university lecturers among the different Departments that form this University. The statistical analisis of data points prove that, in general, the lecturers of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca feel satisfied with most of the analyzed aspects on their lecturing job

    La formación del profesorado. The teachers' training

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    [Resumen] En el presente artículo, intentamos ofrecer una visión global de la formación del profesorado, como su concepto, historia y otros aspectos más específicos. Nos hemos centrado en la Formación Permanente puesto que como integrantes del mundo educativo es la que más nos afecta. Queremos darle a esta formación la importancia que se merece puesto que con los tiempos que se avecinan, el profesorado más que nunca debe estar preparado para ofrecer a su alumnado una serie de garantías de adaptación a una sociedad cada vez más selectiva, exigente y cambiante[Abstract] In this article we try to present a global vision of teachers" training, describing its concept, history and other more specific aspects. We have focussed on permanent education in wiev of the fact that this most affects us as members of the educational world. We wish to give permanent education the importance it deserves, since with the coming times teachers have to be prepared more than ever, in order to offer their studentes a set of tools to adapt to a society which is more and more selective, demanding and changeabl

    La evaluación del profesorado universitario

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    [Resumen] En este artículo se pretende realizar un breve recorrido teórico por alguno de los aspectos conceptuales de la evaluación del profesorado universitario. Dicho recorrido se desarrolla en cuatro apartados: en el primero se delimitan los conceptos de evaluación del profesorado y evaluación de la docencia, se establecen las principales diferencias entre ambos términos, así como la dificultad de definirlos de forma independiente. En el segundo apartado se señalan los principales objetivos generales y específicos relacionados con la “mejora docente”. En el tercero se jus- tifica la importancia de la evaluación de la docencia de profesor universitario. Y en el cuarto y último apartado, se recogen los pro- blemas y limitaciones más importantes que tiene esta evaluación.[Abstract] In this article, it is intended to undertake a brief theoretical run-through of some of the conceptual aspects of evaluation of university professorship. The aforementioned run- through is developed in four stages: in the first, the concepts of evaluation of professors- hip and evaluation of teaching are specified terminologically. At this stage, the main diffe- rences between the two are established, as well as the difficulty of defining them inde- pendently. In the second section, the most important objectives, both general and speci- fic, relating to “the teaching improvement” are indicated. In the third part of the article, the importance of evaluation of university professorship teaching is justified. The fourth and final section covers the problems and limitations of this kind of evaluation

    Educational innovation in the centers of education

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de las distintas formas de innovación que han ido surgiendo con el paso del tiempo en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje. El objetivo, es estudiar los cambios que han ido apareciendo con los años y las innovaciones más actuales en algunos centros de enseñanza de Castilla y León. Se ha utilizado una metodología cualitativa basada en una entrevista para el profesorado de algunos centros educativos de Castilla y León (en las provincias de Zamora y Salamanca). Se trata de un estudio piloto para ver si existen diferencias en las percepciones de los profesores sobre la innovación educativa en función del centro educativo al que pertenecen. Para el análisis de los resultados se hizo el vaciado de las entrevistas, su valoración y el análisis de diferencias entre los distintos centros de estudio. Con esto, no se pretende llegar a una respuesta absoluta, puesto que se trata de un estudio piloto, sino entregar algunos elementos que permitan profundizar en el tema y obtener conclusiones para futuras investigaciones.[Abstract] This paper focuses on the study of the different forms of innovation that have arised throughout the teaching - learning process. The aim of the study is to analyze the changes that have appeared throughout time and the most current innovations in some education centers of Castile and Leon. The methodology used during the study was qualitative after analysing the survey that teaching staff of some educational centers of Castile and León answered (in the provinces of Zamora and Salamanca). This is a pilot study to check possible differences in the perceptions of teachers on teaching innovation depending on the education center in which they work. The results of the study were extracted after analyzing and evaluating the data collected in the interviews and the analysis of differences between the participant centers of the study. Limitations of the study show that a final response is not possible since it is an experimental study but the principal aim is to present some elements that will allow to analyze this topic further and to obtain conclusions for future investigations on this topic

    Digital competences relationship between gender and generation of university professors

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    [EN] Digital competences can be defined as the set of techno-pedagogical and communicational skills that allow teachers to function effectively within the educational contexts that new technologies generate. This research work was aimed to establish the relationship between the level of university professors’ digital competences concerning their gender and generation. The study was based on a sample of 613 professionals with an undergraduate degree, who came from different areas of Ecuador; they were the attendees to the "Training Program for Leveling Tutors using Virtual Modality" at Técnica del Norte University (Ibarra -Ecuador). This research applied a quantitative and explanatory approach where the non-parametric statistical test of Chi-square was used to corroborate the validity of the data; it was obtained from a survey applied to the participants in this training course. The results show that the level of digital competences is gender independent but generation dependent. Generation Z is the one with the best digital capabilities, with an average of 61.14%. Regarding the gender, a dependence is observed only with two out of five groups of competencies analyzed in this study; the cloud storage and the interaction of social network. The research line of digital competences is extensive, the results should not be generalized or extrapolated without considering the characteristics of the educators and the context, it is suggested to assess the teaching staff digital competencies, considering other types of demographic variables, so that higher education institutions can carry out a comprehensive training planning in digital skills

    Digital Competences Relationship between Gender and Generation of University Professors

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    Digital competences can be defined as the set of techno-pedagogical and communicational skills that allow teachers to function effectively within the educational contexts that new technologies generate. This research work was aimed to establish the relationship between the level of university professors’ digital competences concerning their gender and generation. The study was based on a sample of 613 professionals with an undergraduate degree, who came from different areas of Ecuador; they were the attendees to the "Training Program for Leveling Tutors using Virtual Modality" at Técnica del Norte University (Ibarra -Ecuador). This research applied a quantitative and explanatory approach where the non-parametric statistical test of Chi-square was used to corroborate the validity of the data; it was obtained from a survey applied to the participants in this training course. The results show that the level of digital competences is gender independent but generation dependent. Generation Z is the one with the best digital capabilities, with an average of 61.14%. Regarding the gender, a dependence is observed only with two out of five groups of competencies analyzed in this study; the cloud storage and the interaction of social network. The research line of digital competences is extensive, the results should not be generalized or extrapolated without considering the characteristics of the educators and the context, it is suggested to assess the teaching staff digital competencies, considering other types of demographic variables, so that higher education institutions can carry out a comprehensive training planning in digital skills

    Academic Program for the Relationship with Companies: An M-Learning Strategy to Promote University-Business Collaborations

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    [EN] The interest in including mobile learning (m-learning) in training processes has grown considerably. In recent years, there is evidence of a progressive research production on the subject; especially in Latin America, it is seen as an alternative to bridge the educational gaps. In the context of higher education in Colombia, most university students work full-time and study at night, it makes it difficult for them to do internships and makes them feel vulnerable when taking on job positions associated with their profession. Our goal is to create a virtual internship laboratory supported by a mobile application developed specifically for this purpose. It combines Problem-Based Learning (PBL) with Action- and Decision-oriented Research (ADR). Through a descriptive qualitative study, a mobile application is designed and validated to promote the university-business relationship, it was named Academic Program for the Relationship with Companies (PARCE, i.e., Programa Académico de Relacionamiento con Empresas). The introduction contextualizes university education in Colombia and the receptivity of mobile learning, subsequently, the article describes the technical characteristics and qualities of the developed mobile application, as well as the methodology, approach, and data collection process. The information is analyzed by descriptive statistics categorized by dimensions to assess the impact of the mobile application on internship processes in a higher education institution. The academic performance was positively assessed with respect to the development of skills and professional abilities acquired and enhanced thanks to the flexibility of the mobile application and the PARCE program. Although it has been designed especially for internship processes, it is adaptable to different areas of knowledge and educational levels. The most recurrent rating of the program, on a scale from 1 to 5, by entrepreneurs was 4.82

    Socijalni pedagozi: istraživanje digitalne kompetencije iz perspektive spolnih razlika

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    Digital competence should be treated as an essential skill in the professional development of social educators. The purpose of the research project presented in this article is twofold: on the one hand, to conduct diagnostic self-assessment of students studying for an Undergraduate Degree in Social Education at the University of Salamanca (Spain), and on the other, to check whether the gender variable affects the results. Applied was the so-called ex post facto quantitative method and the data were collected via an online questionnaire. Descriptive analyses were applied and means were compared using Student’s t-test. The results show that students generally assess their familiarity with the information and communication technologies (ICT) as unsatisfactory and the use of ICT as satisfactory. In contrast, they assess themselves very positively in their attitudes toward ICT. Furthermore, male respondents in the sample scored higher in familiarity and use of ICT in comparison to female respondents, while women assessed themselves more positively than men in relation to attitude toward ICT. Finally, positive correlation was confirmed between familiarity with ICT and its use, as well as between the use and the attitudes toward ICT. There was no correlation between respondents’ familiarity with ICT and their attitude toward it.Digitalna kompetencija trebala bi kao osnovna vještina imati ključno mjesto u profesionalnom razvoju socijalnih pedagoga. Istraživački projekt predstavljen u ovom radu ima dva cilja: provesti dijagnostičku samoprocjenu studenata Preddiplomskog studija socijalne pedagogije na Sveučilištu u Salamanki (Španjolska) i provjeriti utječe li varijabla spola na rezultate. Primijenjena je ex post facto kvantitativna metoda, a podaci su prikupljeni na temelju online-upitnika. Analiza je deskriptivna, inferencijska i korelacijska, a aritmetičke sredine uspoređene su studentovim t-testom. Rezultati pokazuju da studenti većinom nedovoljno poznaju informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT), a u pogledu korištenja IKT-a vrijednosti su u rangu zadovoljavajuće ocjene. Studenti pokazuju veoma pozitivan stav prema informacijskim i komunikacijskim tehnologijama. Rezultati također pokazuju da među budućim socijalnim pedagozima muškarci imaju bolje rezultate od žena u pogledu poznavanja i primjene, a žene pokazuju bolje rezultate u stavu prema IKT-u. Dokazan je pozitivan odnos između poznavanja i primjene IKT-a, kao i između primjene i stava prema IKT-u, a korelacija između poznavanja i stava nije utvrđena

    The Digital Competence of Pre-Service Educators: The Influence of Personal Variables

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    [EN]Currently, 21st century students need competences that enable them to adapt to a new type of individual information and individual knowledge relationship, and, therefore, the education system should contemplate new ways for learners to develop in accordance with this so-called information and knowledge society. One of special importance is so-called digital competency. This article presents the results of a research study to determine the influence that the variables of gender, age, and academic degree have on the acquisition of digital competence by pre-service educators, with a sample of 370 students from different education degrees from the University of Salamanca (Spain). A quantitative methodology was used, employing a non-experimental method and the electronic survey technique to collect information on the dimensions of knowledge, as well as the management of and attitude towards information and communication technologies (ICTs). Data were analyzed inferentially from a comparison of means using nonparametric tests. This analysis was completed with the incorporation of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, which allowed us to graphically verify the differences between the subsamples and thus compare the different groups in relation to the proposed dimensions. The main conclusion was that the three variables studied can be considered as influential, though not determinant, in the acquisition of digital competency