
Petrology and structure of Campanario-La Haba pluton and Los Berrocales stock (Badajoz): preliminary dates


[Abstract] The Campanario-La Haba pluton and Los Berrocales stock are situated in the southern part ofthe Central-Iberian zone. They form part ofthe late-Hercynian alignement named Caceres-Linares or Pedroches-Alburquerque. During the last years these two granitoids have been related, based on spatial and/or genetic criteria, with Los Pedroches Batholith. These igneous bodies are different. Campanario-La Haba pluton is a coarse grained peraluminous granite with large megaphenocrysts ofcordierite. Three facies are differenciated based on petrographic criteria: coarse grained porfiric granite with megaphenocryst of cordierite, fine grained porfiric granite with megaphenocryst of cordierire and fine-medium granite. Los Berrocales is a zoned stock formed by granodiorites graded to granites in the center. Structure-studies indicates that the Campanario-La Haba pluton has been structurated in magmatic state. The magmatic foliation and lineation direction show the orientation ofN12üE, parallel to the pluton lenghtening. The magnetic susceptibility values show that the magnetic behaviour of the granites is dominated by paramagnetic minerals, fine for apply the Anisotropy ofthe Magnetic Susceptibility. The magnetic structure is rather homogeneous and the magnetic lineation and foliation show the N12üE direction. This paper shows premier dates and conclusions of the work that Mineralogy and Petrology department (University of Basque Country) has being done in conjunction with the Geodinamic department (University ofBasque Country) on the westhern end of the Los Pedroches Batholith

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