74 research outputs found

    O pojavi dugoperajne psine mako, Isurus paucus (Chondrichthyes: Isuridae) kod Alžirske obale (južnoistočni Mediteran)

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    The authors describe in this paper one male and one female longfin makos Isurus paucus Guitart Manday, 1966 caught off Béni-Saf, city located on the Algerian coast, close to the Moroccan border. These captures confirm the occurrence of the species in the Algerian waters and in the Mediterranean.Autori opisuju u ovom radu primjerak mužjaka i ženke dugoperajne psine mako, Isurus paucus Guitart Manday, 1966 uhvaćene kod Béni-Saf, grada na alžirskoj obali u blizini granice s Marokom. Ovaj ulov potvrđuje pojavu vrste u alžirskim vodama i u Mediteranu

    The second record of Crested oarfish Lophotus lacepede (Lophotidae) from the Algerian coast (southern Mediterranean Sea)

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    The authors report on the capture of a specimen of crested oarfish, Lophotus lacepede Giorna, 1809 from the Algerian coast. It was a large sized specimen which measured 150 cm total length (TL) and 142 cm standard length (SL) and weighed 3.5 kg. The specimen was described including some morphometric measurements and meristic counts. This rare finding represents the second record of the species for the Algerian waters. It constitutes also the westernmost extension range of the species for the Maghreb shore but also for the Mediterranean Sea

    The second record of Crested oarfish Lophotus lacepede (Lophotidae) from the Algerian coast (southern Mediterranean Sea)

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    The authors report on the capture of a specimen of crested oarfish, Lophotus lacepede Giorna, 1809 from the Algerian coast. It was a large sized specimen which measured 150 cm total length (TL) and 142 cm standard length (SL) and weighed 3.5 kg. The specimen was described including some morphometric measurements and meristic counts. This rare finding represents the second record of the species for the Algerian waters. It constitutes also the westernmost extension range of the species for the Maghreb shore but also for the Mediterranean Sea

    Records of the critically endangered Cuckoo ray Leucoraja naevus (Rajidae) from the Algerian Coast (Southern Mediterranean Sea)

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    Cuckoo ray Leucoraja naevus (Müller and Henle, 1841) is caught in relative abundance in the eastern Atlantic from the North Sea to Mauritania and probaly entered the Mediterranean Sea where viable populations were observed. The captures of L. naevus decreased in the latter sea, and completely disappeared in some regions. This paper presents some specimens captured from the Algerian coast. They are considered rare specimens sporadically caught, such pattern being corroborated by information provided by local fishermen

    Substantiated occurrence of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (Phycidae) from the Tunisian Coast (Mediterranean Sea)

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    The present paper report on the capture of a shore rockling Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the NE Tunisian coast, in shallow coastal waters. It was a small specimen which of 210 mm standard length and 81.5 g. The specimens is described in this paper including morphometric measurements and meristic counts. The local distribution of the species is discussed and commented, it is considered as a by-catch species by fishermen, probably due to its low economical interest

    O pojavi dugoperajne psine mako, Isurus paucus (Chondrichthyes: Isuridae) kod Alžirske obale (južnoistočni Mediteran)

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    The authors describe in this paper one male and one female longfin makos Isurus paucus Guitart Manday, 1966 caught off Béni-Saf, city located on the Algerian coast, close to the Moroccan border. These captures confirm the occurrence of the species in the Algerian waters and in the Mediterranean.Autori opisuju u ovom radu primjerak mužjaka i ženke dugoperajne psine mako, Isurus paucus Guitart Manday, 1966 uhvaćene kod Béni-Saf, grada na alžirskoj obali u blizini granice s Marokom. Ovaj ulov potvrđuje pojavu vrste u alžirskim vodama i u Mediteranu

    Potvrđeni nalaz Cheilodipterus novemstriatus (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) u Levantinskom moru:prvi nalaz na Sirijskoj obali

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    The authors present the first record of Indian Ocean twospot Cardinalfish Cheilodipterus novemstriatus from the Syrian coast (eastern Mediterranean).The species is described including morphometric measurements and meristic counts. This new finding confirms the establishment of a viable population of C. novemstriatus occurs at present in the Levant BasinU ovom radu autori potvrđuje se nalaz Cheilodipterus novemstriatus na sirijskoj obali (istočni Mediteran). Opisana je jedinka vrste, uključujući morfometrijska obilježja i merističke vrijednosti. Ovaj nalaz potvrđuje uspostavu populacije ove vrste u istočnom Sredozemlju

    Captures of the rare smoothback angel shark Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) from the Tunisian coast (central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The authors report the captures of 3 specimens of common angel shark Squatina oculata Bonaparte, 1840 from the northern coast of Tunisia in the central Mediterranean Sea. They were 3 adult males which measured 905, 1350 and 1400 mm, respectively, and their eviscerated weight was 4.3, 8.5 and 10.8 kg respectively. Combined with other captures made in the Tunisian waters and throughout the central Mediterranean Sea. The establishment of a viable population of the species in the capture area remains a suitable hypothesis which cannot be totally ruled out. However, further reords are needed. Together with other squatinid species present in the same region, a management plan should be integrated in Tunisian fisheries. This management should be conducted with the contribution of local fishermen to preserve the species of a possible and definitive exctinction