1,892 research outputs found

    Episodic erosion in West Antarctica inferred from cosmogenic 3He and 10Be in olivine from Mount Hampton

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    The polar climate of Antarctica results in the lowest erosion rates on Earth. The low long-term erosion history of high elevation mountain tops that are exposed above the ice preserve a record of climate change that can be accessed using cosmogenic nuclides. However, unravelling the complexity of the long-term denudation histories of Antarctic summits is frequently hampered by intermittent ice cover. The aim of this work is to identify denudation rate changes in a surface that has been continuously exposed since the middle Miocene. We have measured stable (3He) and radioactive (10Be) cosmogenic nuclides in olivine from lherzolite xenoliths from the summit of the Mount Hampton shield volcano within the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The peak (3200 m) has never been covered by the current ice sheet and local ice caps, consequently the data record the subaerial erosion history of a mountain top within the Antarctic interior. The 10Be concentrations in the olivines yield minimum exposure ages (33 to 501 ka) that are significantly younger than those derived from the cosmogenic 3He (90 to 1101 ka). The data reveal a complex exposure history that provide an integrated long-term erosion rate of between 0.2 and 0.7 m/My that is most likely caused by mechanical weathering. Inverse modelling shows that the data are readily explained by episodic erosion, consisting of one to five erosion pulses that may record major regional climatic changes

    Detectability of kilonovae in optical surveys: post-mortem examination of the LVC O3 run follow-up

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    The detection of the binary neutron star (BNS) merger GW170817 and the associated electromagnetic (EM) counterpart, the 'kilonova' (kN) AT2017gfo, opened a new era in multimessenger astronomy. However, despite many efforts, it has been proven very difficult to find additional kNe, even though LIGO/Virgo has reported at least one BNS event during their latest run, O3. The focus of this work is the exploration of the sensitivity of the adopted optical surveys searching for kNe during O3. We propose ways to optimize the choices of filters and survey depth to boost the detection efficiency for these faint and fast-evolving transients in the future. In particular, we use kN models to explore the dependence on ejecta mass, geometry, viewing angle, wavelength coverage, and source distance. We find that the kN detection efficiency has a strong viewing-angle dependence, especially for filters blueward of i-band. This loss of sensitivity can be mitigated by early, deep, observations. Efficient gri counterpart searches for kNe at ∼200 Mpc would require reaching a limiting magnitude mlim = 23 mag, to ensure good sensitivity over a wide range of the model phase-space. We conclude that kN searches during O3 were generally too shallow to detect BNS optical counterparts, even under optimistic assumptions

    Fractional diffusions with time-varying coefficients

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    This paper is concerned with the fractionalized diffusion equations governing the law of the fractional Brownian motion BH(t)B_H(t). We obtain solutions of these equations which are probability laws extending that of BH(t)B_H(t). Our analysis is based on McBride fractional operators generalizing the hyper-Bessel operators LL and converting their fractional power LαL^{\alpha} into Erd\'elyi--Kober fractional integrals. We study also probabilistic properties of the r.v.'s whose distributions satisfy space-time fractional equations involving Caputo and Riesz fractional derivatives. Some results emerging from the analysis of fractional equations with time-varying coefficients have the form of distributions of time-changed r.v.'s

    Spatially explicit analysis reveals complex human genetic gradients in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The Iberian Peninsula is a well-delimited geographic region with a rich and complex human history. However, the causes of its genetic structure and past migratory dynamics are not yet fully understood. In order to shed light on them, here we evaluated the gene flow and genetic structure throughout the Iberian Peninsula with spatially explicit modelling applied to a georeferenced genetic dataset composed of genome-wide SNPs from 746 individuals belonging to 17 different regions of the Peninsula. We found contrasting patterns of genetic structure throughout Iberia. In particular, we identified strong patterns of genetic differentiation caused by relevant barriers to gene flow in northern regions and, on the other hand, a large genetic similarity in central and southern regions. In addition, our results showed a preferential north to south migratory dynamics and suggest a sex-biased dispersal in Mediterranean and southern regions. The estimated genetic patterns did not fit with the geographical relief of the Iberian landscape and they rather seem to follow political and linguistic territorial boundaries.IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FCT in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). J.P. and A.M.L. are funded by the Portuguese Government through the FCT fellowship SFRH/BD/97200/2013 and the research contract IF/01262/2014, respectively. M.A. was supported by the “Ramón y Cajal” grant RYC-2015-18241 from the Spanish Government. D.C. was supported by the Spanish grant CGL2016-75389-P (AEI, MINEICO/FEDER, UE), and “Unidad María de Maeztu” funded by the MINECO (MDM-2014-0370)

    Constraining the Observer Angle of the Kilonova AT2017gfo Associated with GW170817: Implications for the Hubble Constant

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    There is a strong degeneracy between the luminosity distance (D L) and the observer viewing angle (θ obs; hereafter viewing angle) of the gravitational wave (GW) source with an electromagnetic counterpart, GW170817. Here, for the first time, we present independent constraints on IMG ALIGN="MIDDLE" ALT="θobs=32.59.7+11.7{θ}_{\mathrm{obs}}={32.5}-{-9.7}^{^\circ +11.7}" SRC="apjab5799ieqn1.gif"/from broadband photometry of the kilonova (kN) AT2017gfo associated with GW170817. These constraints are consistent with independent results presented in the literature using the associated gamma-ray burst GRB 170817A. Combining the constraints on θ obs with the GW data, we find an improvement of 24% on H 0. The observer angle constraints are insensitive to other model parameters, e.g., the ejecta mass, the half-opening angle of the lanthanide-rich region and the temperature. A broad wavelength coverage extending to the near-infrared is helpful to robustly constrain θ obs. While the improvement on H 0 presented here is smaller than the one from high angular resolution imaging of the radio counterpart of GW170817, kN observations are significantly more feasible at the typical distances of such events from current and future LIGO-Virgo collaboration observing runs (D L ∼ 100 Mpc). Our results are insensitive to the assumption of the peculiar velocity of the kN host galaxy. © 2020. The American Astronomical Society

    Petrology and structure of Campanario-La Haba pluton and Los Berrocales stock (Badajoz): preliminary dates

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    [Abstract] The Campanario-La Haba pluton and Los Berrocales stock are situated in the southern part ofthe Central-Iberian zone. They form part ofthe late-Hercynian alignement named Caceres-Linares or Pedroches-Alburquerque. During the last years these two granitoids have been related, based on spatial and/or genetic criteria, with Los Pedroches Batholith. These igneous bodies are different. Campanario-La Haba pluton is a coarse grained peraluminous granite with large megaphenocrysts ofcordierite. Three facies are differenciated based on petrographic criteria: coarse grained porfiric granite with megaphenocryst of cordierite, fine grained porfiric granite with megaphenocryst of cordierire and fine-medium granite. Los Berrocales is a zoned stock formed by granodiorites graded to granites in the center. Structure-studies indicates that the Campanario-La Haba pluton has been structurated in magmatic state. The magmatic foliation and lineation direction show the orientation ofN12üE, parallel to the pluton lenghtening. The magnetic susceptibility values show that the magnetic behaviour of the granites is dominated by paramagnetic minerals, fine for apply the Anisotropy ofthe Magnetic Susceptibility. The magnetic structure is rather homogeneous and the magnetic lineation and foliation show the N12üE direction. This paper shows premier dates and conclusions of the work that Mineralogy and Petrology department (University of Basque Country) has being done in conjunction with the Geodinamic department (University ofBasque Country) on the westhern end of the Los Pedroches Batholith