486 research outputs found

    Distonia cervical: aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos de 85 pacientes/

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    Orientador: Hélio Afonso G. TeiveCo-orientadora: Rosana H. ScolaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Interna. Defesa: Curitiba, 01 de dezembro de 2007.Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentração: Medicina intern

    Cefaléias e gestação: um estudo clínico epidemiológico em 100 mulheres em um Hospital Universitário.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 199

    Avaliação clínica e estudo dos genes Dyt1 e Dyt6 em 88 pacientes com distonia cervical

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Helio Afonso G. TeiveAnexo cd-romTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Interna. Defesa : Curitiba, 09/11/2013Inclui referênciasResumo: A distonia é um distúrbio do movimento caracterizado por contrações musculares sustentadas ou intermitentes, causando posturas, movimentos, ou posturas e movimentos, anormais e frequentemente repetitivos. A apresentação mais comum é a distonia cervical (DC), que afeta a musculatura do pescoço de forma localizada ou associada a outras partes do corpo. O presente estudo tem como objetivos identificar os aspectos clínicos dos pacientes com DC, comparando-se os casos esporádicos aos casos com história familiar de distonia, e as suas correlações com mutações nos genes DYT1 e DYT6. Foram selecionados 88 pacientes com DC nos ambulatórios de Toxina Botulínica e Distúrbios do Movimento do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná (HC-UFPR), entre maio de 2008 e agosto de 2009, e submetidos à avaliação clínica, laboratorial, neuroimagem e genética. O DNA foi extraído do sangue periférico e análises para mutações nos genes DYT1 e DYT6 foram realizadas por PCR, conforme protocolos previamente estabelecidos. A relação masculino:feminino foi de 1:1,75. A média de idade de início dos sintomas de pacientes com distonia focal (41,05±16,87 anos) e distonia segmentar (35±23,14 anos) foram maiores que a encontrada em pacientes com distonia generalizada, 12,36±9,10 anos (pG (p.Gln97X) no gene DYT6. Um paciente não tinha história familiar de distonia e teve seus sintomas iniciados pelos membros superiores (MMSS) aos 22 anos, com posterior generalização. As duas outras pacientes com a mutação eram de uma mesma família. Uma apresentou quadro iniciado aos 18 anos no MSD, permanecendo com distonia segmentar (crânio-cervical e MMSS). A outra paciente apresentava também a mutação missense c.506G>A (p.Arg169Gln). Ela iniciou com os sintomas aos 6 anos e evolui com generalização associada a alterações de fala. Esses achados estão em conformidade com os relatos de baixa penetrância à grande variabilidade fenotípica dos pacientes com distonia DYT6, independente da mutação encontrada. Em relação à associação com outros distúrbios do movimento, não foram encontradas alterações nos genes DYT1 e DYT6 de quatro pacientes com mioclonias e três com parkinsonismo. Podemos afirmar, em concordância com estudos prévios, que a análise para mutações no gene DYT1 em pacientes com distonia cervical deve ser realizada nos pacientes com quadros generalizados e com história familiar de distonia. Também em conformidade com estudos anteriores, a análise para o gene DYT6 pode ser realizada em pacientes com distonia cervical independentemente da distribuição, ou da história familiar. Palavras-chaves: Distonia. Distonia cervical. Genética. DYT1. DYT6.Abstract: Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by sustained or intermittent muscle contraction causing abnormal, often repetitive, movements, postures, or both. Cervical dystonia (CD) affects the musculature of the neck in a focal way or associated to other parts of the body. CD is the most common form of dystonia. The present study objectives to obtain clinical and genetic information of patients with CD. Eighty-eight patients with CD were recruited in Botulinum Toxin Clinic and Movement Disorders Clinic of Hospital de Clinicas of the Federal University of Paraná (HC-UFPR) between May of 2008 and August of 2009. They were submitted the clinical, laboratorial, neuro-imaging and genetic evaluation. DNA was extracted from periferic blood and submitted at analysis to DYT1 and DYT6 mutations by PCR according to standard protocols. The male:female ratio was 1:1.75. The average ages at onset for focal dystonia (41.05±16.87 years) and for segmental dystonia (35±23.14 years) were larger than generalized dystonia (12.36±9.10 years). There was a direct decreased of incidence of generalized dystonia with the age. Twenty-three patients had cases of CD in the family. In these cases there were more prevalence of generalized dystonia than focal dystonia (ratio 2.2:1), in opposition of sporadic cases (ratio 1:1.83). The focal dystonia in patients with familiar history of dystonia was less severe and less painful than sporadic cases (pA (p.Arg169Gln) missense mutation plus. She has started the symptoms at 6 years old and sprayed the dystonia for generalizations associated with speech disorders. These findings are in line with the low penetrance and great phenotypic variability related in DYT6 patients, independent of mutation found. Regarding the association with other movement disorders, DYT1 and DYT6 mutations were not found in four patients with myoclonic movements and in three patients with Parkinsonism. We can state, in agreement with previous studies, that analysis for DYT1 mutations in patients with cervical dystonia should be performed in patients with generalized and familiar dystonia. The DYT6 analysis can be performed in patients with cervical dystonia regardless the distribution or the familiar history. Key words: Dystonia. Cervical dystonia. Genetic. DYT1. DYT6

    Subcutaneous tissue reaction to castor oil bean and calcium hydroxide in rats

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    Castor oil bean cement (COB) is a new material that has been used as an endodontic sealer, and is a candidate material for direct pulp capping. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of a new formulation of COB compared to calcium hydroxide cement (CH) and a control group without any material, in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The materials were prepared, packed into polyethylene tubes, and implanted in the rat dorsal subcutaneous tissue. Animals were sacrificed at the 7th and 50th days after implantation. A quantitative analysis of inflammatory cells was performed and data were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's tests at 5% significance level. RESULTS: Comparing the mean number of inflammatory cells between the two experimental groups (COB and CH) and the control group, statistically significant difference (p=0.0001) was observed at 7 and 50 days. There were no significant differences (p=0.111) between tissue reaction to CH (382 inflammatory cells) and COB (330 inflammatory cells) after 7 days. After 50 days, significantly more inflammatory cells (p=0.02) were observed in the CH group (404 inflammatory cells) than in the COB group (177 inflammatory cells). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that the COB cement induces less inflammatory response within long periods

    Avaliação in vitro da microinfiltração marginal usando diferentes materiais retrobturadores

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the apical leakage of retrograde cavities filled with Portland Cement (Concrebrás S/A-MG-Brazil), ProRoot MTA TM (Dentsply International, Johnson City, TN, USA) and Sealapex (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California, USA) with addition of zinc oxide (Odahcam Herpo Produtos Dentários Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil). Forty-two extracted single-rooted human teeth were decoronated and used for this study. The root canals were instrumented at 1.0mm short of the apical foramen using the step-back technique to an apical ISO size 60. The roots were obturated with gutta-percha points and sealer Sealapex (Kerr Corporation-USA) and then 3mm of each root apex was sectioned at a 90° angle. Ultrasonic retrograde preparation was performed with a diamond tip to 3mm depth and the roots were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the filling material: G1-Portland, G2-ProRoot MTA, G3- Sealapex zinc oxide-added cement. The root surfaces were covered with nail varnish up to 2mm from the apical foramen, immersed in simulated tissue fluid for 30 days, and then immersed in 0.2% Rhodamine B solution for 24 hours for evaluation of marginal leakage. The results showed mean leakage of 0.75, 0.35 and 0.35 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; however, Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that there was no statistically significant difference among the results (p>;0.05).Objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o selamento marginal de cavidades retroapicais obturadas com os cimentos Portland (Concrebrás S/A-MG-Brasil), MTA TM (Dentsply International, Johnson City, TN, EUA) e SealapexTM (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California, EUA) acrescido de óxido de zinco (Odahcam Herpo Produtos Dentários Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil). Foram utilizados 42 dentes unirradiculados humanos extraídos que, após a remoção de suas coroas, tiveram seus canais preparados a 1mm aquém do ápice radicular até o instrumento nº 60. Os canais foram obturados com cones de guta-percha e cimento SealapexTM e, em seguida, foi realizado o seccionamento de 3mm do ápice radicular em ângulo de 90º em relação ao longo eixo do dente. Foram preparadas cavidades retroapicais com ponta diamantada em ultrasom, a uma profundidade de 3mm, e as raízes foram divididas aleatoriamente em 3 grupos de acordo com o material retrobturador: G1- Portland, G2 - MTA, G3 - Sealapex acrescido de óxido de zinco. As raízes foram impermeabilizadas externamente e imersas em fluido tissular simulado por 30 dias. Em cada grupo, 2 dentes serviram como controle positivo (não impermeabilização) e negativo (total impermeabilização). Os espécimes foram imersos em corante Rhodamina B 0,2% por 24 horas para avaliação da infiltração marginal. Os cimentos Portland, SealapexTM + óxido de zinco e MTA apresentaram média de infiltração de 0,75; 0,35 e 0,35mm respectivamente, não havendo diferenças estatísticas significantes entre eles (p>;0,05)

    On the use of iron chloride and starch for clarification in drinking water treatment

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    In drinking water treatment plants, chemical reagents are employed to aggregate and remove suspended particles. However, not all reagents are eco-friendly and exists concerns over environmental, economic, and health issues. This study shows features of the sustainability of commercial coagulants/flocculants and presents experimental research on floc characterization and settling of dispersed solids with a combination of Ferric Chloride (FeCl3 ) and gelatinized starch. Bench studies were conducted using kaolin suspensions and results were validated with raw water collected from a river (Rio dos Sinos, Brazil). Flocculation indexes, floc structure, and residual turbidities were compared with Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC), as a reference. All techniques showed that the combination of FeCl3 and starch formed well-structured, larger, and more settleable flocs than those produced with PAC. Superficial loadings, in a continuous separation tank (2 to 4 m.h-1) were studied with and without lamellae. Best results were obtained with 15 mg.L-1 Fe3+ and 10 mg.L-1 starch, with a velocity gradient, G, of 60 s-1 in the slow mixing and with 60° inclined lamellae spaced 1.3 cm apart. Best conditions were applied to the clarification of the raw water and again, due to the rapid settling of flocs with FeCl3 and starch, better results were obtained compared to PAC. A turbidity reduction of 94% and a residual value of 2.5 NTU with superficial loadings of 3 m.h-1 were obtained. Results were discussed in terms of interfacial and operating parameters and a promising potential for the combination of FeCl3 with starch for solid/liquid separation was envisaged

    Effectiveness of carbamide peroxide and sodium perborate in non-vital discolored teeth

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of 16% carbamide peroxide gel (CP16%), tetrahydrate sodium perborate (SP) and mixture (CP16% + SP), in walking bleaching of non-vital discolored teeth. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty single-rooted human premolars with intact crowns were used and initial color was assessed using Vita shade guide and standardized photos. The teeth were stained using rabbit fresh blood for 18 days and photos of discolored teeth and color evaluation were performed. The teeth were divided into 4 groups (n= 15), according to bleaching agent used: G1) CP16% gel; G2) CP16% gel + SP; G3) SP + distilled water; G4: control. The bleaching agents were replaced twice at 7-day intervals for 21 days. All teeth were evaluated by two endodontists at days 0, 7, 14 and 21 and the color changes were assessed using Vita shade guide and standardized photos. The results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests (p=0.05). RESULTS: The experimental groups presented statistically similar bleaching results (p>;0.05) at the end of 7, 14 and 21 days. These groups presented significantly higher bleaching efficacy than control group (G4) (