514 research outputs found

    How do you feel about this goal? Goal-related affect, positive orientation, and personal goal realization in the family domain

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    Past research on individual-level differences has revealed associations between affect, positive beliefs and goal realization. Goal realization, however, varies not only between individuals (the individual level) but also within individuals according to goal (the goal level). This study analyzed family-related personal goals at both levels, examining how positive affect, negative affect and positive orientation are related to personal goal realization. The participants were 205 adults (mean age = 35.74 years); they evaluated five personal goals related to family life and completed assessments of positive orientation. Multilevel structural equation modeling demonstrated that both at the individual level and at the goal level positive orientation and positive goal-related affect were positively related to personal goal realization in family domain. Negative goal-related affect was negatively related to personal goal realization at both levels. Positive orientation, both at the individual level and as a cross-level interaction, moderated the relationship between positive goal-related affect and personal goal realization

    A translation and validation of the Perceived Political Self-Efficacy (P-PSE) Scale for the use in German samples

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    Caprara et al. (European Journal of Social Psychology 39:1002–1020, 2009) criticized existing measures of internal political efficacy for not taking into account psychological theories of self-efficacy and for the resulting low construct validity. As an alternative, they presented a ten-item measure called Perceived Political Self-Efficacy (P-PSE) Scale. Based on social cognitive theory, it adopts a psychological understanding of self-efficacy and captures the phenomenon in a more systematic and complete manner than previous measures of internal efficacy. We translated the P-PSE scale to German and tested it in a German national quota sample, using quotas for age, gender and education (N = 1025). We provided evidence on the scale’s construct validity (by testing its correlations towards related constructs) and on its criterion validity (by regressing political participation propensity on the P-PSE score). The scale explained ΔR2 = 26% of people’s propensity for political participation over and above sociodemographic variables, and ΔR2 = 12% over and above previously existing measures, demonstrating its incremental value. We also tested cross-cultural measurement invariance towards an Italian sample, establishing configural, as well as partial metric and scalar invariance. In addition, we validated a four-item short version of the scale, which proved to be similarly valid as the full version. We argue, that these two measurement instruments provide a more adequate way of assessing internal political efficacy for research in German-speaking countries

    Estabilidad y predicción de la agresión física desde la infancia hasta la adolescencia: un estudio con múltiples informantes

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    Aim of the study is to examine the stability and the predictive value of physical and verbal aggression reported by different informants (self, teachers and peer) from late childhood to middle adolescence), the inter informant agreement and their distal predictive values on indicators of adjustment (academic achievement, social preference, prosocial behavior) and maladjustment (depression, delinquency). As part of an Italian longitudinal project, 372 children (204 males and 168 females) participating at the study were examined annually from time 1 ( age 9.5) to time 5 (age 13.5). Results show gender differences in frequency and stability of physical and verbal aggression across informants. Futhermore they attest to the stability of individual differences in physical and verbal aggression and an overall decreasing at the mean level . Findings call attention on the risk associated to be highly aggressive according to different informants at age 9.5 and to later maladjustment outcomes.ResumenEl objetivo del estudio es examinar la estabilidad y el valor predictivo de la agresión física y verbal evaluada por múltiples informantes (los propios niños, sus profesores y compañeros) desde la última etapa de la niñez a la adolescencia media, la convergencia entre informantes y el valor predictivo a largo plazo de la agresión física y verbal con respecto a diferentes indicadores de ajuste (rendimiento escolar, aceptación social, comportamiento prosocial) y desequilibrio (depresión, delincuencia). Como parte de un proyecto longitudinal italiano se examinaron a 372 niños (204 varones y 168 mujeres) que fueron evaluados anualmente desde el momento 1 (edad 9.5) hasta el momento 5 (edad 13.5). Los resultados evidenciaron diferencias de género en la frecuencia y estabilidad de la agresión física y verbal en las evaluaciones de los diferentes informantes. Además ponen de relieve la estabilidad de las diferencias individuales en agresión fisica y verbal y un descenso generalizado en los valores medios. Los resultados confirman aquellas hipótesis que señalan la agresión infantil referida por diferentes informantes a la edad de 9.5 años como un factor de riesgo que anticipa diferentes manifestaciones desadaptativas futuras.AbstractAim of the study is to examine the stability and the predictive value of physical and verbal aggression reported by different informants (self, teachers and peer) from late childhood to middle adolescence), the inter informant agreement and their distal predictive values on indicators of adjustment (academic achievement, social preference, prosocial behavior) and maladjustment (depression, delinquency). As part of an Italian longitudinal project, 372 children (204 males and 168 females) participating at the study were examined annually from time 1 ( age 9.5) to time 5 (age 13.5). Results show gender differences in frequency and stability of physical and verbal aggression across informants. Futhermore they attest to the stability of individual differences in physical and verbal aggression and an overall decreasing at the mean level . Findings call attention on the risk associated to be highly aggressive according to different informants at age 9.5 and to later maladjustment outcomes

    Mechanisms of moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency.

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    Why and How to Promote Adolescents’ Prosocial Behaviors: Direct, Mediated and Moderated Effects of the CEPIDEA School-Based Program

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    Prosocial behaviors are considered integral to intervention goals that seek to promote successful youth development. This study examines the effect of a school-based intervention program entirely designed to promote prosocial behaviors called Promoting Prosocial and Emotional Skills to Counteract Externalizing Problems in Adolescence (Italian acronym CEPIDEA). The CEPIDEA curriculum was incorporated into routine educational practices and included five major components that reflect the personal determinants of prosocial behavior during adolescence. The present study assessed 151 students (48.7% female; M(age) = 12.4) of the intervention school and 140 students (51.2% female; M(age) = 13.0) of the control school at three points. A multi-group latent curve analysis revealed that the intervention group, compared with the control group, showed an increase in prosocial behavior, interpersonal self-efficacy beliefs, and agreeableness along with a decrease in physical aggression above and beyond the normative developmental trend of the these variables. Participants of the intervention also obtained higher grades than the control group at the end of middle school. Moderation effects for prosocial behavior and agreeableness evidenced that those who benefited most from the intervention were those adolescents with lower normative development of prosocial behavior, low initial level of agreeableness, and high initial level of physical aggression. The results also showed that the increase of prosocial behaviors mediated the decline of verbal aggression in adolescents who had attended the intervention. These findings suggest that interventions aimed at promoting prosocial behaviors while having the potential to support positive outcomes may also counteract or redirect negative trajectories of functioning

    Assessing Perceived Empathic and Social Self-Efficacy Across Countries

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    The Perceived Empathic Self-Efficacy Scale (PESE) and the Perceived Social Self-Efficacy Scale (PSSE) were developed to assess, respectively, individuals' self-efficacy beliefs regarding both empathic responding to others' needs or feelings and managing interpersonal relationships. In this study of young adults, a unidimensional factorial structure of both scales was found in Italy, the United States, and Bolivia. Complete invariance at the metric level and partial invariance at the scalar level were found across gender and countries for both scales. The construct and incremental validity of both PESE and PSSE were further examined in a different sample of Italian young adults. Patterns of association of the PESE or PSSE with self-esteem, psychological well-being, and the use of adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies were found, often over and beyond their associations with empathy or extraversion, respectively

    Measuring Prosocial Behaviors: Psychometric Properties and Cross-National Validation of the Prosociality Scale in Five Countries

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    This research investigated the psychometric properties of the Prosociality Scale and its cross-cultural validation and generalizability across five different western and non-western countries (China, Chile, Italy, Spain, and the United States). The scale was designed to measure individual differences in a global tendency to behave in prosocial ways during late adolescence and adulthood. Study 1 was designed to identify the best factorial structure of the Prosociality Scale and Study 2 tested the model’s equivalence across five countries (N = 1,630 young adults coming from China, Chile, Italy, Spain and the United States; general Mage = 21.34; SD = 3.34). Findings supported a bifactor model in which prosocial responding was characterized by a general latent factor (i.e., prosociality) and two other specific factors (prosocial actions and prosocial feelings). New evidence of construct validity of the Prosociality Scale was provided

    Psychometric properties of the positivity scale - Brazilian version

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    This study presents the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Positivity Scale (P-Scale). Participants were 730 subjects (65% women), aged from 17 to 70 years old (M = 31.0 years; SD = 11.43), from 21 Brazilian states. The sample was randomly split in two halves to cross-validate the results. With the first half of the sample (n1 = 365), an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted. With the second half of the sample (n2 = 365), a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) assessed the fit of the exploratory model. Convergent validity and group differences were also evaluated. The EFA and CFA presented a one-dimensional structure for the P-Scale. Moderate correlations were found between the P-Scale and mental-health, subjective happiness and life-satisfaction. The levels of positivity presented a low positive correlation with age, educational level and financial income. Slightly significant effects were found for occupational status and marital status. Positivity appears to be more closely related to personal dispositions than to sociodemographic aspects. Our results suggest that the P-Scale is a reliable measure with which to evaluate the levels of positivity in Brazil. Este estudo apresenta as propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira da Escala de Positividade (EP). Participaram 730 sujeitos (65,0% mulheres), com idades entre 17 e 70 anos (M = 31,0; DP = 11,43) de 21 estados brasileiros. A amostra foi dividida em duas metades para a validação cruzada dos resultados. Com a primeira metade da amostra (n1 = 365), foi conduzida uma análise fatorial exploratória (AFE). Com a segunda metade da amostra (n2 = 365), foi conduzida uma análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) para avaliar a adequação do modelo exploratório. Validade convergente e diferenças entre grupos também foram avaliadas. A AFE e a AFC indicaram o modelo unidimensional para a EP. Correlações moderadas foram encontradas entre a EP e medidas de saúde mental, felicidade subjetiva e satisfação com a vida. Os níveis de positividade apresentaram correlações positivas fracas com as variáveis idade, nível educacional e renda. Resultados significativos, com baixo tamanho de efeito, foram encontrados nos níveis de positividade em relação a status ocupacional e estado civil. A positividade parece estar mais relacionada a disposições pessoais do que com características sociodemográficas. Os resultados sugerem que a EP pode ser uma medida confiável para avaliar os níveis de positividade no Brasil

    The Positivity Scale: Concurrent and Factorial Validity Across Late Childhood and Early Adolescence

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    Despite the well-established protective functions of positivity (i.e., a dispositional self-evaluative tendency to view oneself, life, and future under a positive outlook) from middle adolescence to old age, its reliable assessment and contribution to a proper psychological functioning have received little attention during previous developmental phases. In this article, we aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties and construct validity of the eight-item Positivity Scale (P Scale; Caprara et al., 2012) during late childhood and early adolescence in a sample of British students (N = 742; 48% boys) from both primary (Mage = 10.75, SD = 0.52) and secondary schools (Mage = 13.38 years, SD = 0.94). First, results from confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) attested to the plausibility of the hypothesized 1-factor structure of the P Scale in a revised CFA model including the correlation between the residuals of two items similar in their wording. Next, we found evidence for strong (scalar) measurement invariance of the P Scale across late childhood and early adolescence as well as for its concurrent validity as indicated by expected relations of positivity to indicators of adjustment (i.e., prosocial behavior) and maladjustment (i.e., externalizing and internalizing problems). Overall, these findings support the concurrent and factorial validity of the P Scale as a short self-report instrument to measure children’s tendency to view their experience from a positive stance. We discuss the implications of our results for improving the wording of the items composing P Scale as well as for understanding the dispositional mechanisms conducive to psychological health and wellbeing across late childhood and early adolescence