169 research outputs found

    Operational use of a wind profiler for aviation meteorology

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    Ponencia presentada en: WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation celebrada los días 7-9 de julio de 2014 en San Petersburg

    En el medio: susurros de la realidad

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    En el medio, más que una investigación sobre las tecnologías aplicadas a las artes plásticas, es una reflexión sobre el medio como estado físico, mental y espiritual. En la experiencia humana hay un rango de frecuencias entre los 0 y los 15 Hz que son silenciosas, no las podemos escuchar, pero ese “silencio” es capaz de acariciar la piel, ese silencio que desde el punto de vista físico no existe lo que propongo hacer sensible, porque que en medio de tanto ruido existe la posibilidad aun de encontrar un poco de silencio que se convierte en un susurros de la realidad. / Abstract. In the middle, rather than an investigation of the technologies applied to the visual arts, is a reflection on the medium as physical, mental and spiritual. In human experience there is a range of frequencies between the 0 and 15 Hz that are silent, we cannot hear, but that "Silence" is able to caress the skin, that silence from the Physically there is what I propose to make sensible, because that amid so much noise it is possible even to find a little silence whispers becomes a realityMaestrí

    30 de agosto de 2015. Rayos y polvo

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    Análisis del comportamiento de un motor encendido por compresión funcionando con el sistema dual diésel-gas natural

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar cuantitativamente la utilización de gas natural comprimido (GNC) proveniente del Chaco paraguayo, en la operación de motores diésel en forma dual, haciendo un mínimo de modificaciones en los mismos. Para el uso de GNC, se añadió, una cámara de mezcla de gas en el múltiple de admisión de aire y un kit de conversión (consta de un regulador de presión de gas y el sistema electrónico de conmutación del regulador) a un motor diésel bicilindro acoplado a un banco de pruebas. En el sistema dual, el motor mostró un rendimiento térmico similar en comparación con el funcionamiento a diésel exclusivo para cargas medias a elevadas y menores rendimientos a bajas cargas. El análisis de costes mostró viabilidad económica en ciertos rangos de sustitución, resultando importante para la promoción de la explotación del gas natural en Paraguay, considerando que el 100% de los derivados del petróleo son importados.The objective of this work is to quantitatively evaluate the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) which comes from the Paraguayan Chaco, in the operation of diesel engines in a dual form, making a minimum of modifications in them. For the use of CNG, a cross-flow gas mixing chamber was added to the air inlet manifold, a conversion kit (consisting of a gas pressure regulator and the electronic regulator switching system), to a Diesel engine coupled to a test bank. In the dual system, the engine showed a similar thermal performance compared to the exclusive diesel operation for medium to high loads and lower performance at low loads. The analysis of costs showed economic viability in certain ranges of substitution, being important for the promotion of the exploitation of the natural gas in Paraguay, considering that 100% of the oil derivatives are imported.Fil: Sebriano Paredes, César Jesús. Universidad Nacional de Itapúa (Paraguay).Fil: Cano Coscia, Eugenio José. Universidad Nacional de Itapúa (Paraguay).Fil: Riveros Saavedra, Waldy Aníbal. Universidad Nacional de Itapúa (Paraguay)

    Uso de un perfilador en Barajas para el seguimiento de situaciones meteorológicas

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXIV Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XVII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Teruel, del 29 de febrero al 2 de marzo de 2016

    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in context of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome

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    El síndrome de reconstitución inmunológica inflamatorio (SRII) la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana, VIH, es una entidad clínica rara caracterizada por la recuperación del sistema inmune reflejada en un dramático aumento del conteo linfocitario T CD4+ y disminución de la carga viral del VIH en suero al corto tiempo de haber iniciado o reiniciado terapia antirretroviral altamente efectiva TARAE. Usualmente se manifiesta con un deterioro paradójico del estado del paciente secundario en la mayoría de los casos a una activación o reactivación de procesos infecciosos oportunistas que se encontraban silentes o en estado de remisión y puede comprometer la integridad de cualquier sistema en el organismo, incluyendo el sistema nervioso central, cuyo compromiso es inusual. A continuación expondremos el caso de un paciente a quien se le diagnosticó leucoencefalopatía multifocal progresiva como parte de este síndrome, que posterior a la suspensión temporal del tratamiento antirretroviral, administración de esteroides y de mirtazapina, mostró estabilización clínica de la enfermedad.Caso clínico257-261Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome IRIS in context of severe immunosupression secondary to human immunodeficiency virus HIV is a clinical entity characterized by immune system restoration usually seen shortly after commencing highly active antiretroviral therapy HAART. This syndrome is defined by a dramatic rise of T lymphocyte CD4+ count in addition to a HIV viral load drop in serum and typically it is manifested by a paradoxical clinical impairment due to an activation/reactivation of infectious opportunistic processes previously under immune surveillance or quiescence. Any human body’ system can be affected including the central nervous system which involvement is uncommon. We present a case report of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in the setting of IRIS who following temporary HAART cessation, corticosteroids and mirtazapine administration showed signs of recovery

    Estudio de una situación meteorológica el 23 de mayo de 2007 que originó una supercélula en la Mancha central

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXX Jornadas Científicas de la AME, IX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología y el XII Congreso Latinoamericano e Ibérico de Meteorología celebrado en Zaragoza, del 5 al 7 de mayo de 2008

    Functionalisation of MoS2 2D layers with diarylethene molecules

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    Functionalisation of two dimensional (2D) materials with stimuli-responsive molecules has been scarcely investigated. Here, MoS2 layers obtained by chemical exfoliation are covalently and non-covalently functionalised using two photoswitchable diarylethene derivatives under their open- and closed-ring isomers. The choice of these light-responsive molecules is based on their excellent thermal irreversibility and fatigue resistance. The characterisation of the resultant molecular/2D heterostructures proves the successful anchoring of the molecules by both approaches as well as the influence that the driving interaction has in the photoswitching behaviour of the diarylethene isomers after their deposition on the 2D layer

    Description of interference in the measurement of troponin T by a high-sensitivity method

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    Introduction: Measurement of high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-TnT) has become an essential step in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. This high-sensitivity method allows quantifying the concentration of troponin T in blood of healthy subjects with a lower inaccuracy compared to previous reagent generations. However, the presence of certain compounds in the sample may interfere with the result. We present a patient who had repeatedly high concentrations of hs-TnT in the serum sample that did not agreed with the signs and symptoms. In addition, ultrasensitive troponin I concentration was undetectable. Materials and methods: To investigate the presence of an interfering compound, different analysis were carried out. In order to discard macro complexes in the sample, the serum was precipitated with polyethylene glycol. In addition, the serum was incubated with Scantibodies Heterophilic Blocking Tube, which can block heterophilic antibodies. Finally, a size exclusion chromatography of the sample was performed by the manufacturer. What happened: The interfering substance was allocated into fractions with proteins of 150kDa, corresponding to high molecular weight proteins like immunoglobulin G (IgG). This compound was responsible for the falsely elevated hs-TnT results and it affected only the high-sensitivity methods. Main lesson: The detected interfering compound was probably an IgG. This type of interference must be kept in mind in front of discordant results, even if they are extremely rare. Therefore, interdisciplinary cooperation between clinicians, laboratory and manufacturer is essential

    Surgical treatment for liver haematoma following endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: An unusual case

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    AbstractBackgroundEven in expert hands, there can be serious complications when performing an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. The most frequent complications are pancreatitis, cholangitis, bleeding, perforation, and acute cholecystitis. The hepatic subcapsular haematoma is a rare complication, with few cases described worldwide.ObjectiveA case is presented of an extremely rare complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, which required surgical treatment for its resolution without success. This is second case of mortality reported in the literature.Clinical caseFemale patient of 30 years old, with indication for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography due to benign strictures. A hydro-pneumatic dilation and stent placement of 2 gauge 10Fr was performed. She presented abdominal pain after the procedure and significant decline in haemoglobin with no evidence of haemodynamic instability so an abdominal tomography scan was performed, showing no evidence of liver injury. The patient was haemodynamic unstable within 72h. A laparotomy was required for damage control, with fatal outcome in the intensive care unit due to multiple organ failure.ConclusionSubcapsular hepatic haematoma after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is a rare complication, with few cases reported in the literature. Treatment described in the literature is conservative, resulting in a satisfactory resolution