25 research outputs found

    Contribució a l'estudi citotaxonòmic de la flora de les Balears. III

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    Chromosome numbers have been determined for some endemic taxa from the Balearic Islands. The numbers of Pimpinella bicknellii, Briq. ( 2n = 20), Naufraga balearica Constance et Cannon (2n = 22), and Thymelaea velutina (Pourret ex Camb.) Meissner (2n = 18) have been reported for the first time. The relation between the chromosornic number, the morphological and phylogenetical affinities and the area of distribution of the taxa has been investigated. The system of classification introduced by FAVARGER and CONTANDRIOPOULOS is applied to the endemic taxa. The conclusion of this study is the antiquity of the flora of the Balearic Islands

    Contribuciones del enfoque cualitativo de corte etnometodológico al análisis de la entrevista motivacional en Atención Primaria

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    Este artículo propone reflexionar acerca de las contribuciones del enfoque cualitativo de corte etnometodológico (estudia la organización de las conversaciones cotidianas) en el campo de la práctica profesional, a propósito de un análisis de la interacción usuario-profesional de salud (médico o enfermera) en la situación de la entrevista motivacional en la consulta de atención primaria. El proyecto ISTAPS es un ensayo clínico multicéntrico aleatorizado por clústers realizado durante los años 2006-2008 en 11 comunidades autónomas de España que evalúan las intervenciones para ayudar a dejar de fumar, entre ellas la entrevista motivacional (EM). Desde este marco se planteó un subestudio cualitativo con el objetivo de conocer como se realizaban las acciones en un contexto interaccional, negociable y cambiante como el que se daba en la consulta de la AP. Se realizaron videograbaciones de la EM en la consulta, que fueron la base documental para el análisis conversacional de la interacción usuario-profesional de salud (enfermera o médico) en la situación de EM. Se presentan diferentes ejemplos con la intención de ilustrar las contribuciones del enfoque cualitativo de corte etnometodológico en la práctica profesional. El primer ejemplo analiza el contexto de la consulta de atención primaria como un espacio para hablar sobre la conducta de fumar. El segundo, pone el énfasis en las estrategias que utiliza el profesional para producir una conversación centrada en la persona. El tercero, reflexiona sobre las consecuencias de la falta de acuerdo entre el usuario y el profesional acerca del tema a tratar. Finalmente, el cuarto ejemplo ilustra una relación asimétrica

    Cariologia i distribució del gènere Bromus L. (Sec. Pnigma Dumort. i Sec. Ceratochloa (Beauv.) Griseb.) a Catalunya

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    The karyotypes of the four perennial species of Bromus found in Catalonia have been elaborated. The chromosome formula and asymmetry index are calculated following Stebbins (1971) and Romero-Zarco (1986). The chromosome numbers of B. willdenowii Kunth. (2n = 42, n = 21 and 2n = 28), B. erectus Huds. (2n = 42, n = 21 and 2n = 56), and B. inermis Leyss. (2n = 42), are confimed. We include the chromosome number 2n = 56 for B. ramosus Huds., stablished for the first time. The distribution in Catalonia of the taxa is studied.S'ha efectuat l'estudi cariològic dels tàxons perennes del gènere Bromws L. de Catalunya i s'han elaborat els corresponents idiogrames i fórmules cromosòmiques; s'han calculat els índexs d'asimetria segons Stebbins (1971) i Romero-Zarco (1986). S'ha confirmat el nombre de base del gènere Bromus L. x = 7, i els nombres cromosòmics de B. willdenowii Kunth. (2n = 42, n = 21 i 2n = 28), de B. erectus Huds. (2n = 42, n = 21 i 2n = 56) i de B. inermis Leyss. (2n = 42). S'ha establert el nombre cromosòmic de 2n = 56 per B. ramosus Huds., nou per a la ciència. Donem la distribució dels diferents tàxons estudiats, a més de confirmar la presència de B. inermis Leyss. a Catalunya

    Fitodermologia i cariologia d'Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., O. Supina (Chaix) DC. i O. saxatilis Lam. de Catalunya

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    Epidermal fragments from 47 populations of Onobrychis viciifolia, 0. supina and 0. saxatilis are studied. The stomatal size, orientation, type and stomatal index are calculated for taxonomical application. The form of the epidermal cells is the most important characteristic for this application. The basic number of genus Onobrychis x=7, the chromosome number of 0 . supina, 2n=14, and 0. viciifolia, 2n=28, are confirmed. The chromosome number 2n=14 is new for 0. saxatilis. The karyotypes, the chromosome formula and asymmetry index are calculated

    Étude biosystématique d'Anthyllis hystrix de Minoerque et d'A. hermanniae de la Méditerranée orientale et centrale

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    The morphological, cuyological, ecologicai, phytosociological, biogeographical and nomenclatural survey camed out by the authors on Anthyllis hystrix (Willk. ex Barc.) Cardona, Contandriopoulos et Sierra, endemic of Minorca, and A. hermanniae L., distributed in the Mediterranean from Asia Minor to Sardinia and Corsica, shows the differences as well as the narrowness of the phylogenetical and paleogeographical relations between these two taxa. A. hystrix (2n = 84) is a dodecaploid and an apoendemical of A. hermanniae (2n = 14) issued from this species a long time ago. The genotypical modification has caused some distinct and constant phenotypical changes which have allowed us to confer specific status to the Anthyllis of Minorca and, at the same time, elucidate the numerous nomenclature confusions related with this taxon.Les auteurs ont effectué I'étude morphologique, caryologique, écologique, phytosociologique, biogéographique et nomenclaturale d'AnthylIis hystrix (Willk. ex Barc.) Cardona, Contandriopoulos et Sierra, endémique de Minorque, et d'A. hermanniae L. a distribution méditerranéenne disjointe: Méditerranée orientale, Corse, Sardaigne. Cette étude montre les différences et les étroites relations phylogénétiques et paléogéographiques existants entre ces deux taxons. A. hystrix (2n = 84) est un dodécapldide fortement apparenté a A. hermanniae (2n = 14). I1 peut itre considéré comme un apoendémique de ce demier et la différenciation apparait comme fort ancienne. Cette forte modification génotypique est accompagnée de changements phénotypiques apparents et constants qui nous ont permis d'élever au rang d'espkce I'endémique minorcaine et d'interpreter les nombreuses confusions nomenclaturales liées a ce taxon

    Sobre la planta del genero 'Crassula' descubierta en el Baix Llobregat

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    En 1969 dos de nosotros (TERRADAS y VIGO) dimos cuenta en una publicación titulada 'Sobre la vegetación de la zona de acantilados del Baix Llobregat' del hallazgo en dicha región de una planta del género Crassula que resultó especie nueva para la flora de Europa. De acuerdo con las indagaciones que pudimos llevar a cabo entonces, llegamos a la conclusión de que la planta descubierta por nosotros debía considerarse como muy afín de Crassula pentandra (Royle ex Edgew) Schoenl., especie extendida por el África tropical y la India, y la describimos bajo el nombre de Crassula pentandra subsp. catalaunica. Los caracteres que separan esta planta de Crassula pentandra típica, especificados en la publicación mencionada, corresponden a diferencias cuantitativas de orden general y, más especialmente, en el menor tamaño de las piezas florales así como de los frutos y semilla

    Expectations and perceptions of primary healthcare professionals regarding their own continuous education in Catalonia (Spain): a qualitative study

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    Professionals de la salut; Formació mèdica continuada; Atenció primàriaProfesionales de la salut; Formación médica continuada; Atención primariaHealthcare professionals; Continuing medical education; Primary careBACKGROUND The planning and execution of continuous education in an organization that provides health services is a complex process. The objectives, learning sequences, and implementation strategies should all be oriented to improving the health of the population. The aim of this study was to analyse the expectations and perceptions of continuous educations by primary healthcare professionals (physicians and nurses) and identify aspects that hinder or encourage the process. METHODS A qualitative study with 5 focus groups made up of 25 primary healthcare professionals from the Catalan Health Institute, Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). The focus groups were audio-recorded and the results transcribed. The analysis involved: a) Reading of the data looking for meanings b) Coding of the data by themes and extracting categories c) Reviewing and refining codes and categories d) Reconstruction of the data providing an explanatory framework for the meanings e) Discussion about the interpretations of the findings and f) Discussed with relevant professionals from PHC (physicians and nurses)"Data regarding thematic content were analyzed with the support of Atlasti 5.1 software. RESULTS The health needs of the population were often at the core of the learning processes but the participants' views did not always spontaneously refer to improvements in these issues. Common themes that could hinder learning and where identified, including contextual aspects such as work constraints (timetables, places being covered during training) and funding policies. New learning strategies to improve the effectiveness of continuous education were proposed such as the exchange of knowledge, the activation of personal commitment to change, and the improvement of organizational aspects. CONCLUSIONS The primary healthcare professionals in our study viewed continuous education as a professional necessity and would like to translate the knowledge acquired to improving the health of the population. Nevertheless, professional, structural, and organizational issues impede the process

    Factors related to longitudinal adherence in colorectal cancer screening: qualitative research findings.

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    Background: The effectiveness of screening in colorectal cancer prevention depends on sustained participation rates. The objective of this study was to explore factors related to the longitudinal adherence of screening behavior in the context of a biennial population-based cancer screening program. Methods: Eight focus groups were conducted with individuals who were invited two or three consecutive times to a population-based colorectal cancer screening program using a fecal occult blood test and who agreed to participate in the program at least once (n=45). The criteria used to select the study members included adherence to fecal occult blood test maintenance, factors regarding their initial participation in the colorectal cancer screening, sex, and contextual educational level. Results: The participants expressed a high level of satisfaction with the program; however, they showed a low level of understanding with respect to cancer screening. Consulting a general practitioner was cited by all participants as an important factor that mediated their final decision or influenced their behavior as a whole with regard to the program. Fear played a different role in the screening behavior for regular and irregular adherent participants. In the adherent participants, fear facilitated their continued participation in the screening program, whereas for the irregular participants, fear led them to avoid or refuse further screening. Having a close person diagnosed with colorectal cancer was a facilitator for the regular adherent participants. The irregular adherent participants showed some relaxation with respect to screening after a negative result and considered that further screening was no longer necessary. Conclusion: Considering the importance of primary healthcare professionals in the decision regarding sustained participation, it is important to better engage them with cancer screening programs, as well as improve the communication channels to provide accurate and balanced information for both health professionals and individuals

    Consideracions sobre l'endemisme i l'origen de la flora de les Illes Balears

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