409 research outputs found

    Canais de transmissão do conhecimento: estudo no EuroClusTex, cluster transfronteiriço entre o Norte de Portugal e a Galiza

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    Observa-se que os processos de aprendizagem colaborativa em clusters são cruciais para a formação da vantagem competitiva ao nível individual das empresas e no conjunto que forma o aglomerado produtivo. Neste artigo pretende identificar-se os canais de transmissão do conhecimento no EuroClusTex, cluster têxtil e de vestuário do Norte de Portugal e da Galiza. Para tanto foi realizada uma pesquisa de cunho exploratório. Os dados primários foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas com onze sujeitos-chaves. Também foram coletados dados secundários por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica. Constatou-se que o EuroCluTex contribui para a competitividade das regiões, impulsionando as relações comerciais entre a Galiza e o Norte de Portugal. No EuroClusTex os canais mais efetivos para transmissão do conhecimento são: a imitação, os fornecedores, as políticas públicas, e a capacitação de recursos humanos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Abstract. Historical aerial images represent a source of information of great value for glacier monitoring, as they cover the area of interest at a well-defined epoch and allow for visual interpretation and metric analysis. Typically, the aerial images are used to produce orthophotos and manually digitize the perimeters of the glaciers for analysis of the surface extent of the glaciers, while the extraction of height information is more challenging due to data quality and characteristics. This article discusses the potential of historical aerial images for glacier modelling. More specifically, it analyses the impact of their coverage, radiometric- and geometric accuracy, state of preservation and completeness on the photogrammetric workflow. The data set used consists of scans of 300 (analog) aerial images acquired between August and October 1954 by the U.S. Air Force with a Fairchild KF7660 camera over the entire Province of Trento. For the modelling of the glaciers, different techniques such as manual stereoscopic measurement and dense image matching were tested on sample glaciers and the results were analysed in detail. Due to local radiometric saturation in a large part of the glacial surfaces and other disturbances affecting the historical images (e.g. scratches, scanning errors, dark shadows), dense image matching did not produce any valuable results, and stereo plotting could be used only on images (or image parts) with acceptable quality. The derived Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) were compared with a reference DTM obtained with dense image matching from digital aerial images acquired in September 2015 with an UltraCam Eagle sensor, and, for some glaciers, to a DTM obtained with dense image matching from scanned aerial images acquired in September 1983 with a RC30 analog camera. The differences between 1954 and 2015 DTMs showed values up to 70–80 m in height and a behaviour that is confirmed by the models employed by the glaciology experts in Trento

    Clinical, laboratory and immunohistochemical characterization of in situ pulmonary arterial thrombosis in fatal COVID-19

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    Background: COVID-19 patients carry an increased rate of thrombosis. It is controversial to which extent thrombi in the pulmonary arterial tree really contribute to disease severity with hypoxemia secondary to microvascular/lung parenchymal damage with viral alveolitis considered to play the main role in critical disease. Objectives: The primary objective was to compare post-mortem lung disease from fatal COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with macroscopically evident pulmonary arterial tree thrombosis and patients without, by characterizing the immunohistochemical nature of thrombi, and by comparing clinical and laboratory features of these patients with other COVID-19 patients who died but without evidence of pulmonary arterial thrombosis (controls). Patients and methods: 13 COVID-19 pneumonia cases (mean age ± standard deviation: 74 ± 6.5 years) with macroscopically visible pulmonary arterial thrombosis were compared to 14 controls. Hematoxylin and Eosin stained slides were reviewed choosing those with visible pulmonary thrombi which were further characterized by immunohistochemistry, in particular for the inflammatory infiltrates. Ante mortem serum markers relevant to pulmonary embolism were evaluated in both groups. Results: Twenty arterial thrombi (5 cases with multiple thrombi) were selected for study and were composed by white blood cells (WBC) [median, IQR range: 10 % (5–12.25)], mainly neutrophils [58 % (35.2–64.5)]. Cases with thrombosis showed significantly higher levels of platelet count [median, IQR range: 195000/mmc (157750–274,500) vs 143,500 (113000–175,250), p = 0.011], LDH [854 U/L (731–1315) vs 539 (391.5–660), p = 0.003] at admission, and D-dimer at ICU transfer [25,072 FEU (6951–50,531) vs 1024 (620–5501), p = 0.003]. Conclusions: Immunothrombotically driven arterial thrombi in COVID-19 patients are associated with D-Dimer and LDH elevations, thus linking inflammation, coagulopathy and organ damage in fatal COVID-19

    Knowledge transmission in industrial clusters: evidence from EuroClusTex

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    Covering the knowledge economy scenario, this article attempts to illustrate the analysis of the employment of knowledge transmission channels in the EuroClusTex, cross-border textile and clothing cluster between northern Portugal and Galicia. Therefore, an exploratory research was conducted. Primary data were obtained through participation in events, from interviews with key informants (entrepreneurs, leaders of cluster support institutions and government representatives). The secondary data were provided by the cluster support institutions, international organizations and the literature review. The results showed that EuroClusTex contributes to the competitiveness of regions, boosting trade relations between Galicia and northern Portugal. The most effective knowledge transmission channels in EuroClusTex were identified as: imitation, relationship with suppliers, public policy and human resources training. Experiences similar to EuroClusTex can be considered and served as examples for the development of clustering policies in other countries.This work was financially supported by the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) (National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Today the die casting process is used to cast parts with high quality requirements such as engine cradles, cross members and nodes for space frame construction. This has presented the challenge to design alloys with superior mechanical properties. For crash relevant parts requiring high ductility (elongation > 12 %) one option to meet these properties is by heat treating a low iron Al-Si alloy to a T4 or T7 temper. However heat treatment can lead to part distortion and blistering resulting in higher costs for the producer. The second option is Al-Mg alloys type which fulfill these requirements in the as-cast state but the alloys are not easy to cast. Research was started using the easy to cast Al-Si alloy system targeting a high elongation (> 12 %) and yield-strength (> 120 MPa) already in temper F and not showing any long term aging behavior. This paper will discuss the technical progress which began in the early 1990ies, gaining in importance with the first series space frame Aluminum car, continuing with structural parts applied in the as-cast state and approaching a future with an increasing amount of light weight components replacing steel and heat treated Aluminum designs

    Transmissão de conhecimento no cluster têxtil e de vestuário do Vale do Itajaí

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    Ante o advento de uma sociedade do conhecimento que estimula e valoriza a formação de redes de empresa, há consenso entre pesquisadores especializados, de que os processos de transmissão de conhecimento em clusters são cruciais para a formação da vantagem competitiva na esfera individual das empresas e no conjunto que forma o aglomerado produtivo. Neste artigo pretendeu-se identificar e analisar os canais de transmissão de conhecimento no cluster têxtil e de vestuário localizado no Vale do Itajaí em Santa Catarina. Os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevistas guiadas e aplicação de questionário com empresários e especialistas (pesquisadores e responsáveis por associações industriais). Com os resultados obtidos observou-se que os canais de transmissão de conhecimento referentes a formação de recursos humanos, a imitação, e ao relacionamento com fornecedores figuram entre os cinco mais importantes. Foram identificados entraves ao compartilhamento de conhecimento relacionados com aspectos culturais.The advent of a knowledge society encourages formation of business networks. There is consensus among researchers that the knowledge transmission processes in clusters are crucial for the formation of competitive advantage in the individual sphere of companies and set how productive cluster. This article was intended to identify and analyze the knowledge of transmission channels in the textile and clothing cluster located in the Itajaí Valley in Santa Catarina. Data were obtained through guided interviews and a questionnaire with entrepreneurs and experts (researchers and responsible for industry associations). With the obtained results it was observed that the knowledge transmission channels related to human resources training, imitation, and relationships with suppliers are among the five most important. Barriers were identified knowledge sharing related to cultural aspects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of extracellular vesicles in the removal of aggregated TDP43 responsible for ALS/FTD diseases

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) are two related neurodegenerative diseases. ALS is caused by the death of both upper and lower motoneurons, while FTD is characterized predominantly by circumscribed atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes. ALS and FTD overlap each other. This is demonstrated by the presence of cognitive and behavioral dysfunction in up to 50% of ALS patients and by the presence of frontotemporal atrophy in patients with ALS. Moreover, these diseases are both characterize by the presence of TAR DNA binding protein 43 (TDP43) inclusions in affected cells. These inclusions, observed in 97% of patients with ALS and 50% of patients with FTD, are composed by TDP43 and its C-terminal fragments of 35 kDa (TDP35) and 25 kDa (TDP25). These fragments are highly aggregation-prone and probably neurotoxic. Thus, their removal is protective for cells. The mechanism responsible for the clearance of aggregates and misfolded proteins is the intracellular protein quality control (PQC) system. It consists of molecular chaperones/co- chaperones and the degradative pathways. PQC controls the folding status of proteins and prevents the aggregation of misfolded proteins by refolding them or degrading. Recent data demonstrated that also extracellular secretory pathway, represented especially by exosomes (EXOs) and microvesicles (MVs), might be involved in the removal of misfolded proteins from affected cells. Thus, we evaluated the role of EXOs and MVs in the secretion of TDP43 and its C-terminal fragments, using neuronal cell models. We used ultracentrifugation, that allowed us to separate MVs from EXOs on the basis of their dimension. Then we analyzed them through i) Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NanoSight) to establish their number and sizes, and ii) western blot analysis, to characterize their protein content. Our preliminary results show that TDP43, TDP35 and TDP25 are all secreted, mainly by MVs. In particular, we found that MVs are enriched of insoluble forms of TDPs and also of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), another ALS-related protein. Finally, both in EXOs and in MVs, we observed the presence of some important PQC-components, suggesting an interplay between the two pathways. GRANTS: Fondazione Cariplo, Italy (n. 2017_0747); Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Milano e piano di sviluppo UNIMI - linea B

    Diversidade de minhocas e atributos químicos em sistemas de plantio direto e integração lavoura-pecuária do oeste catarinense.

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    Resumo também apresentado no CONGRESSO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO, 2., 2012, São Leopoldo. Mostra de iniciação científica da UNISINOS. São Leopoldo: Casa Leiria, 2012. e-book. II CICPG. Disposição dos autores: ORSO, R.; BARTZ, M. L. C.; BROWN, G. G.; KLAUBER FILHO, O.; ROSA, M. G. da; LOCATELLI, M.; ZORTÉA, T.; CASAROTTO, K.; DECÄENS, T.; BARETTA, D

    Low-lying Neutron Unbound States In Be-12

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    The neutron decay of an unbound resonance in Be-12 has been measured at 1243 +/- 21 keV decay energy with a width of 634 +/- 60 keV. This state was populated with a one-proton removal reaction from a 71 MeV/u B-13 beam incident upon a beryllium target. The invariant mass reconstruction of the resonance was achieved by measuring the daughter fragment in coincidence with neutrons. Despite being above the 2n separation energy, the state decays predominantly by the emission of one neutron to Be-11, setting an upper limit on the branching ratio for the two-neutron decay channel to Be-10 of less than 5%. From the characteristics of the population and decay of the resonance, it is concluded that this state cannot correspond to the previously observed state at 4580 +/- 5 keV

    Preconditioning with hyperbaric oxygen in pancreaticoduodenectomy: a randomized double-blind pilot study.

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    In a prospective randomized double-blind study, we evaluated the post-operative biological and clinical effects of a single preoperative hyperbaric-treatment the day before surgery for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Patients and Methods: Twenty one patients were randomized and divided into two groups: group-A (10 patients, 48%) were exposed to a HyperBaric Oxygen (HBO) session the day before intervention [Pre-Intervention Day (PID)], group-B (11 patients, 52%) breathed air for 40 min in a hyperbaric chamber pressurized to 1.15 ATA (placebo group). For all patients blood samples were obtained before HBO treatment or the placebo procedure (T0); at the end of HBO session or placebo procedure (T1); on the first post-operative day (POD)(T2) and on seventh POD(T3) day, measuring interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 and TNF-\u3b1, recording postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF), biliaryfistula, fever, intra-abdominal abscess, bleeding, pulmonary complications, delayed gastric emptying and requirement for post-operative antibiotics. The results of the present pilot study suggest that a single preoperative hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the day before surgery may reduce the complication rate in pancreatic resection