26 research outputs found

    About responsibility as a criterion of quality of interventions with men who commit violence in couples contexts

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    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo discutir en torno a la concepción de responsabilidad como criterio de calidad de las intervenciones con varones que ejercen violencia en contextos de pareja, a la luz de los aportes realizados por la sociología de Bourdieu y el psicoanálisis freudo-lacaniano. Se discute sobre la dimensión volitiva asignada al acto violento, por una parte, y la impronta kantiana con la que se concibe el ideal de asunción de responsabilidad, por otra; lo que tendería a desplazar y velar dimensiones que determinan y posicionan a los sujetos en sus relaciones genéricas. Asimismo, se promueve una concepción de responsabilidad amparada dentro de los marcos de la ética del cuidado, como una dimensión prioritaria en el trabajo con varones.The present article aims to discuss about the conceptions of responsibility as a criterion of quality of interventions with men that commit violence in couple contexts, at the light of the contributions of Bourdieu’s sociology and freudian-lacanian psychoanalysis. It is discussed about volitional dimension assigned to the violent act, on the one hand, and the kantian stamp with which there is conceived the ideal one of assumption of responsibility, on the other; which would tend to displace and ensure dimensions that they determine and position to the subjects in their generic relations. Also, a conception of responsibility covered within the framework of the ethics of care as a priority status in the work with men is promoted

    Subjects of Law or Subject to Development? Crime and Juvenile Punishment in Chilean Criminal Justice System

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    In this paper, we address the condition that, in Chile, the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility Law gives to the young offender. Based on disciplines such as psychology and neuroscience, this law characterizes the young person as a "developing subject" to support his/her special criminal treatment according to their "vulnerable", "risky" and "transgressive" nature. The statistical analysis shows that the law protects, in its differentiated juridical consideration, a reinforced government regime of the youth risk. This regime seeks to resolve the subjection to the law of young people through the extended and dominant idea of their subjection to development

    Nifurtimox versus benznidazole or placebo for asymptomatic Trypanosoma cruzi infection (Equivalence of Usual Interventions for Trypanosomiasis - EQUITY): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Either benznidazole (BZN) or nifurtimox (NFX) is recommended as equivalent to treat Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Nonetheless, supportive data from randomised trials is limited to individuals treated with BZN in southern cone countries of Latin America. Methods: The goal of this randomised, concealed, blind, parallel-group trial is to inform the trypanocidal efficacy and safety of NFX and its equivalence to BZN among individuals with T. cruzi positive serology (TC+). Eligible individuals are TC+, 20-65 years old, with no apparent symptoms/signs or uncontrolled risk factors for cardiomyopathy and at negligible risk of re-infection. Consenting individuals (adherent to a 10-day placebo run-in phase) receive a 120-day BID blinded treatment with NFX, BZN or matching placebo (2:2:1 ratio). The four active medication arms include (1) a randomly allocated sequence of 60-day, conventional-dose (60CD) regimes (BZN 300 mg/day or NFX 480 mg/day, ratio 1:1), followed or preceded by a 60-day placebo treatment, or (2) 120-day half-dose (120HD) regimes (BZN 150 mg/day or NFX 240 mg/day, ratio 1:1). The primary efficacy outcome is the proportion of participants testing positive at least once for up to three polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays (1 + PCR) 12-18 months after randomisation. A composite safety outcome includes moderate to severe adverse reactions, consistent blood marker abnormalities or treatment abandons. The trial outside Colombia (expected to recruit at least 60% of participants) is pragmatic; it may be open-label and not include all treatment groups, but it must adhere to the randomisation and data administration system and guarantee a blinded efficacy outcome evaluation. Our main comparisons include NFX groups with placebo (for superiority), NFX versus BZN groups and 60CD versus 120HD groups (for non-inferiority) and testing for the agent-dose and group-region interactions. Assuming a 1 + PCR ? 75% in the placebo group, up to 25% among BZN-treated and an absolute difference of up to ? 25% with NFX to claim its trypanocidal effect, 60-80 participants per group (at least 300 from Colombia) are needed to test our hypotheses (80-90% power; one-sided alpha level 1%). Discussion: The EQUITY trial will inform the trypanocidal effect and equivalence of nitroderivative agents NFX and BZN, particularly outside southern cone countries. Its results may challenge current recommendations and inform choices for these agents. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02369978. Registered on 24 February 2015. © 2019 The Author(s)

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Quindío, Risaralda y Valle del Cauca

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    El propósito de este trabajo es el abordaje de contextos desde enfoques narrativos con el propósito de presentar tres estrategias psicosociales para los pobladores del Salado corregimiento del Carmen de Bolívar, como una herramienta que les facilite potencializar los recursos de afrontamiento psicosocial por exposición a situaciones aberrantes y deshumanizadoras a causa de la violencia, mediante eventos psicosociales traumáticos. El conflicto armado ha generado un gran impacto en el tejido social en especial a personas que viven en zonas rurales y sus víctimas han sido afectadas en todas las esferas de su vida (psicológico, social, cultural, económico) transformado sus subjetividades, las dinámicas familiares y han dejado heridas que se manifiestan en dolor, rabia, culpa, nostalgia etc., impidiéndoles percibir sus cualidades y potencializarlas para continuar y darle sentido a la vida con perseverancia, optimismo y esperanza. Experimentar emociones positivas en contextos adversos ha permitido disminuir los niveles de angustia, mejorando las relaciones interpersonales, minimizando a largo plazo riesgos de depresión y reforzando los recursos de resistencia, crecimiento y afrontamiento activo.The purpose of this work is to approach contexts from narrative perspective, with the objective of presenting three psychosocial strategies for the population of the Salado district of Carmen de Bolívar, as a tool makes it easier for them to potentiate psychosocial coping resources due to exposure to aberrational and dehumanizing situations due to violence, through traumatic psychosocial events. The armed conflict has generated a great impact on the social fabric, especially people living in rural areas and its victims have been affected in all spheres of their lives (psychological, social, cultural, economic), transforming their subjectivity, family dynamics and have left wounds that manifest in pain, anger, guilt, nostalgia, etc., preventing them from perceiving their qualities and empowering them to continue and give meaning to life with perseverance, optimism and hope. Experiencing positive emotions in adverse contexts has made it possible to reduce levels of anguish, improving interpersonal relationship, minimizing long term risk of depression, and reinforcing resources for resistance, growth, and active confrontation


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    Excesos de Ley. Aproximaciones a la experiencia moral de un grupo de jóvenes en conflicto con la ley

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    Magíster en Psicología Clínica de AdultosDesde hace aproximadamente una década se asiste a una serie de reformulaciones a los sistemas de juzgamiento penal e intervención con aquellos jóvenes insertos en prácticas delictuales. Concretamente un nuevo sistema penal basado en la responsabilidad y la resocialización del adolescente infractor, así como una serie de renovados discursos provenientes del saber psi y las nuevas neurociencias que, a partir de la égida del desarrollo sea neurobiológico o psicológico, naturalizan la experiencia juvenil haciéndola acreedora de una moralidad incierta y de una vulnerabilidad intrínseca al riesgo y la transgresión. A partir de dichas consideraciones críticas y en función de una perspectiva sociocultural en la cual se imbrican el psicoanálisis y las ciencias sociales, se desarrolló por cuatro meses una investigación etnográfica a fin de explorar la experiencia moral de un grupo de jóvenes en conflicto con la ley. Los resultados de esta investigación permiten pensar una experiencia juvenil ligada a una serie de estructuras normativas, en donde se hace patente –más allá de cualquier pretensión anómica- una experiencia moral sobredeterminada por un exceso de ley cuyas implicancias se observan en una serie de procesos subjetivos juveniles, así como también en el sentido específico de las transgresiones acometidas por esto