2,293 research outputs found

    Metabolic interactions between vitamin A and conjugated linoleic acid

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    Lipid-soluble molecules share several aspects of their physiology due to their common adaptations to a hydrophilic environment, and may interact to regulate their action in a tissue-specific manner. Dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid with a conjugated diene structure that is found in low concentrations in ruminant products and available as a nutritional supplement. CLA has been shown to increase tissue levels of retinol (vitamin A alcohol) and its sole specific circulating carrier protein retinol-binding protein (RBP or RBP4). However, the precise mechanism of this action has not been elucidated yet. Here, we provide a summary of the current knowledge in this specific area of research and speculate that retinol and CLA may compete for catabolic pathways modulated by the activity of PPAR- and RXR heterodimer. We also present preliminary data that may position PPAR- at the crossroads between the metabolism of lipids and vitamin

    Aggiornamenti e novità sulla distribuzione del genere Gagea (Liliaceae) in Toscana

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    Viene confermata la presenza di Gagea bohemica (zauschn.) Scuhlt. & Schult. f. nell’unica località nota per la Toscana (isola d’Elba) e di G. granatellii (Parl.) Parl. all’isola del Giglio, dove da oltre 100 anni la specie non era stata più osservata. Vengono anche segnalate nuove località di G. granatellii nella porzione centrale e orientale dell’isola d’Elba, nonché di G. lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. e di G. pratensis (Pers.) Dumort. nella Toscana settentrionale (Pracchie di Pontito e Monte Morello, rispettivamente)

    An updated inventory of the vascular flora of Elba island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy)

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    We present an updated list of the vascular flora occurring on Elba island (Tuscan Archipelago). The list is based on bibliographic analysis and field studies carried out in the years 2006–2018. With a total of 1,098 specific and subspecific taxa currently occurring on the island (including 101 naturalized aliens), plus 67 casual aliens and 16 hybrid taxa, Elba shows the highest number of species among the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago. Two taxa are new for Tuscany: Hieracium symphytaceum s.l. and Ophrys exaltata subsp. morisii; 22 taxa are new for the island, 34 have been confirmed, while 326 were reliably recorded previously by other authors, but not confirmed by our study. We excluded 41 taxa and considered doubtful the occurrence of 87. Life forms and chorotypes are in agreement with the Mediterranean climate of the island. Despite this, Elba also hosts a considerable proportion of Eurosiberian taxa. We detected significant differences in chorotypes and life forms spectra among different geographical portions of the island, paralleling distinct bioclimatic patterns. Despite the institution of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, we are still far from an integrated protection of the island flora. Based on our results, it has been possible to arrange a geodatabase of the flora on the island, useful for its protection


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    Abstract. The old town of Gjirokastra (Albania), was included in the World Heritage List in 2005 thanks to the valuable presence of several remarkable examples of Ottoman-styled houses and in the integrity of the vernacular urban landscape. The urban structure is strongly influenced by the orography of the Drino valley and its slopes where the city was founded. Stone is the building material that characterizes the paving of the streets, the walls of the buildings and the roof coverings. The wood, mostly local, was used to build the frame structure of the upper floors and the roofs, in order to provide large windows and bright interior spaces. In December 2018, as part of the activities of the 3D Past project, founded by Eu Creative Europe Programme, Italian and Albanian students took part in a workshop in Gjirokastra. Such an initiative was designed to understand the tangible and intangible components of the vernacular heritage of Gjrokastra. In a multidisciplinary approach, students, professors, researchers and local experts analysed the morphological features of the historic center, the public spaces, and the traditional building systems. Traditional instruments such as the direct survey, the on-site observation and the interviews were adopted in combination with more innovative tools such as the laser scanner and the photogrammetry. This contribution not only illustrates the results of a multi-scale analysis, but it also highlights the transformations and threats that endanger the transmission of the unique characteristics of the city to the future generations. Moreover, it deals with the conservation strategies currently in use and some possible future measures that can contribute to the sustainable safeguard and development of the site

    Influencing brain waves by evoked potentials as biometric approach: taking stock of the last six years of research

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    The scientific advances of recent years have made available to anyone affordable hardware devices capable of doing something unthinkable until a few years ago, the reading of brain waves. It means that through small wearable devices it is possible to perform an electroencephalography (EEG), albeit with less potential than those offered by high-cost professional devices. Such devices make it possible for researchers a huge number of experiments that were once impossible in many areas due to the high costs of the necessary hardware. Many studies in the literature explore the use of EEG data as a biometric approach for people identification, but, unfortunately, it presents problems mainly related to the difficulty of extracting unique and stable patterns from users, despite the adoption of sophisticated techniques. An approach to face this problem is based on the evoked potentials (EPs), external stimuli applied during the EEG reading, a noninvasive technique used for many years in clinical routine, in combination with other diagnostic tests, to evaluate the electrical activity related to some areas of the brain and spinal cord to diagnose neurological disorders. In consideration of the growing number of works in the literature that combine the EEG and EP approaches for biometric purposes, this work aims to evaluate the practical feasibility of such approaches as reliable biometric instruments for user identification by surveying the state of the art of the last 6 years, also providing an overview of the elements and concepts related to this research area

    The strange case of negative reflection

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    In this paper, we show the phenomenon of negative reflection occurring in a mechanical phononic structure, consisting of a grating of fixed inclusions embedded in a linear elastic matrix. The negative reflection is not due to the introduction of a subwavelength metastructure or materials with negative mechanical properties. Numerical analyses for out-of-plane shear waves demonstrate that there exist frequencies at which most of the incident energy is reflected at negative angles. The effect is symmetric with respect to a line that is not parallel to the normal direction to the grating structure. Simulations at different angles of incidence and computations of the energy fluxes show that negative reflection is achievable in a wide range of loading conditions
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