67 research outputs found

    Exploring the effectiveness of ChatGPT-based feedback compared with teacher feedback and self-feedback: Evidence from Chinese to English translation

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    ChatGPT,a cutting-edge AI-powered Chatbot,can quickly generate responses on given commands. While it was reported that ChatGPT had the capacity to deliver useful feedback, it is still unclear about its effectiveness compared with conventional feedback approaches,such as teacher feedback (TF) and self-feedback (SF). To address this issue, this study compared the revised Chinese to English translation texts produced by Chinese Master of Translation and Interpretation (MTI) students,who learned English as a Second/Foreign Language (ESL/EFL), based on three feedback types (i.e., ChatGPT-based feedback, TF and SF). The data was analyzed using BLEU score to gauge the overall translation quality as well as Coh-Metrix to examine linguistic features across three dimensions: lexicon, syntax, and cohesion.The findings revealed that TF- and SF-guided translation texts surpassed those with ChatGPT-based feedback, as indicated by the BLEU score. In terms of linguistic features,ChatGPT-based feedback demonstrated superiority, particularly in enhancing lexical capability and referential cohesion in the translation texts. However, TF and SF proved more effective in developing syntax-related skills,as it addressed instances of incorrect usage of the passive voice. These diverse outcomes indicate ChatGPT's potential as a supplementary resource, complementing traditional teacher-led methods in translation practice

    Predicting pragmatic functions of Chinese echo questions using prosody: evidence from acoustic analysis and data modeling

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    Echo questions serve two pragmatic functions (recapitulatory and explicatory) and are subdivided into two types (yes-no echo question and wh-echo question) in verbal communication. Yet to date, most relevant studies have been conducted in European languages like English and Spanish. It remains unknown whether the different functions of echo questions can be conveyed via prosody in spoken Chinese. Additionally, no comparison was made on the diversified algorithmic models in predicting functions by the prosodity of Chinese echo questions, a novel linguistic cognition in nature. This motivated us to use different acoustic cues to predict different pragmatic functions of Chinese echo questions by virtue of acoustic experiment and data modeling. The results showed that for yes-no echo question, explicatory function exhibited higher pitch and intensity patterns than recapitulatory function whereas for wh-echo question, recapitulatory function demonstrated higher pitch and intensity patterns than explicatory function. With regard to data modeling, the algorithm Support Vector Machine (SVM) relative to Random Forest (RF) and Logistic Regression (LR) performed better when predicting different functions using prosodic cues in both yes-no and wh-echo questions. This study from a digitized perspective adds evidence to the cognition of echo questions’ functions on a prosodic basis

    A Case of Land Use and Urban Planning in the Expansive-Soil District

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    Taking the construction and reform planning for new town of Yunxian County as an example, this paper deals with the principles of land development and use and town construction and reform planning in the expansive-soil area in the case of undulating mountain topography, including the problems of treating expansive-soil slope, of treating expansive-soil foundation etc., not involving other aspects of general planning

    Complementary Advantages of ChatGPTs and Human Readers in Reasoning: Evidence from English Text Reading Comprehension

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    ChatGPT has shown its great power in text processing, including its reasoning ability from text reading. However, there has not been any direct comparison between human readers and ChatGPT in reasoning ability related to text reading. This study was undertaken to investigate how ChatGPTs (i.e., ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus) and Chinese senior school students as ESL learners exhibited their reasoning ability from English narrative texts. Additionally, we compared the two ChatGPTs in the reasoning performances when commands were updated elaborately. The whole study was composed of three reasoning tests: Test 1 for commonsense inference, Test 2 for emotional inference, and Test 3 for causal inference. The results showed that in Test 1, the students outdid the two ChatGPT versions in local-culture-related inferences but performed worse than the chatbots in daily-life inferences. In Test 2, ChatGPT Plus excelled whereas ChatGPT lagged behind in accuracy. In association with both accuracy and frequency of correct responses, the students were inferior to the two chatbots. Compared with ChatGPTs' better performance in positive emotions, the students showed their superiority in inferring negative emotions. In Test 3, the students demonstrated better logical analysis, outdoing both chatbots. In updating command condition, ChatGPT Plus displayed good causal reasoning ability while ChatGPT kept unchanged. Our study reveals that human readers and ChatGPTs have their respective advantages and disadvantages in drawing inferences from text reading comprehension, unlocking a complementary relationship in text-based reasoning

    A Hierarchical Dataflow-Driven Heterogeneous Architecture for Wireless Baseband Processing

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    Wireless baseband processing (WBP) is a key element of wireless communications, with a series of signal processing modules to improve data throughput and counter channel fading. Conventional hardware solutions, such as digital signal processors (DSPs) and more recently, graphic processing units (GPUs), provide various degrees of parallelism, yet they both fail to take into account the cyclical and consecutive character of WBP. Furthermore, the large amount of data in WBPs cannot be processed quickly in symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs) due to the unpredictability of memory latency. To address this issue, we propose a hierarchical dataflow-driven architecture to accelerate WBP. A pack-and-ship approach is presented under a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture to allow the subordinate tiles to operate in a bundled access and execute manner. We also propose a multi-level dataflow model and the related scheduling scheme to manage and allocate the heterogeneous hardware resources. Experiment results demonstrate that our prototype achieves 2×2\times and 2.3×2.3\times speedup in terms of normalized throughput and single-tile clock cycles compared with GPU and DSP counterparts in several critical WBP benchmarks. Additionally, a link-level throughput of 288288 Mbps can be achieved with a 4545-core configuration.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, conferenc

    Genetically predicted causality between gut microbiota, blood metabolites, and intracerebral hemorrhage: a bidirectional Mendelian randomization study

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    BackgroundRecent research linked changes in the gut microbiota and serum metabolite concentrations to intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). However, the potential causal relationship remained unclear. Therefore, the current study aims to estimate the effects of genetically predicted causality between gut microbiota, serum metabolites, and ICH.MethodsSummary data from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of gut microbiota, serum metabolites, and ICH were obtained separately. Gut microbiota GWAS (N = 18,340) were acquired from the MiBioGen study, serum metabolites GWAS (N = 7,824) from the TwinsUK and KORA studies, and GWAS summary-level data for ICH from the FinnGen R9 (ICH, 3,749 cases; 339,914 controls). A two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) study was conducted to explore the causal effects between gut microbiota, serum metabolites, and ICH. The random-effects inverse variance-weighted (IVW) MR analyses were performed as the primary results, together with a series of sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of the results. Besides, a reverse MR was conducted to evaluate the possibility of reverse causation. To validate the relevant findings, we further selected data from the UK Biobank for analysis.ResultsMR analysis results revealed a nominal association (p < 0.05) between 17 gut microbial taxa, 31 serum metabolites, and ICH. Among gut microbiota, the higher level of genus Eubacterium xylanophilum (odds ratio (OR): 1.327, 95% confidence interval (CI):1.154–1.526; Bonferroni-corrected p = 7.28 × 10−5) retained a strong causal relationship with a higher risk of ICH after the Bonferroni corrected test. Concurrently, the genus Senegalimassilia (OR: 0.843, 95% CI: 0.778–0.915; Bonferroni-corrected p = 4.10 × 10−5) was associated with lower ICH risk. Moreover, after Bonferroni correction, only two serum metabolites remained out of the initial 31 serum metabolites. One of the serum metabolites, Isovalerate (OR: 7.130, 95% CI: 2.648–19.199; Bonferroni-corrected p = 1.01 × 10−4) showed a very strong causal relationship with a higher risk of ICH, whereas the other metabolite was unidentified and excluded from further analysis. Various sensitivity analyses yielded similar results, with no heterogeneity or directional pleiotropy observed.ConclusionThis two-sample MR study revealed the significant influence of gut microbiota and serum metabolites on the risk of ICH. The specific bacterial taxa and metabolites engaged in ICH development were identified. Further research is required in the future to delve deeper into the mechanisms behind these findings

    Designing an educational metaverse: A case study of NTUniverse

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    An up-and-coming concept that seeks to transform how students learn about and study complex systems, as well as how industrial workers are trained, metaverse technology is characterized in this context by its use in virtual simulation and analysis. In this work, a virtual environment is created that duplicates real-world situations and enables immersive and interactive learning in the educational metaverse. For this purpose, we built a digital twin of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) campus as a foundation, called NTUniverse. It is designed as an educational metaverse in which various academic and analytical applications are digitized as 3D content embedded within this virtual campus. The approach to digitally twinning educational systems and embedding them within virtual campuses enables remote and collaborative learning as well as professional technical skills training. It also makes feasible the analysis of abstract concepts, complicated structures, dynamic processes, and sensitive industrial procedures virtually, which is otherwise challenging if not impossible to perform in the real world. The work offers important insights into the behaviors and interactions of systems in the metaverse by evaluating design choices and user interests. NTUniverse is an attempt to explore a novel approach that addresses remote education and training challenges. Three efforts with NTUniverse will be discussed in this work, including (1) digitalization of the NTU campus; (2) campus train modelling and simulation; and (3) science, technology, engineering and mathematics education

    Reduced expression of a gene encoding a Golgi localized monosaccharide transporter (OsGMST1) confers hypersensitivity to salt in rice (Oryza sativa)

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    Sugar transport is critical for normal plant development and stress responses. However, functional evidence for the roles of monosaccharide transporters in rice (Oryza sativa) has not previously been presented. In this study, reversed genetics was used to identify OsGMST1 as a member of the monosaccharide transporter family in rice. The predicted 481 amino acid protein has the typical features of a sugar transporter in the plastid glucose transporter subfamily consistent with reduced monosaccharide accumulation in plants with reduced OsGMST1 expression. OsGMST1-green fluorescent protein is localized to the Golgi apparatus. OsGMST1 expression is induced by salt treatment and reduced expression confers hypersensitivity to salt stress in rice. OsGMST1 may play a direct or an indirect role in tolerance to salt stress in rice

    ALMA observations of NGC 6334S. II. Subsonic and transonic narrow filaments in a high-mass star formation cloud

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    We present a study of narrow filaments toward a massive infrared dark cloud, NGC 6334S, using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. Thirteen gas filaments are identified using the H13CO+ line, while a single continuum filament is revealed by the continuum emission. The filaments present a compact radial distribution with a median filament width of ∼0.04 pc, narrower than the previously proposed “quasi-universal” 0.1 pc filament width. The higher spatial resolution observations and higher density gas tracer tend to identify even narrower and lower mass filaments. The filament widths are roughly twice the size of embedded cores. The gas filaments are largely supported by thermal motions. The nonthermal motions are predominantly subsonic and transonic in both identified gas filaments and embedded cores, which may imply that stars are likely born in environments of low turbulence. A fraction of embedded objects show a narrower velocity dispersion compared with their corresponding natal filaments, which may indicate that turbulent dissipation is taking place in these embedded cores. The physical properties (mass, mass per unit length, gas kinematics, and width) of gas filaments are analogous to those of narrow filaments found in low- to high-mass star-forming regions. The more evolved sources are found to be farther away from the filaments, a situation that may have resulted from the relative motions between the young stellar objects and their natal filaments.D.L. acknowledges the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 11988101. J.W. and K.Q. acknowledge the support from the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2017YFA0402604) and the Natural Science Foundation of China under grants U1731237. C.W.L. is supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-2019R1A2C1010851). P.S. was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI Number 18H01259) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). H.B. acknowledges support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Project-ID 138713538 SFB 881 (“The Milky Way System,” subproject B1). H.B. further acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the Horizon 2020 Framework Program via the ERC Consolidator grant CSF-648505. J.M.G. acknowledges the support of the grants AYA2017-84390-C2-R and PID2020-117710GB-I00 (AEI/FEDER, UE). A.P. acknowledges financial support from the UNAM-PAPIIT IN111421 grant, the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores of CONACyT, and from the CONACyT project number 86372 of the “Ciencia de Frontera 2019” program, entitled ‘Citlalcóatl: A multiscale study at the new frontier of the formation and early evolution of stars and planetary systems,’ México. H.L.L. is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) through the grant No.12103045. I.J.-S. has received partial support from the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) project number PID2019-105552RB-C41. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2016.1.00951.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF(USA), and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada) and NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan) and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ.Peer reviewe

    The Evolution of Primate Short-Term Memory.

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    Short-term memory is implicated in a range of cognitive abilities and is critical for understanding primate cognitive evolution. To investigate the effects of phylogeny, ecology and sociality on short-term memory, we tested the largest and most diverse primate sample to date (421 non-human primates across 41 species) in an experimental delayed-response task. Our results confirm previous findings that longer delays decrease memory performance across species and taxa. Our analyses demonstrate a considerable contribution of phylogeny over ecological and social factors on the distribution of short-term memory performance in primates; closely related species had more similar short-term memory abilities. Overall, individuals in the branch of Hominoidea performed better compared to Cercopithecoidea, who in turn performed above Platyrrhini and Strepsirrhini. Interdependencies between phylogeny and socioecology of a given species presented an obstacle to disentangling the effects of each of these factors on the evolution of short-term memory capacity. However, this study offers an important step forward in understanding the interspecies and individual variation in short-term memory ability by providing the first phylogenetic reconstruction of this trait’s evolutionary history. The dataset constitutes a unique resource for studying the evolution of primate cognition and the role of short-term memory in other cognitive abilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio