1,469 research outputs found

    Costs and benefits of the cap reform

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    This working paper presents a cost-benefit analysis of the reform of the Common Aqricultural policy (CAP) considering both its effects on farmers in the European Community (EC) and on farmers in third countries. The new questions raised by the Uruguay round of the GATT (General Aqreement on Tariffs and Tax) and the start up of the sinqle Market in Europe are considered in order to examine the possible effects on agricultural income with special reference to family farms in the south of Europe. In the case of Spain, data are presented for possible effects of restructuring work occasioned by the reform

    Regional and farm specialisation in Spanish agriculture before and after integration in the European Union

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    In this paper, we study the evolution of agricultural product specialisation at farm and county level from 1979 to 1997 in Spain, thus covering all the stages of the gradual implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. We use a multiproduct version of Theil and Finizza's index of segregation that allows us to decompose farm product specialisation into county specialisation with respect to the national level, i.e., the usual measure of regional specialisation, and farm specialisation within counties. Our results confirm the importance of increasing regional specialisation but also highlight that trends of farm specialisation within counties have varied across large agricultural areas. In particular, regions more specialised in export-oriented products seem to have speeded regional specialisation

    Costs and benefits of the cap reform.

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    This working paper presents a cost-benefit analysis of the reform of the Common Aqricultural policy (CAP) considering both its effects on farmers in the European Community (EC) and on farmers in third countries. The new questions raised by the Uruguay round of the GATT (General Aqreement on Tariffs and Tax) and the start up of the sinqle Market in Europe are considered in order to examine the possible effects on agricultural income with special reference to family farms in the south of Europe. In the case of Spain, data are presented for possible effects of restructuring work occasioned by the reform.CAP; EC; GATT; Cost-benefit; Agricultural economics;


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    In this paper, we study the evolution of agricultural product specialisation at farm and county level from 1979 to 1997 in Spain, thus covering all the stages of the gradual implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. We use a multiproduct version of Theil and Finizza's index of segregation that allows us to decompose farm product specialisation into county specialisation with respect to the national level, i.e., the usual measure of regional specialisation, and farm specialisation within counties. Our results confirm the importance of increasing regional specialisation but also highlight that trends of farm specialisation within counties have varied across large agricultural areas. In particular, regions more specialised in export-oriented products seem to have speeded regional specialisation.

    Productivity comparisons: the european union agriculture

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    This paper ail11s at l11easuring the total factor productivity (TFP) of the European agricultural finns. With a Translog index, an interspatial comparison of tIle twelve European countries and intertel11poral productivity variations are computed to l11easure the different rate of TFP (Translog, Fisher and Hulten indexes) in the European firms. The approach that we use is to calculate non parametric indexex of total factor productivity which allow flexible l110delling of underlying technology and easy calculation from the account data of the firms. The implication of the quasi-fix family work factor for the short mn and long mn equilibrium of the firms differ between countries and has consequences on the TFP path. The final cornments offer some explanation according with theory available

    Capital data for productivity measurement

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    The paper discuss the use of capital data from FADN (Farm Account Data Network) for agricultural total factor productivity measurement calculating multifactor productivity index. Despite methodological problems related to construction of the indexes, as well as problems associated with the appropriate measurement of particular inputs, especially capital input, growth accounting estimates generally provide a great deal of information regarding productivity. The appropriate measurement of capital in the explanation of productivity change is an important and debated topic. The purpose of this paper is to debate a method for deriving the appropriate measure of capital services and find a way to make the FADN supply data that allows measures for varying levels of capital utilization. The capital data that can be obtained from the FADN are, in general terms, of better quality than the macroeconomics data when analysing the agricultural private sector. They are also very useful if we want to increase the level of desegregation on the productivity analysis should it be important to discuss the procedures involved in constructing the capital input index
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